Indian Political Discussion

Ode to the Mallu Voter:

Those Mallus who voted Congress are sad and depressed because their party and leader got drubbed at the national level.

Those Mallus who voted for the Left are shattered with the near total decimation of their party as well as of the Left Democratic Front, in Kerala and elsewhere.

Those Mallus who voted fof BJP are disillusioned because their party drew a blank in Kerala once again,and so cannot celebrate the landslide BJP win at the national level.

In short, every Mallu is unhappy today.

Only way out of this misery is to go to the Kallu shoppe and wash down the fish fry with Gods own brew.

Modi led India is hated because he uses to polarize. If it not Islam then itS Christianity, if not Christianity, it’s Jains, if not Jains it’s Sikhs, it not Sikhs it will be puppy dogs. This template goes down to its para nazi roots where having an enemy is essential to gain power. For them it was the Jews and the Slavs. For rss it is Muslims and puppy dogs.
I have based my predictions completely on my knowledge of astrology. You will see that Like Chandragupt Maurya, who unified India in 3rd century BC, Modi too will unify India divided among caste lines and religious lines. He too will take Sanyas after 2026 and will probably be never seen or heard off ever again. Unlike most retired PMs and Presidents, he is not going to occupy a Lutyens Bangalow for lifetime.

I hope he saffronizes India instead of religious unity. Abrahamics wiil otherwise can be a problem later.
JNU gang can atleast pride themselves that whomever they campaigned for lost. Some genius comrades advised principle opposition party and helped in loss of 9 former CM and even their Prime ministerial candidate. That must be some kind of record, even Rahul Gandhi was not able to achieve this in 2014. Kudos.
