India says BBC documentary on India PM Modi is "propaganda"

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Guys kutte bhoke hazar hathi chale bazar

They will bark , they will cry , eventually they will go away with tail between their legs for next round of cuckolding from their Islamic brethren

Don't ignore. Show them their true standing in the world which is that of a 3rd rate power. In other words show them their aukaat.

I recall the MEA spokesman's interaction with the press last night where an Indian journalist representing an Indian news channel asked him the government's view on ex Foreign Secretary Jack Staw's comments based on "an internal investigation? "

The spokesman responded he wasn't privy to any such report nor was he aware of any such "investigation" asking her if any embassy can actually launch such investigations into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation while operating on their soil further asking, Whether Jack Staw saw himself as some sort of a viceroy or the British Embassy saw itself as the office of the viceroy to launch such investigations?
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Don't ignore. Show them their true standing in the world which is that of a 3rd rate power. In other words show them their aukaat.

I recall the MEA spokesman's interaction with the press last night where an Indian journalist representing an Indian news channel asked him the government's view on ex Foreign Secretary Jack Staw's comments based on "an internal investigation? "

The spokesman responded he wasn't privy to any such report nor was he aware of any such "investigation" asking her if any embassy can actually launch such investigations into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation while operating on their soil further asking, Whether Jack Staw saw himself as some sort of a viceroy or the British Embassy saw itself as the office of the viceroy to launch such investigations?

I was asking to ignore the idiot here, no point wasting time on him, unless you have fun taking him to cleaners

Anyways bbc don't realise the side effect , the side effect counters and outweighs the effect they intended , both short term and definitely in the long term , the people's narrative against british bitching corporation will only grow stronger , something which government can't even dream of achieving
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I was asking to ignore the idiot here, no point wasting time on dimwits

I got what you're saying. I'm saying - don't ignore. Expose the hypocrisy & lies that's now become standard fare for Paddy i.e what I term the Paddyfication of the Western media & it's audience.

Their coverage of the Ukrainian war is a good example of it. Just the other day saw a tweet with dodgy footage of the Ukrainians allegedly having shot down an Iskandar TBM with an Igla MANPAD. At last count it attracted 5000+ likes & ~3000 retweets. Confirms my theory

Anyways morons don't realise the side effect , the side effect actually counters the effect they intended 😉

Explains why they're a 3rd rate power & going down further to irrelevance.
Everyone came to the same conclusions about the train incident except Modi's court.
His royal highness still thinks their antiquated medieval feudal "Lord" system is still great.
India had a higher GDP than China in 1947 with only half as many people, now it has 1/6th the GDP with the same number.
Obviously that is bcos western countries invested in china for cheap labor and they are dependent on exports, come back after 20 years lets see if that argument still holds good. Unless china's internal consumption increases, its economy is still suspect to decline in long run when western companies pull out.
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His royal highness still thinks their antiquated medieval feudal "Lord" system is still great.
I don't see how that relates to the point made, but a fascinating opinion noetheless.
Obviously that is bcos western countries invested in china for cheap labor and they are dependent on exports, come back after 20 years lets see if that argument still holds good. Unless china's internal consumption increases, its economy is still suspect to decline in long run when western companies pull out.
IF that is the case, why did they invest in China and not India?
Guys kutte bhoke hazar hathi chale bazar

They will bark , they will cry , eventually they will go away with tail between their legs for their daily routine of cuckolding from their Islamic brathers

In hindsight, they think they are doing us , actually they are fu@king themselves
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about the Gujarat riots.
I don't see how that relates to the point made, but a fascinating opinion noetheless.
I suppose next time I will hire a lawyer to make your lordship understand how medieval courts work.
IF that is the case, why did they invest in China and not India?
India was not an open economy until 1990 , as matter of fact until 2000 most of the sectors were closed to foreign investment.
Seems you dont even know simple plain facts abt India. Probably distribution & consumption of bull & s*** images about India in western media makes you unable to digest simple facts.

The graph you posted displays this simple straight forward fact in a visual manner.
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You mean cuckolded UK has finally found it's non existent balls to sanction India . Why , more than being intimidated or annoyed I'm amazed at the new found bravado . Congratulations Paddy . This is so heartwarming. Hopefully the Iranians will take note too .

You know I think we should use a more intelligent solution here

a) BBC documentary is called 'low art' that will be forgotten in a short time
b) We should counter it with 'high art' that will last a lifetime

I recommend that we write an EPIC POEM in honor of Modiji to counter BBC propoganda!!!
I recommend that we write an EPIC POEM in honor of Modiji to counter BBC propoganda!!!
For that we need a Pontius Pilate, the Pharisees & a crowd of people baying for his blood. Except the last one, none of the former two are present, though the BBC is desperate to play the role of the Pharisees .

Ofc needless to say, 3 days after the event he resurrects. Wouldn't be such a wise move to crucify him just to mythologize him or immortalize him via an epic poem , in my opinion.
For that we need a Pontius Pilate, the Pharisees & a crowd of people baying for his blood. Except the last one, none of the former two are present, though the BBC is desperate to play the role of the Pharisees .

Ofc needless to say, 3 days after the event he resurrects. Wouldn't be such a wise move to crucify him just to mythologize him or immortalize him via an epic poem , in my opinion.

I know it's a friday night and stuff but get a hold on how much you're drinking man. You aren't making any sense.
I suppose next time I will hire a lawyer to make your lordship understand how medieval courts work.
It seems obvious.

The findings of the commission were called into question by a video recording released by Tehelka magazine, which showed Arvind Pandya, counsel for the Gujarat government, stating that the findings of the Shah-Nanavati commission would support the view presented by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as Shah was "their man" and Nanavati could be bribed.[54]
India was not an open economy until 1990 , as matter of fact until 2000 most of the sectors were closed to foreign investment.
Well there you go then. Decisions you made had a negative effect. Admitting this is the first step towards responsibility.
Seems you dont even know simple plain facts abt India. Probably distribution & consumption of bull & s*** images about India in western media makes you unable to digest simple facts.

The graph you posted displays this simple straight forward fact in a visual manner.
The graph displays the result of the aforementioned decision.
It seems obvious.

The journalist Rana Ayyub who covered the Gujarat riots & wrote many a colorful tale spicing it up to win accolades from the west & generous funds too apart from prizes.

She self published her book Gujarat Files which was dismissed in the following words .

Her self-published book, Gujarat Files, on the 2002 post-Godhra violence and alleged ‘encounter killings’ (lurid allegations that were never proved in a court of law) in Gujarat, and purportedly based on secretly recorded conversations whose tapes nobody has either seen or heard because she has refused to place them in the public domain, has mysteriously ‘sold’ a large number of copies. Who buys them is as much a mystery as the basis of her presumptions.

The Supreme Court, urged to treat Rana Ayyub’s book as ‘evidence’ in a case pertaining to the murder of Gujarat politician Haren Pandya, had said, “The book is of no utility. It is based upon surmises, conjectures, and suppositions and has no evidentiary value… The opinion of a person is not in the realm of the evidence.”

And using her newfound celebrity cum super victim status she managed to raise unaccounted funds in the name of donations to help the needy tide over economic crises during the COVID pandemic worth ~ 200 K USD for which she was duly charged & prohibited by the Enforcement Directorate from leaving the country which "Modi's Court" - the Supreme Court of India duly set aside.

Last heard she was vacationing in Chicago hosted by the Paddy's there ( literally not actually owing to their foolishness ) on a lecture tour presumably raking in the moolah peddling her fear mongering victimhood driven narrative . Sort of the kind of porn the west gets off to at the moment viz the Ukraine war but never quite got off to in a similar fashion during the Iraq or Afghanistan or Syrian or Libyan wars .

Well there you go then. Decisions you made had a negative effect. Admitting this is the first step towards responsibility.

You mean something like Brekshit ? Why Paddy , never thought I'd see such candour from you in my lifetime.

The graph displays the result of the aforementioned decision.


Opening Canta

'Inpiration to muse for writing Modiji '

Oh my Modi Thy Humanitarian Deeds
Inpire me to tell thy story while counting these beads
An ascetic I sit here mind elevated
From up above I narrate your tale of greatness belated

Oh thou scourge of the BBC and Ford Foundation and Pentecostal hordes
Thou protector of minorities with thy martial and brave sword
be not thou perturbed, you humane milk of kindness '
For thy MA in all political science brings attacks of great rudeness

Oh motherland rejoice, and modiji rejoice
for in our accounts will soon be 15 lakhs
After corrpt bank accounts had been axed
You know @_Anonymous_ I think we're approaching this the wrong way. We should think out of box and build our power of patrionage with BBC.

We should use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY to make them our allies.
So let's give BBC boss and Dcomentary producer India's highest award BHARAT RATNA, when he recicves award and in the presence of the magnetic presence of Modiji he will be moved to tears through Modiji's humanitarian approach and communal harmony, plus effective control of onion price in Nashik. He will then become friend of modiji and retract documentary. He will publicly accpet mistake and withdraw documentary. he might even make new documentary on why POK should be integrated with India.
You know @_Anonymous_ I think we're approaching this the wrong way. We should think out of box and build our power of patrionage with BBC.

We should use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY to make them our allies.
So let's give BBC boss and Dcomentary producer India's highest award BHARAT RATNA, when he recicves award and in the presence of the magnetic presence of Modiji he will be moved to tears through Modiji's humanitarian approach and communal harmony, plus effective control of onion price in Nashik. He will then become friend of modiji and retract documentary. He will publicly accpet mistake and withdraw documentary. he might even make new documentary on why POK should be integrated with India.
If tomm is Easter how come it isn't Holy Saturday today ?
Maybe India are right.... having seen what bastions of truth they've been on the Ukraine War and all. :rolleyes:
It's still called my sh!t is perfumed while yours reeks , Paddy. It's sad that at your age in spite of breaking things down to you by way of an explanation repeatedly you are unable to understand this.

Sigh !

But then this is you we're talking about.
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This BBC documentary is by no means an isolated incident. It's part of a tradition going back more than 2 centuries much after the Battles of Plassey & Buxar cemented British rule in India followed by their right to taxation of the Bangal Suba which included present day WB, most of BD, Bihar + Jk & Odisha. After Buxar those rights included Awadh as well which meant most of Central & Eastern UP.

The riches thus accrued is what fueled the industrial revolution in UK & in India as they would subsequently discover they had not only a rich source of raw materials but a market for their finished goods too.

This rapidly changed their attitudes from one of wonderment to disdain & thus crept in racism becoming entrenched in their thought & beliefs, becoming part of their educational curricula. It's from here you have the white man's burden, the McCauley plan to do away with all native systems of education & institutionalize the Western model of education based on a curricula they created which was designed in a manner to be in awe of Western achievements & to be ashamed of anything native as it was inferior which resulted in our enslavement.

All these neo Ambedkaridite movements, the Dravidian movement, McAuliffe Sikhs, separate electorates & preferential treatment for the Muslims stem from this thou process which was fine tuned over a period of 1 ¼ - 1 ½ centuries after which we gained our independence. As you may note we're still grappling with these very same problems a full 75 yrs after independence & partition.

Now this clip in question which I've shared is part of the same mindset where the interviewer - an American is literally demanding answers from a hapless Pt Nehru about Muslim representation in our government, civil services , the academia & the armed forces among other fields.

All this, after knowing the reasons for partition . But you would never see the same interviewer take to task the rulers in Pakistan where the native H&S were practically genocides from W Pakistan & in what was then East Pakistan now Bangladesh a series of ghastly riots from the partition riots downwards right up to the 1971 genocide where the vast majority of those killed & raped were Hindus to the present day where a population of ~ 20% + H in BD at the time of the 1951 census is now reporting > 8% H with a falling TFR & reports emanating from BD itself about the eventual disappearance of Hindus from BD by the end of this century. Compare that to the situation of Muslims in India today & do note at the time of the first census in 1951 they were > 10% of the population & if the census were held today they'd easily be 17-18% of the population.

Why is this clip important? For the sheer timing of it. This clip was recorded between 1962-64 for it shows Nehru in a very haggard state as a result of the stroke he suffered following the 1962 debacle. Around this time, India was veering towards the USSR as the US was fully backing Pakistan though things changed for a brief period during the 1962 war.

In the event for all the answers the American interviewer is demanding about representation of Muslims in various institutions in India, there was the Civil Rights Movement launched by Martin Luther King in the US to demand basic rights for the African American.

This is what institutionalized racism is all about.

I'd post more clips from different sources with this same theme of institutionalized racism, a feeling of superiority, colonial hangover etc which still pervades most of the UK which is why Paddy's casual racism isn't or shouldn't be surprising at all. It comes from a certain set mindset cultivated over generations & centuries. Part of it was responsible for Brexit too. 😁
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