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The Rawalpindi Freefallers

This is a tidbit of no significance.

Somewhere in mid-2000s, it is rumored that two Generals of Indian Army, decided to have a private bet over the capabilities of the Special Forces. What transpired, remains probably one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Indian Army, something which exists only in myths and within the tightly knit community of Indian Army, with a few selective individuals. This operation officially never existed and has, officially, never been undertaken/acknowledged and probably will be denied as a figment of imagination.

Subsequent to the bet, a team was detailed from one of the PARA (SF) units (name withheld for obvious reasons) comprising of those who were qualified in Combat Freefall.

Cheekily, the operation was soon put in motion as a routine training mission, but the scope and intent of the same, impressed the powers that be, and it was decided to go ahead with it. "Training" exercise it was to be.

A platform from IAF was requisitioned. Even the IAF was on board quickly seeing the audacity and boldness of the plan. The team practiced it's deployments and planned for what was to happen next. The IAF identified it's ingress routes to the target points and created a diversion and planned for the imminent ingress.

At the last minute, it was decided to deploy the team for training - over the skies of Rawalpindi.

Needless to say, the IAF platform penetrated the Pakistani Airspace briefly, the team was deployed in a HAHO mode and the aircraft egressed before the PAF could detect the intrusion. The team was given general area Rawalpindi to land and assemble in.

The team not only landed successfully, but over the next 5 weeks, successfully evaded detection and capture and egressed.

Further details are neither known, nor required to be known.

But ever since then, the 'Rawalpindi Freefallers' were legends for those who know of them ....
Could you elaborate on this post? What're solos?

According to conspiracy theories on Twitter,Pak's strategic nukes AKA the "Islamic Bomb" were transported back to Saudi days after the Balakot strikes to preserve them because Pak's nuclear bluff has been called out
Can u translate Baba Int hindi tweet ..
About some operation..
"Sometimes what you see is not what happens and what you don't see, actually happens. So, it is important not to disregard what you don't see as fiction. And sometime things people joke about today, end up becoming the reality within a few years. Open your eyes and see beyond the mountains of north and the desert where some Operation Jinger is infamous"-- There, my attempt at hindi:)
@Sathya , Gautam's translation is basically solid; but there are two places where I'll make a comment:

"end up becoming the reality within a few years." - a closer translation would probably be, "turns out to be the truth after a few years"

"see beyond the mountains of north and the desert where some Operation Ginger is infamous" - I believe he says "look beyond the mountains of the North and the desert, there are many unknown/unnamed "Operation Ginger's""

I will note that I can't read Indian scripts worth a damn; this is me copy pasting the tweet into Google Translate, then using my knowledge of Hindi + Hinglish transliteration to figure out what's being said.
We might have hajipir pass with us before first phase of polling. We are now going to straighten the LOC and dominate it at every point. No one in the world will come to rescue of Pakistan and no will support them. Every opinion poll by every nation shows Modi coming back to power with thumping majority and no one wants to mess up with him.
We might have hajipir pass with us before first phase of polling. We are now going to straighten the LOC and dominate it at every point. No one in the world will come to rescue of Pakistan and no will support them. Every opinion poll by every nation shows Modi coming back to power with thumping majority and no one wants to mess up with him.
When was the last time we had a situation that no one wanted to mess with the PM of India!!!!.This is the real worth of NaMo
We might have hajipir pass with us before first phase of polling. We are now going to straighten the LOC and dominate it at every point. No one in the world will come to rescue of Pakistan and no will support them. Every opinion poll by every nation shows Modi coming back to power with thumping majority and no one wants to mess up with him.

Is this why you think Modi backed off on the night of 27th Feb?
Is this why you think Modi backed off on the night of 27th Feb?
Have you played chess and exchanged your soldier for someone big? We knew they will retaliate but on what? Our forward formations only. They have fallen into our trap and given us the free hand. Makwal sector has seen some of the worst fighting because we took over some ground from them there. They wanted to reclaim it and lost heavily. Now we are targeting them else where also and large scale ground ops are on with full support of whatever we have. Pakistan is shit scared of moving the area of ops away from LOC and that explains the silence on IB all along. They know one wrong move on IB means we will cross it at multiple points. for once we have them by their balls. Thanks to Modi and Doval. pandit aur Baniya are wrecking hell on Mard-e-Momin.
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Have you played chess and exchanged your soldier for someone big? We knew they will retaliate but on what? Our forward formations only. They have fallen into our trap and given us the free hand. Makwal sector has seen some of the worst fighting because we took over some ground from them there. They wanted to reclaim it and lost heavily. Now we are targeting them else where also and large scale ground ops are on with full support of whatever we have. Pakistan is shit scared of moving the area of ops away from LOC and that explains the quite on IB all along. They know one wrong move on IB means we will cross it at multiple points. for once we have them by their balls. Thanks to Modi and Doval. pandit aur Baniya are wrecking hell on Mard-e-Momin.
Isn't Sri ganganagar IB? That area was red hot a couple of days back. Did we cross IB then?
When was the last time we had a situation that no one wanted to mess with the PM of India!!!!.This is the real worth of NaMo
All along they have violated LOC while we stood by it. I have very low opinion of Atal Bihari Charpayi. he was an absolute idiot when he stopped our forces from crossing LOC and take hits. If we had crossed LOC in 1999, we wud have lost far less number of soldiers than what we did. Kargil was more of a restricted operation against full blown aggression by our enemy.
Isn't Sri ganganagar IB? That area was red hot a couple of days back. Did we cross IB then?
We are tempting them and baiting them. They have not taken the bite yet. But very soon, they will have to.
Isn't Sri ganganagar IB? That area was red hot a couple of days back. Did we cross IB then?

"No. India respects the sanctity of the International Borders and honors all commitments undertaken by India as part of bilateral treaties with Pakistan for peaceful resolution of outstanding issues with the neighbour. We deplore all efforts undertaken by those who support terror to foment trouble and hinder our peaceful co-existence with our neighbour. Towards ensuring peace, security and tranquility along our mutually recognized borders, our forces have been authorized to undertake all necessary steps required to defeat the designs of terrorists and their supporters."
"No. India respects the sanctity of the International Borders and honors all commitments undertaken by India as part of bilateral treaties with Pakistan for peaceful resolution of outstanding issues with the neighbour. We deplore all efforts undertaken by those who support terror to foment trouble and hinder our peaceful co-existence with our neighbour. Towards ensuring peace, security and tranquility along our mutually recognized borders, our forces have been authorized to undertake all necessary steps required to defeat the designs of terrorists and their supporters."
I think it shud be listed as best satire of 2019. LOL
have very low opinion of Atal Bihari Charpayi. he was an absolute idiot when he stopped our forces from crossing LOC and take hits. If we had crossed LOC in 1999, we wud have lost far less number of soldiers than what we did.

It cost lives and time, and made the war more difficult to prosecute; but wasn't it necessary in order to definitively win global support and tilt opinion against Pakistan - permanently winning the mantle of the reasonable, mature and peaceful state compared to a belligerent Jihadi neighbor?

Up until that point; India-Pakistan were hyphenated and treated as equally guilty/responsible for the trouble between them, especially in Kashmir - and the world always pressured India on Human Rights in Kashmir and to have dialogue w/ Pak on Kashmir. Not to mention, India was still facing a bit of backlash from the nuclear tests at the time. This all steadily and permanently changed after Kargil & 9/11.

Also, a few days ago I read an article by Lt. Gen. H.S. Panag; he was saying that the Vajpayee Gvt had actually given the go-ahead to a plan for re-shaping the LOC (something that I think you have referenced a few times) by taking Pakistani posts, but it was ultimately called off due to 9/11. So then it would appear that Vajpayee wasn't afraid/unwilling of violating the LOC, he was just waiting for things to line up the way Modi seems to be doing right now.
It cost lives and time, and made the war more difficult to prosecute; but wasn't it necessary to definitively in order to win global support and tilt opinion against Pakistan - permanently winning the mantle of the reasonable, mature and peaceful state compared to a belligerent Jihadi neighbor?

Up until that point; India-Pakistan were hyphenated and treated as equally guilty/responsible for the trouble between them, especially in Kashmir - and the world always pressured India on Human Rights in Kashmir and to have dialogue w/ Pak on Kashmir. Not to mention, India was still facing a bit of backlash from the nuclear tests at the time. This all steadily and permanently changed after Kargil & 9/11.

Also, a few days ago I read an article by Lt. Gen. H.S. Panag; he was saying that the Vajpayee Gvt had actually given the go-ahead to a plan for re-shaping the LOC (something that I think you have referenced a few times) by taking Pakistani posts, but it was ultimately called off due to 9/11. So then it would appear that Vajpayee wasn't afraid/unwilling of violating the LOC, he was just waiting for things to line up the way Modi seems to be doing right now.
I have read it all and I also know that it was RSS pressure which forced him to take that decision otherwise he wanted to eat beef in Lahore.
I have read it all and I also know that it was RSS pressure which forced him to take that decision otherwise he wanted to eat beef in Lahore.

Pakistan is in a quagmire- Accept casualties and lose H&D(Honour & Dignity) in front of Aam Abduls, or keep hiding casualties and keep losing men,materials and possibly territory.
Also,the Pakjabi soldiers won't be happy about dying without any recognition
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