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Interesting read on Quora on what happened on 20th Oct in Pok

Sahamed Khan, Professor at Milan, Italy (2010-present) Answered Oct 22, 2019
Originally Answered: What happened between India and Pakistan in the Tangdhar sector on Sunday, 20th October 2019?

My colleague's family members were among the injured in Pakistan side. What I heard from him, it was not fault of either side from neutral point of view. This is how it happened:
  1. Pakistan is gaining favour from Taliban as they are supporting them to take over Afghanistan once again. Recently they provided them 250 seasoned warriors(called as terrorist outside Pakistan) to help in their battle for Kashmir. These warriors were best of best and brutal, they are cold blooded killers.
  2. Pakistan wanted to send them in Kashmir to attack Indian army and train local youths in way of terrorism. In doing so they could hit India from in side, not only in Kashmir, but also in other areas.
  3. Pakistani army assembled them in a few points near border in smaller groups and attempted to provide them covering fire to enter India. In that firing a civilian and two army personnel died.
  4. Luck was not in favour of Pakistan, the died civilian was relative of a person who was supposed to give those Taliban fighters shelter in Kashmir. The family went furious on Pakistan for killing their family member and provided exact positions of a few areas where those warriors assembled.
  5. Indian army was furious by death of their comrades and utilised this opportunity.
  6. They started precision firing at those known points. Pakistani army was not expecting this attack as they started the offensive and was expecting their enemy to go on defence.
  7. Within Few hours 8 Pakistani soldiers died on spot and 34 got injured. 6 later died in hospital.
  8. But the real damage was not their death, it was death of those high quality Taliban warriors. As per my colleague 27 of them died while they were sleeping and 53 were injured. Taliban is now furious upon Pakistani army for this.
I believe Pakistani army was not responsible, nor Indian army. It just what they do for ever. Those Taliban guys attempted to interfere in affairs they should not have and got punished.
*** I am neither Indian, nor Pakistani. I have written how it was described by my colleague from Pakistan. You may or may not like the facts, but I am unable to change it. I will request you to refrain from commenting against any religion as it is a war between two nations and religion has nothing to do here.


If true would mean another 170 battle hardened Talib, still waiting to cross over
It would also explain, why post foreign diplomats guided tour, India again bombed the area again with heavy guns, with hopes of picking up few more...

On a side note, As a Jat Sikh, I am extremely disappointed with Govt on signing up on Kartarpur Corridor, isnt it obvious what's that corridor is for, I will rather visit when India acquires the surrounding area in future or post breakup in 4, when they wont dare use it for ulterior motives any more.. Right now, it only leads to more bloodshed and mayhem, and as a means of recruitment...
India signed it knowing full well what its gonna be used for... But, GOI does not want to be the one who blocked the kartarpur corridor and hurt the feelings of Indian Sikhs. Once, the Pakistan government misuses the corridor for death and destruction in Punjab, then GOI would suspend the corridor... but not until then...
India signed it knowing full well what its gonna be used for... But, GOI does not want to be the one who blocked the kartarpur corridor and hurt the feelings of Indian Sikhs. Once, the Pakistan government misuses the corridor for death and destruction in Punjab, then GOI would suspend the corridor... but not until then...
Yes. The common Jatt sikhs in rural areas are very vulnerable regarding their Panth and it is difficult to make them see sense in this.
Interesting read on Quora on what happened on 20th Oct in Pok

Sahamed Khan, Professor at Milan, Italy (2010-present) Answered Oct 22, 2019
Originally Answered: What happened between India and Pakistan in the Tangdhar sector on Sunday, 20th October 2019?

My colleague's family members were among the injured in Pakistan side. What I heard from him, it was not fault of either side from neutral point of view. This is how it happened:
  1. Pakistan is gaining favour from Taliban as they are supporting them to take over Afghanistan once again. Recently they provided them 250 seasoned warriors(called as terrorist outside Pakistan) to help in their battle for Kashmir. These warriors were best of best and brutal, they are cold blooded killers.
  2. Pakistan wanted to send them in Kashmir to attack Indian army and train local youths in way of terrorism. In doing so they could hit India from in side, not only in Kashmir, but also in other areas.
  3. Pakistani army assembled them in a few points near border in smaller groups and attempted to provide them covering fire to enter India. In that firing a civilian and two army personnel died.
  4. Luck was not in favour of Pakistan, the died civilian was relative of a person who was supposed to give those Taliban fighters shelter in Kashmir. The family went furious on Pakistan for killing their family member and provided exact positions of a few areas where those warriors assembled.
  5. Indian army was furious by death of their comrades and utilised this opportunity.
  6. They started precision firing at those known points. Pakistani army was not expecting this attack as they started the offensive and was expecting their enemy to go on defence.
  7. Within Few hours 8 Pakistani soldiers died on spot and 34 got injured. 6 later died in hospital.
  8. But the real damage was not their death, it was death of those high quality Taliban warriors. As per my colleague 27 of them died while they were sleeping and 53 were injured. Taliban is now furious upon Pakistani army for this.
I believe Pakistani army was not responsible, nor Indian army. It just what they do for ever. Those Taliban guys attempted to interfere in affairs they should not have and got punished.
*** I am neither Indian, nor Pakistani. I have written how it was described by my colleague from Pakistan. You may or may not like the facts, but I am unable to change it. I will request you to refrain from commenting against any religion as it is a war between two nations and religion has nothing to do here.


If true would mean another 170 battle hardened Talib, still waiting to cross over
It would also explain, why post foreign diplomats guided tour, India again bombed the area again with heavy guns, with hopes of picking up few more...

On a side note, As a Jat Sikh, I am extremely disappointed with Govt on signing up on Kartarpur Corridor, isnt it obvious what's that corridor is for, I will rather visit when India acquires the surrounding area in future or post breakup in 4, when they wont dare use it for ulterior motives any more.. Right now, it only leads to more bloodshed and mayhem, and as a means of recruitment...

Exact thoughts of myn, what's the status of remaining Talibans.

If Pakistan plans to dispose 30-40 k terrorist in J&K there by achieving 2 goals in one move.. Then India should make PoJK as the area of engagement.
India signed it knowing full well what its gonna be used for... But, GOI does not want to be the one who blocked the kartarpur corridor and hurt the feelings of Indian Sikhs. Once, the Pakistan government misuses the corridor for death and destruction in Punjab, then GOI would suspend the corridor... but not until then...
Yeah Sikhs are new Kashmiris, to be handled with extreme care, to give everything they want, otherwise you know, they may feel agitated or Akali and BJP may not get votes, DejaVu of Nehru again, ironically from person who hate him most.

People from UP should contact some foreign goverment too now this is official policy of Indian state. Pick up arms, threaten secession and in few years you'll get everything you want.

Cowering down to petty thieves in North East, Cowering down to drug addicts Islamists and now going extra mile to pamper Khalistanis, talk about writ of state and strong ruler ruling us.
Yeah Sikhs are new Kashmiris, to be handled with extreme care, to give everything they want, otherwise you know, they may feel agitated or Akali and BJP may not get votes, DejaVu of Nehru again, ironically from person who hate him most.

People from UP should contact some foreign goverment too now this is official policy of Indian state. Pick up arms, threaten secession and in few years you'll get everything you want.

Cowering down to petty thieves in North East, Cowering down to drug addicts Islamists and now going extra mile to pamper Khalistanis, talk about writ of state and strong ruler ruling us.
Agitating does more harm than good.. Whatever little you get as the government Pampers you is eclipsed by the sheer scale of the loss of private investment which will go to states with less political violence.
Look on one side ... today kartarpur agreement was signed, and on the other side there is massive bombardment of Pakistanis at the loc.. If modi wanted to pamper Sikhs... he would have boarded a caravan, created conditions on the ground (like not spanking pak army asses at loc) and given a festive atmosphere to it, by trying to normalize india Pakistan relations. Something as momentous as kartarpur corridor opening in the context of indo-pak relations could not have happened without normalization in indo-pak relations if it were a congress government. That it is not, testifies to the fact that Modi only views Pakistan with contempt, and also that he would not think twice about closing the corridor if things go south..
If modi wanted to pamper Sikhs... he would have boarded a caravan, created conditions on the ground (like not spanking pak army asses at loc)
FYI... Sikhs have in past wars and in future remain the most furious fighters, who will die to protect India their motherland...

As for this Khalistani bulshit - facts remain of History, which ordinary Indians fail to grasp, post 1971 war, pak gave all Gurudwaras in Pak under direct ISI control, still under ISI. By the way most Pakistani citizens speak Punjabi and still do, it would not have been hard to learn gurimukhi script and mascurade them as sikhs.. Thereby started a organized process to take over all religious gurudwaras with there moles across the globe, including inside India. And use that as a base for starting Khalistani movement... Yet I challenge go to Punjab befriend and interview 100 random Sikhs for candid discussion, you will find all 100 be parotic to India and don't subscribe to Khalistan ideology

Let me state a true incident in height of militancy in Punjab of Rural Punjab - My cousin Mama Ji(moms cousin brother), used to live in a house surrounded by his fields, Khalastani fighters used to visit rural places with lots of foliage in night to take food and some money to continue cat and mouse game and be inactive in day, I suspect that's their modus operandi in J& K too. My mama ji refused to give them shelter and food to these 8-9 members, instead barricaded himself and wife and 2 kids. That was around 1 am in early morning. They decided to make mamaji family a example and started firing, mamaji also had a rifle and so the battle begin, where the game was to shoot from different windows (houses are big), make the bullets count and not let terrorists in from 3 possible entrances to house. When he was about to run out of bullets, he ran out with single bullet and killed one terrorist from close range in charge and got hit by Ak47 in his stomach, gathered the terrroist gun and ammo and ran back inside and continued fighting, by 5:30am with first light, he had killed 2 and injured 2, truce was called and they ran with there injured, leaving dead behind. Once he was sure they are gone and wont come back, he picked up tractor, dropped his wife and 2 kids to safe location and drove 27km to nearest hospital, while holding his guts in his hands... That's Punjab Sikhs for u..

While growing up, at height of militancy, every school I went outside Punjab, because of misplaced fools like you with misplaced notions I was called a terrorist almost daily (was in 4th class) My patriotism never finished and never will, though I bashed many fools faces in, to drill some sense into them. I was always very successful...

So if you really want to appease Indian Sikhs... Then lets just flatten NaPak, to hell with world community and cowards. And stop belitting Sikhs with you misplaced comments. These vote bank politics done by Modi to sign passage, like earlier done by congress will only make nation bleed more and play into pak ISI hands. Period
On a different note, has anyone noticed that FM SMQ has been surprisingly inactive in the news for the past week or so? Interesting given the timing of events..(Azaadi March by maulana, the NS situation, situation on LOC getting hotter by the minute). Can't imagine a 10 man parade happening anywhere in Paxtan without the establishment nod, and maulana is supposedly gathering people in the lakhs.
On a different note, has anyone noticed that FM SMQ has been surprisingly inactive in the news for the past week or so? Interesting given the timing of events..(Azaadi March by maulana, the NS situation, situation on LOC getting hotter by the minute). Can't imagine a 10 man parade happening anywhere in Paxtan without the establishment nod, and maulana is supposedly gathering people in the lakhs.

ISI does not want Imran Khan to interfere in their work. This is only a trailer. The man Imran has appointed as ISI chief will dig Imran's own kabar in politics. Mark this post. Yes kisi k sagey nahi hotey for them only national interest matters. And their nation is away for interest due to Imran Khan's interference.
ISI does not want Imran Khan to interfere in their work. This is only a trailer. The man Imran has appointed as ISI chief will dig Imran's own kabar in politics. Mark this post. Yes kisi k sagey nahi hotey for them only national interest matters. And their nation is away for interest due to Imran Khan's interference.
How do you mark a post?
FYI... Sikhs have in past wars and in future remain the most furious fighters, who will die to protect India their motherland...

As for this Khalistani bulshit - facts remain of History, which ordinary Indians fail to grasp, post 1971 war, pak gave all Gurudwaras in Pak under direct ISI control, still under ISI. By the way most Pakistani citizens speak Punjabi and still do, it would not have been hard to learn gurimukhi script and mascurade them as sikhs.. Thereby started a organized process to take over all religious gurudwaras with there moles across the globe, including inside India. And use that as a base for starting Khalistani movement... Yet I challenge go to Punjab befriend and interview 100 random Sikhs for candid discussion, you will find all 100 be parotic to India and don't subscribe to Khalistan ideology

Let me state a true incident in height of militancy in Punjab of Rural Punjab - My cousin Mama Ji(moms cousin brother), used to live in a house surrounded by his fields, Khalastani fighters used to visit rural places with lots of foliage in night to take food and some money to continue cat and mouse game and be inactive in day, I suspect that's their modus operandi in J& K too. My mama ji refused to give them shelter and food to these 8-9 members, instead barricaded himself and wife and 2 kids. That was around 1 am in early morning. They decided to make mamaji family a example and started firing, mamaji also had a rifle and so the battle begin, where the game was to shoot from different windows (houses are big), make the bullets count and not let terrorists in from 3 possible entrances to house. When he was about to run out of bullets, he ran out with single bullet and killed one terrorist from close range in charge and got hit by Ak47 in his stomach, gathered the terrroist gun and ammo and ran back inside and continued fighting, by 5:30am with first light, he had killed 2 and injured 2, truce was called and they ran with there injured, leaving dead behind. Once he was sure they are gone and wont come back, he picked up tractor, dropped his wife and 2 kids to safe location and drove 27km to nearest hospital, while holding his guts in his hands... That's Punjab Sikhs for u..

While growing up, at height of militancy, every school I went outside Punjab, because of misplaced fools like you with misplaced notions I was called a terrorist almost daily (was in 4th class) My patriotism never finished and never will, though I bashed many fools faces in, to drill some sense into them. I was always very successful...

So if you really want to appease Indian Sikhs... Then lets just flatten NaPak, to hell with world community and cowards. And stop belitting Sikhs with you misplaced comments. These vote bank politics done by Modi to sign passage, like earlier done by congress will only make nation bleed more and play into pak ISI hands. Period
Really ashamed of those people who question patriotism of others especially Sikhs who have always been the first to face the onslaught of the invaders from the West. Hats off to your family members.
Really ashamed of those people who question patriotism of others especially Sikhs who have always been the first to face the onslaught of the invaders from the West. Hats off to your family members.

And if India continues to make foreign and military policies for digestion of internal politics such assaults and history will repeat. Even NSA dobhal mentioned that , that Indians are introvert. Modi ji is a leader he has to look after all but this Amit Shah is the guy who will not think twice before marching towards Lahore. The day he made the speech in Parliament saying ' jaan de denge POK key liye' that showed what he actually wants.
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