Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

NASM WT model being readied. NAL is to do the testing. @Fatalis @Ashwin @Gautam sirs

Desi Harpoon :sneaky: @Rajput Lion

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It seems the NASM MR is going to be a new design with an air intake, maybe it will fit with a small indigenous turbojet. We have to check the new design to know more. It may be something similar to Kh 35.

It seems the NASM MR is going to be a new design with an air intake, maybe it will fit with a small indigenous turbojet. We have to check the new design to know more. It may be something similar to Kh 35.

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I mean, it has to be. Solid motor wont cut it.

We cant go by the name. Look at the rudram series. They called different types of airlaunched missiles under one name. In this case it will be anti-ship missiles.
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It seems the NASM MR is going to be a new design with an air intake, maybe it will fit with a small indigenous turbojet. We have to check the new design to know more. It may be something similar to Kh 35.

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The earlier design was similar to Nirbhay missile. But will the ships of Indian Navy use it is still a question as there is already a program for GlideFire SSM to replace Kh-35.
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The earlier design was similar to Nirbhay missile. But will the ships of Indian Navy use it is still a question as there is already a program for GlideFire SSM to replace Kh-35.
For fighter launch versions, the AshM based on Nibhay is fine, but I don't think the height of launches from helicopters will be enough for that kind of wing design.
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This NASM is described as harpoon class by one involved company presentation , so the idea would be that this is for use against small to medium sized ships. Per the AAV 2023 NASM MR to have close to 300km range. So this is to engage threats in around 500-700km area of our shoreline primarily, against small to medium warships. SR version can work upto 70-75km per DRDO. form factor and other technical aspects need to be equal/on par with harpoon, which would be user suggested spec. So without solid booster jet launched cruise weapon makes sense.
Ground/ship launched version will likely have a solid booster i guess.

Nirbhay class anti ship missile will have bigger warhead and bigger engagement zone to tackle the large PL navy ships.

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Most probably Shaurya. Agni is directly linked with our nuclear program.
Shaurya is unique, recent dev and under SFC so it would be interesting if so. By old Agni1 and 2 I meant they would take the rocket motor stages of the old program and derive a BM with mission based modern spec, avionics, flight guidance command etc. Old A1 and A2 stocks are just occupying spaces at present. Our current main nuke punches that are inducted are A3 A4 Shaurya & A1P anyway, plus the 2 Ks.
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Shaurya is unique, recent dev and under SFC so it would be interesting if so. By old Agni1 and 2 I meant they would take the rocket motor stages of the old program and derive a BM with mission based modern spec, avionics, flight guidance command etc. Old A1 and A2 stocks are just occupying spaces at present. Our current main nuke punches that are inducted are A3 A4 Shaurya & A1P anyway, plus the 2 Ks.
Shaurya is like big brother of Pralay, so I too concur with @Fatalis regarding his guess.
I am just a bit reluctant to give away Shaurya capability just by using in a conventional role. It is a very special article, something that would be ideal against huge variety of AD system we will face. There must be good reason this has been kept hush hush relatively.
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Or is could very well be a derivative of LRAShM.
Read some reports that it could be a derivative of Agni Prime!
I am just a bit reluctant to give away Shaurya capability just by using in a conventional role. It is a very special article, something that would be ideal against huge variety of AD system we will face. There must be good reason this has been kept hush hush relatively.
Pralay is already a Shaurya without first stage booster. It mimics its quasi-ballistic flight profile too sans Shaurya's speed and range. So, Shaurya could easily compliment Pralay without any problem, IMO.
There should be a thread for Indeginous Rocket Force. Somebody knowledgeable should share their views and mention all the components that will be part of it.

I am not sure if Pinaka will be part of it but following missiles will definitely be:
1. Brahmos
2. Pralay
4. New MRBM

I am confused with this. So, all the three forces will have their own missiles and they will come together to form a Rocket Force which will act on its own? If they have to use it then how it will work?
Read some reports that it could be a derivative of Agni Prime!

Pralay is already a Shaurya without first stage booster. It mimics its quasi-ballistic flight profile too sans Shaurya's speed and range. So, Shaurya could easily compliment Pralay without any problem, IMO.
I am quite sure there are certain mission based flight characteristics that can be altered in the software. Yes the CRMC stage is borrowed but what matters is how we plan to use it in a mission. It can of course be the perfect level 2 to Pralay no doubt. But if the armed forces want a pure ballistic option, imo better to use A2 stage and turn into high payload delivery (800-1000kg min) article, than use Shaurya.
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They call Pinaka MBRL or MLRS ? wonder if this may be for the 300mm system being developed , smerch type MLRS or just another Pinaka version.
Though I am not sure tbh, I know very little of this stuff.

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