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You're welcome to try. Let's see if the hunter succeeds in getting his prey or the hunter becomes the hunted.

Usually you enter such existential wars with the best of alliances possible . As it is with your choice of friends being what it is with the likes of Pakistan & DPRK or even Iran , it's worse than the kind of alliances Germany entered WW-2 with .

Another point. With the kind of powers Emperor Xi has accumulated within himself & his clique he'd antagonised a lot of factions within the CCP which in turn means a loss or stalemate for him can have serious consequences for himself as there'd be a lot of knives out for him.

In fact I'd go so far as to say it's time for Zhongguo to enact the opening lines of The Romance of The Three Kingdoms once more - "A kingdom long divided must unite & long united must divide ." You've been united for far too long. From the time of the Qing barbarian rule. It's been more than 4 centuries now. Time for you to divide.

All the best to you . You definitely need it.
You are right, but it seems to apply more to India and we wouldn't mind restoring India to its pre-British status when, in British terms, India was just a geographical concept. Modi's stupid Hindu nationalist policies will destroy the very foundation of India, which is home to over 100 million Muslims alone.
You are right, but it seems to apply more to India and we wouldn't mind restoring India to its pre-British status when, in British terms, India was just a geographical concept. Modi's stupid Hindu nationalist policies will destroy the very foundation of India, which is home to over 100 million Muslims alone.
We didn't have any Romance of 3 Kingdoms. What we're instead aiming for is an equally popular historical novel where the only reason UK is remembered in say 5 centuries from now apart from subjecting you to a century of humiliation after the opium wars is for turning the cultural social & religious unity that various kingdoms of India enjoyed in the past like ancient Greece into political unity for which the defeat & dismemberment of China is a must , for India to grow & thrive.

The best part is you'd yourself be responsible for ensuring the opening lines of The Romance of The 3 Kingdoms come true . All other external forces would merely be responding to the stimuli you've created . In other words you'd be precipitating issues for which you'd end up paying the ultimate price.

The Muslims here number 250 million not 100 million . We know how to take care of them one way or another. You worry about the 200 hundred years of humiliation & taking over Taiwan.
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Oh, of course, the Indian govenment is not stupid enough to have subjectively declared that he would use nuclear weapons if there was a war with Pakistan, however, are you not engaging in nuclear blackmail by declaring that if there is a war with Pakistan, the war will be nuclear?
If it's a 2 front war & they attack us what do you suppose we do ? Follow Confucius or Zhuge Liang. Are you as stupid as you sound or even more stupid ?

Such is the Sophism of the Indians that if they had devoted 1% of their Sophism to serious aircraft development, they would not still be producing a scale-down version of the Mirage 2000For example, Taiwan's FCK-1 fighter is also more advanced and well-designed than india, and they produced 120 of them at a breakneck pace in the 1990s
Look who's talking ! The Pioneer of reverse engineering & stealing. Why aren't Chinese SSNs & SSBNs built in the numbers like they churn out J-20s & J-16s. Simple. They couldn't steal Russian or American designs. That's the reason.

By Mao teaching you Han a lesson like we've done so for 2000 years beginning with Buddhism will be a pleasure indeed & long in the making too.
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We didn't have any Romance of 3 Kingdoms. What we're instead aiming for is an equally popular historical novel where the only reason UK is remembered in say 5 centuries from now apart from subjecting you to a century of humiliation after the opium wars is for turning the cultural social & religious unity that various kingdoms of India enjoyed in the past like ancient Greece into political unity for which the defeat & dismemberment of China is a must , for India to grow & thrive.

The best part is you'd yourself be responsible for ensuring the opening lines of The Romance of The 3 Kingdoms come true . All other external forces would merely be responding to the stimuli you've created . In other words you'd be precipitating issues for which you'd end up paying the ultimate price.

The Muslims here number 250 million not 100 million . We know how to take care of them one way or another. You worry about the 200 hundred years of humiliation & taking over Taiwan.
Finally understand why you chose this profile picture, a kind of rabid Indian nationalism, which reminds me of the Turkish Turkists I saw this morning, they want to unify all the lands from Istanbul to Kazakhstan. You're more delusional than them

I read a Western study the other day suggesting that ethnic conflict has risen rapidly in India since Modi came to power in 2014,I don't know what this will eventually turn into, maybe the next racial hatred and massacre, but it will only lead India into the abyss in the end
Finally understand why you chose this profile picture, a kind of rabid Indian nationalism, which reminds me of the Turkish Turkists I saw this morning, they want to unify all the lands from Istanbul to Kazakhstan. You're more delusional than them

Really now ? I'm delusional whereas your lot wants not only Taiwan but those parts of Manchuria Qing China ceded to Russia , all of Mongolia & of course parts of India apart from the 9 dash line you've drawn on the sea.

It reminds me of what an Indonesian general had to say to Chinese claims over the Natuna Sea & neighbouring islands there. When asked for the basis of such claims the CCP promptly pointed out to Zheng He's voyage there during the Ming Dynasty to which the Indonesian general retorted in that case Indonesia had a claim not only over all China but the entire world.

When asked how come , the Indonesian general pointed out that Mount Krakatoa an active volcano erupted in one of its fiercest eruptions ever in the 18th century & the ash from that eruption spread to all 4 corners of the world. Legend has it the CCP has yet to respond to the Indonesian general.
I read a Western study the other day suggesting that ethnic conflict has risen rapidly in India since Modi came to power in 2014,I don't know what this will eventually turn into, maybe the next racial hatred and massacre, but it will only lead India into the abyss in the end
May be you can quote the same western sources on the state of the Chinese economy , the dissatisfaction within the CCP , the restlessness within the people over the real estate collapse , massive corruption within the PLA and on & on ...
It reminds me of what an Indonesian general had to say to Chinese claims over the Natuna Sea & neighbouring islands there. When asked for the basis of such claims the CCP promptly pointed out to Zheng He's voyage there during the Ming Dynasty to which the Indonesian general retorted in that case Indonesia had a claim not only over all China but the entire world
I don't know where you heard this news, first of all, this news is absolutely wrong, all official Chinese claims about the South China Sea are based on the Postan Proclamation and the Cairo Declaration, in other words, China's ownership of the South China Sea is part of the post-World War II international order.
May be you can quote the same western sources on the state of the Chinese economy , the dissatisfaction within the CCP , the restlessness within the people over the real estate collapse , massive corruption within the PLA and on & on ..
Therefore, I will verify through India's own media and social forums that it is Modi who has strictly controlled the news of ethnic conflicts. Some time ago, the fierce ethnic conflicts in the northeastern states of India could not find detailed information in the Indian media
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I don't know where you heard this news, first of all, this news is absolutely wrong, all official Chinese claims about the South China Sea are based on the Postan Proclamation and the Cairo Declaration, in other words, China's ownership of the South China Sea is part of the post-World War II international order.
Didn't you just claim I'm delusional ? Has that Potsdam Proclamation or the Cairo Declaration been endorsed by all affected parties & here I don't mean by the CCP exclusively but all those nations affected by the 9 dash line . If yes , what's the dispute all about ?
Therefore, I will verify through India's own media and social forums that it is Modi who has strictly controlled the news of ethnic conflicts. Some time ago, the fierce ethnic conflicts in the northeastern states of India could not find detailed information in the Indian media
Just because you're in jail called Zhongguo guarded by your masters the CCP do you think it's the same everywhere around the world ? All news about Manipur is available on the net including disinformation spread by the west China & within India. Go to the internet & confirm it. If Chinese had the kind of freedom India had there'd be no CCP there to begin with. That's where your problems begin & end.
Didn't you just claim I'm delusional ? Has that Potsdam Proclamation or the Cairo Declaration been endorsed by all affected parties & here I don't mean by the CCP exclusively but all those nations affected by the 9 dash line . If yes , what's the dispute all about ?
Oh, sorry, I forgot this, whether it is India or Southeast Asian countries, they were all colonies of Britain or the United States, France, etc., and should negotiate with their own masters,
Just because you're in jail called Zhongguo guarded by your masters the CCP do you think it's the same everywhere around the world ? All news about Manipur is available on the net including disinformation spread by the west China & within India. Go to the internet & confirm it. If Chinese had the kind of freedom India had there'd be no CCP there to begin with. That's where your problems begin & end.
Oh, my God, don't you have any shame? Are there no news controls on Kashmir and the northeastern states, about ethnic conflicts? Do you think other countries are as stupid as you are? I can definitely say that India's ethnic conflict was a big reason for Modi's defeat in this election.
Oh, sorry, I forgot this, whether it is India or Southeast Asian countries, they were all colonies of Britain or the United States, France, etc., and should negotiate with their own masters,

Usually happens when you're here to spread misinformation & MSS propaganda.
Oh, my God, don't you have any shame? Are there no news controls on Kashmir and the northeastern states, but ethnic conflicts? Do you think other countries are as stupid as you are? I can definitely say that India's ethnic conflict program was a big reason for Modi's defeat in this election.
Why don't you do yourself a favour Wumao & check out on your VPN what's happening in Kashmir & the north east ? Besides what were we arguing about ? The fact that there're conflicts there or that the information on the same is banned due to internet shut down. Go scroll above & check.

Another piece of advice use Google translate , it's much better than Baidu translate because it's not been developed by the Chinese.

Finally we've just concluded elections in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Do you know what are elections ? Have you elected anybody in your life ? Have your parents done so ? Have your grand parents done so ?

If not you're a bunch of slaves which you are & the CCP are your masters , the same CCP which unleashed those grand purges on you , forced the collectivization of farms , subjected you to the 5 pests campaign , the great leap forward , the cultural revolution & all manner of depredations which only a bunch of slaves will put up with & has only now brought you economic prosperity which by the looks of it they're undermining once again .
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Usually happens when you're here to spread misinformation & MSS propaganda.

Why don't you do yourself a favour Wumao & check out on your VPN what's happening in Kashmir & the north east ? Besides what were we arguing about ? The fact that there're conflicts there or that the information on the same is banned due to internet shut down. Go scroll above & check.

Another piece of advice use Google translate , it's much better than Baidu translate because it's not been developed by the Chinese.

Finally we've just concluded elections in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Do you know what are elections ? Have you elected anybody in your life ? Have your parents done so ? Have your grand parents done so ?

If not you're a bunch of slaves which you are & the CCP are your masters , the same CCP which unleashed those grand purges on you , forced the collectivization of farms , subjected you to the 5 pests campaign , the great leap forward , the cultural revolution & all manner of depredations which only a bunch of slaves will put up with & has only now brought you economic prosperity which by the looks of it they're undermining once again .
You really don't know what's going on in northeast India, information cocoon.
You really don't know what's going on in northeast India, information cocoon.
Not only do I myself know what's going on in Manipur but all of the north east , Kashmir the whole of India & the world but so does everyone on this forum except for what's happening in China Iran & DPRK which even their own countrymen like you know nothing about.

Meanwhile this channel has come to more or less the same conclusion I did a few years ago except the channel didn't bring Chinese ISR assets or their formidable ADS or their cyber espionage & counter cyber espionage capabilities into their assessment.

What's more they seem to be under the impression this could well cross the N threshold from our side for obvious reasons. Surprising isn't it ? A content creator on the other side of the world & an amateur at that can see what's coming but our security managers can't - whether serving or retired except some murmurs here or there.

Explains the flurry of tests we seem to be carrying out of all the vectors we have , to make up for a genuine shortage of offensive platforms viz the IAF. Also sends a mixed message to Beijing in the bargain.

Whether that 56" applies to his anterior or posterior became known when the cat was let out of the bag recently where press reports indicated given the storm the last Rafale deal kicked up courtesy our very own Joker inspired by the arch villain in DC Batman , scaring the living daylights out of 56" enough to rule out any further ad hoc purchases except to go strictly by the book i.e release the RFP & go about things as per due procedure in Indian Standard Time , where in irrespective our war with China , the target of 42 squadrons will be met come what may , at our own sweet time.

Sounds cheerful doesn't it ? Watch the video for more cheerful stuff.
This video:

It's utter crap. The first half, pretty much 17 min is just him reading out that Global Firepower website.

When he starts talking substance, he immediately assumes India's forces are on the plains and will struggle in the mountains. He also thinks both sides have 100k troops in total. He does not know the publicly known ORBAT, never mind the fact that far more than 100k Indian troops are already forward deployed along the border. We have deployed 10 divisions along the Chinese border, public info, and the entire US Army is also composed of 10 divisions. And then there's the MSCs. Roughly 450k troops, not counting border guards (90k).

On the Chinese side, there's 40k in Tibet, 70k in Xinjiang (granted it's for other borders too), including border guards, but also 4-6 GAs (equivalent to an Indian corps), 2 directly under WTC, and 2 each from STC and CTC. That's about 650k troops. There's also an unknown number of militia that can be deployed, not to mention the PAP (potentially 1-2 GA equivalents deployable against India).

So we are talking about well over a million troops. Talk about being totally wrong.

"Altitude," he says. Doesn't know anything. I guess he's never heard of the word "technology." The natural process of acclimatization has been supplanted significantly by technology. Plus even the graudal process is not that bad. The Chinese are gonna struggle a bit more, but doable.

Air defenses, it's partly true. We defintiely do not have full coverage, most of our defenses are centered around VAs like air bases and massed formations, but it definitely exists. Both IA and IAF can bring to bear about 100-150 batteries.

As for his J-20 comment ("even half as capable relative to the F-22"), those old exercises are no longer relevant due to advancements in sensor and EW tech.

While the J-20 will maintain an advantage over IAF's older jets, the PLAAF is still stymied due to the lack of air bases on their side. They are yet to develop and deploy a lot more resources in case of a war with India. For whatever reason, they have made limited progress on that front. Even Taiwan has 36 airfields. PLAAF has only a handful in Tibet. Basically, they seem to have very little intention of fighting an air war with India at this time. We should start worrying when they climb up to 20+. Otoh, India has a frig load, we have built 10 new ones after 2020.

Clearly, he has no idea what he's talking about. The silver lining is at least his conclusion was satisfactory. This type of war would be a total waste for all parties involved.

Lastly, the decision to switch from 90-jet MII for Rafales to a tender had nothing to do with civilians. The IAF wanted the tender, and this decision was made long before the Joker started cackling through the night. It was GoI that wanted a GTG, which was overruled by the IAF. Even CDS Rawat tried convincing the IAF to buy Rafales in tranches and foregoing the tender. But the IAF wanted the tender because MMRCA was already over a decade old and no longer relevant, and only the tender route is competitive enough to provide new information.

While they would have liked the tender to progress faster, the IAF knows what they are doing. They made a "final" finalization of requirements in 2022 and it's only been 2 years since then. For all we know the approval process for the AoN has already begun. Both AoN and RFP are expected to happen next year.
I can definitely say that India's ethnic conflict was a big reason for Modi's defeat in this election.

If you are referring to the Jammu and Kashmir elections, Modi did quite well. They added 4 new seats and went up to 29.

Not to mention, BJP won the most votes, 14.6m versus the winning party's 13.3m. The problem is BJP had an alliance partner called PDP and 5.5m people voted for this partner. Normally they would have shared seats.

The Congress party faced complete defeat. Even though their alliance won, their own mandate was extremely poor.

You really don't know what's going on in northeast India, information cocoon.

Even since Elon Musk took over Twitter, news has become verifiable and open source. Nobody can hide anything if it's out in the public domain.
If you are referring to the Jammu and Kashmir elections, Modi did quite well. They added 4 new seats and went up to 29.

Not to mention, BJP won the most votes, 14.6m versus the winning party's 13.3m. The problem is BJP had an alliance partner called PDP and 5.5m people voted for this partner. Normally they would have shared seats.

The Congress party faced complete defeat. Even though their alliance won, their own mandate was extremely poor.
Mr Modi won just 240 seats in India's this general election and could not even form a separate cabinet.Congress won 99 seats, compared with 53 last time,Wasn't this a defeat for Modi?
Even since Elon Musk took over Twitter, news has become verifiable and open source. Nobody can hide anything if it's out in the public domain.