Can anyone from Kerala tell me which way will the christians vote? will they go with Muslims or with Hindus in Kerala.
Not even Pathanamthitta? Between the Sabarimala movement & PC George joining NDA, they should have a good shot.
Ambani surely can... 100 crore ka krde caseWhy cant the BJP sue this idiot Pappu for defaming Modi, Ambani where ever he goes? Seriously, can he not be taken to court when he speaks with such affirmation?
(NOUN): When one gives a sworn affidavit in court that he is not a Hindu (does not believe in Hindu God) and then goes to Hindu temple for electoral gains and then the Hindu God punishes him on the spot by dropping an iron scale on your head.
BJP wont win a single seat in Kerala if voting percentage is anything under 70 percent. Kerala Hindus are a real confused lot and unless they come out and vote in numbers, the more dedicated voters of other denominations will steal the show.
Can anyone from Kerala tell me which way will the christians vote? will they go with Muslims or with Hindus in Kerala.
The smartest in the country are actually the Bongs. If you don't believe me, look at their CM for proof. Bongo like always is a trend setter. What bongo does today, the rest of the country does tomm.Exactly. A seriously deranged group of Hindus. And they think they are the smartest people in India too (which is why they never care to fact check)!! This illusion of knowing everything and being the smartest of the bunch is preventing them from knowing anything at all.
Not even Pathanamthitta? Between the Sabarimala movement & PC George joining NDA, they should have a good shot.
Christians will never go with muslims and Hindus (they hate both communities; not religion, but their political parties muslim league and BJP). They go with Congress usually and rarely (some poor classes, not all) with communists, a total opportunist group.
But this time there is an added dimension of fights between different factions of churches. Orthodox christians for whom the Supreme Court order giving them control of churches from Yakobaya Sabha (they keep illegal control) was not enforced by state govt (communists) which has on the other hand been going out of its way to enforce Sabarimala court order. So some staunch Orthodox groups will vote BJP (again, not all) since they see the state govt as favoring the Yakobaya group (Congress on their last rule was also favouring the Yakobaya group).
Orthodox group is in majority in areas like Kottayam and nearby areas. And in good numbers in other areas (but not majority to Yakobaya group). Orthodox and yakobaya groups are the two biggest christain groups.
Anyway, malayaly christians are opportunists (even if economically really well off). Most don't vote thinking in terms of religion (but they keep a dislike nurtured by the churches against BJP and Muslim League). But you can expect some orthodox members (staunch Orthodox believers) to vote BJP/NOTA this time as an experiment to see if central govt+ state BJP leaders will put pressure on whatever state govt comes in to enforce church act (but you shouldn't expect this to be a trend since these staunch orthodox are actually very religious and will never turn pro-Hindu rastra in the long term). And BJP can use the turning over of churches to Orthodox to make them pro-BJP and remove the anti-Hindu-Parties bias. All of this is because of so much misinformation/preconceptions/perceptions regarding history, Hindu community, etc. BJP should aim to woo this group since they don't keep a hate mind towards Hindus (they are not rice bag converts who got converted in recent century but were there for 10-15 centuries and more). Orthodox group (and those that left orthodox group to yakobaya not including the new converts) should have least hate (and with a better chance to turn pro-Hindu) towards Hindus among all christian factions.
BJP should woo Orhtodox since BJP Hindus + pro-BJP Orthodox Chrisitans will help BJP chances in state. Orhtodox are well distributed all over kerala (except north kerala).
tamilnadu they will gainI can assure you that in J&K, Haryana, Delhi, Gujrat, MP, Rajasthan, UK, HP, Bihar, JK, Karnataka, Maharashtra & Goa, BJP will perform better than 2014. It will lose seats in CG, Punjab, UP, Andhra+Telangana & TN. But the loss of seats in these states will be just about 15-20 seats and and these seats will be made up from WB & Orrisa. I am looking at 65+ seats in UP now for BJP. This seat prediction is for BJP and not NDA. I still say that BJP will get majority on its own but NDA allies contribution will be lesser this time.
INC Candidate last time had 220,000 votes lead over BJP candidate in 2014 (BJP total votes was 138,954, LDF 302,651). PC George supporting NDA will have an effect on BJP votes however, that is not enough to get over the line.
Last year, PC George's was in UDF camp last time, but INC had almost 25,000 votes behind LDF candidate in his constituency (Not because of PC George, but peoples were against INC due to `Gadgil Committee` report so they voted left). In other words, INC won even with strong opposition from PC george's constituency last time, so unless they loose significant votes this time in other parts of the constituency, it is hard for INC to loose.
Christians votes may split this time which went to INC last time as CPM candidate too have good releations with them church. If this happens then there is a chance for NDA
There is no chance for nda
I am hearing about four seats are very much winnable.If the 52 % votes split equally and the other half of 48 votes for NDA!