India says BBC documentary on India PM Modi is "propaganda"

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And given that an argument had broken out, even if it was arson, it was clearly not a 'pre-planned conspiracy,' so I'm afraid the official conclusions were BS designed to provide a pretext/excuse for the interracial massacre than then ensued.

This is like saying 9/11 was also an accident or inside job under uncertain circumstances and resulting War on Terror was used to invade and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims. There are articles that support that too.

Maybe India are right.... having seen what bastions of truth they've been on the Ukraine War and all. :rolleyes:

Then say your heartburn outright, why resorting to fake documentary lowering BBC credibility even further from whatever is left.

And how are you more pious than thou if you are resorting to same goebbels tactics ?
This is like saying 9/11 was also an accident or inside job under uncertain circumstances and resulting War on Terror was used to invade and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims. There are articles that support that too.
It was an accident that planes flew into both WTC towers and the Pentagon?

Inside job for what purpose? A pretext to invade a complete and utter sh1thole that doesn't even have anything worth stealing?
Then say your heartburn outright, why resorting to fake documentary lowering BBC credibility even further from whatever is left.

And how are you more pious than thou if you are resorting to same goebbels tactics ?
In 2003, The Concerned Citizens Tribunal (CCT)[Note 1] concluded that the fire had been an accident.[43][44][45] Several other independent commentators have also concluded that the fire itself was almost certainly an accident, saying that the initial cause of the conflagration has never been conclusively determined.[46][47] Historian Ainslie Thomas Embree stated that the official story of the attack on the train (that it was organized and carried out by people under orders from Pakistan) was entirely baseless.[48]

The Union government led by the Indian National Congress party in 2005 also set up a committee to probe the incident, headed up by retired Supreme Court judge Umesh Chandra Banerjee. The committee concluded that the fire had begun inside the train and was most likely accidental.[49]
Many scholars and commentators have accused the state government of being complicit in the attacks, either in failing to exert any effort to quell the violence or for actively planning and executing the attacks themselves. The United States Department of State ultimately banned Narendra Modi from travelling to the United States due to his alleged role in the attacks.[107] These allegations center around several ideas. First, the state did little to quell the violence, with attacks continuing well through the Spring. The historian Gyanendra Pandey described these attacks as state terrorism, saying that they were not riots but "organized political massacres."[3] According to Paul Brass the only conclusion from the evidence which is available points to a methodical Anti-Muslim pogrom which was carried out with exceptional brutality coordination.[27]
The media has described the attacks as state terrorism rather than "communal riots" due to the lack of state intervention.[1] Many politicians downplayed the incidents, claiming that the situation was under control. One minister who spoke with stated that though the circumstances were tense in Baroda and Ahmedabad, the situation was under control, and that the police who had been deployed were enough to prevent any violence. The deputy superintendent of police stated that the Rapid Action Force had been deployed to sensitive areas in Godhra. Gordhan Zadafia, the Minister of State for Home, stated that he believed there would be no retaliation from the Hindu community.[69][70] Once troops were airlifted in on 1 March, Modi stated that the violence was no longer as intense as it had been and that it would soon be brought under control.[19] The violence continued for 3 months with no intervention from the federal government until May.[73] Local and state-level politicians were seen leading violent mobs, restraining the police and arranging the distribution of weapons, leading investigative reports to conclude that the violence was "engineered and launched."[9]
I remember when that a bombing occurred following a concert by Ariana Grande by accident.

Also when UK went to Iraq war by mistake advice by the same guy on the documentary.

The reason provided was BS certainly, the actual reason was not BS and was still valid under Resolution 678. Saddam should have gone in 1991, that was the greatest mistake of the last 35 years.
Even more time than it took to destroy it.
How long does it take exactly?


Inside job for what purpose? A pretext to invade a complete and utter sh1thole that doesn't even have anything worth stealing?
Somehow Britain has this fascination for shitholes . How else does one explain their annexation of Ireland for 8 centuries ? Then there's Afghanistan where after being bummed thrice in 3 Anglo Afghan wars right thru 1820-1920 , you return 80 yrs later .

For what joy ? To get bummed again ? What's this macabre fascination with being bummed by barbarians in shitholes , Paddy ? Ofc in your case i.e Ireland , it's different. They subjected you to bumming . Lots of it . Over 8 centuries too .
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What about the Marshall Plan in Europe & US funds to rebuild post war Japan ? You pop & people contributed to rebuild India I suppose . Where exactly do you think you're arguing your case ? With your clansmen in your neighborhood pub ?

After World War II, the United States also understood the strategic importance of using foreign assistance and other tools to aid and rebuild post-war Japan. Between 1946 and 1952, Washington invested $2.2 billion — or $18 billion in real 21st-century dollars adjusted for inflation — in Japan’s reconstruction effort.

It was an accident that planes flew into both WTC towers and the Pentagon?

Inside job for what purpose? A pretext to invade a complete and utter sh1thole that doesn't even have anything worth stealing?

2002 Gujarat riots - Wikipedia

The reason provided was BS certainly, the actual reason was not BS and was still valid under Resolution 678. Saddam should have gone in 1991, that was the greatest mistake of the last 35 years.

By same logic that fire tenders path was obstructed trying to reach burning coach. This was second accident in short span that day, just like second plane. I can also post dozens of links and even court judgement that will outdo your so called experts having political affiliation.

But I will not because we are not interested for your highness approval and pat on the back. Those days are long gone. We will do whatever in our interest regarding war in Ukraine. We are not inclined for role of vassal state.

Interesting discussion on the role of Maj Brown of the Gilgit Scouts who mutineed against the Maharaja's rule hence British rule , went over to the Pakistani side & annexed Gilgit Baltistan for Pakistan. If this was an act of mutiny which it was , how come he was awarded the OBE shortly ? He was also decorated by the Govt of Pakistan.

To make matters worse on Mountbatten's advice our no good Chacha approaches the UN. He got played like a fockin guitar by Mountbatten & the Brits did Chacha . Whenever it came to serious military conflict I think Chacha frequently used to soil his pants at the very thought of conflict be it Operation Polo , the first war over Kashmir or 1962. This is how we've been ill served by leaders who'd honestly make Chamberlain look like Churchill if both Gandhi & Nehru were sent to negotiate with Hitler .

Absolutely pathetic state of affairs.
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It's merely a reflection of how the West is portrayed in Indian media.

How do you expect it to be portrayed when a train catches fire by accident and people respond by killing 2,000 people and the Indian government appear complicit?

This was in 2002 as well - this century.
This is 21st century .Media can be seen everywhere.Had it been US or any other western nation ,our response could be limited.

But UK is noone to preach India.None of us wont forgive or forget what British did to our ancestors.Even if you appoint Sunak or any other clowns on top as PM of UK .
There is a lot of historic incidents happened in India where Brits would force to keep their head down including Jalian Wala Bagh.

Todays rival can be tomorrows friend and todays friend can be tomorrows rival.That is our diplomacy.
They gave up their freedom for that.





The consequence:
Elon Musk's tweets.:ROFLMAO: Quotes a Westerner to show that the West is bad.:ROFLMAO:

Have you ever considered that the success of a nation isn't solely defined by population? Is it even environmentally sound to continue increasing the global population? And at 330/sqkm I'd say they're populated enough.
Don't ignore. Show them their true standing in the world which is that of a 3rd rate power. In other words show them their aukaat.

I recall the MEA spokesman's interaction with the press last night where an Indian journalist representing an Indian news channel asked him the government's view on ex Foreign Secretary Jack Staw's comments based on "an internal investigation? "

The spokesman responded he wasn't privy to any such report nor was he aware of any such "investigation" asking her if any embassy can actually launch such investigations into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation while operating on their soil further asking, Whether Jack Staw saw himself as some sort of a viceroy or the British Embassy saw itself as the office of the viceroy to launch such investigations?

Dont know what was exactly BBC were thinking when they circulated this woke propoganda.
Targeting PM Modi will only backfire on the face of British and that too the illegal investigation they made.
The man created his empire through both positive and negative publicity .Now entire social media world will fill with 'courageous' activities of the British Empire.

This why sometimes I think China must be there even though they are our rival.They knows how to deal this kind of people.
Until we consolidate our absolute strength they must be there as a cover.
By same logic that fire tenders path was obstructed trying to reach burning coach. This was second accident in short span that day, just like second plane. I can also post dozens of links and even court judgement that will outdo your so called experts having political affiliation.
Everything is always blocked in India, that's hardly surprising.

The events in Gujarat were the first instance of communal violence in India in the age of 24-hour news coverage and were televised worldwide. This coverage played a central role in the politics of the situation. Media coverage was generally critical of the Hindu right; however, the BJP portrayed the coverage as an assault on the honor of Gujaratis and turned the hostility into an emotive part of their electoral campaign.[102][103] With the violence receding in April, a peace meeting was arranged at Sabarmati Ashram, a former home of Mahatma Gandhi. Hindutva supporters and police officers attacked almost a dozen journalists. The state government banned television news channels critical of the government's response, and local stations were blocked. Two reporters working for STAR News were assaulted several times while covering the violence. On a return trip from having interviewed Modi when their car was surrounded by a crowd, one of the crowd claimed that they would be killed should they be a member of a minority community.

But I will not because we are not interested for your highness approval and pat on the back. Those days are long gone. We will do whatever in our interest regarding war in Ukraine. We are not inclined for role of vassal state.

'Your highness' was just acting in her interest in them days too.
Everything is always blocked in India, that's hardly surprising.

'Your highness' was just acting in her interest in them days too.
You mean like these incidents , Paddy ?

Dont know what was exactly BBC were thinking when they circulated this woke propoganda.
Targeting PM Modi will only backfire on the face of British and that too the illegal investigation they made.
The man created his empire through both positive and negative publicity .Now entire social media world will fill with 'courageous' activities of the British Empire.
Talk about it as much as you like, it's irrelevant and out-dated in the present day, just like Russia referencing Barbarossa (while also skipping over the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), or someone discussing say the British Empire (and skipping over the Chola Empire, Gupta Empire, Mauryan Empire...).
Everything is always blocked in India, that's hardly surprising.

'Your highness' was just acting in her interest in them days too.

It was an error on Govt’s part to block your two bit clown show about to be ripped apart by Indian media because it ,because of these fake and imbecile allegations, made Modi a PM.

All your negative sources are Indian but somehow we fear that Jurassic era BBC quoting the same. These 15 year old articles are live, on Indian website and accessible by Google but Indian govt is hiding the truth 😂

GoI blocked BBC because they want you to know how much you matter, not because they fear your narrative. They will unblock you and shred you into pieces when they think most mileage can be taken.

Here’s a glimpse of what to expect from our dissection of BBC

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