Did you read the entire article?Ridiculous reference. He was referring to the specific type of explosives device used
I meant exactly what I said, the dismemberment of PA.Dismemberment of the state of Pakistan and the PA are two different things unless this a Freudian slip from your end. Frankly, the ones taking (mis-) calculated risks is the PA. If Pulwama didn't occur, we may still be having this discussion minus the irony. I really don't know why you guys think that the IA would be the ones miscalculatimg here where they have always been in a defensive / reactive role straining at the leash much to their chagrin and utter disgust of most of the members here.
Perhaps you're not quite up to date with the developments Indian Strategic Forces Command is making. Ask @Falcon , he might entertain you in this regard. I'd love to share my findings but then I'll be banned in the name of national security. The short version of the story is, Indian is rapidly building up a special part of its military to be able to mount a decapitation strike. The miscalculation is the underestimated mobility and survivability of its adversary's assets. The resultant risk at present varies from losing almost all western airbases, cantts and population centers...to losing military and civilian targets from Ambala & Jamnagar to Patna & Hyderabad. In a few years, the prized crown-jewels of the SFC on the eastern coast will be in Pakistan's range too (no, I'm not referring to the SSBNs here).
That's true as well.The only ones left in & around ground Zero would be truly the unfortunate ones as the fortunate ones would have gone to their reward.
If the thinking reflected by the Indian developments on ground actually exists in a serious manner (beyond theoretical options) in the upper echelons of the Indian military, they are gravely underestimating Pakistan's capabilities in this specific regard. Contrary to what people may think of the statements put out by the Pakistani military, it conveyed a much deeper message when it introduced "Full Spectrum Deterrence". Pakistan's SFCs are being equipped to fight a nuclear war in multiple conventional theaters of a conflict.I hope a lot of members here are reading this with keen interest. Especially the veterans & the professionals. I've myself argued that if our end goals is seizing PoJ&K, it ought to commence with a total de fanging of Pakistan NWP, along with its FM, vectors, reactors, N weapons storage sites, etc either in tandem with the west or alone if we have real capabilities to mount such an attack.
As of now we know the N threshold of Pakistan isn't as low as they claim it is. We can only wonder how flexible / high is it.
However, there's a lot of doubt on the yield of your warheads. There's still strong doubts about whether its progressed in any manner beyond what the Chinese designs of the early 80's were. Ditto for the CM / BM vectors which most view as outdated Chinese technology. There's good reason to harbour such beliefs among a section of our establishment.
To come to your point about Pakistan preparing itself to fight a N war beyond the need of deterrence and having prepared for N extraction by the West, I'd conclude by writing that I don't doubt the former ( the same would hold true from our end) & you will definitely not survive the latter. It's just a question of the will to be exercised by India in sustaining the fallout of a few such devices going off across our land and the intent of the west in making it happen come what may. The day the resolve between these two entities manifests itself, Pakistan will have no place to hide. We seem to be approaching such a situation sooner rather than later.
The threshold is higher than what India has been led to believe. For a long time they were high enough for India to introduce CSD. Afterwards, they've just been lowered enough to deter CSD. Its a long discussion, probably for some other day, but it is not about nuking IBGs moving into Pakistan...its about what happens afterwards. For the record, Pakistan has never officially claimed or identified any nuclear red lines, it has just been posturing...but hey, if it works, why not? However if India chooses to go first with a massive CF strike attempt, then all bets will be off.
Regarding yields, you should look at the dimensions and physical parameters of the original CHIC-4 & the warheads of Pakistani missiles. The devices tested in '98 were several iterations of improvements over that design, and new ones. Again, contrary to popular belief, this is one area where Pakistan has made massive progress since the 90s, verified by hydrodynamic testing. Pakistan has no aims for building metropolitan-destroyers, but has plans for demonstrating its capability if India chooses to go first ilike in '98. Instead, Pakistan has focused on miniaturization, while keeping similar yields. The thing about miniaturization is that when it crosses a certain diameter threshold, interesting platforms become increasingly available.
True, except that its not just the NDS which benefits from India, TTP & BLA have been quite satisfied business partners as well. The Iranian fiasco is the age-old story of 'supervised' assets getting out of hand, aided by the Saudis. As I've said before, we need to reign in EVERYONE. The US frankly does us a favor, we only had problems with them when they let the TTP leadership get away a couple times, sabotaged our negotiations, or caused too much collateral damage.There's a difference here. The NDS is an interested party. They aren't useful idiots or mercenaries for hire. They have much more of a vested interest in striking Pakistan given the havoc you've wrought in Afghanistan. In scale it's much much more compared to what you've been subjecting us to.Hence this isn't about us giving them money and painting a target. It's much more deeper than that and much more personal for the NDS. Finally, you've also provoked Iran by your recent shenanigans. The US is still hovering around with their drones intact. The next time there's a massive strike, I really don't know whom are you going to blame.
I'll believe that when India transfers actual military equipment to Afghanistan. Until then, they're just an occasional annoyance to us.To end with Afghanistan is to us what you are to the Chinese. While I'm not claiming Iron Brother status here, it's quite close. And by the looks of it, Iran isn't too far behind either.
Hmmm, let's see...I'll debate only if there are 10 debaters debating at the same time, and if everyone shouts at the top of their voices.I challenged him for a debate - he ran away.
for him everything ISPR is "substantiated, evidenced" claims
everything MEA India says is "unsubstantiated"
its not a rational debate if he doesnt want to even look at other claims and see it is possible that ISPR could be lying.
Lagta hai izzat raas nahi aati.
P.S. amusing thread so far, keep it up people.