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9mm ka pistol to ban nahi raha , aap 155mm guided artillery ki baat karte ho?

Back in the UPA times I had a visit to some DRDO labs. The place was full of lazy people, all they would do is give excuses why this job cant be done and that project shouldnt be done. The environment seemed corrupt. Not sure what the situation now. But I dont expect much would have changed.
Are you aware about Excalibur rounds, and how do they differ from conventional shells ? It's development did cost USA a fortune in money and time from 1992 to 2008. We can still fire our Howitzers, the Excalibur is a smart ammunition in itself make a sniper out of a canon.

And I was tempted to take a jibe here, my internet firewall literally tackled me out of my seat. AI is getting stonger these days.

But as some one said, designing can be done but manufacturing is problem. Already there are lots of projects running and seems like we do not have money for upgradation of tools and precision technology with us nor skilled workers. Unless until we are 7-8 trillion economy, we can't afford all these. I don't understand why we do not design and lend it to some one for production if we can't afford the precision. Ukraine may be?

Coming to your AI remarks, Pakistan is doing at par with India in defence and application of AI for espionage and propaganda. They have got some very sophisticated tools based on AI solutions to create millions of fake profiles over Instagram, facebook and twitter as required and engage with multiple real accounts at a time. This is a more serious threat. They have their own BotNet.
We literally dont have even 10% of the penetration into R&D research china and US have. And we are not even trying to improve.

Forget 10%, just imagine, all the IITians run to US, but what do we get from US? Nothing. You must be aware of the case of an India heads of design Noshir Gaudia working on the propulsion of B2 stealth, he was approached by Russians and Chinese and from there the Russians got it's hands on the stealth technology.
And here we are , not been able to design a single Kaveri engine. I personal know that babus and guys in military agree to what ever the western says, the reason is they want their kids to work for that firm , settle abroad and there they get lured. Pakistanis also do it, but they don't get lured they know how to tackle.
Can we have an article on this?

I would like to add military as well, and here are some points I want to share. IAF has shown they are no lesser babus. Right now every one ran to france to enjoy their Holidays along with Rajnath on their second honeymoon with their wives to get the Safran engine and rafale.

A very serious point I would like to make. During congress and even now some officials when they go with some minister or leader, they take their wives and later they use tax payers money to order rum in 5 star hotel, which in the end government has to pay. During UPA time its was more of such dhanda and this gets exploited by others, they know that to get a defence deal done, lure the babus and their generals, give admission to their kids in their country or give a job, things get done easily. And we all know this.

Just do an RTI how these diplomats use money from the tax, like more than 10000 dollars monthly on their kids education in foreign countries, which is also entitled by the government. I don't understand why it's entitled. In 10000 dollars they can get a lot of ammo for the soldiers or at least fortify the bunkers.

There are a lot of things which I mustn't say otherwise a lot of people will stop trusting their government and military that the protectors have become the looters.
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Google Search Shows EXCALIBUR round price as 68 K USD

We can hardly afford 2000 such rounds

And who will Authorise Using this round on the Battlefield , LT Gen Rank or Major General Rank
Google Search Shows EXCALIBUR round price as 68 K USD

We can hardly afford 2000 such rounds

And who will Authorise Using this round on the Battlefield , LT Gen Rank or Major General Rank

Well a unit will be for 68k, but when you buy in large qty. ofcourse it won't price you that much, but still costly enough.
No sir, what I only meant is we will be mistaken if we start to believe that US is incapable of building armor for the Abrahms. You guys have no idea what level the Americans have industrial espionage around the world. They fund the R&D and Unis around the world to get the best out of them.

For example, US has good presence in IIT which gets them skilled labours. Similarly in Germany and Singapore they have the same presence to get the best of their minds to work for them in building both civilian and defence technology.

China became threat to Americans because they also started funding the unis and R&D institutions around the world to get the best of the technology and that's what industrial espionage is all about which Chinese have mastered.

India is not even close to start this. We are doomed in this big time due to lack of vision and inaction. This is really sad!

Hmmmm....................China started funding the unis and R&D institutions around the world to get the best of the technology and Chinese have mastered the industrial espionage , but still importing jet engines from Russia :unsure: :unsure: . Quite interesting !!
But as some one said, designing can be done but manufacturing is problem. Already there are lots of projects running and seems like we do not have money for upgradation of tools and precision technology with us nor skilled workers. Unless until we are 7-8 trillion economy, we can't afford all these. I don't understand why we do not design and lend it to some one for production if we can't afford the precision. Ukraine may be?

It not about economy it is about economies of scale and there are only a handful of countries those have Excalibur rounds Australia, Canada, Netherlands and Sweden. All made in USA are you of the opinion that the above assessment is correct on why these countries also do not make the rounds ?

Coming to your AI remarks, Pakistan is doing at par with India in defence and application of AI for espionage and propaganda. They have got some very sophisticated tools based on AI solutions to create millions of fake profiles over Instagram, facebook and twitter as required and engage with multiple real accounts at a time. This is a more serious threat. They have their own BotNet.

Dear God, You don't get sarcasm do you? Pakitan can only do that. What are they gonna do, when an Excalibur is headed their way ? Tweet about it using Bots ?
Dear God, You don't get sarcasm do you? Pakitan can only do that. What are they gonna do, when an Excalibur is headed their way ? Tweet about it using Bots ?

My assessment is Pakistan has acquired/stolen Ex-Cal rounds from US which was leftover in Afghanistan. You think they did not? I can't prove it but to me it makes sense that they have at least tried to get it who knows they have or not. May be MI knows. In late 80's Pakistan had got stinger missiles from the leftover which they used in Kargil to down two of IAF aircrafts one was heli. India for 8 years was unaware of this fact, till some of those missiles were destroyed by the ISI.

"Defense Department officials said that they believed that the explosion was the work of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul,[3] but there was also speculation that the explosion was done by Pakistani agents to cover up a pilferage of the weapons stocks, including Stinger missiles.[5]"

source : wiki

It not about economy it is about economies of scale and there are only a handful of countries those have Excalibur rounds Australia, Canada, Netherlands and Sweden. All made in USA are you of the opinion that the above assessment is correct on why these countries also do not make the rounds ?

You are absolutely correct, but I have point. All these countries which you mentioned were part of war against Terrorism led by US as NATO force, they can make but they don't need to.

Hmmmm....................China started funding the unis and R&D institutions around the world to get the best of the technology and Chinese have mastered the industrial espionage , but still importing jet engines from Russia :unsure::unsure: . Quite interesting !!

I don't deny this fact that they are copying things but jet engine technology is something which is highly guarded. Any how compared to India they are doing way better when it comes to technology and innovation whether by copying or what so ever. Let's not be negative to critics, we should sometimes be less over adamant and accept to learn.
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I would like to add military as well, and here are some points I want to share. IAF has shown they are no lesser babus. Right now every one ran to france to enjoy their Holidays along with Rajnath on their second honeymoon with their wives to get the Safran engine and rafale.

A very serious point I would like to make. During congress and even now some officials when they go with some minister or leader, they take their wives and later they use tax payers money to order rum in 5 star hotel, which in the end government has to pay. During UPA time its was more of such dhanda and this gets exploited by others, they know that to get a defence deal done, lure the babus and their generals, give admission to their kids in their country or give a job, things get done easily. And we all know this.

Just do an RTI how these diplomats use money from the tax, like more than 10000 dollars monthly on their kids education in foreign countries, which is also entitled by the government. I don't understand why it's entitled. In 10000 dollars they can get a lot of ammo for the soldiers or at least fortify the bunkers.

There are a lot of things which I mustn't say otherwise a lot of people will stop trusting their government and military that the protectors have become the looters.
Well the idea is not to wash the dirty laundry here..... That will not go down well or not the intention....

The idea is to point out wastage in a constructive way.... and probably contribute to armed forces by raising some valid points......
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Well the idea is not to wash the dirty laundry here..... That will not go down well or not the intention....

The idea is to point out wastage in a constructive way.... and probably contribute to armed forces by raising some valid points......

open the thread and would add there :) And if any one of you is interested then you guys can do the RTI as well and know whatever I was saying is correct.
My assessment is Pakistan has acquired/stolen Ex-Cal rounds from US which was leftover in Afghanistan. You think they did not? I can't prove it but to me it makes sense that they have at least tried to get it who knows they have or not. May be MI knows. In late 80's Pakistan had got stinger missiles from the leftover which they used in Kargil to down two of IAF aircrafts one was heli. India for 8 years was unaware of this fact, till some of those missiles were destroyed by the ISI.

"Defense Department officials said that they believed that the explosion was the work of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul,[3] but there was also speculation that the explosion was done by Pakistani agents to cover up a pilferage of the weapons stocks, including Stinger missiles.[5]"

source : wiki

This is tin foil hat conspiracy. You know US can lockout all its GPS enabled weapons individually. Once it loses its inventory? C'mon.

You are absolutely correct, but I have point. All these countries which you mentioned were part of war against Terrorism led by US as NATO force, they can make but they don't need to.

Again I mean they don't Cuz NATO, we don't cuz incompetent... wow... whereas both are buys from the same manufacturer. I mean you really don't sound logical. I mean this line of reasoning is so Pakistani-esque, and an insult to human evolution. (I don't want to demean you but this way of thought is just point blank asinine)

I don't deny this fact that they are copying things but jet engine technology is something which is highly guarded. Any how compared to India they are doing way better when it comes to technology and innovation whether by copying or what so ever. Let's not be negative to critics, we should sometimes be less over adamant and accept to learn.

Compared to India they are not even close to copying. Pakistanis have the intellect and technological capacity that is only slightly better than Afghanistan, heck even they would do better... Pakistani's have an average IQ is a 2 million year backward somersault on human evolution. Idiots have managed to ruin their country's science education by linking basic physics to religion. Those nut cases are only good at two things. Collecting toll on roads and painting weapons green. and in future they will only be repairing Punctured tyres.
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Well the idea is not to wash the dirty laundry here..... That will not go down well or not the intention....

The idea is to point out wastage in a constructive way.... and probably contribute to armed forces by raising some valid points......

open the thread and would add there :) And if any one of you is interested then you guys can do the RTI as well and know whatever I was saying is correct.

Screamy you have run out of logic and reason it seems. that post is just of insult malice and BS mudslinging... You just say things and we should treat it as the word of god, such Messiah complex...? what do we know about you screamy ? we need to file an RTI for that I guess...?

I'd suggest a new thread on Screamybuwoyz Schizophrenic rantings be made. Also, you are making too much off th tpoic comments on everything under the sun, linking things that aren't related in any way. Either you should seek help.
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Screamy you have run out of logic and reason it seems. that post is just of insult malice and BS mudslinging... You just say things and we should treat it as the word of god, such Messiah complex...? what do we know about you screamy ? we need to file an RTI for that I guess...?

I'd suggest a new thread on Screamybuwoyz Schizophrenic rantings be made. Also, you are making too much off th tpoic comments on everything under the sun, linking things that aren't related in any way. Either you should seek help.
Ignore him. He's a complaint box. At other times he's a paranoid schizoid.
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