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Right now if we don't answer with mass attacks on their airbases and naval ships(avoiding karachi city itself) and army doesnt advance in LOC even a bit wiping out pak forward posts and taking prisoners we look stupid.Now we will see if modi has the guts for all out escalation or if he will chicken out.If it ends now pakistan won,and won big.We ahve no evidence or videos of either balakot or f-16 shot dwon,just statement.They have proof and have humiliated us.Now is the time to let loose the sukhois ,the army and navy.We will take losses too but their losses will be crippling.Even if we have a massive all out shootout pakistan after it will know the massive costs of another terror attack.Right now we are a laughing stock unless evidence of f-16 shootdown given or even balakot strike.We need prisoners of our own that means attack and take pak loc positions,then trade.There will be losses,if we back down we will live in shame.No way i can ever say i'm proud to be indian and proud of my army if we don't avenge this.Unleash the whole military -all three wings on them.Let them now now pain.Want all 250 sukhois into pakistan with 200 mig-29s,mirages,jaguars backing them up.Pound sargodha and pak main airbases with mass saturation strikes.

#BREAKING: Indian PM has reportedly given Indian military forces a freehand with regards to the timing, place and how they want to move forward (after Indian warplane shot down by Pakistan)- via @CNNnews18

So take it easy, give it a few hours....night time approaches again.
They don't have fuel for fighter jets and other military hardware. And whatever is there will be finished by Navy tonight...😉
i know the day has been tough but dont loose hope friends. we have to prevail and we will prevail otherwise no future govt of india will be able to stand up for our pride.
remember israel defeated arabs in 6 days war despite heavy odds stacked against them.
just keep morale high and spread positivity never let the pessimism creep in. dont be afraid of war what will happen if we will loose our life in *censored* strike
its still will be better than the 30 years of shame of getting dictated by a minion.the war has to be decisive we wanted it and lets strongly stand behind the govt.its time to punish the evil
Main thing is we have no proof whatsoever of f-16 being shot down(which i believe) or of balakot bombings.Meanwhile pakistan parades our pilot in front of the world.Even my mother was showing me the video of pilot,i felt enraged,helpless and ashamed.Looks like our armed forces are just too obsolete in their thinking ,they need to understand stupid 30 sec press release statements mean just shit in information era.We must avenge public humiliation with public crushing of pak forces.Its up to indian govt and armed forces to now choose -they want war or dishonour.

Need to overrun pak forward posts in loc kill soldiers and let media see the bodies,capture a few to exchange for abhinandan.Meanwhile send in IAF full wave after wave to flatten pak airbases.We will take losses but that is the price you must either pay or accept national dishonour.IN should annihilate all PN units outside karachi civilian area with brahmos.

Our objectives should be -
1.Avenge our national honour with thundering 'public' visible response.
2.By doing so impose such a heavy cost on pakistan that they will think twice before doing a second pulwama knowing it could lead to this.
3.Win the narrative war.

Btw i think mobilization is a shit move - it only creates chance for nuclear escalation.Army doesn't need to move accross IB,army needs to overrun pak forward positions in LOC ,kill pak soldiers and take captive others for exchange.Full scale mobilization will be costly,lengthy and a failure like in 2001.I'm beginning to doubt rawat now.
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Sir can't we flatten few suspected Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed hideouts using Bhramos and Su 30? Pakistan gave us this opportunity to have open session after they attacked Indian military installation. Even if it collateral damage it won't mean a thing. We can bait those idiots and shoot few down after they come for retaliation, meanwhile LOC and Navy is keeping them on toes.

News reporting after today's tri service meeting with PM: India is choosing to escalate and not some useless face saving deal.
Have you heard of escalation ladder and how it is climbed? We know who are the culprits but can't we use them to realise a bigger aim? Hafeez and Masood are small fly. Dismemberment of Pakistan is the main aim.
Did we not know that once we do air attacks, Pak will be forced to retaliate for consumption of its population. We knew they will retaliate. We baited them. They have fallen into our trap. What did we say after air attacks? We have done pre-emptive strikes against non military targets. Do you make out anything from it.
What options did Pak have to these attacks? Do we have any training camps in our territory? so what could they target? Our Armed forces. This means direct attack on India. Now tell me who fooled whom? AND who is making the other dance to his tunes?

Jus think about it....bankrupt country has shut down entire airspace, all their trade is now down the toilet....technically we're winning. One more month of this stuff and they'll become like Somalia.
We have no proof.These claims and sources are irrelevant,world is laughing at us.We want blood.Their pilots are bragging on twitter,i want their blood.Let loose the whole IAF,lets see how these junk fighters and 76 f-16s stand up to 250 sukhois and 100 mirage and m,ig-29s.Need to saturate their whole defense with massive assault rather than playing cat and mouse game.If we leave it as it is now,they have won.We will live in shame.I want a devastating reply and soon.And video proof or pics this time,we are living in information age.Empty statements and press release won't cut it.To win the narrative war we need to put their pants down in front of teh world.Right now they have humilated us with several videos.We have only claims.Minhas base should cease to exist from the face of the earth.

You care too much about others media opinions man.

I am in conversation right now with retired US military for a cpl points of analysis I will post a little later. You think they give a flying crap about ISPR or evidence out there and the media blah?

India can do it's own thing need to shiver too much about "global" intervention or Pak propaganda and evidence posturing blah blah in the first few days.

Heck its playing out like Kargil already to some extent....except we haven't hamstrung ourselves with the "no crossing the LoC" nonsense....and chaddi soiling like was done after mumbai attacks by silent sardar and his ilk about "nuclear hair trigger" waaaah.

Guess what, to go somewhere big and meaningful you got to lose some stuff initially. Its just the way it is.

Stay calm, stay focused and keep eye on the objective. Everything that has happened so far would have been gamed into the system far back in the game changing initiation that Modi gave the all clear for.

Why not let the results actually play out and speak for themselves instead of letting the "shame" and "fear" and "humiliation" and whatever else enter you?

It is the Indian military. No its mission is not to give you every little piece of news and update and "evidence" you crave. It's mission is to defeat and destroy the enemy in the most expedient, relevant way.

That goes for this stupid twitter social media age just as much as it did in the 1000 war mard-e-momin era of 1971.

Take it easy buddy.
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i have a question seniors kindly care to reply
*censored* are celebrating some hassan
was our mig shot down by the *censored* aircraft or air defence

who is this hassan??

Jus think about it....bankrupt country has shut down entire airspace, all their trade is now down the toilet....technically we're winning. One more month of this stuff and they'll become like Somalia.

There were reports airspace was opened for few saudi chartered flights to arrive and depart.

Probably some pious sorts and family jewels, gold etc being moved
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PM's meet with the service chiefs lasted for 90 minutes as reported. 90 minutes is too long for just a free hand conversation. I am sure future course of action would have been approved. Any thoughts?
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The events as of now
1. Pakistan based terrorists bomb our CRPF men and we loose 40+ men.
2. 12 days later IAF goes deep into Pakistan (proven) , drops heavy ordinance (proven) and kills terrorists (unproven). No Military or Civilian target hit.
3. Next day
A. PAF violates Indian Airspace. (Proven)
B. Bombs 4 places (Proven)
C. Shoots down a Fighter of IAF (Proven)
D. Has a IAF WC as a hostage (Proven)
E. Lost a fighter jet to IAF (Unproven)

So all in all, either we do something within 48 hours, or we have decided to cool down. I hope its not the later. Those parasites need to be shown their place.
Just 20 Brahmos can send Pakistan back to stone age and disintegrate it. We don't have to dismember it. It will implode. I loved Modi's tactics. He killed them financially and now if we take out their power plants, fuel dumps and critical infrastructure, Pakistan will have no electricity, zero exports, no water, no food and no fuel to even fly its fighters and move its troops and tanks.
Yeh Modi hai. Chaiwala, joh apni opportunities jaanta hai.
F16 pilot who shot down might 21
And this is the biggest confirmation that Bisons shot down an F-16. But as Fighter pilot, I will never celebrate or be celebrated if I lose my wingman in battle.
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