Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

They have already envisioned a variable cycle Engine for 6th gen fighters.

BTW which engine we are taking about in #4? #5 is Manik.
All are termed STFE so not sure, most likely the early version , higher kn means it will be of relatively 500-600km modest range use shorter duration?
New propulsion tech items to be developed will be interesting.

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DRDL has been tasked to do study on
Laminar-Turbulent Flow Transition Effects on the Estimation of Heat Flux for High Speed Re-Entry Vehicles

There are some papers on this , mainly for reentry capsules with very high speed (speed ~ 11km/sec) for space research purpose.
That's kind of Avangard territory. Our current RV speed range is ~ 5km/sec to 7km/sec for Ogni series. A1P and all that.
one being this Rus study from 2018

Laminar–turbulent transition reversal on blunt ogive body of revolution at hypersonic speeds​

another from desi academics

Now afaik, our testing facility limits us somewhat. VK Saraswat sir said in a program last year that to do studies on RV with speed > mach 30 we needed better facility, tracking system and develop algo for that.
The high power microwave system HPM, DRDO have already realised some part of it for certain application as we have already seen before, subsystems and that, laser based dew. This is a promising field.
(pic thanks to Neutronx from a presentation last year )

This is indirectly linked, does anyone know what status of the supercomputer global tender, which was released by different high commissioners of GOI. it came in UK I remember, possibly in Germany too. This was in December 2022. Total work period was 9 months from contract placement, but no news or anything was anywhere.


DRDL wanted to commission a new supercomputer because with our current supercomputer, PACE+ , we are almost at the threshold. As shown in many different Brahmos presentations, they talked about need for new supercomputing system & faster CFD models. The reentry vehicle design, modeling etc work on those cfd codes. Both high quality testing facility & infra like this is mandatory now that we're entering the hypersonic regime.

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Based on slightly more digging on department front, per the cv, RM-III FV related FMECA (failure mode effect & criticality analysis) has been completed in April 2022. RMFV is Rudram, most likely Rudram 3 to be precise.

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FMEA/FMECA is vital process, as we can see, it is done on frozen design parameters (most likely). Below is list of similar line projects the academic person were involved, and we can possibly understand roughly how long it might take from such study completion to the product being made. Take project garuda, its most likely the Glide bomb, LRGB related. Several such study reports were done, we have had Garuda Garuthma gaurav etc products being in different stages. RMIII is in no 3, plus some more familiar names.

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