Indian Army Artillery Systems : News and Updates

I think it's quite likely. They want to do things themselves. They don't like to use the experience of others.
Technology transfer is experience of others only. For example, as far as I know Pinaka uses GNC(Guidance, Navigation Control) kit developed by RCI , but the INS equipment is made in France. No idea if they have their own INS installed or it's still the same in MKII version.

Depends on what you mean by "howitzers." IA wants up to 3600 new howitzers
Original plan: 1580 towed, 814 mounted, 180 self-propelled wheeled, 100 self-propelled tracked, and 145 ultra-light 155 mm/52 calibre artillery guns.

Mountain warfare is tricky you can't always shoot and then scoot and more over after ukraine war many weapons have their weakness open.
Technology transfer is experience of others only. For example, as far as I know Pinaka uses GNC(Guidance, Navigation Control) kit developed by RCI , but the INS equipment is made in France. No idea if they have their own INS installed or it's still the same in MKII version.

DRDO doesn't use ToT for its own R&D programs.

All ToT for a production contract is given to a manufacturer. For example, MKI's ToT is owned by HAL.

Take Pinaka's INS for example. DRDO may use it on Pinaka, but if it's produced in India, any ToT will go to the manufacturer. If there's a need to replace it with an Indian one, then either the manufacturer will do it on their own, or DRDO will work independently to make a new one. Meaning, DRDO is not gonna strip down the foreign INS, study it, duplicate it etc, but literally work on a new design from scratch.

DRDO doesn't reverse engineer as a matter of policy. And ToT's usefulness is only for reverse engineering.

Mountain warfare is tricky you can't always shoot and then scoot and more over after ukraine war many weapons have their weakness open.

Mountain warfare has weight limits, hence the need for lighter guns.
If Russia had outsourced everything the NATO would have been in Moscow sipping tea. But New Delhi doesn't realize it that they need supply chain which is indigenous and also technology which is indigenous. Why you want to outsource your national security?
Another brainfart. Make your own theories and and questions.

People like you who are so lazy to read actual documents are the curse. The entire procurement is under IDDM. But who am i preaching.

You are just like Pakistani PTI supporter, this cycle is bitching about the institution.
The entire procurement is under IDDM. But who am i preaching.

Buy (Indian-IDDM). ‘Buy (Indian-IDDM)’ category refers to the acquisition of
products from an Indian vendor that have been indigenously designed, developed and
manufactured with a minimum of 50% Indigenous Content (IC) on cost basis of the base
contract price i.e. total contract price less taxes and duties

50% or less can be outsourced. And this is why we have 100% FDI in defence.