Indian Missiles and Munitions Discussion



I have 100% confirmed evidence for point no 3 and 4 but problem is since last 2 years I noticed sensitive information on web which were already posted ( govt sites and manufacturers ) being removed steadily , and reason why I didn't include the pics. No point pushing my limits even though all my sources are open sourced and from public domain.

In one government site there was the pic of an actual rail mobile launcher system ( almost the entire deployment convoy , can you fuking believe it ). Now it has been replaced with a pic of a wagon ( which carries gravel , coal etc 🤣 )
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I have 100% confirmed evidence for point no 3 and 4 but problem is since last 2 years I noticed sensitive information on web which were already posted ( govt sites and manufacturers ) being removed steadily , and reason why I didn't include the pics. No point pushing my limits even though all my sources are open sourced and from public domain.

In one government site there was the pic of an actual rail mobile launcher system ( almost the entire deployment convoy , can you fuking believe it ). Now it has been replaced with a pic of a wagon ( which carries gravel , coal etc 🤣 )

Just want to know if the people who missile is also developing rockets ?

It seems we have made good strides in missile development, why aren't we developing guided rockets for helis?
Just want to know if the people who missile is also developing rockets ?

It seems we have made good strides in missile development, why aren't we developing guided rockets for helis?

Lack of priority

Anyways I never mentioned it here but drdo is developing a " hybrid air water ballistic missile " . I don't have a clue as to what kind of missile it is . You guys have any educated guesses ?

Note : it is not a slbm
Lack of priority

Anyways I never mentioned it here but drdo is developing a " hybrid air water ballistic missile " . I don't have a clue as to what kind of missile it is . You guys have any educated guesses ?

Note : it is not a slbm

I suppose it's an air to surface ballistic missile with the capability to engage ships (water).

Hybrid would likely indicate it's a two-stage missile, with both stages having different propulsion systems. Or it could also mean it's capable of land-attack, which is the more obvious choice.

Water would mean the seeker has been made specifically to engage moving targets.

The Indian CM-400AKG.
The concerned missile is tagged as futuristic weapon system and first prototypes are expected in the next decade and you randomradio dare call it Indian CM400AKG :mad:


Why the hell even bring into the discussion a monkey version of a Chinese weapon which even the Chinese have till date refused to induct. The AKG is a repurposed SY400 rocket with very limited maneuverability , limited to hi-hi trajectory with a dive at terminal stage. Any air defence system worth the salt will pick it up and intercept it beyond 100+ km. Propaganda crap. Harpoon is 100 times better than that.

You have not heard of RudraM 2/2A and RudraM 3 I guess .
I suppose it's an air to surface ballistic missile with the capability to engage ships (water).

Hybrid would likely indicate it's a two-stage missile, with both stages having different propulsion systems. Or it could also mean it's capable of land-attack, which is the more obvious choice.

Water would mean the seeker has been made specifically to engage moving targets.

Only the 2 different propulsion systems idea makes sense. Could be a possibility
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The concerned missile is tagged as futuristic weapon system and first prototypes are expected in the next decade and you randomradio dare call it Indian CM400AKG :mad:

View attachment 17935

Why the hell even bring into the discussion a monkey version of a Chinese weapon which even the Chinese have till date refused to induct. The AKG is a repurposed SY400 rocket with very limited maneuverability , limited to hi-hi trajectory with a dive at terminal stage. Any air defence system worth the salt will pick it up and intercept it beyond 100+ km. Propaganda crap. Harpoon is 100 times better than that.

You have not heard of RudraM 2/2A and RudraM 3 I guess .

The Chinese are underestimated quite a bit. The SY-400 is very dangerous and highly manoeuvrable. It's a lifting body design after all. While I definitely agree that sea-skimming missiles are better, the main goal behind missiles like the CM-400AKG is to overwhelm air defences using very high speed. This will actually allow your sea-skimmers to slip in while the AD is busy trying to track multiple mach 5.5 missiles.

The RudraM II/III should be able to handle such missions though.

Anyway, it's also possible air-water actually refers to "air-underwater". This is meant to hit targets that are below the waterline. No, it doesn't mean it will attack submarines, it's mainly for targeting bases that are underwater, like missile silos.
The Chinese are underestimated quite a bit. The SY-400 is very dangerous and highly manoeuvrable. It's a lifting body design after all. While I definitely agree that sea-skimming missiles are better, the main goal behind missiles like the CM-400AKG is to overwhelm air defences using very high speed. This will actually allow your sea-skimmers to slip in while the AD is busy trying to track multiple mach 5.5 missiles.

The RudraM II/III should be able to handle such missions though.

Anyway, it's also possible air-water actually refers to "air-underwater". This is meant to hit targets that are below the waterline. No, it doesn't mean it will attack submarines, it's mainly for targeting bases that are underwater, like missile silos.
May be it's a missile which travels under water for some time and comes out after reaching near the target.
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The Chinese are underestimated quite a bit. The SY-400 is very dangerous and highly manoeuvrable. It's a lifting body design after all. While I definitely agree that sea-skimming missiles are better, the main goal behind missiles like the CM-400AKG is to overwhelm air defences using very high speed. This will actually allow your sea-skimmers to slip in while the AD is busy trying to track multiple mach 5.5 missiles.
Even the decades-old harpoon would have a better chance penetrating SAMs like Barak-8. Its not at all maneuverable and its ballistic trajectory is predictable. There is a reason this kind of missiles were decommissioned by every other nation.

And how will they time the so-called supersonic CM-400AKG and subsonic CM perfectly on a moving target? That's a hard ask.
Lack of priority

Anyways I never mentioned it here but drdo is developing a " hybrid air water ballistic missile " . I don't have a clue as to what kind of missile it is . You guys have any educated guesses ?

Note : it is not a slbm

Hybrid missile. Launched underwater. Travels distance underwater like a torpedo and then launches like a SLBM. Not yet heard of any confirmed development with regards to this though.
I suppose it's an air to surface ballistic missile with the capability to engage ships (water).

Hybrid would likely indicate it's a two-stage missile, with both stages having different propulsion systems. Or it could also mean it's capable of land-attack, which is the more obvious choice.

Water would mean the seeker has been made specifically to engage moving targets.

The Indian CM-400AKG.

Nope. Its to do with ability to travel underwater and over. Target is always over water, strategic weapons system. Not for tactical use.
One reason why I don't like entering into discussions

SY400 which is basically a guided surface to surface rocket is highly maneuverable !! . Only an ignoramus of the highest order will accept that . The whole damn rocket will fall apart during its flight if it's lateral acceleration nears 5 G. It's a short range ballistic missile for a damn good reason .

For comparison highly maneuverable surface to air/ air to air etc missiles can pull anywhere between 50-100 G without suffering loss of control and integrity.

Lifting body design seriously !! Even the Chinese will be thoroughly embarrassed at this . I am frankly at loss of words . Seriously !

I agree only with the idea that AKG will be used to distract the defences while sea skimming cruise missiles try to sneak in. Multi layer defences / highly trained crew for such scenarios will defeat such attempts more or less. AKG disadvantage is it has to be launched from high altitudes . Then the missile flies in a hi-hi trajectory . Thus both launch platform and missile is very vulnerable to early detection and thus target kill or mission kill is a high probability pre and post launch . Coming to organic defences of the defender, CIWS and even the main gun with appropriate airburst submunition ammo will make mincemeat of any target that flies in high, past the radar horizon in a predictable/fixed trajectory , the faster the speed the faster will be it's destruction .

Chinese weapons are underestimated ? Yeah sure , take the case of the overestimated Chinese ASBM's fired few weeks before , even the Chinese were surprised lol .

It is never a good idea to underestimate the equipments of the enemy but at the same time it is foolish to get ones panties in a twist by overestimating the same.

My last post on this issue
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Even the decades-old harpoon would have a better chance penetrating SAMs like Barak-8. Its not at all maneuverable and its ballistic trajectory is predictable. There is a reason this kind of missiles were decommissioned by every other nation.

And how will they time the so-called supersonic CM-400AKG and subsonic CM perfectly on a moving target? That's a hard ask.

Subsonic CMs can loiter. That's actually one of their main advantages. It's not difficult to time attacks. You simply fire the long range subsonic CMs an hour before and then attack with BMs a few minutes before impact.

Multi-pronged attacks are easy to do, and have been done before. The Russians exercise it regularly with their vast mix of such missiles on their ship and bomber combination.

May be it's a missile which travels under water for some time and comes out after reaching near the target.

That's an engineering nightmare.
Subsonic CMs can loiter. That's actually one of their main advantages. It's not difficult to time attacks. You simply fire the long range subsonic CMs an hour before and then attack with BMs a few minutes before impact.

Multi-pronged attacks are easy to do, and have been done before. The Russians exercise it regularly with their vast mix of such missiles on their ship and bomber combination.

That's an engineering nightmare.
out of the box thinking.
Which missile series is this from & why aren't your images watermarked? Don't go complaining if someone catfishes them with their own patented watermark later.

Kya faida bolo ?

Chachudar log watermark cut kar ke nikal deta hai eg dhruvasta pic :cautious:

In the above pic I did put a small sized watermark , hopefully they will not see it and hence forget to remove it , new tactics :p

Don't know which missile , IMO could be a rocket , absence of control surfaces gives some credibility towards that , and the dimensions are more suited for a rocket . Could be the successor to Pinaka