Indian Political Discussion

Also add to this list Qutub Minar, its not a masjid but it was built by demolishing temples
Also one needs to historically revisit the Taj, is it really the Monument of love that its romantisied as or is it a Rajputs palace that was encroached by the then ruler and modified some place for it to be his wife's mausoleum ? As most know that Islam does not really prefer music and having a Music hall at a Gateway of a Mausoleum is unheard of.

It seems that muslims in India are going to get the biggest set back of their life in the Ram janam bhoomi case. SC has decided to hear it as title suit. This means that the verdict will be about who owns the 2.77acre land on which the masjid was built. as per Islam, a masjid can be built only on a land which has either been donated or bought. As per Sanatan Dharma, The temple land belongs to the Temple deity and he owns it. People (Pundit of the temple) acting on behalf of The Sitting Deity can take a decision on the land of the temple. Now Muslim groups claiming the land to be theirs have to produce the evidence that they had acquired the land legally when the temple was demolished and the Masjid built. If they fail to prove it, they will be treated as being in illegal and adverse possession of this land and as encroachers. This will also decide who is the actual owner of the Masjid-Shias or the Sunnis.
If the verdict comes in favour of Hindus, it will automatically become applicable to 44000 other masjids which were built over Temples in India after demolishing them and also forever solve the problem of Gyanwapi and Mathura Masjids. It seems that muslim groups opposed to Ram temple have not fully understood the meaning of SC decision to convert it into a title case. ASI has already shown that a temple did exist under the masjid and even its structure was built using the material of that temple.
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why a civil war? Does that mean the people wont accept the judgement of the highest court? Surely the muslims themselves can see there are temple components within their Masjid, they can ignore it if they wish to have it, but would it not be better that everyone accepts a spade as spade and get about their own business?
Perhaps this might be a very important step in India actually being secular in true sense. Most muslims in India were guided by the political crooks like Congress and Samajwadi party who under the pretext of trying to solve the problem were trying to keep it alive to ensure their vote bank
The parties that rely on votebank would have to change their way and show performance as the reason to vote for them Unfortunately for parties like SP, INC BSP this is ideological shock, because they dont have any relationship with performance,

Amazing info. If that is the case we should prepare for a civil war also no?? Because anyone can use this as a way to destabilize Bharat, which is what I thought was the reason for delaying this, because we were militarily weak before, not so much now, but still, we have weak internal police system who are not properly armed, and also our military is strained at the border. Is this the right time?? I hope we time it after the war with Pakistan since the *censored*s will be demoralized after defeat in war, and this might result in their permanent demoralization.
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I don't know none of you don't see risk of a civil war.

Recently there was commentary of restoring Taj Mahal as Tejo Mahal and see the kind of response and you think there won' be a civil war?! Absolutely there will be.

Muslims are not a civilized group, they don't belong in a civilized country, and cannot be expected to follow customs and manners of the nation.

Demolishing masjid will be enough cause to organise the muslim mob by any anti-national political entity, even foreign govts. who want to keep Bharat in check, like how Rohingya Bengladeshi muslims can become a problem sooner or later.

If you think they follow rules, then how do they go about demolishing national heritage temples in Kerala, Kashmir, Bengal, etc. Also the people in the payrole of WAQF board, etc who see Majid income as their way of living are all going to create problems.

We need to militarize police and also arm Hindus before such decisions.

I cannot watch anymore attack on Indian Hindu women.
Good for you ; But how would you Convince Hindus that
The Demographic changes that WILL be evident and will be recorded in the census figures
are Harmless

As I said ; wait till 2022 when Census figures come and then
see what happens
Political parties especially BJP is scaring people using religious census and increasing Muslim population, at the same time they are opposing a certain caste based census.
OBC intellectuals and activists demand inclusion of caste category in 2021 Census -- link
Why this contradiction ? :unsure:


How about opening a dedicated anti-BJP thread and keep on posting there? I can personally help you creating one and ensure it stays there.
I'm not anti-BJP, I'm just not a fan of Pradhan sevak Modi and will scrutinize BJP or any other government. I know that pro-NDA chaps would like to muzzle my threads, make my opinions vanish from any discourse. I never stopped anyone form opening pro-NDA threads, in-fact I welcome it.;)

A new born babe is similar to a beggar, dependent on his parents.

communal violence incidents in 2013: 823, killed: 2269
total population of India in 2013 << population of India in 2017

by increasing population and same number of communal violence, the % of communal incidents has either remained static or gone down.

Number of Communal Incidents, Persons Killed/Injured Therein from 2013 to 2016 (January) (From: Ministry of Home Affairs)
Number of Communal Incidents, Persons Killed/Injured Therein from 2013 to 2016 (January) (From: Ministry of Home Affairs)
But 2013 was just before elections, And communal episodes like Muzzaffarnagar riots in 2013 politically helped BJP.
Are communal tensions spiking due to elections ?

Approximately, 97% of the recent police encounter deaths in UP-Bihar are from OBC SC ST and Muslim communities.

See I told you Hindutwa is just a business model or political strategy of BJP, and Modi is the brand ambassador. Religion is truly opium of the masses.

This website is a treasure trove. ;)

Dalit student dies after assault in Allahabad, video of violence goes viral
A Dalit student was attacked in Allahabad on Friday. The 26-year old was attacked at a restaurant violently with hockey sticks and bricks. The accused has now been arrested after the video of the incident went viral. The law student in question died after the attack.

The incident
The story goes that Dileep was out with his friends on Friday. They had gone to a restaurant in Karnalganj where the attack took place. A complaint was filed by Dileep’s brother on which basis an FIR was registered. The FIR was lodged against 6 accused and the main accused was arrested. Munna Chauhan the arrested attacker was identified from the CCTV footage. The student was identified as Dileep Saroj, a law student in Allahabad. When he went out with his friends he got caught in an altercation. Apparently, Dileep’s feet touched a Vijay Shankar Singh’s feet. The two groups got into a fight in the restaurant.

A waiter at the restaurant was Munna Chauhan, who got hit by one of the chairs that were thrown. Enraged, Chauhan hit Dileep with a rod. After brutal attacking Dileep it was said tried to run from the scene, but fell unconscious outside the restaurant. In spite of being unconscious, the attackers continued to beat Dileep. When he was admitted in the hospital he slipped into a coma, then died on Sunday.

While an FIR has been lodged, under sections 323, 307 and 308 of the Indian Penal Code, the SC-ST act is still to be added. The video in question went viral, which was how the action was taken against the accused. The violence of this nature should be a concern. While the caste factor in this story is yet to materialise but it raises questions of how violence can break out at the drop of a hat. Nobody should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and beat another person to death regardless of caste, class, gender or religion. That’s why we have laws in place, one would think.
Dalit student dies after assault in Allahabad, video of violence goes viral - The Indian Wire


Two headlines, side by side, celebrating India's secularism.#VasudhaivaKutumbakam
Political parties especially BJP is scaring people using religious census and increasing Muslim population, at the same time they are opposing a certain caste based census.
OBC intellectuals and activists demand inclusion of caste category in 2021 Census -- link
Why this contradiction ? :unsure:

I'm not anti-BJP, I'm just not a fan of Pradhan sevak Modi and will scrutinize BJP or any other government. I know that pro-NDA chaps would like to muzzle my threads, make my opinions vanish from any discourse. I never stopped anyone form opening pro-NDA threads, in-fact I welcome it.;)

A new born babe is similar to a beggar, dependent on his parents.

But 2013 was just before elections, And communal episodes like Muzzaffarnagar riots in 2013 politically helped BJP.
Are communal tensions spiking due to elections ?

Approximately, 97% of the recent police encounter deaths in UP-Bihar are from OBC SC ST and Muslim communities.

See I told you Hindutwa is just a business model or political strategy of BJP, and Modi is the brand ambassador. Religion is truly opium of the masses.

This website is a treasure trove. ;)

Dalit student dies after assault in Allahabad, video of violence goes viral
A Dalit student was attacked in Allahabad on Friday. The 26-year old was attacked at a restaurant violently with hockey sticks and bricks. The accused has now been arrested after the video of the incident went viral. The law student in question died after the attack.

The incident
The story goes that Dileep was out with his friends on Friday. They had gone to a restaurant in Karnalganj where the attack took place. A complaint was filed by Dileep’s brother on which basis an FIR was registered. The FIR was lodged against 6 accused and the main accused was arrested. Munna Chauhan the arrested attacker was identified from the CCTV footage. The student was identified as Dileep Saroj, a law student in Allahabad. When he went out with his friends he got caught in an altercation. Apparently, Dileep’s feet touched a Vijay Shankar Singh’s feet. The two groups got into a fight in the restaurant.

A waiter at the restaurant was Munna Chauhan, who got hit by one of the chairs that were thrown. Enraged, Chauhan hit Dileep with a rod. After brutal attacking Dileep it was said tried to run from the scene, but fell unconscious outside the restaurant. In spite of being unconscious, the attackers continued to beat Dileep. When he was admitted in the hospital he slipped into a coma, then died on Sunday.

While an FIR has been lodged, under sections 323, 307 and 308 of the Indian Penal Code, the SC-ST act is still to be added. The video in question went viral, which was how the action was taken against the accused. The violence of this nature should be a concern. While the caste factor in this story is yet to materialise but it raises questions of how violence can break out at the drop of a hat. Nobody should be allowed to take matters into their own hands and beat another person to death regardless of caste, class, gender or religion. That’s why we have laws in place, one would think.
Dalit student dies after assault in Allahabad, video of violence goes viral - The Indian Wire

What is the point you want to make? Why speak bullshit without any point to make?

What is the evidence that Hindutva is business model? Why is secularism not a business model?

Why are you mentioning a murder of a law student in this post? Will you cover all drunken brawls happening everywhere?

I think I have told this several times - BjP is reacting to Islam in a way appropriate in magnitude and situation. Since Islam is the fire, BJP is playing with fire. How is decency of ordinary people relevant here? BJP is made of ordinary people and has support of ordinary people.

Will you stop posting irrelevant non-actionable or non-informative posts filled with lies and cause spamming everywhere?
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I'm not anti-BJP, I'm just not a fan of Pradhan sevak Modi and will scrutinize BJP or any other government. I know that pro-NDA chaps would like to muzzle my threads, make my opinions vanish from any discourse. I never stopped anyone form opening pro-NDA threads, in-fact I welcome it.;)

And I am John Cena. :ROFLMAO:

A new born babe is similar to a beggar, dependent on his parents.

Only if you could understand difference between a dependent and a beggar.
And I am John Cena. :ROFLMAO:

Only if you could understand difference between a dependent and a beggar.
Here if you notice, you see children influencing they parents to buy toys. Increasing consumption, thus contributing to GDP and Tax.

I read a quote from Warren Buffet, about this, can't find it now.
Perhaps even he got some sense and retracted...:LOL:

And that was not influencing but coercing. Beggars are not choosers, children are.
Nope, he didn't retract it, it was in some book of his. Warren Buffet is not your typical CEO. He is the best in his profession, he is like Chanakya reborn.
Warren Buffett - Wikipedia

The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves - and the better the teacher, the better the student body.
Warren Buffett
It wont be as raw as you describe
Even after the judgement of the supreme court, it would be left with AIMPLB to convince their members about the court verdict and to accept it,
At least it might bring about closure to a big pending matter, and people can finally look towards development of growth.

The other alternative like you suggested might be disastrous to India in a way, but coming out of that, one community will end up being totally alienated and that might make them the USUAL suspects in case of any mischief.

I was talking about the ability of the state to enforce the law and see that it happens without incident.
That the muslims are just going to sit and watch when the masjids get demolished is assuming a bit too much.

Govt. was not able to enforce law on even issues many times minor, so what about this??
Also it'll be enough reason to provoke them into some ISIS style grouping.

You are talking about an animal like class of over breeding illitrate bafoons to behave civilized. They don't even know what race they are.
Nope, he didn't retract it, it was in some book of his. Warren Buffet is not your typical CEO. He is the best in his profession, he is like Chanakya reborn.
Warren Buffett - Wikipedia

The smarter the journalists are, the better off society is. For to a degree, people read the press to inform themselves - and the better the teacher, the better the student body.
Warren Buffett

Any other reason to agree on Babies are beggars apart from being said by Warren Buffet?
Political parties especially BJP is scaring people using religious census and increasing Muslim population, at the same time they are opposing a certain caste based census.
OBC intellectuals and activists demand inclusion of caste category in 2021 Census -- link
Why this contradiction ? :unsure:

I'm not anti-BJP, I'm just not a fan of Pradhan sevak Modi and will scrutinize BJP or any other government. I know that pro-NDA chaps would like to muzzle my threads, make my opinions vanish from any discourse. I never stopped anyone form opening pro-NDA threads, in-fact I welcome it.;)

A new born babe is similar to a beggar, dependent on his parents.

But 2013 was just before elections, And communal episodes like Muzzaffarnagar riots in 2013 politically helped BJP.
Are communal tensions spiking due to elections ?

Approximately, 97% of the recent police encounter deaths in UP-Bihar are from OBC SC ST and Muslim communities.

See I told you Hindutwa is just a business model or political strategy of BJP, and Modi is the brand ambassador. Religion is truly opium of the masses.

This website is a treasure trove. ;)

Dalit student dies after assault in Allahabad, video of violence goes viral
A Dalit student was attacked in Allahabad on Friday. The 26-year old was attacked at a restaurant violently with hockey sticks and bricks. The accused has now been arrested after the video of the incident went viral. The law student in question died after the attack.

the accused vijay was also involved in a murder in 2006, if the SC/ST/MUSLIM favourable government would have taken steps on this general cast accused then this incident would not have happened.
Approximately, 97% of the recent police encounter deaths in UP-Bihar are from OBC SC ST and Muslim communities.
March 31
Killed: Gurmeet, 25 of Saharanpur
Encounter: In Deoband (Saharanpur), died 22 days later; sub-inspector injured
Cases: 7, from murder attempt to dacoity.
Police reward: None
Probes: Police closure report gives clean chit to cops, magisterial inquiry pending

July 29

Killed: Naushad @ Danny, 27, and Sarwar, 28, of Bhura in Kairana (Shamli); both had been proclaimed absconding
Encounter: In Kairana; 3 policemen received gunshot injuries
Cases: 17 against Naushad (attempted murder, Goonda Act etc); 9 against Sarwar (attempted murder, Gangsters Act etc)
Police reward: Rs 60,000 on Naushad, Rs 15,000 on Sarwar
Probes: Clean chit to cops by police and magisterial probes

August 2

Killed: Kasim, 35, of Vishambhara (Mathura)
Encounter: In Shergarh (Mathura); sub-inspector and constable injured
Cases: 6, including robbery
Police reward: None
Probes: Police, magisterial probes pending

August 3

Killed: Jai Hind Yadav, 29, of Tarwa (Azamgarh), wanted for a robbery in May
Encounter: In Azamgarh; a sub-inspector and a constable injured
Cases: 13 including murder attempt, under Gangster Act and under Arms Act
Police reward: Rs 15,000
Probe: Clean chit to cops by police probe; magisterial inquiry pending

August 11

Killed: Ikram @ Tola, 37, from Kairana (Shamli); was living in Badaut (Baghpat); suspected in two murders and on the run
Encounter: In Kairana; 2 cops injured
Cases: 13 including murder and robbery
Police reward: Rs 5,000
Probes: Clean chit to cops in police probe; magisterial inquiry pending

August 16

Killed: Nitin, 24, of Augata (Bulandshahr)
Encounter: In Meerapur (Muzaffarna-gar); sub-inspector and constable injured
Cases: 14, including murder, attempted murder, robbery and under Gangster Act
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Clean chit to cops in police investigation as well as magisterial inquiry

August 18

Killed: Surjeet Singh @ Budhwa, 28, of Chiraiyakot (Mau); reportedly escaped while being taken to court 7 days earlier
Encounter: In Mubarakpur (Azamgarh),; sub-inspector and two constables injured
Cases: 36 including murder, robbery, attempted murder, extortion
Police reward: Rs 15,000
Probes: Clean chit to cops in police report, magisterial inquiry pending


September 1

Killed: Sunil Sharma, 32; hailed from Siwan (Bihar), was staying at Chinhat (Lucknow); allegedly escaped from custody on August 8
Encounter: In Gomti Nagar (Lucknow); no cops injured
Cases: 12 including murder, murder attempt, robbery
Police reward: Rs 15,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 3

Killed: Sharda Kol, 35, of Nihi (Chitrakoot); part of dacoit Babuli Kol gang
Encounter: In Manikpur (Chitrakoot); no cops injured
Cases: 12 including dacoity, murder and under Gangster Act
Police reward: Rs 12,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 8

Killed: Nadeem, 30, of Nai Mandi (Muzaffarnagar); reportedly escaped while being taken to court 2 days earlier
Encounter: In Kakrauli (Muzaffarnagar); sub-inspector sustained gunshot injuries
Cases: 12, including kidnapping, murder
Police reward: Rs 15,000
Probes: Clean chit to policemen in police probe as well as magisterial inquiry

September 11

Killed: Shamshad, 30, of Biharigarh (Saharanpur); reportedly escaped 4 days before encounter
Encounter: In Sadar Bazar (Saharanpur); sub-inspector and constable injured
Cases: 36 including dacoity, Gangster Act, murder, attempt to murder
Police reward: Rs 12,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 12

Killed: Raju, 25, of Loni (Ghaziabad)
Encounter: In Jhinjhana (Shamli), where Raju allegedly planned robbery with an aide, who fled; two constables injured
Cases: 16 including murder, dacoity
Police reward: Rs 12,000
Probes: Clean chit from police, magisterial inquiry pending

September 14

Killed: Ramji, 28, of Tarwa (Azamgarh)
Encounter: At Gambhirpur (Azamgarh); a constable sustained gunshot injuries
Cases: 10 including attempted murder
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 17

Killed: Janu @ Jaan Mohammad, 28, of Dohgat (Baghpat)
Encounter: In Khatauli (Muzaffarnagar); two constables sustained gunshot injuries
Cases: 27, including robbery, murder
Police reward: Rs 12,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 18

Killed: Aadesh @ Sunder, 27, of Chaubia (Etawah); allegedly escaped from custody in September 2016
Encounter: At Bharthana (Etawah); sub-inspector and two constables injured
Cases: 12 including murder, kidnapping
Police reward: Rs 15,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 19

Killed: Babendra, 35, of Pisawa (Aligarh)
Encounter: At Bisrak (Gautam Budh Nagar); Babendra and aides were allegedly running after robbery; constable injured
Cases: 23 including murder, robbery
Police reward: None
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 26

Killed: Mansoor @ Mooch, 32 of Behat (Saharanpur)
Encounter: In Sadar Bazar (Meerut), allegedly following a theft; no cops injured
Cases: 22 including attempted murder
Police reward: Rs 25,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

September 28

Killed: Waseem, 20, of Kairana (Shamli)
Encounter: In Saroorpur (Meerut); no cops injured
Cases: 10 including robbery, murder
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

Killed: Vikas @ Khujali, 25, of Ahmedgarh (Bulandshahr); on the run since July looting and murder
Encounter: In Jawan (Aligarh), DySP-ranked officer and sub-inspector injured
Cases: 12 including murder, robbery
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

October 3

Killed: Sumit Gurjar, 25, of Baghpat
Encounter: Kasna (Gautam Budh Nagar); sub-inspector injured
Case: Double murder & dacoity (Sept 20); emerged as suspect day before encounter
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probe status: Police investigation, magisterial inquiry pending; govt gives report to NHRC after being served a notice

October 22

Killed: Furkan, 45, of Kairana; absconding; cases in Shamli, Saharanpur, Haryana
Encounter: Budhana (Muzaffarnagar); 2 policemen sustained firearm injuries
Cases: 23, from murder to dacoity
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

December 8

Killed: Ramjani, 35, of Haridwar
Encounter: Akrabad (Aligarh); cop injured
Cases: 22, from murder to dacoity
Police reward: Rs 50,000 (Saharanpur police) plus Rs 25,000 (Uttarakhand)
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

December 10

Killed: Aslam Ali, 30, of Shamli
Encounter: Dadri (Gautam Budh Nagar); sub-inspector and constable injured
Cases: 10, from robbery to dacoity
Police reward: Rs 50,000 in UP, Rs 2,500 in Uttarakhand
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

December 29

Killed: Sonu Kumar, 28, of Aligarh
Encounter: Sikanderbad (Bulandshahr); no cops injured
Cases: 26, from dacoity to murder
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

December 30

Killed: Shamim, 34, of Muzaffarnagar
Encounter: Jansath (Muzaffarnagar); constable suffered bullet injury
Cases: 27, dacoity to attempted murder
Police reward: Rs 1 lakh
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

Killed: Noor Mohammad @ Haseen Mota, 32, of Meerut
Encounter: Paratpur (Meerut); no cops injured
Cases: 18, extortion to murder
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

January 2

Killed: Sabir, 32, of Shamli; police constable Ankit Tomar
Encounter: Kairana; constable killed, sub-inspector injured
Cases: 20, robbery to murder
Police reward: Rs 1 lakh
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

January 3

Satyaveer Satte, 35, of Aligarh
Encounter: Kotwali; no cops injured
Cases: 9, dacoity to robbery
Police reward: Rs 50,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

January 9

Channu Sonkar, 35, of Azamgarh
Encounter: Jahajganj (Azamgarh); constable injured
Cases: 12, robbery to murder
Police reward: Rs 25,000
Probes: Police, magisterial both pending

Your 97% OBC/SC/ST/MUSLIMS victim of hindutva ideology