Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

In a high(55k feet+) and fast(1.5 mach+) launch by MKI, SFDR/Astra 3 will have the reach to seriously bother PAF/PLAAF AWACS and Bombers. Looks like it will be ready along with MKI upgrade timeline(circa 2026). It bodes quite well for us as PLAAF hasn't displayed any Ramjet BVR yet.

PS: There is news regarding 3 pulse missiles for both AD and BVR by DRDO. Anything interesting you've got regarding it?

Hurray, Neutron showed good proof so it is here, as also posted by Paradox sir before.

Why does it have to be derived from anything?. Every new missile will have influence of earlier development. Thats natural.

Agree with @KUNAL BISWAS that the concept is inspired from turks.
Imo its for two reasons,
first, we already made and tested this MLPGM back in 2014, and Nag related associated tech development for subsystems were already there, IIR seeker, fire n forget mode etc. We even tested it from the uav, so concept wise its not new to DRDO. if one combat uav is built be it a TD or final, next step is arming it, and firing 1 pgm that delivers multiple pgms is something Turks are yet to come with.

Second, we know that this drone/RPA delivered munition aspect is something DRDO has been working with as a concept on a very different scale in the reusable vehicle sector. Its from the time when Dr Kalam sir floated the idea of reusable rocket, he said build me a rocket that delivers its payload and returns back to the user safely. Now DRDO being wholly nuke delivery & missile application centric, they barely considered the conventional warfighting approach of this concept, a mother vehicle that delivers its payload & returns back to user. Turk drones are that, conventional warfighting machines that do exactly that. So in our case, delivery of payload via some RPA nevr took off much, DRDO never had a stable unmanned aerial platform to test from, neither it did for russia to whom DRDO look so much as partner. DRDO thought was fully missile centric & they worked on making the payload smart precision guided. Rest work is miniaturising as per user demand. So there we had MLPGM tested in 2014 & now this ULPGM. In theory, we could maybe try fitting multiple pgm on a prithvi blast cum earth shaker slot & use as lots of pg strike successfully hitting a large area multiple targets at once.

Old pic from PE ppt, it is good k15/pralay having common motor propellant grain like already discussed in shaurya pralay thread.
same ogni motors also made by Solar group per neutronx find via their reports.

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