Indian Political Discussion

The most damaging failure of the UPA is the coinage of the term Hindu terror

By appeasing Muslims and hurting the pride of Hindus, it has taken the dangerous route of communal politics
Analysis, Updated: May 08, 2019 20:09 IST --- By Gaurav Bhatia

The Pragya Thakur vs Digvijaya Singh battle will be seen as one between a victim of a politically motivated investigation and a person who coined the term Hindu terror(PTI)

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government has been successful in curbing terrorism, though there have been some attacks in Jammu and Kashmir which can be attributed to the desperation of the terrorist outfits, thanks to the strong measures taken against them. This includes, giving a free hand to the Armed Forces and the police in counter-insurgency operations, arrests of separatists, banning terrorist outfits and the withdrawal of security for separatists.

Though the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is remembered for its many failures, the most damaging of them is the coinage of the term “Hindu terror”. This was done by a party that has always propagated appeasement politics. The sinister design of the Congress in coining this term is to create an artificial equivalence of Islamic State terror, which is a major threat in many parts of the world.

The purpose of inventing this term is to appease Muslims and to hurt the pride of the Hindu community. The BJP has maintained the stand that terrorism has no religion. The Congress, as the principal opposition party, has taken the dangerous route of communal politics.

The first Malegaon blast took place on September 8, 2006, the Mecca Masjid blast was on May 18, 2007, the Samjhauta Express bombings were on February 18, 2007. The second Malegaon blast happened on September 29, 2008. The UPA government had six to eight years to investigate these cases but it was not able to prosecute these successfully.

It is evident in each of the cases how shoddy and politically motivated investigation, the politics of appeasement and the desire for power eclipsed the needs of national security as far as the UPA was concerned.

In the 2006 Malegaon blast case, nine Muslim suspects were charge-sheeted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS). However, in 2011, after the Mumbai attack, the National Investigation Agency took over the case and filed a supplementary charge-sheet against the alleged Hindu activists, paving way for the release of all the Muslim accused.

In the Mecca Masjid blast, initially around 24 Muslims were picked up who allegedly receivied training in Pakistan, but all of them were later let off for lack of evidence. The probe was handed over to the CBI in 2010 and later on to the NIA in 2011. Finally, charge-sheet was filed by the NIA against 10 alleged Hindu activists.

In the Samjhauta blast of 2007, in spite of intelligence inputs being shared by the US of the proven links of one Arif Qasmani, a Pakistani national who had links with Pakistani terrorist organisations, the Congress government changed the course of investigation to implicate alleged Hindu terrorists, one of which was Srikant Purohit, a serving army officer who lost eight years and eight months of his life.

This also gave Pakistan an opportunity to point fingers at India and to dilute the Indian stand that Pakistan promotes terrorism in India.

The Bombay High Court, while granting bail to Pragya Thakur, has stated in its order dated of April 25, 2017: “Thus, in respect of above witnesses, apart from retraction and allegation of torture, their statements give two contradictory versions…In above facts and circumstances, in our considered opinion, if both the reports of ATS and NIA are considered conjointly, so far as the appellant is concerned, it cannot be said that there are reasonable grounds for believing that accusation made against her are prima facie true.”

The special NIA court at Namapally, Hyderabad, after examining over 200 witnesses delivered the final verdict in the Mecca Masjid blast case on April 16, 2018. The court, in its final verdict, acquitted the five alleged accused, including Aseemanand, for lack of evidence.

In the case of the Samjhauta Express case, the Supreme Court, while granting bail to the alleged accused Purohit, has held: “….Keeping in view the fact that NIA has submitted the supplementary charge-sheet which is at variance with the charge-sheet filed by the ATS and that the trial is likely to take a long time and the appellant has been in prison for about 8 years and 8 months, we are of the considered view that the appellant has made out a prima facie case for release on bail and we deem it appropriate to enlarge the appellant herein on bail.”

All citizens, not just Hindus, will hold the Congress to account for its communal and irresponsible behaviour in the ongoing elections. The electoral battle of Bhopal between Pragya Thakur and Digvijaya Singh will be one between the victim of a politically motivated investigation versus a person who coined the term “Hindu terror”.

Gaurav Bhatia is national spokesperson, Bharatiya Janata Party and a senior advocate of the Supreme Court

The views expressed are personal

The most damaging failure of the UPA is the coinage of the term Hindu terror
PR team is presenting her as some kind of education reformer however I have seen multiple tweets claiming Class 10th Result nosedived and record number children failed the exam. How true is that?
Its true and the number of students in govt schools has gone down by over two lakhs. delhi now has a very large number of children not going to school. This is the reform she and Sisodia did to education in Delhi.
My family owns some workshops in Pimpri Chinchwad, there is a certain pattern to these workshops. Most of them are setup with loans and some funds. They are operated for sometime and then they are made sick. Finally closed. Why? One word TAX! The modus operandi of all the small scale industry in India is this : "Don't pay any tax". Simple. If you try to work by the book, you will have to take a beating. Modi is tightening the screws around these and they are now yapping. They give you a billion excuses and their biggest excuse : "Why don't you go after big fish/politicians/MNCs? Why us?".

I once had a discussion on this with a CEO and president of a major engineering firm from Germany. His opinion was this : Breaking rules is tempting but it brings you pain in the long run. It no wonder. There are many engineering houses 100 years old in Germany but most of the such operations fold in few years. You can never move up the supply chain if you operate like this. But then, these folks are happy being barely rich and hence the pattern continues.

Now, majority of their work is being taken up by large scale works in China and they are reduced to repair shops or sometimes just distributors. Why? Because they never operated in a fashion which will allow them to grow into a massive industry. China started with a network of these small shops and forced them into a major industry. Subsidized common expenses and then offered prices for export --by hook or the crook-- that no one can compete. Chinese are forced to play by the book with their government and they are allowed to play unfair out of the country --substandard products, forced technology transfer, currency manipulation etc. Indians, as always, play unfair with their own government and among themselves and play by the book with outside parties. No wonder who has a major industrial base and who fails.

I say God-speed to Modi. These vermins need to be exterminated. Indian Industry has to learn to play by rules and yet make a major profit. Shortcuts are short-lived.

Basically a crib master.

When the analogy is of lower rates in GST, the person forgets that transfer to GST removed multiple taxes at national and state levels that also served to be the source of income for the Governments. With unitary tax regime, the amount that needs to be put into State Coffers remains same, does not reduce. So, the move. It is very frequently publicly declared that as the system improves, lower rates will be notified with intent to move to lowest tax regimes with greater compliance.
4 such vacations, one used INS Virat others used other naval assets. Ramdas cleverly hide this and disclosed another vacation so that whole thing become doubtful.

And as usual NDTV and cousins twisted this half truth and made a definite claim that Modis claim was false. Similar template was followed with JNU videos, where after original videos were in public some forged videos were created by NDTV and cousins, the fake videos were then analyzed and original videos were taken off air to make it all look fake.

These frauds always lie, every single time they are caught pants down they start half truths and full lies.
As much I dislike this man the crimes of this channel sometimes he is right on the mark. Do invest your 30 minutes in this video and see for yourself the reality. I was not saying for the sake of it that government is indifferent to the issues of youth and more interested in designing and selling merchandise to these people.

I wish we had a better alternative, someone actually listening but I guess politicians will learn it hard way when some fanatic or helpless kid pick up the gun and cut them to their size for shear ignorance and destruction they brought upon by dereliction of duty.

Counting number of passenger vehicles and Mudra loans may make you feel satisfied in TV debate dear PM but people on ground are restlessly waiting for you to wake up and smell the coffee before they themselves start waking you up and it won't be pleasant.

Another issue that may seem minor but have the potential to wake BJP by surprise is stray cattle and thanks to religious ignorance they are indifferent even to that too. Cow become mother for people only when others slaughter it but nobody ask what kind of Son leave the mother stray to eat polythene and poor marginal farmers produce. Religious appeasement at the cost of poor is committing harakiri.
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Another issue that may seem minor but have the potential to wake BJP by surprise is stray cattle and thanks to religious ignorance they are indifferent even to that too. Cow become mother for people only when others slaughter it but nobody ask what kind of Son leave the mother stray to eat polythene and poor marginal farmers produce. Religious appeasement at the cost of poor is committing harakiri.

Completely agree. But these guys will learn the hard way. The so called cow protection has turned out to be a complete farce and a tragic one at that. It's not funny anymore.
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Completely agree. But these guys will learn the hard way. The so called cow protection has turned out to be a complete farce and a tragic one at that. It's not funny anymore.
People may not belive it but there are significant number of farmers that have lost over 20% of produce early after sowing to stray animals. They are scared of this menace and it's changing their lifestyle to harder one where they have to guard the farm day and night. I am not talking from some tv report but from witnessing it myself.

This making district administration responsible to control the stray animals, locking them in government schools at night will not work. You disturbed food chain, disturbed the nature and you can't control it so easily. Some other CM may have send the SOS to slaughter house and police to control the population but knowing Yogi I don't think he can ever pass this order or even Dinesh Sharma can. Keshav Maurya may do it but he is busy in plundering and creating wealth. I remember because of monkey menace when locals complained to Yogi in Vrindavan he said where will they go, tourist spoiled them, instead of ordering animal control to tackle the issue. One more year like this and it may become too late and damaging for 2022 chances of BJP even after doing so much good work in other fields and people may be compelled to elect the thugs again.
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