Indian Political Discussion

Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos #Modiscam


Nirav Modi, accused of pulling off possibly India’s biggest bank fraud, was posing for pictures with prime minister Narendra Modi just a few weeks ago. The billionaire diamond merchant was part of the delegation of Indian businessmen and corporate leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.

Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos
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To be honest, I'd like to make an observation here.

I realize that twitter and other social media have their place in the world. And in the current political and social ever deepening and widening rift in India and its discourse.

Where Indians prefer to talk AT one another, instead of talk TO or WITH one another.

If twitter has a place, then so do forums. And forums are NOT twitter. At least that should be the case. For if you wanted twitter, you have twitter. If you want forums, you have forums.

Why bring twitter on to forums, and force those of us who have zero interest in twitter to endure the same.

Now you would justifiably say, that who is asking you to endure? Just ignore. Do not read.

But then here is the rub guys. If the two sides (and it would be naive to deny that there really are two deeply entrenched sides here) keep Twitter bombing (yeah, that's what I call it) the threads, one after another, bam bam bam, without any discussion, or comments, or even thoughts of your own, then what are we doing here?

Why are we here?

To read other people's comments on Twitter?

Then why don't you twitter bombers go to twitter, and leave the forums for forumers?

It makes no sense to me honestly. There is no discussion. Just a sanghi twitter bomb. Then a secular or liberal or whatever label you want to give it twitter bomb in return.

@nair @Ashwin @Avi

Cheers, Doc
Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos #Modiscam


Nirav Modi, accused of pulling off possibly India’s biggest bank fraud, was posing for pictures with prime minister Narendra Modi just a few weeks ago. The billionaire diamond merchant was part of the delegation of Indian businessmen and corporate leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.

Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos
Any blood relation between the 2? I'm sure Alt News must have some dough ? Or perhaps Nirav Modi may have contributed to the BJP ? What does Janta Ka Reporter have to say ?
@nair @Aashish @Avi I've already started Posting Articles mentioned in Tweets, the 'Breaking News' are exception. Once the News Portal Updates it on their website. I'd update it in respective Threads. Hope non has problems with it.

The idea of discouraging Tweets as OP because in twitter eveyone is arnab goswami, and sherleck holms...... A tweet from a reputed media or a person who is in capacity should be good enough.... But the issue is lot of parody accounts are out there..... Care must be taken... You can update the article once that comes especailly in the case of breaking news....
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97% of the police encounters deaths in UP, are OBC SC ST and
What kind of twisted pathetic logic is this? First these stats may be well wrong.

Second you included 80+% of people in UP the only thing you left are general category hindus which is already fractional part.

Third should police ask for caste certificate when attacked? Or you want to kill innocent uper caste hindus just to beautify the state and look secular? What kind of pathetic twisted mentality is that? If these stats are correct does it not tell you where does majority of criminals even after providing 50% reservation comes from? Was destroying lives of general class by implementing reservation is not enough that you want to kill them too?

Maybe those twisted sources don't tell you but every encounter is automatically sent to judicial inquiry. Unless you say those 50% reserved judges and muslim judges somehow give clean chit to every wrong even when they are targeted your argument is frivolous.

And please next time tag me or reply me an article from sensible people not venomous snakes that knows nothing but to lie to core. Everything that comes out of that mentality stink. Use your mind don't rent others.
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@bonobashi @Guynextdoor @Tatvamasi

As Elections Near, Rattled Sangh Parivar Plays Polarisation Game to Recover Lost Ground
By Sidharth Bhatia on 12/02/201810 Comments

The BJP’s desperation is cranking up the hatred quotient in India.

Hindutva is all around us, guiding our national conversation. Credit: Reuters

There is no mistaking a new sense of urgency in the BJP and the larger Sangh parivar. The results in the Gujarat elections and Rajasthan bypolls point to rising popular dissatisfaction with the party.

Eight state-level elections, including in Rajasthan and Karnataka, are on the way and by May next year, perhaps earlier, the general elections will be held. Current wisdom holds that the BJP will not get the 282 seats it got in 2014 and that Prime Minister Narendra Modi could either be leading a shaky coalition or worse, not even return as prime minister, since coalition partners may want someone who is more accommodative to their concerns.

As its many close allies are getting restless and expressing their unhappiness at the way they are being treated by the BJP, they will be even more vocal and obstructive in a proper coalition. And what if the party does poorly and an opposition coalition comes to power? It is not such a wild thought – the shock of 2004 is still fresh in everyone’s mind. It is a thought that worries the parivar but most of all Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah. A rattled party has reverted to what it knows best-polarisation, fuelled by turbo charged Hindutva.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) normally does not get too worried about election results – it continues to work towards its long-term objectives, whichever government is in power. The BJP naturally wants to win elections, but the RSS and all the other outfits subscribing to that ideology have an instrumentalist approach to such democratic processes — for them being in the government just makes their job easier, since they can influence policy and achieve their goals faster.

For decades, they managed to place their own people in the right places in government – just count the number of ex-government officials who came out out of the woodwork in 2014. The RSS didn’t stop working when they were banned, or when the BJP had just two seats in parliament.

Also read: This Will Be the Year of Peak Hindutva
But naturally, the handsome victory of 2014 came as a big booster. Now it had its own hand on the levers of power, which allowed to accelerate its plans. Over the last nearly four years, no effort has been spared to capture key institutions, change history books, push through much favoured policies and edge out the much reviled secularists. Jawaharlal Nehru has been painted as the original sinner – this has been an article of faith with the RSS for generations – responsible for much that has gone wrong with India. Muslims have been pummelled into submission.

Hindutva and its many malcontents are out there, not just operating on the fringes but in literary salons, television studios and even teacher training programmes. Hindutva is all around us, guiding our national conversation.

This is a country that today debates, on national television, the prime minister’s jibes against a fellow parliamentarian because she laughed a bit too loudly. The Goa chief minister’s stray thoughts about the horror of women drinking beer (and thus going against Hindutva sanskar) bothers our pundits more than the landmark ruling of the Supreme Court against mining licences. The prime minister can refuse to hold a press conference or give a truly no-holds barred interview and the media has no option but to accept.

A new normal has been created where we have become almost inured to the idea of people being killed for no reason than suspicion of their diet. Lynchings are filmed, all the better to give them wider circulation to reach true devotees and to teach ‘love jihadis‘ a lesson. How soon before other ‘deviants’, such as gays or liberals are targeted?

The creation of this toxic and poisonous atmosphere, where minorities are terrorised and history is rewritten, merely scratches the surface. The long-term plans of the Sangh parivar are more ambitious. The removal of Kashmir’s special status, changes to the Civil Code, building of the Ram Mandir and, the pet project, completely reworking the constitution – all these are crucial to the Sangh project but are nowhere near achieved. It is imperative that this goal is not thwarted.


The long-term ambitious plans of the Sangh parivar include building the Ram Mandir and reworking the constitution. Credit: PTI

Not too long ago, it all looked very achievable. The BJP got what it wanted when it won a full majority in the Lok Sabha in 2014.

With their own government in power, Hindutva forces became more emboldened, more visible and more brazen in pushing through their agenda, with full confidence that the might of the state would not descend on them.

In any other law abiding society, the killers of Akhlaq and so many more since would have been brought to justice speedily; here they were declared as heroes, with the tricolour on the coffin of one of the alleged killers. A Vinay Katiyar would have been asked to explain his shocking statements by his party leadership, but there has been not a peep from anyone in his party, much less the prime minister. He might end up getting rewarded; after all, didn’t Yogi Adityanath make it to the chief minister’s chair despite all the charges against him?

But the buoyant mood of 2014 has faded. The big objectives remained as elusive as ever. The numbers in the Rajya Sabha are still weighed against the BJP and worse, the portents for 2019 are not good. If a majority government with a strong and popular prime minister couldn’t initiate the first moves towards structural change, a coalition in which the BJP does not have the majority will find it even more difficult to do so.

Thus the desperation to quickly try and recover lost ground. The uptick in raising the temperature is to consolidate the Hindu vote – it is the one tactic that the parivar is good at and which has paid handsome dividends in the past. There is a familiar pattern in play – every polarisation tactic is being tried out in the hope that it not only keeps the flock happy and energised but also draws in the fence-sitters and the not-decideds who may be susceptible to Hindutva propaganda, even if they don’t know it.

At the ground level, organisations that enjoy an arms length relationship with the RSS and the BJP have cranked up the hatred quotient; the second tier, that is people in responsible positions but with a pedigree of hate mongering have started making even more outrageous statements and at the very top, where appearances still matter (the urban middle-class cannot be alienated too much), prejudices are aired in the name of correcting historical wrongs.

Also read: The Sheen Around Modi Is Quickly Fading
Thus, while one sees a riot here or violence there (Kasganj), one also suddenly finds Vinay Katiyar getting active and talking of how Muslims should leave India. The urban middle class may find all this distasteful. For them, the prime minister makes a quasi-election speech in Parliament, avoiding the Rafale controversy but doing everything to run down Jawaharlal Nehru, his descendants and his party. If only Vallabhai Patel had been the first prime minister, the whole of Kashmir would have remained with India, Modi says. That there is enough historical evidence that proves otherwise doesn’t matter to either Modi or to the Sanghis; they have been indoctrinated with these teachings for generations and don’t care for history or documentary proof.

To those who may cringe at the thought of approving street level Hindutva-type thuggery and who may reject Vinay Katiyar’s loony rantings, the prime minister’s anti-Nehru refrain makes a lot of sense —conflate that with the idea of dynasty and even liberal, ‘neutral’ intellectuals may be ready to nod their heads.

By this three-pronged effort, which marketers may call owning all segments, the parivar manages to keep all its constituents, hardcore as well as new-born, within the fold and hopes to increase its reach. In 2014, it was not just the old time parivar faithful who propelled the BJP to victory; Narendra Modi captured the imagination of the educated middle-class, the urban elite and the new, young voter, all of whom hailed the alternative to the corrupt ancient regime. They were mesmerised by talk of economic growth, jobs and a corruption-free India. They are now disappointed, at not just the economic performance of this government but also rising tensions. They may not be looking at Rahul Gandhi with hope, but they could turn their backs on the BJP. If they stray, looking for alternatives, the BJP could be on trouble.

That could mean disaster for the party – in the next few months, they have to be retained. Promises of ‘achhe din‘ won’t work this time. Why not try Hindutva and Nehru bashing instead; who knows it might just strike a chord?

As Elections Near, Rattled Sangh Parivar Plays Polarisation Game to Recover Lost Ground - The Wire


Muzaffarnagar DM, SSP Oppose Yogi’s Attempt to Drop Riot Cases Against BJP Politicians
By PTI on 12/02/20182 Comments

With the courts taking cognisance of several crimes, district officials say the state government cannot withdraw those cases unilaterally.

File photo of policemen standing in street of riot-affected Muzaffarnagar in 2013. Credit: PTI

Muzaffarnagar (UP): District authorities here are not in favour of withdrawal of the cases, mostly against political leaders, related to the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013 in which over 60 people were killed and over 40,000 rendered homeless, official sources said here on Saturday.

The district authorities, in response to two letters from the Uttar Pradesh department of justice, have advocated against the withdrawal of 10 such cases as the court has already taken cognisance against the accused after charge sheets were filed by the police and the special investigation team (SIT) probing the riots cases, the sources said.

Some of the cases were filed against UP minister Suresh Rana, former Union minister Sanjiv Balyan, MP Bhartendu Singh, MLA Umesh Malik and BJP leader Sadhvi Prachi.

In two letters to the Muzaffarnagar district magistrate, the Uttar Pradesh department of justice had sought information on 13 points, including whether the cases could be withdrawn in public interest.

The district authorities have opposed the proposal in the interest of justice, on the recommendation of the district prosecution department, the sources said.

The accused are facing charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code for violating prohibitory orders, deterring public servants from discharging their duties and wrongful restraint.

The accused had allegedly participated in a ‘mahapanchayat’ and incited violence through their speeches in the last week of August 2013.

The communal clashes in Muzaffarnagar and adjoining areas in August and September 2013 had claimed more than 60 lives while over 40,000 people were displaced.

Muzaffarnagar DM, SSP Oppose Yogi's Attempt to Drop Riot Cases Against BJP Politicians - The Wire
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It turns out that the scam was since UPA era .. #NiravModiScam #MMS #ItalianMadam
Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos #Modiscam


Nirav Modi, accused of pulling off possibly India’s biggest bank fraud, was posing for pictures with prime minister Narendra Modi just a few weeks ago. The billionaire diamond merchant was part of the delegation of Indian businessmen and corporate leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.

Nirav Modi, accused of swindling $1.8 billion, was with Narendra Modi at Davos
Somehow I am not happy with this oft repeated excuse that the scam happened in UPA era. The truth is that both these guys have escaped under NDA and BJP must take blame for their failure to prevent these cheats from flying out of India. This gvt came to power promising action against the corrupt and they have failed to deliver on this front. Every cheat is enjoying his life and living free in India whether its the Italian waitress or her son-in-law or anybody else. No action has been taken against these cheats except for false promises. BJP must pull up its socks and start to deliver on what it had promised.
Somehow I am not happy with this oft repeated excuse that the scam happened in UPA era. The truth is that both these guys have escaped under NDA and BJP must take blame for their failure to prevent these cheats from flying out of India. This gvt came to power promising action against the corrupt and they have failed to deliver on this front. Every cheat is enjoying his life and living free in India whether its the Italian waitress or her son-in-law or anybody else. No action has been taken against these cheats except for false promises. BJP must pull up its socks and start to deliver on what it had promised.

Are you happy with how they are managing Kashmir? Any promises fulfilled there? Any return of our Pandits? Any ceasing of the BS of the Amarnath Yatra needing permission to pass?

Lets call a spade a spade. Modi made an *censored* of Hindus. And Hindus swallowed it hook line and sinker. While the gujjju lobby laughed its way to (and out of) the bank. No pun intended.

Cheers, Doc
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Are you happy with how they are managing Kashmir? Any promises fulfilled there? Any return of our Pandits? Any ceasing of the BS of the Amarnath Yatra needing permission to pass?

Lets call a spade a spade. Modi made an *censored* of Hindus. And Hindus swallowed it hook line and sinker. While the gujjju lobby laughed its way to (and out of) the bank. No pun intended.

Cheers, Doc

Way too early and reactionary to claim that. The truth is, a party that is ideologically bound to function by itself, and at best, with a couple other ideologically aligned parties; needs to have both an LS majority, as the BJP already does, and more importantly, an RS majority, which they haven't acquired yet.

This becomes even more true when you've got people like Modi and Shah who don't play too well with others and who have hugely ambitious goals/objectives that essentially amount to flipping a country around 180 degrees overnight after 70 years of plodding along in the same direction.

So wait until they retain their LS majority in 2019 (hopefully while having to rely on as few allies as possible), and until they manage to capture the RS majority. After that, they basically won't need cooperation from a lot of these other parties/people, and will have their hands untied to go after a lot more corruption and reforms/campaign promises that they didn't have the freedom to pursue. At that point, they will also be able to point to the first term and say clearly, that they tried to cooperate with and take the Opposition parties into confidence, but those parties chose not to play ball and preferred to engage in five years of filibustering instead. The logic there is similar to how Modi attempted a reset with the Pakistanis, we all knew it was bound to fail, but for the sake of optics/building justification for his later stance, he still had to try.
Somehow I am not happy with this oft repeated excuse that the scam happened in UPA era. The truth is that both these guys have escaped under NDA and BJP must take blame for their failure to prevent these cheats from flying out of India. This gvt came to power promising action against the corrupt and they have failed to deliver on this front. Every cheat is enjoying his life and living free in India whether its the Italian waitress or her son-in-law or anybody else. No action has been taken against these cheats except for false promises. BJP must pull up its socks and start to deliver on what it had promised.

Not to mention 2G eviction. If it was isolated incident it would have been ignored but this is a pattern which makes it very, very doubtful.

Its very hard to belive that both Mallya and Nirav Modi left country without govt facilitation. Yes facilitation from influential BJP leaders for some money they have definitely *censored*ed up young voter base.

Most of the people who use to adore Modi, sing praises of him day and night (including me) are now openly against his incompetence, this must worry him. It takes really a lot of effort to destroy that kind of super solid support base.

Its so sad to see him becoming companion of Kejriwal and Rahul Gandhi.
Way too early and reactionary to claim that. The truth is, a party that is ideologically bound to function by itself, and at best, with a couple other ideologically aligned parties; needs to have both an LS majority, as the BJP already does, and more importantly, an RS majority, which they haven't acquired yet.

This becomes even more true when you've got people like Modi and Shah who don't play too well with others and who have hugely ambitious goals/objectives that essentially amount to flipping a country around 180 degrees overnight after 70 years of plodding along in the same direction.

So wait until they retain their LS majority in 2019 (hopefully while having to rely on as few allies as possible), and until they manage to capture the RS majority. After that, they basically won't need cooperation from a lot of these other parties/people, and will have their hands untied to go after a lot more corruption and reforms/campaign promises that they didn't have the freedom to pursue. At that point, they will also be able to point to the first term and say clearly, that they tried to cooperate with and take the Opposition parties into confidence, but those parties chose not to play ball and preferred to engage in five years of filibustering instead. The logic there is similar to how Modi attempted a reset with the Pakistanis, we all knew it was bound to fail, but for the sake of optics/building justification for his later stance, he still had to try.

I hear a lot of words.

But no answer to why -

Their term is ending. Not a single move to rehabilitate the Pandits.

Their term is ending. Hindus in a so called Hindu rashtra with a Hindu party still need permission from the valley's hostile Muslims to pass for their Yatra.

Their term has nearly ended. And our army gets stoned with police FIRs for a soldier who reacts in self defence.

Instead we've had a term of beef, gau mutra, Ayurvedic MBBS, crying peacocks, love jihad, and a failed economy.

We did not vote for them in 2014 to be given a second chance in 2019.

We voted for them to do something in the 5 year mandate we gave them.

Cheers, Doc
I hear a lot of words.

But no answer to why -

Their term is ending. Not a single move to rehabilitate the Pandits.

Their term is ending. Hindus in a so called Hindu rashtra with a Hindu party still need permission from the valley's hostile Muslims to pass for their Yatra.

Their term has nearly ended. And our army gets stoned with police FIRs for a soldier who reacts in self defence.

Instead we've had a term of beef, gau mutra, Ayurvedic MBBS, crying peacocks, love jihad, and a failed economy.

We did not vote for them in 2014 to be given a second chance in 2019.

We voted for them to do something in the 5 year mandate we gave them.

Cheers, Doc
Failed economy?? Wow!! Care to explain how Indian economy is a failed one!!
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Not a single move to rehabilitate the Pandits.
As I said, wait till they control the LS and RS, then the possibilities are endless.
so called Hindu rashtra
And who told you India is a Hindu Rashtra? Aside from the far leftists and Islamofascists they're in bed with - constantly crying and complaining about India becoming a RW Hindu Rashtra - nobody else thinks it is one. Do you think we'd have to put up with the sort of bullshit that we do from Muslims if India was a real Hindu Rashtra? I personally don't support beef politics, but do you think a single person in India would dare to kill or eat a cow if India was a Hindu Rashtra? The whole Hindu Rashtra thing is currently little more than a fantasy for some and a stick to beat Modi/BJP with for others.
still need permission from the valley's hostile Muslims to pass for their Yatra.
And it will remain that way until India engages in large scale demographic change there, any possibility of that or a similar solution is first trapped behind BJP picking up a majority in both legislative houses.
And our army gets stoned with police FIRs for a soldier who reacts in self defence.
That will always go on, until someone sets the Kashmiris straight through legally/ethically questionable means (I have plenty of ideas, but they're probably considered too harsh for a country that always takes the soft approach).

However, how does any of that matter, the Government has given the Army a free hand to do what it wants, and the Army has constantly backed its men even in sticky situations like Maj. Gogoi; then let the Kashmiris file infinite FIR's.
Instead we've had a term of beef, gau mutra, Ayurvedic MBBS, crying peacocks, love jihad
I'm no fan of that either, but the Indian electorate is notoriously fickle and stupid; and if that's what it takes to get their votes - so be it. You don't get credit for engaging in good, clean politics and then losing.
a failed economy.
Wouldn't call it failed, but it certainly was jolted with Demo and GST. Demo was obviously more political than anything, but GST was necessary and was going to have to be introduced eventually. Either way, it's only going to improve from here, and the scope for growth and improvement now is massive, especially since the bitter medicine (GST) has been swallowed.
We voted for them to do something in the 5 year mandate we gave them.
As I said, this administration will have to literally take India in a directly opposite direction to the one we've been going in for roughly 70 years. This was the ground laying phase where they consolidated their hold on power and expanded rapidly through the country. Once they retain the LS and capture the RS, I expect to a see a lot of what they were voted for. Change, especially the sort of change these guys have been voted to bring, doesn't come instantly.

And since I see a lot of comments like this from all sorts of people on here and on social media, let me be very clear; no matter how much anyone may be underwhelmed/disappointed with this administration, you should all set aside a few minutes to think about what condition the country would be in today if Congress had gotten another 5 years. You can have a million complaints with Modi - but better him than Congress any day, and it's not even remotely close.
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As I said, wait till they control the LS and RS, then the possibilities are endless.

And who told you India is a Hindu Rashtra? Asides from the far leftists and Islamofascists they're in bed with - constantly crying and complaining about India becoming a RW Hindu Rashtra - nobody else thinks it is one. Do you think we'd have to put up with the sort of bullshit that we do from Muslims if India was a real Hindu Rashtra? I personally don't support beef politics, but do you think a single person in India would dare to kill or eat a cow if India was a Hindu Rashtra? The whole Hindu Rashtra thing is currently little more than a fantasy for some and a stick to beat Modi/BJP with for others.

And it will remain that way until India engages in large scale demographic change there, any possibility of that or a similar solution is first trapped behind BJP picking up a majority in both legislative houses.

That will always go on, until someone sets the Kashmiris straight through legally/ethically questionable means (I have plenty of ideas, but they're probably considered too harsh for a country that always takes the soft approach).

However, how does any of that matter, the Government has given the Army a free hand to do what it wants, and the Army has constantly backed its men even in sticky situations like Maj. Gogoi; then let the Kashmiris file infinite FIR's.

I'm no fan of that either, but the Indian elecotrate is notoriously fickle and stupid; and if that's what it takes to get their votes - so be it. You don't get credit for engaging in good, clean politics and then losing.

Wouldn't call it failed, but it certainly was jolted with Demo and GST. Demo was obviously more political than anything, but GST was necessary and was going to have to be introduced eventually. Either way, it's only going to improve from here, and the scope for growth and improvement now is massive, especially since the bitter medicine (GST) has been swallowed.

As I said, this administration will have to literally take India in a directly opposite direction to the one we've been going in for roughly 70 years. This was the ground laying phase where they consolidated their hold on power and expanded rapidly through the country. Once they retain the LS and capture the RS, I expect to a see a lot of what they were voted for. Change, especially the sort of change these guys have been voted to bring, doesn't come instantly.

And since I see a lot of comments like this from all sorts of people on here and on social media, let me be very clear; no matter how much anyone may be underwhelmed/disappointed with this administration, you should all set aside a few minutes to think about what condition the country would be in today if Congress had gotten another 5 years. You can have a million complaints with Modi - but better him than Congress any day, and it's not even remotely close.
That's called ambush marketing. Just keep highlighting even smallest of the failures of current government without comparing it's actual performance with previous government in an objective manner. Just create negative sentiment and clear the path for Congress to get back to power. Pretty standard procedure by Congress supporters!!
That's called ambush marketing. Just keep highlighting even smallest of the failures of current government without comparing it's actual performance with previous government in an objective manner. Just create negative sentiment and clear the path for Congress to get back to power. Pretty standard procedure by Congress supporters!!

Don't know if vsdoc supports Congress, don't actually think he does, but even amongst a lot of those who voted BJP, I've seen this sudden lack of perspective/over-disappointment. I understand BJP made big promises before coming to power, and obviously under-delivered in comparison to those promises.

But there is not a single plank on which you can logically argue that this current Government hasn't been much much better than Congress.