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According to unnamed sources, Palam Air Base recently had visitors from a team of engineers and airforce officials representing Israeli Military and Israel Aerospace Industries and ELTA, where India’s three airborne early warning and control systems (Awacs) Phalcon Air-borne Radar system mounted on IL-76 aircraft are based.

It is not yet clear if the Secret Israeli Unit were invited by India for some regular maintenance of the Phalcon radar and sensor system which are mounted on the aircraft but it seems that it was most probably to do with F-16 which was shot down over POK to further strengthen the Electronic evidence of the kill which a certain section of western media having been questioning downing of Pakistani F-16 by Indian Mig-21Bis and it might have something to do with External Audit of the Radar Data which could be first of its kind.

Phalcon AWACS fleet has been part of IAF for over last ten years and has performed exceptionally well over the years and was already airborne when 24 Pakistani Air Force jets were part of attack formation which resulted to an aerial dog fight over Pakistani side of the line of control where Mig-21Bis flown by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman shot down an F-16 and while trying to return back he was shot down by another F-16, which was part of 4 aircraft formation which was deployed to protect its Strike aircraft Mirage-III and JF-17s .

Last Month, IAF has given out first AWACS pictures of F-16 kill and the position of the Mig-21Bis and other F-16s in the formation after Washighton based Defense Magazine reported that all PAF F-16 was found accounted for, by Audit conducted by Pentagon which was later denied by Pentagon itself. The backing of the Israeli team of officials who designed and build the Phalcon Air-borne Radar system will only further India’s F-16 kill and will act as circumstantial evidence.

Secret Israeli Unit Verified F-16 Kill by India ?? – Indian Defence Research Wing

Can Israelis go against the will of Uncle Sam?
And the reason for your such conviction is?

To be honest, the kind of loud and lose mouths we have in politics and recently discovered in armed forces, its tough to digest that they can keep any kind of success, irrespective of magnitude, as classified.

You might be sceptical
But I am sure that we have hurt them
Much more than Balakot

And though they tried to escalate but our
Reaponse stunned them

I am strictly talking of Army action along LoC and Jammu sector

Now 5 th / 6 th March is not known

But Pakistani Hesitation to Escalate is Surprising

And it cannot be Economic Reasons alone
You might be sceptical

Realistic I prefer.

But I am sure that we have hurt them

You wish, and that's confirmation bias.

Much more than Balakot

I wish that too.

And though they tried to escalate but our
Reaponse stunned them

Would love to hear what they tried and what wonderful we did to stun them.

I am strictly talking of Army action along LoC and Jammu sector

Trust me, the day borders see any credible confrontation beyond ceasefire violations, Modi will not be spending time in Varanasi.

Now 5 th / 6 th March is not known

Why not? Lets make any story and tweet.

But Pakistani Hesitation to Escalate is Surprising

Yep, they retaliated in broad day light but now surprisingly hesitating to some imaginary fight happening on LoC.

And it cannot be Economic Reasons alone

Perhaps they turned peaceful or we suddenly become the superpower.
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Ever heard USS liberty Incident

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia
It's irrelevant to what's being discussed here. Speculations abound that fed up of US snooping around the Israeli authorities decided to resort to drastic action and then couch it with an apology followed by compensation. The truth would never be known. Assuming that the Israelis deliberately undertook such a mission, it'd be in keeping with their policy of survival at any cost and not trusting even their closest ally and friend with state secrets.

You can hardly expect them to cross the US on our behalf. They're here to study the electronic intelligence and plug in any loopholes in their tactics while deploying the F-16. Let's not forget that more than Singapore, we owe our deep knowledge of the F-16 to Israel and courtesy the unpublicised frequent training and joint exercises our AF conducts with theirs.
Realistic I prefer.

You wish, and that's confirmation bias.

I wish that too.

Would love to hear what they tried and what wonderful we did to stun them.

Trust me, the day borders see any credible confrontation beyond ceasefire violations, Modi will not be spending time in Varanasi.

Why not? Lets make any story and tweet.

Yep, they retaliated in broad day light but now surprisingly hesitating to some imaginary fight happening on LoC.

Perhaps they turned peaceful or we suddenly become the superpower.

I can modestly claim to know Pakistani psyche very well

This peaceful behaviour of Pak Army is
Not without any strong and solid reason

Pakistanis are a People who CANNOT be
Reasoned With or Made to Feel Guilty

They only Respond to Force and Strength

Some " Things " have happened that has Totally Destroyed the Pakistani "Will "
To Fight
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Sir, even in open source it is possible :) Just requires the right software and a bit of know how...


Let me know what you find while looking around :)

Please recollect, 02 x Indian Army Armoured Divisions were 'there' in Rajasthan where no tanks were actually present..

With all the gizmos and Electronic surveillance devices that US and allies had. And I am talking of 2002, when we were very rudimentary in our capabilities and they, 100x superior.
Each armored division is 400 + tanks

Let me know what you find while looking around :)
Rest assured sir, you will always be aware of what and where I am looking and whatever I find.

Please recollect, 02 x Indian Army Armoured Divisions were 'there' in Rajasthan where no tanks were actually present..
Ofcourse! Simplest way to hide is to be 'open' when nothing is above you or ... to be 'open' when sun does not shine... Its surprising how much current RS still uses sun for. Ofcourse, there are ways to detect things in night.

Lastly, buildings do not move. Tanks and troops do. Thats a big advantage for detecting changes in buildings.
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I can modestly claim to know Pakistani psyche very well

This peaceful behaviour of Pak Army is
Not without any strong and solid reason

Pakistanis are a People who CANNOT be
Reasoned With or Made to Feel Guilty

They only Respond to Force and Strength

Some " Things " have happened that has Totally Destroyed the Pakistani "Will "
To Fight
It's more down to a simple study of human psyche. Take a school bully. As long as the bully keeps getting away with bullying, he'd be at it. The moment he's busted, he'd cease activities. As far as their economy goes, come what may, the Armed forces will never be starved of funds irrespective of the state of the nation. LIC as has been going on in Kashmir will continue. Perhaps, for the interim on a low key basis. The rest of the argument, we've been having is on the costs we can impose on them vis a vis sustained action on the border and taking advantage of their pain points in Balochistan, etc. In the event, we've done what we've done before. De escalated on the border and scratched our balls w.r.t their pain points. So, in a few months it'd be biz as usual. Don't be surprised, if there's a surprise meet between Modi ( assuming he'd be re elected) & Reham Khan's ex at the SCO, etc. After all we're more desperate for peace. Pakistan is merely obliging us. That's the overlying sentiment in our foreign policy establishment & of course Congress & the Lutyens mafia.
Rest assured sir, you will always be aware of what and where I am looking and whatever I find.

Ofcourse! Simplest way to hide is to be 'open' when nothing is above you or ... to be 'open' when sun does not shine... Its surprising how much current RS still uses sun for. Ofcourse, there are ways to detect things in night.

Lastly, buildings do not move. Tanks and troops do. Thats a big advantage for detecting changes in buildings.

There are ways of obfuscating stuff. Stationary ones too. Been doing it. With UAVs overhead :) Anyways, lets move on.
Did we not transfer a GOC overnight for taking his tanks very close to the Border that time in 2002?


May 24 2002, was date given for commencement of hostilities, if I recall correctly (you may recall it). Last minute revision, orders did not come through I believe and he moved as per plan to his designated location before commencement. And village kids had removed the markers in night movement, hence everything moved dangerously close to IB and he was sacked.

The markers had been placed by Recce group to move some distance away from border, not towards it.

No idea how accurate this version of incident is. Date, is +/- 3 days accurate

But this was Corps commander and the one I am talking of - the fictitious armoured division when ours were nowhere in region is another one when we pulled a fast one on US and allies who 'advised' Pakistan to scale back immediately.
I was only clarifying the point and adding to your narrative. Our forces were ready to go in but the orders never came. Some scapegoat had to be found and that Guy faced it. It is for this reason that I always call ABV- Charpayee. he let go off Pakistan in Kargil, Kandhar Hijack and Parliament attack. That goddamn beef eating Brahmin is the worst PM we ever had after another beef eater Nehru.

If I remember correctly the movement was made opposite Rahimyar Khan.
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I was only clarifying the point and adding to your narrative. Our forces were ready to go in but the orders never came. Some scapegoat had to be found and that Guy faced it. It is for this reason that I always call ABV- Charpayee. he let go off Pakistan in Kargil, Kandhar Hijack and Parliament attack. That goddamn beef eating Brahmin is the worst PM we ever had after another beef eater Nehru.

In 2002 , We had to Bend before US pressure

Americans were in Afghanistan and they
Needed Pakistani help

So Pakistan asked US to put pressure on India to pull back

American Intetests came before Indian interests
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