Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion

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  • EoI for repair refurbishment of X-31 missiles.pdf
    332.5 KB · Views: 19

Very good read on ballistic anti ship missiles.
Man, I don't know how much rang we have done regarding these foreign systems. IA is simply in love with these imported weapons and our DRDO is also to be blamed. They have mastered missile technology but can't make MPATGM and VSHORADS without tripod. IA is happy with Spike having tripod but not with MPATGM.
Its about weight and man portability not tripod.
This project is also delayed, tender was out in 2023 but still ongoing. Supposed to be something air launched, probably rockets from heli since its TBRL ?


  • BriefScopeofWork.pdf
    790.2 KB · Views: 12
Some test of project STAR should happen this year or sometimes , they are buying the interstage snap off connectors (separates the cruise vehicle from launch vehicle I guess, similar to hstdv). Kinda funny that they tested hypersonics first well before supersonic ramjet. Hopefully past experience and all these years expertise with LFRJ handling works, still no telling given the engine is really the critical part.


PJ10 people are also up to something , lots of work packages this year so far, not sure for what tbh. Could be NG.


warhead fabrication and testing work is about to pick up pace in various projects. Rudrams, Pralay, AD series, pinakas, saaw, itcm, vshorads, nag, akash Ng, mpatgm all of these. This is part of weaponisation & not included in the dev trials. Warheads are tested & qualified separately.

New generation of warhead s?