Indian Political Discussion

I am hearing about four seats are very much winnable.

There was huge response for Shabarimala during the stir. Also very huge turn out in campaigns especially from women. Anything is possible but BJP has miles to go to be accepted as a political party to vote for. people never want to 'waste' vote if they thought there is no chance to win.

TVM has more chance.. If the crowd who came to street votes for NDA, will have a big impact.
There was huge response for Shabarimala during the stir. Also very huge turn out in campaigns especially from women. Anything is possible but BJP has miles to go to be accepted as a political party to vote for. people never want to 'waste' vote if they thought there is no chance to win.

TVM has more chance.. If the crowd who came to street votes for NDA, will have a big impact.
How about Ernakulam which has a Christian from BJP as the candidate?
How about Ernakulam which has a Christian from BJP as the candidate?

No way! being a christian will not qualify to get their vote but blessings from the church. They effectively communicate during church masses to whom they vote. And this BJP candidate is not popular at all among anyone.
I wish you took a more holistic view of the problem. Let's examine your statement thru the context of history.

In the past 2 centuries beginning with British rule over the entire Bengal ( including Bangladesh) , the NE- principally Assam & the Arakan region of Burma were inhabited by Bengali immigrants, encouraged to do so by the British under their supervision to cultivate the land & increase revenue. It's not as if these regions were devoid of Muslims during the preceding Mughal era, except the percentage of their population was never threatening to the majority community there. This changed by the time the British quit India for various reasons. Undivided Bengal turned Muslim majority.We were complacent and believed in the intrinsic goodness of humans & humanity. Not so with the Burmese who were more practical and cold blooded.Result - Muslims form 25% -35% of the population in WB & Assam respectively today, up from 1947 and compare it with what you see in the Rakhine in Burma even before the problem erupted.

The principal landowners were Bengali Hindus in undivided Bengal. Come partition, they were driven out with our Commie inspired historians & economists with quaintly Hindu names & surnames, " rightly " blaming them for their misfortune given their "exploitative " treatment of the peasants, who of course, were majorly Muslims.Same logic at work in J&K with the KP's here.

So , there was exchange of populations but not to the extent that the Punjab saw.In other words there wasn't any ethnic cleansing on the scale that undivided Punjab saw, in spite of the severity of the riots, principally in what was then East Pakistan and in Calcutta.

When issues subsided, we saw a continuous intercourse of population across borders in the East & NE right up to 1970, with the least minimum restrictions to it. Something , which ceased in the West by the early to mid1950's.

With the result, that the Hindu + Buddhist population migrated in great nos to WB, Assam,Meghalaya & Tripura.This wasn't followed by a corresponding migration of Muslims in the reverse direction. If anything, there was an equal migration of Muslims in the same period to WB & Assam.Of course the period between 1970-72 saw an exponential increase in the population in the same areas of both religions , due to obvious reasons.

How does one account for this ? Was this solely on account of their breeding habits of a particular section of the population or was this due to infiltration, given the devasted economy back home in newly born Bangladesh & the fact that most chose not to return to the newly formed nation of Bangladesh & that includes both Hindus & Muslims ?

In the event, Meghalaya saw xenophobic riots against Bengali migrants throughout the 70's which substantially reduced their nos. Whereas WB under the beloved Commies and Assam under such luminaries like Fakhru Mian, also our president, saw these illegal immigrants being settled comfortably eventually becoming full citizens. I'm referring to Muslim migrants from Bangladesh here. Isn't the irony delicious? You get the nation you want and the one you're inhabiting too. Ek par ek free. The IMDT act in Assam was the crowning glory. Talk of electoral politics. Momota has merely taken a leaf out of the Commies & Cong - I playbook.

Now, let's come to the present.

Yes. What you say is true. India enjoys excellent ties with the current Bangladesh dispensation. But is it also true of the ordinary Bangladeshi? Do I need to add to the descriptions for the hatred an ordinary Bangladeshi feels for India , Hindu India in particular and Hindus in general.Are you unaware of this phenomenon? What happens after this dispensation is out of power?

Is our attitude to Bangladesh benign coz that's what we are or is due to the fact that we already have too many enemies in our neighborhood?

Pakistanis merely covets our land. Their only infiltration is by terrorists, who come to kill and / or die.I say the bigger threat is from those infiltrators who choose to settle down here and bring their religion and culture with a view to imposing it on their land of adoption in a few generations. Isn't this how Islam spread in Bengal, particularly Bangladesh in medieval times.

Add to that climate change, the already worsening demographic profile & decreasing difference in percentage points in the Hindu & Muslim populations in our East, the NE & Bangladesh too for that matter as far as population growth goes in spite of the strides they've made in reducing it , the growing radicalization of Muslims in Bangladesh & WB, with Assam to follow, the utterly reprehensible and shameless appeasement politics by the TMC & before them the Commies in WB & that of the Congress in Assam in accomodating and legalizing these illegal migrants till date & which the perpetrators will not be around to face innl the hour of reckoning , the apathy of the central governments to this festering problem coupled with utter economic neglect of the NE, the NRC tamasha , the supine judiciary, the feelings of an ordinary Bangladeshi for India and you have an even more explosive situation than one can even imagine to describe.

Our long term threat to the unity of WB & Assam, if not the whole of the NE to the Union of India, due to Bangladesh & Bangladeshis is even more pronounced as compared to J&K & Pakistan. Which is why it's imperative we solve the Pakistan conundrum one way or the other before we let China box us in from all three sides. Actually, the Chinese aren't even needed. Our apathy and the predatorial behavior of the Bangladeshis is enough to ensure it.

If you think this is an alarmist PoV, please read & think again. I'd love to be corrected by you on this "rant".
Will reply in some time, tied up with chores.
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don't bother. He usually types a lot. Ask him for summary or just tell him you didn't bother to reah what he wrote- he will go away.
For some strange reason this acclaimed jugalbandi of 2 asses ( 1 here & 1 outside) of you and MSA are unusually silent. While Alzheimer's and dementia may have caught up with him, what's your excuse? The pills you're taking have finally started curing you? One doesn't read much of your favorite & patented word out here too. Further suspicion that you're on the road to recovery. BTW your bumchum bawa too is missing too. Shared the same cell in NIMHANS?
For some strange reason this acclaimed jugalbandi of 2 asses ( 1 here & 1 outside) of you and MSA are unusually silent. While Alzheimer's and dementia may have caught up with him, what's your excuse? The pills you're taking have finally started curing you? One doesn't read much of your favorite & patented word out here too. Further suspicion that you're on the road to recovery. BTW your bumchum bawa too is missing too. Shared the same cell in NIMHANS?

You wrote something that I didn't really bother to read

@Milspec you can use the above as example to follow
I wish you took a more holistic view of the problem. Let's examine your statement thru the context of history.
I am not keyed in on the specifics of the history of the region. disclosure my mother tongue is bengali, i know a little bit about bengal from my dads version, both my mom and me were raised in maharashtra and are more marathi than bengali, So I am bengali who has visited WB less than a dozen times.

In the past 2 centuries beginning with British rule over the entire Bengal ( including Bangladesh) , the NE- principally Assam & the Arakan region of Burma were inhabited by Bengali immigrants, encouraged to do so by the British under their supervision to cultivate the land & increase revenue. It's not as if these regions were devoid of Muslims during the preceding Mughal era, except the percentage of their population was never threatening to the majority community there. This changed by the time the British quit India for various reasons. Undivided Bengal turned Muslim majority.We were complacent and believed in the intrinsic goodness of humans & humanity. Not so with the Burmese who were more practical and cold blooded.Result - Muslims form 25% -35% of the population in WB & Assam respectively today, up from 1947 and compare it with what you see in the Rakhine in Burma even before the problem erupted.
haven't studied much of that background, but largely agree to what you say. About cold blooded part, I have never interacted with burmese folks so don't have an opinion.

The principal landowners were Bengali Hindus in undivided Bengal. Come partition, they were driven out with our Commie inspired historians & economists with quaintly Hindu names & surnames, " rightly " blaming them for their misfortune given their "exploitative " treatment of the peasants, who of course, were majorly Muslims.Same logic at work in J&K with the KP's here.
Well, in general land reforms was a good thing, but apparently, land reforms really were not implemented in its full form in West Bengal.

So , there was exchange of populations but not to the extent that the Punjab saw.In other words there wasn't any ethnic cleansing on the scale that undivided Punjab saw, in spite of the severity of the riots, principally in what was then East Pakistan and in Calcutta.

When issues subsided, we saw a continuous intercourse of population across borders in the East & NE right up to 1970, with the least minimum restrictions to it. Something , which ceased in the West by the early to mid1950's.

There are cultural reasons for that, other than the usual demarcation among people of caste, religion and language, there exists another unique subsection to which most of the bengalis, (hindus and muslims alike) identify to. i.e Bangaal, and Ghoti. And both of these camps are deeply entrenched in both WB and BD, and will readily create bonhomie based on the lineage within caste groups based on this identifier.

With the result, that the Hindu + Buddhist population migrated in great nos to WB, Assam,Meghalaya & Tripura.This wasn't followed by a corresponding migration of Muslims in the reverse direction. If anything, there was an equal migration of Muslims in the same period to WB & Assam.Of course the period between 1970-72 saw an exponential increase in the population in the same areas of both religions , due to obvious reasons.

How does one account for this ? Was this solely on account of their breeding habits of a particular section of the population or was this due to infiltration, given the devasted economy back home in newly born Bangladesh & the fact that most chose not to return to the newly formed nation of Bangladesh & that includes both Hindus & Muslims ?

In the event, Meghalaya saw xenophobic riots against Bengali migrants throughout the 70's which substantially reduced their nos. Whereas WB under the beloved Commies and Assam under such luminaries like Fakhru Mian, also our president, saw these illegal immigrants being settled comfortably eventually becoming full citizens. I'm referring to Muslim migrants from Bangladesh here. Isn't the irony delicious? You get the nation you want and the one you're inhabiting too. Ek par ek free. The IMDT act in Assam was the crowning glory. Talk of electoral politics. Momota has merely taken a leaf out of the Commies & Cong - I playbook.
more or less agree to the larger point but cant comment much due to lack of knowledge on the specifics.

Now, let's come to the present.

Yes. What you say is true. India enjoys excellent ties with the current Bangladesh dispensation. But is it also true of the ordinary Bangladeshi? Do I need to add to the descriptions for the hatred an ordinary Bangladeshi feels for India , Hindu India in particular and Hindus in general.Are you unaware of this phenomenon? What happens after this dispensation is out of power?

Is our attitude to Bangladesh benign coz that's what we are or is due to the fact that we already have too many enemies in our neighborhood?

Pakistanis merely covets our land. Their only infiltration is by terrorists, who come to kill and / or die.I say the bigger threat is from those infiltrators who choose to settle down here and bring their religion and culture with a view to imposing it on their land of adoption in a few generations. Isn't this how Islam spread in Bengal, particularly Bangladesh in medieval times.

Add to that climate change, the already worsening demographic profile & decreasing difference in percentage points in the Hindu & Muslim populations in our East, the NE & Bangladesh too for that matter as far as population growth goes in spite of the strides they've made in reducing it , the growing radicalization of Muslims in Bangladesh & WB, with Assam to follow, the utterly reprehensible and shameless appeasement politics by the TMC & before them the Commies in WB & that of the Congress in Assam in accomodating and legalizing these illegal migrants till date & which the perpetrators will not be around to face innl the hour of reckoning , the apathy of the central governments to this festering problem coupled with utter economic neglect of the NE, the NRC tamasha , the supine judiciary, the feelings of an ordinary Bangladeshi for India and you have an even more explosive situation than one can even imagine to describe.

Our long term threat to the unity of WB & Assam, if not the whole of the NE to the Union of India, due to Bangladesh & Bangladeshis is even more pronounced as compared to J&K & Pakistan. Which is why it's imperative we solve the Pakistan conundrum one way or the other before we let China box us in from all three sides. Actually, the Chinese aren't even needed. Our apathy and the predatorial behavior of the Bangladeshis is enough to ensure it.

If you think this is an alarmist PoV, please read & think again. I'd love to be corrected by you on this "rant".

it is difficult to hold someone else responsible for our own immigration issues. Root cause of immigration is economics, if we want to treat this as a long term problem we need to ensure that the area is educated and aware of the immigration issue. Illegal immigration can be controlled and there are multiple examples around the world how they have done this without ruining the relationship.

Now the more interesting part of your post is about ordinary Bangladeshis, if we can have positive relations with Afghan Muslims, I do not see why we cannot have good positive relations with common Bangladeshis as well, if anything between WB and BD the common cultural overlap is so immense, it can be leveraged to alleviate most of the outstanding issues between people to people.

This is the hand that we have been dealt, the question is how do we play it, we can complain about all the existing Bangladeshis in Indian corridors, or do leverage this presence to get an even greater say in Bangladesh economics, politics, foreign policy, etc. The way I see it, money talks, Bangladesh is a fledgling market, if Indian business houses control the market, it controls the policies, it controls the people, it controls the policy environment. With zero external threats, large young population Bangladesh is a country that has the potential to succeed if it doesn't succumb to extremism. India can help in the area and create it as long term asset for Indian foreign policy.

Hell I would go the extent of exploring the idea offering legal residency or work visas for legal immigrants of Bangladesh modeled after the concessions we provide to Nepalese.
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The only way BJP can even make Christians think of voting for BJP is by shutting up some loudmouths from Hindi belt for 10 years at least. BJP is viewed as ant-Christian political partly all across all the fractions of Christians in the state. And lets be honest, Christians view BJP as a political partly that is fundamentally against them because it is a political party that is fundamentally against them. Communists are against organized religions and had significant conflict with the church in the past. But still Christians don't mind voting for left now and then mostly because they don't overtly talk shit about the Christians over microphone every month.

You are correct on saying that the sense of dislike is for the political party and not for the religion. For example even if BJP field a Christian candidate and INC and LDF field non christian candidate in Christan majority constituencies, BJP is still gonna loose.

I have another suggestion - expose why the loud mouths in north are always badmouthing christians through media (after owning the media ofcourse). This way they will find that the hate is legitimate. I mean, guilt trip the Christians. Once they understanding the disguesting things these missionaries are engaged in in other parts of the country (they usually act descent in areas that they control), then I think they'll not have a way to argue against the badmouthing.
I am not keyed in on the specifics of the history of the region. disclosure my mother tongue is bengali, i know a little bit about bengal from my dads version, both my mom and me were raised in maharashtra and are more marathi than bengali, So I am bengali who has visited WB less than a dozen times.

haven't studied much of that background, but largely agree to what you say. About cold blooded part, I have never interacted with burmese folks so don't have an opinion.

Well, in general land reforms was a good thing, but apparently, land reforms really were not implemented in its full form in West Bengal.

There are cultural reasons for that, other than the usual demarcation among people of caste, religion and language, there exists another unique subsection to which most of the bengalis, (hindus and muslims alike) identify to. i.e Bangaal, and Ghoti. And both of these camps are deeply entrenched in both WB and BD, and will readily create bonhomie based on the lineage within caste groups based on this identifier.

more or less agree to the larger point but cant comment much due to lack of knowledge on the specifics.

it is difficult to hold someone else responsible for our own immigration issues. Root cause of immigration is economics, if we want to treat this as a long term problem we need to ensure that the area is educated and aware of the immigration issue. Illegal immigration can be controlled and there are multiple examples around the world how they have done this without ruining the relationship.

Now the more interesting part of your post is about ordinary Bangladeshis, if we can have positive relations with Afghan Muslims, I do not see why we cannot have good positive relations with common Bangladeshis as well, if anything between WB and BD the common cultural overlap is so immense, it can be leveraged to alleviate most of the outstanding issues between people to people.

This is the hand that we have been dealt, the question is how do we play it, we can complain about all the existing Bangladeshis in Indian corridors, or do leverage this presence to get an even greater say in Bangladesh economics, politics, foreign policy, etc. The way I see it, money talks, Bangladesh is a fledgling market, if Indian business houses control the market, it controls the policies, it controls the people, it controls the policy environment. With zero external threats, large young population Bangladesh is a country that has the potential to succeed if it doesn't succumb to extremism. India can help in the area and create it as long term asset for Indian foreign policy.

Hell I would go the extent of exploring the idea offering legal residency or work visas for legal immigrants of Bangladesh modeled after the concessions we provide to Nepalese.

You didn't just do that...oh boy...
This election in UP so far is based on single point agenda, single issue - Modi.

Either you are voting for Modi or against Modi. Issues doesn't matter, if you support him you will find reasons to justify your vote, if you are against Modi you will find reasons to justify that, doesn't matter if those issues ever affected you or anyone or if you can even spell those heavy issues.

Amazing election, and as expected if you are wearing a cap or long beard and even a direct beneficiary and candidate you are voting made your life hell you are still going to vote against Modi.

Similarly if you are from upper caste younger voter you are going to vote Modi even when your preliminary exam result for recruitment is pending from 1.5 yr and whole Modi cabinet gives a damn, busy in designing Merchandise to collect funds and creating ads.

Issues be dammed, reasons be dammed, it is all reduced to single point - Modi. Thanks to excessive pandering to hard-line hindutva Muslims are first time after long getting consolidated and not splitting vote, BJP is going to pay for it, how much we will come to know soon, a lot of this damage was avoidable and there was an opening when Rahul became Janeudhari and shunned Muslim symbols altogether. Later after establishing himself as "hindu" with soft hindutva credentials he is back again with Muslim appeasement thereby getting support of Muslims and allaying fears of congress hindu supporters.

BJP on the other hand instead of utilizing this opening, blunting the consolidation went hyper hindu! Even after providing 10% reservation to Muslim nationwide under EWS, limiting violence and riots to standalone incidents they still were able present themselves as extreme Muslim hatred just by promoting motor mouth fools.

There was lot BJP could have done to reduce this election from being for and against Modi to Modi + development vs others but nothing was done. Only good thing for them is first time voter are voting for them and it's huge block, strangely that same voter was ignored, mocked and even insulted at times by BJP.
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