India says BBC documentary on India PM Modi is "propaganda"

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Talk about it as much as you like, it's irrelevant and out-dated in the present day, just like Russia referencing Barbarossa (while also skipping over the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), or someone discussing say the British Empire (and skipping over the Chola Empire, Gupta Empire, Mauryan Empire...).
I can understand your frustration Paddy. India's going to pursue her own interests in the Ukraine war & will import plenty of oil for domestic consumption & export from Russia much to your your people's & your Government's exasperation & disgust & you can't do diddly squat except come up with these hit jobs a la BBC or you venting your frustration doing daily duty out here night & day on the Ukraine thread which has stopped inducing yawns & farts among all readers out here .

But this impotence is a sight to behold. Barely 80 yrs after letting go of the Empire & UK's slow slide into being the back waters of Europe that it was for most of it's history has begun & accelerated since the past 5-7 yrs. And you've the world's fastest growing most popular religion to keep you company already at ~5% of the population.

You must continue in the same vein. After all its a question of your convictions. The same set of convictions which prevent you - the descendant of Irish collaborators from seeing the Irish war of Independence as a just war , but as a rebellion against the crown which no doubt your grand & great grand pappies did their best to put down for which they were duly rewarded by the government of the day with citizenship & perhaps property in the mainland proper since staying back in Ireland would mean your grand & great grand pappies being strung by their necks from the nearest lamp posts.
It was an error on Govt’s part to block your two bit clown show about to be ripped apart by Indian media because it ,because of these fake and imbecile allegations, made Modi a PM.
There was another leader who had brief success by saying everything was fake news.
All your negative sources are Indian but somehow we fear that Jurassic era BBC quoting the same. These 15 year old articles are live, on Indian website and accessible by Google but Indian govt is hiding the truth 😂
Yep, the sources are Indian, and they somehow arrive at the same conclusion as the documentary being discussed. Funny that.
GoI blocked BBC because they want you to know how much you matter, not because they fear your narrative. They will unblock you and shred you into pieces when they think most mileage can be taken.
Couldn't care either way. Why would I? It's about as meaningful as Russia blocking it these days. In fact you join a very distinguished list of regimes to ban the BBC:

Putin's Russia
North Korea
former apartheid regime of South Africa
Mugabe's Zimbabwe

Here’s a glimpse of what to expect from our dissection of BBC

Opinions, opinions.

I remember when that a bombing occurred following a concert by Ariana Grande by accident.

Also when UK went to Iraq war by mistake advice by the same guy on the documentary.

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There was another leader who had brief success by saying everything was fake news.

Yep, the sources are Indian, and they somehow arrive at the same conclusion as the documentary being discussed. Funny that.

Couldn't care either way. Why would I? It's about as meaningful as Russia blocking it these days. In fact you join a very distinguished list of regimes to ban the BBC:

Putin's Russia
North Korea
former apartheid regime of South Africa
Mugabe's Zimbabwe

Opinions, opinions.

ppl who watch bbc.

Sheep Farm GIF by TLC
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You know @_Anonymous_ I think we're approaching this the wrong way. We should think out of box and build our power of patrionage with BBC.

We should use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY to make them our allies.
So let's give BBC boss and Dcomentary producer India's highest award BHARAT RATNA, when he recicves award and in the presence of the magnetic presence of Modiji he will be moved to tears through Modiji's humanitarian approach and communal harmony, plus effective control of onion price in Nashik. He will then become friend of modiji and retract documentary. He will publicly accpet mistake and withdraw documentary. he might even make new documentary on why POK should be integrated with India.

India should award BBC (and get the acronym wrong first) some bad-award for aiding in killing more muslims (Blair admin GW2 et al) than the CCP has in Turkestan.

This is just whats happened in 21st century.

You deal with oligarch snob white people in short effective way that gets their leftie SJW hordes to start eating away at even more from these BBC savile pedophile protectors feel their ivory tower start getting a bit shakey than it already is.
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If they removed Saddam in 1991, nobody would even ask why, and that was the only mistake.
The Kim family has been in power since 1950 . Why doesn't UK get them out ? Then there's the case of Robert Mugabe . He ruled & poked his finger in your collective eyes ( which you didn't like ) & up your collective a r s e ( which you loved ) since 1980 up until a few yrs ago. You tried your level best to get him out including co opting the African states to do your bidding. None obliged .

Finally there's the mullahs in Iran violating you since 1979. Of late given your supreme impotence they're boarding your ships as if it's their own personal property , something you used to do less than a century ago . Yet how do you respond . You suck your collective thumbs . Plenty more examples I can come up with since you've belatedly discovered your masculinity.
It's merely a reflection of how the West is portrayed in Indian media.

How do you expect it to be portrayed when a train catches fire by accident and people respond by killing 2,000 people and the Indian government appear complicit?

This was in 2002 as well - this century.
I think people got suspicious when the doors were jammed shut from the outside by accident too.

It was the accidental coincidence of the fire starting by accident, the doors being jammed shut by accident and a group of innocent Muslims carrying weapons and kerosene who accidentally happened to be on the scene.
This is the link to the full press conference quoted by Western media. Note that the MEA didn't go out of their way to release an official statement regarding this documentary as Western sources would have us believe. This statement was in response to questions asked by Indian journalists.

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Talk about it as much as you like, it's irrelevant and out-dated in the present day, just like Russia referencing Barbarossa (while also skipping over the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), or someone discussing say the British Empire (and skipping over the Chola Empire, Gupta Empire, Mauryan Empire...).
Dont know what Russians are doing and dont even care.Indian Empire didnt suck the life out of the Ganges and put it in the Thames.
They are our ancestors that contributed for our great civilization.
Irrelevant only in UK .But for those poor folks in Africa and Asia it is still much relevant .There is historical record also there.
We also knows the US hand in this drama.
Our diplomacy ensures that there wont be any permanent friends or foes.
Dont know what Russians are doing and dont even care.Indian Empire didnt suck the life out of the Ganges and put it in the Thames.
They are our ancestors that contributed for our great civilization.
While also stealing and enslaving other civilisations.

The Cholas are known to have benefitted from both piracy and foreign trade.
Irrelevant only in UK .But for those poor folks in Africa and Asia it is still much relevant .There is historical record also there.
None of them were alive at the time. It's like people in Southern Europe complaining about the Persians, or Britain complaining about the Vikings.
We also knows the US hand in this drama.
Our diplomacy ensures that there wont be any permanent friends or foes.
It ensures you're dependent on Russia for energy and military. Hardly freedom.
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I think people got suspicious when the doors were jammed shut from the outside by accident too.

It was the accidental coincidence of the fire starting by accident, the doors being jammed shut by accident and a group of innocent Muslims carrying weapons and kerosene who accidentally happened to be on the scene.
That's not what other reports found.

However the actual cause of the fire is disputed.[14] In 2003, The Concerned Citizens Tribunal (CCT) concluded that the fire had been an accident.[22][23][24] Several other independent commentators have also concluded that the fire itself was almost certainly an accident, saying that the initial cause of the conflagration has never been conclusively determined.[25][26] Historian Ainslie Thomas Embree stated that the official story of the attack on the train (that it was organized and carried out by people under orders from Pakistan) was entirely baseless.[27] Scholar Martha Nussbaum has also challenged this narrative, stating that several inquiries have found that the conflagration was the result of an accident rather than a planned conspiracy.[28]
If the doors were jammed shut, how come only 59 of 1,700 passengers died?

And regardless, it would not excuse government collusion in pogrom retributions that followed.

The last census says 126m.

If you really have a PhD, you should know better than to extrapolate such data. If someone had extrapolated the same way in 1990, they would have predicted a population of 200m by 2110. The 2017 projection is already higher than the 2012 projection for instance.
The last census says 126m.

If you really have a PhD, you should know better than to extrapolate such data. If someone had extrapolated the same way in 1990, they would have predicted a population of 200m by 2110. The 2017 projection is already higher than the 2012 projection for instance.

No one's having kids, so the graph is underestimating the problem.

These young men are becoming known as Japan's "herbivores" — from the Japanese phrase for "grass-eating boys" — guys who are heterosexual but who say they aren't really interested in matters of the flesh.

Multiple recent surveys suggest that about 60 percent of young Japanese men — in their 20s and early 30s — identify themselves as herbivores.

Japan lost its freedom after WW2 and this is the effect. After the initial explosive growth in GDP, the US managed to put the Japanese in check, post which the societal rules changed so much with the drastic change in their economy that the Japanese people were demoralised and lost interest. In China as well, the people lack a different kind of freedom, so it's happening in China too.

Frustrated by increasingly iron-fisted government policies during the Covid lockdowns, young Chinese people have adopted an apathetic “lying flat” philosophy, which encourages a rejection of high-pressure jobs. In their 20s and 30s, many resist doing what is expected of them and instead settle for a low-desire life or move abroad. Having children is the last thing on their minds.

Last year, a video went viral in China showing a young man who refused to be taken into a quarantine camp being warned by police that his punishment would affect his family for three generations. He coolly retorted: “We are the last generation, thank you.”

Hong Kong:
Studies in Japan estimate that this class of men, normally in their 20s and 30s, account for around 60 per cent to 70 per cent of the male population. Obviously, their reluctance to procreate is a major cause for concern. Japan has had one of lowest birth rates in the world for nearly a decade now.

Now Hong Kong appears to be following in Japan’s footsteps.

“These herbivore men don’t connect with others, they don’t establish their own families or have children and don’t really contribute anything meaningful to society, either tangibly or intangibly,” says Wong. “They are like parasites who often live with their parents. So you can imagine how it’s going to affect society in the long run, socially and economically.”

It's the overall feminisation of men. It's happening in the US as well, even the UK.

The U.S. birth rate has fallen by 20% since 2007. This decline cannot be explained by demographic, economic, or policy changes.

In Japan, the US crushed their economy in the 90s. In China, the CCP demoralised their people, the same in Hong Kong. In the US, the Democrats' woke agenda has destroyed the family unit, women are now becoming more masculine than men and men want nothing to do with such women.

For things to change back, the current generation must grow old and die out simply 'cause you can't reprogram them. Of course, they will influence the next generation as well, so even their kids need to grow old and die. It's a three-step process, 2 generations dying out and the third coming to power.

Post-colonial India is still in this process. People who were colonised are out of the economy mostly and are dying out now, their kids who are in power today are next in line over the next 20 years. Then a new non-colonised generation will come to power and things will get better, the mindset will change. So we are in the process of entering the third stage, where we will have a massive population of hyper-assertive young people, who are in their 30s and 40s today, making important decisions in 20 years, along with the financial and military muscle to back their assertiveness, and none of them will have any major aftereffects of the colonial era.

Otoh, the advanced economies will see a major decline, starting with Japan, in the same period. Japan's going down first because they lost their freedom. Of course, India will also see this decline, unless society adapts to it by observing the mistakes of others.

I'm not envious of Japan, because I know that India has a far stronger foundation than today's advanced economies that have not had sufficient time to develop said foundations of society, especially the US with their short history, something that has taken India 5000 years. And personally, my life is pretty good, and it will be the same whether I live in the US, Japan or India. I have access to the same opportunities that a regular American or Japanese guy has.
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While also stealing and enslaving other civilisations.

Ok. It's education time. For people wondering how did Paddy here escape such a fate . Simple. He's a descendant of people who were collaborators of the British complicit in the enslavement of his own people which is why he's taken it upon himself to defend the British pimping industry all around the world also known as the British Empire.

None of them were alive at the time. It's like people Southern Europe complaining about the Persians, or Britain complaining about the Vikings.

As per Paddy logic , the distance of time mitigates the effects of it's evil . Yet that doesn't prevent Paddy from bringing up the Cholas (who were essentially Tamils just one of the many ethnicities populating India who're effectively anywhere between 60-80 million of India's population of 1.35 billion today ) who did what Paddy claims what they did more than a millenium back .

Don't ask me why he resorts to such logic. I've already termed it the Paddyfication of the west , such has been the dumbing down of the entire discourse out there in the past decade manifested most clearly in the propoganda masquerading as news in the on going Ukraine war .
It ensures you're dependent on Russia for energy and military. Hardly freedom.

I suppose the Gulf oil supply has collapsed according to Paddy logic or India has been blacklisted for exports of such commodities by the Gulf or in one year the Indian sub continent has drifted towards the Arctic in Europe which makes us totally dependent on Russian oil . Pls stay tuned it for more Paddyisms - gems of wisdom from the pen of Paddy out here .
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While also stealing and enslaving other civilisations.

None of them were alive at the time. It's like people in Southern Europe complaining about the Persians, or Britain complaining about the Vikings.

It ensures you're dependent on Russia for energy and military. Hardly freedom.
Still it was a better relation.All those ancient big structures in SE Asia ,we had contributed a lot.
Even Mughals that was brutal did well in economic sector .They didnt looted from here to ship it in to some foreign nation.
But Brits was really concentrated on looting.
That too in industrial scale.Your own academic estimates that is around 45trillion$.
Since Hitler melted the London and UK that looting wasnt enough to keep the UK afloat.Then there attention turn to Shah Iran along with US.

Russia gave us discount and it is really profitable to us .
If you give more discount than them we will buy you .wanna try?
Apparently its other way around my Irish friend.

Thy name Hypocrisy.😀
This is how our Western European friend helps their Eastern European brother Ukraine.
Dont worry your dopple ganger US is on top.
Freedom is very expensive

Russians not only give us weapons but full ToT .That help us to upgrade their average electronics .TBH we want to delink Russian weaponry from our inventory.We hope we will reach there in a decade.
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