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A blockade is very high up on the escalation ladder. There's plenty of stuff that we still have to do before the navy comes into the picture with all guns blazing.
No need for blockade, Just our maritime strike platforms Jag IS and MKI's have long enough legs to deter any commercial traffic in the straits.
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No need for blockade, Just our maritime strike platforms Jag IS and MKI's have long enough legs to deter any commercial traffic in the straits.
No shipping company will risk their ships... India can carry out a patrol from Lohegaon base. Bonus point if India uses drones for keeping an eye on the seas. Double bonus points if India uses a solar powered drone to keep a close eye. India needs a 1500 KM combat radius planes for a High-High-High mission profile. MKI fits in nicely! AWACS support, Super Size Me! Yum!
China is no line in sand. Who do you think is right now the largest importer of oil in the world?

EU - 14 mbpd
China - 8.5
US - 8
India - 5

Regardless of volume, we need Indian financial institutions and insurance companies dealing in the global oil business. We are nowhere right now.
It is. Why do you think it is called Cold Start and speed is the main criteria?
The point behind CSD was to not allow your opponent to gather external support and shore up their defences from one border to another.

Both has already happened. There is not one bus left in Balochistan these days.

The main idea behind CSD is to punish Pakistan with a limited war that stays below the nuclear threshold. So it can even be implemented now, even after 2 weeks have passed.
No need for blockade, Just our maritime strike platforms Jag IS and MKI's have long enough legs to deter any commercial traffic in the straits.

No shipping company will risk their ships... India can carry out a patrol from Lohegaon base. Bonus point if India uses drones for keeping an eye on the seas. Double bonus points if India uses a solar powered drone to keep a close eye. India needs a 1500 KM combat radius planes for a High-High-High mission profile. MKI fits in nicely! AWACS support, Super Size Me! Yum!

That won't work. For a blockade you need the ability to identify ships. Fighter jets can't do that without significant assistance from surveillance aircraft.

And you need to be able to board ships also. We can't go around sinking ships left, right and centre. So you need physical presence on the water.
That won't work. For a blockade you need the ability to identify ships. Fighter jets can't do that without significant assistance from surveillance aircraft.

And you need to be able to board ships also. We can't go around sinking ships left, right and centre. So you need physical presence on the water.
You don't need to do that exactly.... Oil tankers are massive. If an oil tanker is moving towards Pakistan, just take it out. Or hit it with a massive warning shot if they don't heed your warning. A missile with no warhead. Or a glide weapon with no charge or fuse. If they still are adamant, take them out.
Rest, don't even bother.
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The main idea behind CSD is to punish Pakistan with a limited war that stays below the nuclear threshold. So it can even be implemented now, even after 2 weeks have passed.
Sorry to tell you, with the war preparedness they have right now, there will be no "Small Land War". That time has past. If we cross into Pakistan right now, you may see a over-zealous commander hitting our tank columns with Nasr.
You don't need to do that exactly.... Oil tankers are massive. If an oil tanker is moving towards Pakistan, just take it out. Or hit it with a massive warning shot if they don't heed your warning. If they still are adamant, take them out.
Rest, don't even bother.

The problem isn't taking a ship out, the problem is detecting and tracking a ship. For that you need destroyers, frigates, surveillance aircraft etc. Not a fighter jet. Without warships, the airspace will become contested quickly anyway.

And the traffic is too much for fighter jets to handle.

MarineTraffic: Global Ship Tracking Intelligence | AIS Marine Traffic

An MKI can track only 2 ships at a time, Jag may manage 4. Fighter jets are used for targeting, not search and destroy, which the P-8 can do. But the P-8 cannot operate in contested airspace. ACM Dhanoa had already said during Gagan Shakti that maritime strike cannot be done without the navy.

A CBG is the best means of establishing a blockade. You need to be able to control air, surface and sub-surface.
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The problem isn't taking a ship out, the problem is detecting and tracking a ship. For that you need destroyers, frigates, surveillance aircraft etc. Not a fighter jet. Without warships, the airspace will become contested quickly anyway.

And the traffic is too much for fighter jets to handle.

MarineTraffic: Global Ship Tracking Intelligence | AIS Marine Traffic

An MKI can track only 2 ships at a time, Jag may manage 4. Fighter jets are used for targeting, not search and destroy, which the P-8 can do. But the P-8 cannot operate in contested airspace. ACM Dhanoa had already said during Gagan Shakti that maritime strike cannot be done without the navy.

A CBG is the best means of establishing a blockade. You need to be able to control air, surface and sub-surface.
You don't want to hit every ship. You only want to hit oil tankers. Those are massive and they stand out.
And they are expensive. Damage to one oil tanker can be a massive loss of business to the company owning it. If you hit it, even without destroying it, no one will risk their tankers further.
Sorry to tell you, with the war preparedness they have right now, there will be no "Small Land War". That time has past. If we cross into Pakistan right now, you may see a over-zealous commander hitting our tank columns with Nasr.

Nasr is a bluff. Tac nukes won't work. You may have to use Pak's entire nuclear arsenal in order to annihilate just 1 IBG, let alone a division from the Pivot Corps.

The entry of Strike Corps in the war would mean a nuclear war, it's unlikely to reach that stage.

Anyway, CSD is not a small land war. In its current format, it will see combat between multiple divisions. The idea is to take territory and then defend that territory until PA gets tired. Using Lanchester's square law, you need a 3:1 superiority in order to succeed in an offensive operation. So if 4 of our divisions take Pak territory, then math says the Pakistanis need 12 divisions to dislodge the 4 Indian divisions. This is not counting reserve divisions reinforcing the first 4 divisions.

Pakistan has 23 fighting divisions, most of it is necessary for defence, they will need to use up a huge amount of offensive capability in order to dislodge the 4-8 Indian divisions. They likely do not have that capability. CSD is a pretty big deal.
You don't want to hit every ship. You only want to hit oil tankers. Those are massive and they stand out.
And they are expensive. Damage to one oil tanker can be a massive loss of business to the company owning it. If you hit it, even without destroying it, no one will risk their tankers further.

How will you find it?
Oh, got up at right time..

Border ia on fire ., Nag , Pinaka are getting used ?

Are they battle testing these weapons?

Netra before..
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