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If you had read my earlier posts, I had stated that if inded he violated orders, he acted like Tom Maverick Cruise of Topgun and such people are good for movies and circus only. Unfit for disciplined forces.

How much is it possible that due to this development of he getting caught , also son of airmarshal (r) , halted India's air ops? And how close are we to prove the claim of F16 kill.
How much is it possible that due to this development of he getting caught , also son of airmarshal (r) , halted India's air ops? And how close are we to prove the claim of F16 kill.
Do not even doubt the F-16 kill. he did it. He put his wingman in harms way and also got shot down as a result. he persisted with the attack when he was told to go cold and I am 100% sure that his RWR must have also beeped very loud in the cockpit giving him the warning that he is being painted and locked on by a missile. But he still pressed on with his attack. Mig-21s are armed with 2xR77s and 2xR73s. he could have broken off the R73 attack, maneuvered out of harms way and used R77 instead.
F-16 kill has been proven thru radar signature picked up by M2Ks and and also ground units plus the wreckage of the aircraft and missile. Pls don't doubt it.
Aircraft equipped RWR get a pudge kind of sound everytime they are painted by a radar but get a steady tone once they are locked on and the RWR also shows the direction from which the aircraft has been locked on. In aircraft equipped with MWR & RWR, you get to see the radar lock, direction of missile approach and also time to hit by the missile.
I think some guys are being too harsh on the wing co. Yes agree that he may have ignored orders to back off, but IMHO the risk was easily worth it. The F16 hype has finally been called out and now the Pakistanis are kind of rattled as they are slowly getting more and more convinced of its loss. It had the aura of starship Enterprise in their eyes and minds all these years and was an urban legend of sorts. It has unexpectedly turned out to be a brilliant piece of psyops in the end of it all. Also I don't think countries fighting battles stop ops just because one of its aircraft and pilots has been shot down over enemy territory.
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Do not even doubt the F-16 kill. he did it. He put his wingman in harms way and also got shot down as a result. he persisted with the attack when he was told to go cold and I am 100% sure that his RWR must have also beeped very loud in the cockpit giving him the warning that he is being painted and locked on by a missile. But he still pressed on with his attack. Mig-21s are armed with 2xR77s and 2xR73s. he could have broken off the R73 attack, maneuvered out of harms way and used R77 instead.
F-16 kill has been proven thru radar signature picked up by M2Ks and and also ground units plus the wreckage of the aircraft and missile. Pls don't doubt it.
Aircraft equipped RWR get a pudge kind of sound everytime they are painted by a radar but get a steady tone once they are locked on and the RWR also shows the direction from which the aircraft has been locked on. In aircraft equipped with MWR & RWR, you get to see the radar lock, direction of missile approach and also time to hit by the missile.

I am not really doubting the F16 kill it will be out not trhough us but Americans, but I am being more specific about how Pakistanis can do propaganda till then and damage our stand and what they may ask to counter the F16 kill by Mig21. We have to be prepared with that because India has no access to the PAF F16 wreckage and our own Mig21.

They may ask a F16 signature could be from that aircraft which is not shot? Then only hope is the wreckage?
I think some guys are being too harsh on the wing co. Yes agree that he may have ignored orders to back off, but IMHO the risk was easily worth it. The F16 hype has finally been called out now that the Pakistanis are kind of getting more and more convinced of its loss, whereas it had the aura of a starship Enterprise in their eyes and minds all these years. It was a sort or an urban legend in the minds of most Pakistanis. It has unexpectedly turned out it be a brilliant piece of psyops in the end if it all. Also I don't think countries fighting battles stop ops just because one of its aircraft and pilots has been shot down over enemy territory.
I am sure that the CAP commander must have given his written debrief and so also the wingman of Wg. Cdr. Abhi. Let those debriefs be studied and this hoopla die down. I am sure he will have to answer a lot of questions. BUT as of now he is a Hero.
I am not really doubting the F16 kill it will be out not trhough us but Americans, but I am being more specific about how Pakistanis can do propaganda till then and damage our stand and what they may ask to counter the F16 kill by Mig21. We have to be prepared with that because India has no access to the PAF F16 wreckage and our own Mig21.

They may ask a F16 signature could be from that aircraft which is not shot? Then only hope is the wreckage?
I request you to please accept the versions of Indian Service Officers also and especially Senior ones. Sticking to Pak propaganda is not good. Did you not hear what AVM Kapoor had to say in the briefing on 28th feb.
Also I don't think countries fighting battles stop ops just because one of its aircraft and pilots has been shot down over enemy territory

IMO India should have escalated by the evening, this would have not given Pakistanis chance to propagate their psyop, as the things would have escalated. Now they want Immi Khan to be a Nobel laureate of peace prize.
I am sure that the CAP commander must have given his written debrief and so also the wingman of Wg. Cdr. Abhi. Let those debriefs be studied and this hoopla die down. I am sure he will have to answer a lot of questions. BUT as of now he is a Hero.

Agree he will be questioned and face all the official inquiries. It is going to be interesting to see how IAF sees this and IMO for the hero he has become he may be assigned to non combat roles in the future if indeed found guilty of breaking rules.
I request you to please accept the versions of Indian Service Officers also and especially Senior ones. Sticking to Pak propaganda is not good. Did you not hear what AVM Kapoor had to say in the briefing on 28th feb.

I am not sticking to Pakistani propaganda, it has already worked in a strategic way as we have de-escalated and diverted ourselves from Masood Azhar to bringing the WC home. And this is what they wanted! My only point is if we think what enemy is thinking in the same line up then we can counter it more brilliantly before any further damage is done till truth flourishes.
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I am not sticking to *censored* propaganda, it has already worked in a strategic way as we have de-escalated and diverted ourselves from Masood Azhar to bringing the WC home. And this is what they wanted! My only point is if we think what enemy is thinking in the same line up then we can counter it more brilliantly before any further damage is done till truth flourishes.
The day we Indians learn about tactics and strategies of warfare, we will become the most potent power of the world. You will be surprised to know that this mentality even prevails among our senior army leadership due to the traitors we have in India. Any Corp Cdr or Div Cdr who looses even an inch of land is removed. have we not not heard of tactics of withdrawal from a place to encircle the enemy and create a trap for killing him?
If there are significant casualties, it'd be another round of bombings courtesy IAF.

2 immediate concerns come to my mind.

1) I believe the deep state in Pakistan is probing to see what our redlines are.

2.) There are only so many terrorist camps one can attack in fairly remote parts of the land. Inevitably after such a strike these camps will melt away for long stretches of time. How long will we wait before getting even in the face of a populace here keen on immediate retribution?

Moreover, it's possible that, from here on huge camps will be avoided and much smaller groups will be assembled in such training camps deep inside Pakistan. What will be our response then?

Finally, it's time we consider HQs of such terrorist organizations along with their leaders fair game too. Nothing will be more spectacular , effective and a massive embarrassment to the PA than say a daytime air strike on muridke hosting Hapig Saeed giving one of his anti India rhetoric to his band of faithful, now that such a precedent has been set.
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I am not sticking to *censored* propaganda, it has already worked in a strategic way as we have de-escalated and diverted ourselves from Masood Azhar to bringing the WC home. And this is what they wanted! My only point is if we think what enemy is thinking in the same line up then we can counter it more brilliantly before any further damage is done till truth flourishes.

Reading from Twitter sources , yesterday night was the heaviest artillery firing .
It didn't look like de escalation.

If had gone for full fledged war, international groups would have interfered.

I guess we are going to constant put the pressure just under the threshold of international interference.

Totally backing off or going to nuclear threshold both are not beneficial to us ..
Wide in-between range , we ll succeed.
If there are significant casualties, it'd be another round of bombings courtesy IAF.

2 immediate concerns come to my mind.

1) I believe the deep state in Pakistan is probing to see what our redlines are.

2.) There are only so many terrorist camps one can attack in fairly remote parts of the land. Inevitably after such a strike these camps will melt away for long stretches of time. How long will we wait before getting even in the face of a populace here keen on retribution? Moreover, it's possible that, from here on huge camps will be avoided and much smaller groups will be assembled in such training camps deep inside Pakistan. What will be our response then?
Finally, it's time we consider HQs of such terrorist organizations along with their leaders fair game too. Nothing will be more spectacular , effective and a massive embarrassment to the PA than say a daytime air strike on muridke hosting Hapig Saeed giving one of his anti India rhetoric to his band of faithful, now that such a precedent has been set.

This shows that GOI was right @vstol Jockey @nair @Milspec @Shajida Khan @Falcon

Remember our original press conference - we said we struck pre-emptively to avoid a large number of imminent attacks. Considering that several attacks were sent through after Pulwama, our original hypothesis has been proven.
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