Not firdausi it was a old Doctor from Hyderbad by name of Bahman Surti, he passed away though long ago.I'm staggered to find out that you knew Firdausi.
Actually I'm just staggered by you in toto.
Cheers, Doc
Not firdausi it was a old Doctor from Hyderbad by name of Bahman Surti, he passed away though long ago.I'm staggered to find out that you knew Firdausi.
Actually I'm just staggered by you in toto.
Cheers, Doc
I just came back from Puttaparthi and stayed for 2 days in Ananthapuramu ,while visiting Kakinada and Eluru.
Rayalaseema got water way back in 90's from Satya Sai water project, you talk as if water reached Kadapa just yesterday due to CBN.
High tec city is a addition to Hyderabad not what defines it, so you mean to say Hyderabad ceased to exist before CBN built Hitec city?
Facts, Hyderabad had fully developed Infrastructure ,Railways,Roads,Even Airport well before Indian Independence, it was people from AP who fought for a Telugu linguistic state to split away from Madras Presidency after Potti SriRamulu died.
Where did people of TG have a say in the whole episode? they were ok with Unified AP until there was disproportionate representation, loot and deliberate sidelining of people,politicians from TG. The fight started in 1960's for TG much before bifurcation.
So you want a separate Andhra Zone not South Central Railways?
Even Secunderabad Railway station in Hyderabad is a Division not a zone, Why would you get a New zone when you got Divisions in Vijawada,Guntakal, Guntur both three are in AP. There should be a limit to greed.
You should ask INC about it since it created the bill and CBN was saying Yes to Sonia that time, its all there for every Telugu person to see how CBN played his tricks, he was ok with bifurcation as long as he got to be CM.
TDP already consulted INC days before even bypolls began, they were getting ready to move on BJP, you think BJP didn't sense it beforehand?
Then on day of quitting NDA it was ready to ally with INC to pass no-confidence motion i was there watching Telugu News in Ananthapuramu all time.
TDP will join with INC if it suits it, it is not based on opposition to INC, that ideology is dead with NTR, its now pure Politics of Nara Family, with father CBN seeking a central role and Andhra Pappu Nara Lokesh being groomed to take over as CM of AP from CBN.
TDP was not in limbo all leaders were okay with deals only then did bifurcation proceed, otherwise it wouldn't have happened , AP leaders got their cuts and kept quiet.
Funnily, KCR kept quiet after TDP walked out of NDA he didn't say a word nor support TDP in no-confidence motion issue, LOL that shows KCR is waiting for TDP to make a mistake,so he can ally with NDA.
TG has a good base for BJP unlike Caste politics of AP. TDP is just a Kamma Caste party that's all. If you are really worried about YSRCP coming to power and getting funded by Vatican to change demography of AP, then you should support the only alternative which stands against it at center , BJP, all other of your Kichidi Alliance are agents or foreign collaborators.
Good luck with threatening Modi with ' We will see when he needs support etc ' He already made his move, BJP gained 25 MPs from North East effectively nullifying all of AP MP seats which are 25 total.
The best BJP could get at peak of love with TDP was 5 MP seats and for that CBN wanted the moon. This was foreseen early and CBN played out his hand just after Bypolls as a Opportunist it is a tag every Telugu speaker knows about him, he is called a Thief, sly fox etc.
The onus is on you, to limit greed to agreeable levels and make sure AP stays demographically relevant for TDP.
BJP will use YSRCP and Jagan will get some reprieve from Court cases if you plot against BJP,you can't expect people to play fair when you play unfair, its called Politics.
Regarding TRS, it finished off TDP in TG totally, there is no base left. So expecting them to join your bandwagon is giving up their turf in TG to TDP cadres again, which KCR will not allow it to happen.
'Don't think only CBN is a clever fox to play these games, everyone can, You can't play these cards against a dominant position while you are weak'.
I actually seen letters of Parsis writing to Iranian Embassy requesting Visas and citing the collaboration they had during the invaders rule in India.
Too big a post to read completely. Satya sai project brought drinking water to the state, CBN brought water for irrigation.
As I pointed above it is venkaiah naidu who first raised spcl status which jaitley and modi supported. Entire BJP vited for bifurcation bill with out any objection. Why should one go to INC when BJP proposed spcl status and voted the bill ?
To your point on BJP aligning with jagan:
A party which built its base on this
View attachment 2092
And fights for building
View attachment 2093
Wants to share bed with a politician who so openly displays his religious affiliation directly on his house at the centre of hyd like this
View attachment 2091
And whose family did all they could to convert the state while being dubbed as the most corrupt politician of India
View attachment 2095
View attachment 2096
In order to bring down this man
View attachment 2102
Who built this
View attachment 2100
Brought this to his state and made whole country say wow
View attachment 2099
and ISB, Nalsar uni and many more which define what hyd is, today has a vision to build a city like this
View attachment 2101
and in a short span already made impact like this
How Andhra Pradesh Is Emerging As India’s Blockchain Hub
And this
Kia Motors, Second Plant In AP To Produce Cars, At Anantapur
And this
Google X development centre to come up in Visakhapatnam, here are details
Just bcz of the greed of amit shah and jealousy that none of BJP CM's instead of ruling almost 20 states come close to the caliber of CBN, exposes what BJP really is. I would say good luck with it. I would like to see how BJP explains to its hindu core that they are for hindu interests or to general public that they are against corruption and for development after aligning with jagan
So you believe you were ill treated? Fine! its a free country, you are free to go as you wish,we aren't stopping you.Parsi community complaining to President Rouhani about the ill treatment they have been experiencing in India and requesting him to consider taking them back to Iran as political amnesty.
Meeting with the Parsis community in India
So you believe you were ill treated? Fine! its a free country, you are free to go as you wish,we aren't stopping you.
Did President Rouhani grant your wishes?
Good for you! Maybe Your dream will come true after 1300 years? i guess,No, he has not made any open announcements, fearing a backlash against the community.
But back-channel talks are on ....
Cheers, Doc
Good for you! Maybe Your dream will come true after 1300 years? i guess,
You should have waited some time, you are wary of BJP moving in AP, wanted a big ticket announcement before Ugadi.
i read this blockchain thing and so called developments its only on paper, i regularly visit AP as i got land holdings there along with my extended family. If there was any development it was in Vijayawada (Which is full of AP Politicians hence, developed)
So tell me again what exactly was CBN thinking when he pulled out of NDA and issued a No-Confidence motion the very day of By poll results, was he waiting for a chance, we all know his flip flops during Vajpayee regime. The No-confidence motion was a big egg on CBN's face when Shiromani Akali Dal confirmed their total support to BJP.
Did CBN take these factors into account?
No, he has not made any open announcements, fearing a backlash against the community.
But back-channel talks are on ....
Cheers, Doc
And Bombay House will be relocated to Chahbahar. I can see the pattern here...
If AP people can let TDP tie up with INC and let it pass in 4 years then a year long is a lot of time for a lot of things to happen before elections.What options did CBN have ? BJP made deal with ycp in order to get more seats and made sure to withhold funds from releasing, thry hatched up a clear plan to ditch tdp at the time of election align with ycp and blame TDP for woefull state affairs while it is they that went back on all promises. CBN played his cards made sure BJP is a paraiah in the state, made sure that ycp cant align with BJP before election and had a shot for coming in to power open. BJP was never a trust worthy party. They are untrustworthy to there hindu base nor to those that believe in development and unorrupt govts.
You guys are ok with a morally corrupt bjp aligning who ever it feels best to be in power while CBN should be with NDA and take all the insults thrown at him with face lying down. Hypocrisy much ?
As I sadi Good luck for BJPIf AP people can let TDP tie up with INC and let it pass in 4 years then a year long is a lot of time for a lot of things to happen before elections.
Nobody insulted CBN its his eagerness that made him play his hand 1 year before elections, now the play is up, there is not much CBN can play can he?
He barely scraped through last time, it will be difficult to get a majority for him, judging by pulse in AP and the general discontent against Current Political parties and leaders from common people on ground.
This is one of the reason why NE is not integrated in India
Most mainstream indians disregard NE as being small and insignificant, and due to the less nos of MPs it brings, it was ignored by Congress and UPA govts and that also increased the influx of foreigners in NE causing imbalance in the population ratio there.
Lets asssume BJP lost like you said, how many seats did congress win in Nagaland? in Tripura?
The grand old part of India did not even open account in these states 0/60 imagine that.,.
AAP election mein tha? I guess not.
There are not 3 more states to NDA ruling, with two of BJP let rule and one of NDA with BJP in the govt, OF course it will have impact on national elections, Congress had 44 sets and by next election Congress will be an "INNOVA PARTY" with all its members easily fitting an Innova.
CBN thought he would pull wool over BJP eyes after getting Packages and depart in Election year? He was forced to play his hand early. Do you think CBN will get more votes out of this fiasco?As I sadi Good luck for BJP
Maybe its time to play The salafi card and separate Shias and Ahmadis?Karnataka Govt Okays Separate Religion Status for Lingayats, Ball in Centre’s Court Now
Needaramiah chickens out at the last moment . @Notsuperstitious
One step at a time. First get the bill banning TT passed , followed by Nikaah Halala and then polygamy . The rest can follow.Maybe its time to play The salafi card and separate Shias and Ahmadis?
Age old tradition of spit and run. They upheld the TT thanks to the brute majority they enjoyed in Parliament over ruling the SC over the Shah Bano verdict and in order to balance things out threw open the gates of the RAM Janmabhoomi temple .Congressis are *censored*s.
Ok i typed that to check censoring but now Im leaving it as it isbecause thats what they are.