Indian Political Discussion

Being a hardcore BJP supporter since last 20+ years, I should be extremely happy with current political scenario.
- BJP has absolute majority in Loksabha and will get majority in Rajyasabha by 2020.
- Even without majority in Rajyasbha, they could pass multiple controversial bills in latest session.
- Regional parties like SP, BSP, AAP and TMC are pissing in their pants while thinking about their prospects in next assembly election.
- Congress is headless (till few hrs back) in true form and can't even find a president !! Virtually there is no national level opposition party.

This is the best situation I can ever dream for BJP. However, after the initially euphoria is over, I am really concerned about the political future of India. Please don't get me wrong. Modi is doing a fantastic job and I wish he keep doing it for next 10-15 years. But god forbid if the next gen BJP leaders or Modi himself turns arrogant, then what option India has ?? India must have a second national level opposition party who can challenge BJP in case they screw up. The coterie of regional parties or the third front is neither practical nor preferred option. Sonia Gandhi has literally killed the party and Congress is loosing it's ground in one state after another. Even during Indira or Rajiv Gandhi, there used to be a bunch of strong second tier leaders who could lead the party. Today there are none. This is an alarming situation and unfortunately there is no easy solution.

yes. BJP won election. Nothing good came of it for the country. But they won the elections.
Lucky you. As far as the former is concerned, Raj was recently in Bongo soliciting support from you know who. What next, I wonder? Pit stop in Bihar? Lunch with the Yadav clan. Just one problem given his immemse love of Biharis and other North Indian migrants to the state, wonder how well they'd take to him?

Power politics in Maharashtra is not new.

We've just lost sight of Delhi. Because it never mattered.

That will change.

Because India has changed.

Cheers, Doc
Power politics in Maharashtra is not new.

We've just lost sight of Delhi. Because it never mattered.

That will change.

Because India has changed.

Cheers, Doc
It never mattered?? Last time you were here, you were emphatic that 1/4th dickraa would sweep the hustings come 2019 and that he was gaining both political maturity & popularity. Now you're saying Delhi doesn't matter. What's the matter? The Baugs dithered and ditched one of their own.

Speaking of which, what side are the Baugs on come state elections in Maharashtra? Or will you be aiming for the Municipal Elections or perhaps the ZP, this time?
My ban gets over tomorrow.

I will be back.

It's my country. My people. The effort must be made.

Cheers, Doc

But you're not making any real overtures or effort to engage. All you're doing is thumping the book and preaching like you did before leaving this place and every other place.

All you do everywhere you go is call us chaddis and Saffron/Hindu Pakistan etc etc. So your grandstanding about "overtures for my country and people etc" is really quite empty.
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It never mattered?? Last time you were here, you were emphatic that 1/4th dickraa would sweep the hustings come 2019 and that he was gaining both political maturity & popularity. Now you're saying Delhi doesn't matter. What's the matter? The Baugs dithered and ditched one of their own.

Speaking of which, what side are the Baugs on come state elections in Maharashtra? Or will you be aiming for the Municipal Elections or perhaps the ZP, this time?

I was talking about us as Maharashtrians.

I look at Maharashtra and India separately.

Most Maharashtrians I know do too.

We must make our pacts with the devil.

But not all of us like it.

Cheers, Doc
It never mattered?? Last time you were here, you were emphatic that 1/4th dickraa would sweep the hustings come 2019 and that he was gaining both political maturity & popularity. Now you're saying Delhi doesn't matter. What's the matter? The Baugs dithered and ditched one of their own.

Speaking of which, what side are the Baugs on come state elections in Maharashtra? Or will you be aiming for the Municipal Elections or perhaps the ZP, this time?

That's all that ultimately matters for him; the baugs. Saw him admit more than once on PDF that the only thing he ultimately gives a shit about is his community "staying on top."
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It never mattered?? Last time you were here, you were emphatic that 1/4th dickraa would sweep the hustings come 2019 and that he was gaining both political maturity & popularity. Now you're saying Delhi doesn't matter. What's the matter? The Baugs dithered and ditched one of their own.

Speaking of which, what side are the Baugs on come state elections in Maharashtra? Or will you be aiming for the Municipal Elections or perhaps the ZP, this time?

You are absolutely unforgiving 😂

Give him a break , he is here after a long time
I was talking about us as Maharashtrians.

I look at Maharashtra and India separately.

Most Maharashtrians I know do too.

We must make our pacts with the devil.

But not all of us like it.

Cheers, Doc

Nothing separate about 'em, both are firm BJP territory now.
I was talking about us as Maharashtrians.

I look at Maharashtra and India separately.

Most Maharashtrians I know do too.

We must make our pacts with the devil.

But not all of us like it.

Cheers, Doc
I'm confused now. Who's the devil here dickraa?
But you're not making any real overtures or effort to engage. All you're doing is thumping the book and preaching like you did before leaving this place and every other place.

All you do everywhere you go is call us chaddis and Saffron/Hindu Pakistan etc etc. So your grandstanding about "overtures for my country and people etc" is really quite empty.

It will happen.

I need to stop taking online sanghis seriously and superimposing their world views on to Hindus as a whole towards my people and identity.

The will is there. But I admit I have a history and am a hated figure for both sides.

Cheers, Doc
That's all that ultimately matters for him; the baugs. Saw him admit more than once on PDF that the only thing he ultimately gives a shit about is his community "staying on top."
Correction. What's left of it. And only the behdin. The so called " Pure blood". Not the Sheilas who marry outside the community.
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The will is there. But I admit I have a history and am a hated figure for both sides.
You rate yourself too highly you know. You're not hated. At least not out here. Hell, we hate you as much as we did castor oil as kids. We all knew how necessary clean bowels are.

And pls don't make grand statements like the will is there. Sounds much like " the flesh is willing but the spirit is weak. "
It will happen.

I need to stop taking online sanghis seriously and superimposing their world views on to Hindus as a whole towards my people and identity.

The will is there. But I admit I have a history and am a hated figure for both sides.

Cheers, Doc

Even among the most kattar online sanghis, there's not much (if any) ill will to be found towards Parsis; until and unless you come and start insulting us and unfairly smearing us - that has a way of bringing out the worst in anybody. I told you at the last place and I'll tell you again; it'll ultimately be what you make of it.

Knowing most of the regulars there by now, I can say with a decent amount of confidence that you could've easily gotten along just fine with most of them had you chosen to; and while some of them may have had strong views on your vehement history/bloodline arguments (that place is not very amenable to AIT) - all in all things would've been fine and I doubt you'd have encountered any anti Parsi hate. And had such a thing happened, I'd have even stood up for you.

But no, instead you had to act like an a**hole and get yourself banned.
Even among the most kattar online sanghis, there's not much ill will to be found towards Parsis; until and unless you come and start insulting us and unfairly smearing us - that has a way of bringing out the worst in anybody. I told you at the last place and I'll tell you again; it'll ultimately be what you make of it.

Knowing most of the regulars there by now, I can say with a decent amount of confidence that you could've easily gotten along just fine with most of them had you chosen to; and while some of them may have had strong views on your vehement history/bloodline arguments (that place is not very amenable to AIT) - all in all things would've been fine and I doubt you'd have encountered any anti Parsi hate. And had such a thing happened, I'd have even stood up for you.

But no, instead you had to act like an a**hole and get yourself banned.

I'll be back tomorrow.

You and Samar will get another chance.

Will keep my racial biases limited to PDF. It's your choice if you want to trawl for my posts there and take offence here or on DFI.

Cheers, Doc
I'll be back tomorrow.

You and Samar will get another chance.

Will keep my racial biases limited to PDF. It's your choice if you want to trawl for my posts there and take offence here or on Other Forum.

Cheers, Doc

Do what you want man; but unless you're sincere it's not gonna end any different. As for your posts; I'll counter BS wherever I see it - especially if it's against India, Hindus or BJP.