Indian Political Discussion

Because a rape needs to be proved through semen testing and dna and all. And for that the crime branch will catch the culprit into custody. Once in custody then no encounter.

This is plain BS. People that are on bail were encountered in UP. KCR govt encountered a terrorist in custody. MP police freed SIMI terrorists and encountered them. In a country like India were judicial system takes years to convict a rapist the quick way to stop this evil is by killing those rapists and installing fear in the minds of people. Of all the molestation/rape cases being registered in India every year more than 40% of them are committed on minors. About time we force the govt.s to take radical steps before child molestation is normalized in this country.
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I disagree with you on this one because CM is not responsible for any individual's or a small group's behavioral and social misconduct.

Societal evil is generated out of behavioral churn happening in society today due to misuse and mishandling of personal freedom and those of others, as well as, information designed for insanity. Current evolution of Indian society is rapidly divorcing from its core cultural ethos. Along with, the hope of good governance and prosperity that Modi built in the hearts of Indians, is blowing the lid off the high mental, emotional and psychological pressure, the society lived under till now - of disorientation, suppression, confusion and chaos that was created by the Congress for so long. Congress with its nepotism, hired goons and pimps on their payrolls to terrorize society financially and socially; financial corruption percolated down to the bureaucrats and politicians; bribery in all citizen-government interactions; high handedness of police officials - all these built a cocktail pressure on society.

Till now, the frustrations of this pressure was manifested in a controlled manner in the form of abuse within family - taking it out on weaker sections of society, creating filth everywhere - on land, water and air. The sense of responsibility and accountability was self absolved.

Now with Modi at the helm trying to enforce the rule of law, the new found liberty specially by the citizens of rural and backward India in the form of "power" - people are unable to comprehended and use it responsibly. These are the causes for such upheavels in social behavior. But the good news is that this social change is a process of transformation; it is a phase which will also pass through like all other changes, and in the end, people will learn to discipline themselves in identifying and doing what is good for them!!

Jai Bharat
Vande Mataram

This isn't about parties bro, moreover there is no proof that rule of law is anyway improved after modi won. There were no judicial reforms introduced in the country since modi came to power. Let me repeat myself one more time, In a country like India where convictions take years and convicts get away with little to no punishment, evils like child molestation can be stopped only by installing fear and a CM is responsible for protecting the children of his state, if he doesn't take the responsibility then who does ? Let any CM in India come out and tell the people of his state that he isn't responsible for the safety of children of his state, will see if such CM can hold his power the next day.
Imagining a hypothetical scenario where BJP is defeated by Mahagathbandhan circa 2019, will our economy be able to withstand another 5 years of Gandhi, Mulayam, Mayawati, Lalu, Chidambram, Didi loot and mismanagement?

Our country already came to the brink in 2013. At the time we didn't even realize how bad the festering problem of Banking NPA was. Now just 5 years of slow healing and recovery later, are we ready to deal with the return of the cancer, or will UPA-III coupled with the 4th industrial revolution of AI and robotics finally turn India's demographic dividend, like that of South Africa's; into demographic disaster?

@dray @Nilgiri @Aashish @Amal
This is plain BS. People that are on bail were encountered in UP. KCR govt encountered a terrorist in custody. MP police freed SIMI terrorists and encountered them. In a country like India were judicial system takes years to convict a rapist the quick way to stop this evil is by killing those rapists and installing fear in the minds of people.

Oh Bhai
In case you are married and your sali accuses you of raping her would you love to get encountered without the crime being proved on you?
Terrorist are proven before hand as they are caught while committing a crime, through their previous activities and ongoing ones.
Oh Bhai
In case you are married and your sali accuses you of raping her would you love to get encountered without the crime being proved on you?
Terrorist are proven before hand as they are caught while committing a crime, through their previous activities and ongoing ones.
Don't talk sense to emotionally charged people, if they said he raped me just take out the gun and shoot him. Finish.

That's called justice, not your sensible talks of enquiry and than law take it's own course. Though it will kill almost 75% innocents accused of rape but who cares, the animal inside us will be satisfied.
Imagining a hypothetical scenario where BJP is defeated by Mahagathbandhan circa 2019, will our economy be able to withstand another 5 years of Gandhi, Mulayam, Mayawati, Lalu, Chidambram, Didi loot and mismanagement?

Our country already came to the brink in 2013. At the time we didn't even realize how bad the festering problem of Banking NPA was. Now just 5 years of slow healing and recovery later, are we ready to deal with the return of the cancer, or will UPA-III coupled with the 4th industrial revolution of AI and robotics finally turn India's demographic dividend, like that of South Africa's; into demographic disaster?

@dray @Nilgiri @Aashish @Amal

It will survive, but it wont be good. Another few trillions of opportunity cost in GDP will likely happen (unless there is some miracle in way Congress + alliance handles itself fiscally + administratively in the bureaucracy.

India survived the worst of it that these types threw at it for a solid 50 years or so....its too big to fail now....but it can be damaged still of course, esp by stagnant attitude to reforms, inept/corrupt bureaucrats, and worst of all reckless subsidies at the cost of capex investment.

South Africa is very different, the govt there literally has made a complete mockery out of the good solid things it inherited from the apartheid re-legislating such thing as property laws to strip away entire swathes of ppl of their land and basic livelihoods...for the feelz (Zimbabwe did this as well). They needed a Mandela version 2.0, they never got him. India on the other hand is hedged ok with state govts etc to resist anything severely bad federally and also has very strong property right law and independent judiciary. It wont collapse, just real growth will average much lower with bad lefty federal policies...though somewhat contained by the reforms (GST + bankruptcy etc) Modi has put in this term.

Modi however is very likely to win 2nd term....there is just no other credible candidate being put forward by anyone else....people who vote for them locally, will think different and also turnout somewhat different for national elections.
Oh Bhai
In case you are married and your sali accuses you of raping her would you love to get encountered without the crime being proved on you?
Terrorist are proven before hand as they are caught while committing a crime, through their previous activities and ongoing ones.

woman lie, but does children lie too ? more than 40% of cases in India are actually child molestation ? I would believe the children any day.

It's largely true. As a Syrian Christian I've seen lot condescending attitude from many in my community towards towards Latin & Anglican (CSI) Christians. Insults range from 'you converted for a few tins of powdered milk offered by missionaries' to calling caste names.

It has nothing to do with any Brahmin origin- When Portuguese missionaries arrived in Kerala, Syrian Christians occupied a respectable position in the caste hierarchy, so they flatly refused entry to Portuguese converted Christians from supposed lower preserve their position... This led to the formation of Latin Catholic Church in Kerala which mostly consist of converted fisherfolk.

Later when the Portuguese were able to gain absolute control over a faction of Syrian Christians, they converted a few dalits who were 'grudgingly' accepted into the community. They still suffer discrimination in some forms to this day.

But given that Portuguese missionaries were absolute arsehats, this may not only have a casteist angle. There are historical grudges too against the converted Christians, for conspiring with the invaders against native Syrian Christians.
woman lie, but does children lie too ? more than 40% of cases in India are actually child molestation ? I would believe the children any day.

bhai mere
the a**hole rapists are not leaving children alive to give any statement. This is why semen test is required, and it's a long process and any contamination may be hindrance, if they burn the body, even that is gone which has happened. Encounter may happen after one is proven for the crime. But not before that.
Please understand the problem.
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It's largely true. As a Syrian Christian I've seen lot condescending attitude from many in my community towards towards Latin & Anglican (CSI) Christians. Insults range from 'you converted for a few tins of powdered milk offered by missionaries' to calling caste names.

It has nothing to do with any Brahmin origin- When Portuguese missionaries arrived in Kerala, Syrian Christians occupied a respectable position in the caste hierarchy, so they flatly refused entry to Portuguese converted Christians from supposed lower preserve their position... This led to the formation of Latin Catholic Church in Kerala which mostly consist of converted fisherfolk.

Later when the Portuguese were able to gain absolute control over a faction of Syrian Christians, they converted a few dalits who were 'grudgingly' accepted into the community. They still suffer discrimination in some forms to this day.

But given that Portuguese missionaries were absolute arsehats, this may not only have a casteist angle. There are historical grudges too against the converted Christians, for conspiring with the invaders against native Syrian Christians.

Dalit Christians are Still Taunted that their Ancestors were doing Manual Scavenging
till they were saved by The Church

So they should be eternally grateful to them
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Another survey reiterating the prediction that BJP and Congress will have roughly equal seats (89 to 91 in this survey) and fall short of majority, with JDS winning ~40 seats and playing kingmaker. And one must remember this is before Modi starts his campaigning blitz (can also expect a bit more polarization from one or two Yogi visits) - In which case, BJP is almost guaranteed to form the Government.

Karnataka heading for a photo finish: Times Now-VMR survey

Karnataka elections 2018: Times Now-VMR survey - The Times of India

Times Now-VMR, ABP-CSDS opinion polls predict hung assembly after Karnataka elections
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Another survey reiterating the prediction that BJP and Congress will have roughly equal seats (89 to 91 in this survey) and fall short of majority, with JDS winning ~40 seats and playing kingmaker. And one must remember this is before Modi starts his campaigning blitz (can also expect a bit more polarization from one or two Yogi visits) - In which case, BJP is almost guaranteed to form the Government.

Karnataka heading for a photo finish: Times Now-VMR survey

Karnataka elections 2018: Times Now-VMR survey - The Times of India

Times Now-VMR, ABP-CSDS opinion polls predict hung assembly after Karnataka elections
I would expect BJP to get in the range of 100-110. Considering that Lingayat issue didn't work as expected by Congress, a photo finish is a bit optimistic for them. Siddhu's performance has been pathetic and that's why he had been trying these gimmicks to divert the attention. If finally the " billi, sadak and pani" becomes the core issue, then Congress does not stand a chance. Unfortunately BJP could not use SM Krishna in his traditional stronghold of Mandya. BJP is weak in Mysore region and Krishna could have been a big help!!
CJI impeachment: Congress will approach Supreme Court against rejection of notice, says Kapil Sibal

Gandhi HUF & their retainers are getting pretty desperate . Sad to see them run out of topics a full year before elections . No major scam , no corruption , no incompetence to target . There's only so far you can go once you manufacture issues.

First they run out of points and arguments, then states and funds, then power and relevance, and then comes the end of the Congress Party; good riddance to the *censored*s.