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Mumbai - Mangalore is approximately 295 NM. It's a further 1000 NM to Tashkent at least (?). Then they've to return the same route.
Buddy, 4xMig-29ks take off with full fuel and a strike package of missiles/glide bombs. They fly about 750Nm and get refueled around Porbander. They press on to Tashkent. I am taking that they will not be checked in Pak airspace as we are talking of range alone.
Once they drop theior drop tanks and also release their weapons, they will be in clean config increasing their return range. They again get refuelled over Porbander to make it back to Deck or can land in Porbander and get refuelled.
For De escalation

My Suggestion to PM would be
To ask Ghafoor Ispr and FM Qureshi
Come to India , Begging for Forgiveness
And accept ing
all the Damage caused to them :p

And of course bring Masood Azhar and
Hafiz pig to India
I have 2 queries, Whats with the friendly PC3 Orine over our skies and why weren't Garud commandos deployed to SAR the Mig21 pilot downed just 7Km behind the enemy lines?

1. Friendly P3C was roaming ... it was its wish, it roamed.

2. Garuds would be keema. LC is not exactly a picnic zone. And no one in their right mind, expected an officer of greater than 14 years service, to break formation and cross LC against ROE. But his bagging a F-16, has been a greater coup, so his sins will be forgiven. Otherwise, he was looking at an early pink slip.
1. Friendly P3C was roaming ... it was its wish, it roamed.

2. Garuds would be keema. LC is not exactly a picnic zone. And no one in their right mind, expected an officer of greater than 14 years service, to break formation and cross LC against ROE. But his bagging a F-16, has been a greater coup, so his sins will be forgiven. Otherwise, he was looking at an early pink slip.
IAF might declare him medically unfit to fly supersonics again and force him to make a decision to quit after giving him a medal. Could it be that IAF had prior knowledge of retaliation by PAF and were ready and wanted them to strike to fall into the trap set by India to finish off Pakistan? Some one erred and we lost the plot.
I have 2 queries, Whats with the friendly PC3 Orine over our skies and why weren't Garud commandos deployed to SAR the Mig21 pilot downed just 7Km behind the enemy lines?

Commando Raids are carried out in Dark
Not at 11 AM

Those Pakistani civilians killed their own pilot
and how would our commandos cross LoC
At 11 am

On foot or by para chute
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IAF might declare him medically unfit to fly supersonics again and force him to make a decision to quit after giving him a medal.

Nachiketa became a transport pilot

Why cant Abhinandan do the same

Right now there is a demand to give him PVC for downing F 16

You cant just sack him

There would be huge protests
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IAF might declare him medically unfit to fly supersonics again and force him to make a decision to quit after giving him a medal. Could it be that IAF had prior knowledge of retaliation by PAF and were ready and wanted them to strike to fall into the trap set by India to finish off Pakistan? Some one erred and we lost the plot.

In all probability he will be unfit seeing that he ejected in unfavourable terrain and then was mishandled. That the medical board will decide. But he would have been packed had he not bagged the F-16, now? He will be a hero. With a light rap on knuckles later.
No wonder , Pakistanis are begging for peace

They have asked Turks, Saudis and UAE to


You have still not understood it ... I wrote very explicitly what the situation is. Pakistan is so isolated that if India decides to whack it, it will not hear a whisper from anyone apart from the lip service a la Chinese style.
Just went and asked this question in Pdf and got thread banned.

I think seriously those guys don't even want to hear anything outside of their narrative.

Even for the expendable UAVs ..,

For all.we know , India might have lost costly missile to take them out , still ummhummm.

SAM is rarely used to down small UAV, not worth the cost, mostly Anti Aircraft guns are sufficient for cheap UAV on lower altitude and slow speed. Even Su30 don't use missile first instead 30mm gunfire to down the target unless of course it's super important to shot it down.
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