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The strategic Restraint of Vajpayee and MMS has given us the RIGHT to Hit Pakistan ,Anytime and Anywhere when ever we want

There is no denying it. We accrued a lot of diplomatic goodwill. Now the world sees us as a victim and any measures taken get full support.

But we should not have let Pakistan test our red lines so openly. This attack was different. Families of army men were targeted on purpose.
Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) Tweeted:
I think the Indian Govt and Military have done a piss-poor job in terms of their post-Balakot communication. ( )

Pls note. He's one of the saner and more credible voices in the cacophony that consists of defence & strategic affairs reporting in India Today.

@randomradio ; @Milspec ; @Falcon ; @Shajida Khan ; @vstol Jockey ; @RATHORE ; @BlackOpsIndia ; @Arvind ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Nilgiri ; @Guynextdoor ; @R!cK ; @STEPHEN COHEN & everyone else
Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) Tweeted:
I think the Indian Govt and Military have done a piss-poor job in terms of their post-Balakot communication. ( )

Pls note. He's one of the saner and more credible voices in the cacophony that consists of defence & strategic affairs reporting in India Today.

@randomradio ; @Milspec ; @Falcon ; @Shajida Khan ; @vstol Jockey ; @RATHORE ; @BlackOpsIndia ; @Arvind ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Nilgiri ; @Guynextdoor ; @R!cK ; @STEPHEN COHEN & everyone else

I've felt this way from the very beginning.
Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) Tweeted:
I think the Indian Govt and Military have done a piss-poor job in terms of their post-Balakot communication. ( )

Pls note. He's one of the saner and more credible voices in the cacophony that consists of defence & strategic affairs reporting in India Today.

@randomradio ; @Milspec ; @Falcon ; @Shajida Khan ; @vstol Jockey ; @RATHORE ; @BlackOpsIndia ; @Arvind ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Nilgiri ; @Guynextdoor ; @R!cK ; @STEPHEN COHEN & everyone else

Said the same thing here weeks back, and people were equating it to lack of Patriotism lol. The whole incident was a PR nightmare and we never bothered to fix it. Now our forces are making a fool of themselves saying the results could have been better if we had Rafales? Isn't it openly admitting that the things may have not gone as planned? Why would they do that?

It is obvious that atleast some of the targets were hit, we better be content with that. But we just made ourselves look silly with the whole incident, with alot of claims but nothing to show for.

Good Day!
Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) Tweeted:
I think the Indian Govt and Military have done a piss-poor job in terms of their post-Balakot communication. ( )

Pls note. He's one of the saner and more credible voices in the cacophony that consists of defence & strategic affairs reporting in India Today.

@randomradio ; @Milspec ; @Falcon ; @Shajida Khan ; @vstol Jockey ; @RATHORE ; @BlackOpsIndia ; @Arvind ; @Ashwin ; @nair ; @Nilgiri ; @Guynextdoor ; @R!cK ; @STEPHEN COHEN & everyone else
May be GoI and Indian Forces (IAF, IA, IN) are not bothered with this entire "PR" war.
May be the bulk of nation is simply unconcerned about details.
And may be the world only cares so long we don't blow each other with nukes...
May be GoI and Indian Forces (IAF, IA, IN) are not bothered with this entire "PR" war.
May be the bulk of nation is simply unconcerned about details.
And may be the world only cares so long we don't blow each other with nukes...
That's nothing new. You've seen ex services personnel here ridicule attempts at seeking evidence of the strike. The GoI / Armed forces are notoriously reticent when it comes to sharing such info in an instant information & digitized era. They richly deserve all the derision and smirks they're getting. In India or abroad.All this after the scepticism of surgical strike -1.

It may sound harsh but it's true. This is no way a professional armed forces conducts itself in the face of a resolute enemy which being weaker relies heavily on Assymetrical warfare and has been subjecting our armed forces to hybrid warfare since the past 4 decades. In fact they only have to take a leaf out of what they themselves did in the Kargil war w.r.t propaganda / info disbursement.
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We need to treat Balakot as a Closed Chapter

Learn Lessons and BEGIN a new chapter

India Pakistan is a Perennial Conflict

It will continue for Ever

Balakot is just One Small Chapter
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I found nothing wrong with the information released. Sure, I'd like more, but anymore than what's released is not necessary.

The problem is the cloud cover put a dampner on OSINT and the F-16 crashed in their territory instead of ours.
Indian public and specifically the defence enthusiasts are assets of India not enemy or doubters, just leak little bit, drip by drip and see the constant mourning atmosphere in enemy camp. Use it wisely and just the way they are meant to be used instead of ignoring it. People will take care of enemy propaganda, give them nightmare.

A little baba and few leaks made life of DG ISPR hell where he was constantly consoling little kids crying all over twitter. Pakistan has had hell of a luck that not many eyes were present when they were getting a beating so independent third parties can't find anything conclusive, otherwise it would have been a nightmare for them, maybe our forum will get a breakthrough, maybe it won't.
It may sound harsh but it's true. This is no way a professional armed forces conducts itself in the face of a resolute enemy which being weaker relies heavily on Assymetrical warfare and has been subjecting our armed forces to hybrid warfare since the past 4 decades. In fact they only have to take a leaf out of what they themselves did in the Kargil war w.r.t propaganda / info disbursement.
You do know that during gulf war, US Army released even lesser info. Failure of patriot system to defend US bases against scud was not fully revealed for quite some time. Heck, Chinese military hides way too much about its actions and inactions. Last but not the least, PA itself denied to divulge how many of their personnels were killed. All of these are as professional forces as it gets.

IMHO, purpose of army is to fight a war and to defend borders. We are expecting too much information. This entire thing is due to current obsession with fact checking and truthers and information glut. I know I am of the same kind but I know my pre-disposition.

Last but not the least. The basic billion dollar question. Who are the target of this propaganda war? Defence personnels? Doubt it. Common Indians? They don't care. World community? They have better ways to know and they have their own agenda, Have you read Foreign Policy journal writing and how it is paddling the US MIC sales pitch?
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You do know that during gulf war, US Army released even lesser info. Failure of patriot system to defend US bases against scud was not fully revealed for quite some time. Heck, Chinese military hides way too much about its actions and inactions. Last but not the least, PA itself denied to divulge how many of their personnels were killed. All of these are as professional forces as it gets.

IMHO, purpose of army is to fight a war and to defend borders. We are expecting too much information.

Last but not the least. The basic billion dollar question. Who are the target of this propaganda war? Defence personnels? Doubt it. Common Indians? They don't care. World community? They have better ways to know and they have their own agenda, Have you read Foreign Policy journal writing and how it is paddling the US MIC sales pitch?
This is different era and different enemy, information driven world and a much stronger enemy than US faced in narrative building along with elections overhead which tempts opposition parties into playing as useful idiots for enemy.

Battlefield is changed and changing rapidly. Nobody is asking for operational details and tactics, just show us enough that enemy don't get away with lies, rest trolls will bury them.
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This is different era and different enemy, information driven world and a much stronger enemy than US faced in narrative building along with elections overhead which tempts opposition parties into playing as useful idiots for enemy.

Battlefield is changed and changing rapidly. Nobody is asking for operational details and tactics, just show us enough that enemy don't get away with lies, rest trolls will bury them.
I will say this much : Who demands this information and who cares about this information? Against whom is this info-war being fought?

We here are exception, we are 'geeks' to put it bluntly. Defence 'geeks'. Most people in the country will not be able to tell an AK-47 and AR-15 apart. For them if IAF chiefs said what they said and army chiefs said what they said is enough. It used to be enough for a lot of us as well once upon a time... Till we started getting interested in it and started looking deeply.

Honestly, most Indians will be more concerned with "SCAM" in Rafale deal. Heck, a large majority will believe in Scam by default without looking into any details.
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