Yes I can see how comfortable you are,I am extremely comfortable in my Indianness.
It is you and your types who need the toxic critch of Hindutva to make you feel relevant and help ease the self inflicted pain that you can do little about now.
I laugh at insecure Hindus like you because me and my families have always been surrounded by and fought with Hindus who actually have balls.
And they accept us and look at us as the "original" Hindus. These are not my words, but those of a national icon and radical son of Pune who passed away recently.
So really man, you can continue frothing. It's all going to dry up when the majority signals it's time for the nuisance to end.
Cheers, Doc

I am not the one crying doomsday , end is approaching am i? It was you, now who exactly has Pain we can see it easily here. All i have to do is sit back and enjoy, while your corral the rest to Hindutva camp. All i would do is Place a placard at the entrance, for those who you Corral, saying 'I told you so' .

You live in a Parsi Locality where you forbid sale of land , property to a non-parsi, instead you ,show the non-parsi who wants to buy property a rope with a noose ' asking him to hang himself so that he may be born next birth as a parsi to buy property there'.
So yeah you are pretty much Surrounded by Hindus and fought with them, I Totally agree , Lolwa
Last time i saw, you were calling Brahmins,Jats, Rajputs as not man enough and you were a Maratha , when even the Marathis rubbished your statements in this forum. When will you stop changing teams?
'Original Hindus' ? like the ones you tried to appropriate as Vedic Hindus and called Brahmins as a break off faction from your religion,
The fact is 'Original Hindus' don't worship Asuras, they worship Devas. The Sanskrit shlokas are very specific even today.
You haven't exactly told us who you think as a Majority?
All your cards North VS South, Brahmins Vs Rest, etc. failed miserably, so now its Secular card play? That was defeated totally in 2014.
The future is set, Bharat will reclaim its soul, Hindutva and its glory, there is nothing you or anyone could stop it from happening.