Indian Political Discussion

Yes they can say whatever they want to but they should be ready to face its consequences and should be held responsible for that.
For eg some people instigate communal violence and if it happens , we do hold them responsible for it isn't it?even if they have not participated in it directly
I dont agree with absolute here but with reasonable restrictions as enshrined in Constitution of India.

Agree largely ... but what happens when the narrative goes against the majority who then start acting like a mob.

The narrative here is that India's conflicts are Hindu on non Hindu.

It has nothing to do with Indian sovereignty.

Yet she will be muzzled and open to attack. Even physical harm.

I have a serious problem with such mob anarchy.

Cheers, Doc
Agree largely ... but what happens when the narrative goes against the majority who then start acting like a mob.

The narrative here is that India's conflicts are Hindu on non Hindu.

It has nothing to do with Indian sovereignty.

Yet she will be muzzled and open to attack. Even physical harm.

I have a serious problem with such mob anarchy.

Cheers, Doc
Yes it is Kashmir problem is tied to Indian sovereignity.
What do u mean by the high lighted part?
I hvae never read someone physically harmed her?
Did I say the job of the government is to provide dole to the people? And if the government has been so keen to right the economy, the primary reason why they were elected in 2014 , how come we've been seeing negative growth right since 2014 till date where we are on the verge of a recession?

If demonetization represented the formalization of vast sections of the Indian economy followed by GST, clearly the GoI underestimated the time required for a full recovery. Both were bitter medicine - the administration of which was long overdue.The current budget did nothing to boost the economy. Hence the sops.

There aren't any easy solutions nor any hope that we can expect growth rates of 8-9% in GDP even 2-3 years down the line. What does this do to the economic health of our nation, creation of jobs, revival of vital sectors is perhaps something you can answer , Since you seem to be the resident economic expert here.

Thank you.
You have raised quite a valid question and you have partly given the answers yourself. Noted that GOI was changed to NDA due to prevailing corruption, not for the growth part only. Why? People of the country stood behind the GOI when demonetization happened. Reason? It put both elites and common people by declaring existing cash in certain denomination illegal. We didn't mind getting in line for cash withdrawal, neither were we had the urgent need for huge currency withdrawal. However it gave immense happiness when seeing politicians and corrupted people crying hoarse day & night those days, both in personal capacity as well as through news. And I don't believe demonetization happened for formalization of economy, however GST did happen to increase tax base and streamline the tax system. I agree with your point on government underestimating the scale of impact. Hypothetically good medicine is always bitter..... Budget did enough to boost the economy, however certain points had negative impact and impression as well, hence negative market sentiment.

Lack of jobs or reduction in job is overblown by certain segments of both Industry as well as media. Yes, growth is down but it's not down by as much as it's showing, that it's all gloom & doom scenario. People & companies need to take ownership of the responsibility for their past action which has led most of them in this condition, refer to many organization's heads comments for relevant reference.

Again saying, Government should not inject money just for keeping bloated organizations afloat. Rather government should provide policy stability with above average growth and less inflation. Another area of focus for government should be reduction in flab manpower, be it in military or civil organizations with more automation and net based services. Feedback should happen more frequently with both public and originations. Focus should be more on savings and investment from public side. From government side, there should be major thrust on infrastructure building, it's very low even at present rate. Labour laws need revamp basically to get the benefits of whatever government has done so far and doing as on date. Another area which I believe, you will also agree, is the creation of separate department specifically for old age people and kids/beggers which must help them in not becoming liability on nation, but give them opportunities to become asset for the nation in big way, both image wise as well as economic output wise. Not everything can be achieved by hard numbers alone, soft elements go a long way in elevating the sentiments as well. It complements the hard elements in my opinion. That shall help in not only improving our basic fundamentals but also help us in climbing up the ladder. There are many more points however as it's working hours, so I will be able to respond in day EOD with much details if you would like me to. Thank you.
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Yes it is Kashmir problem is tied to Indian sovereignity.
What do u mean by the high lighted part?
I hvae never read someone physically harmed her?

Let me try again (first ... have you actually seen the video and heard what she says?)

She basically says that since independence, the Indian state has been at war with its own people in multiple locations, and has used the military in this war on its own people.

She then goes on to point out that in all these instances it is Hindus at war against non Hindus and dalits/tribals of India. High caste Hindu India waging war.

Now the way I see it, there is no reason why any Hindu group would want to secede from India.

Why? Because India is the ancestral land of Hinduism. And today's Hindus who still practice it therefore believe this is their land.

Legit enough as long as they also realise that it is equally the ancestral land of ALL Indians, regardless of whether they still practice Hinduism or if they've moved on to another faith.

Regardless of whether that faith was born on this land (dharmic) or not.

As a Parsi I am 800% with Hindus in fighting any group that tries to break away. Using any means in such a war.

As the largest group if the Hindus have a vested interest in keeping the land together, then their interest converges with mine.

Would Parsi have ever fought to secede if they had similar numbers as the Muslims or Sikhs or any other group? Never. Because we have always believed this is Hindu land and our own is under occupation.

Equally also, on the flip side, the non Hindu groups that try/have tried to break away are of this land just as the Hindus are, and therefore look at this land as their sole ancestral land. Equally.

I do not know if the brief movement of secession of the Tamils in the 60s grew organically out of the language issue or was hijacked. Either way it died.

But in my mind, that was the only case where you could question Roy's line.

A Hindu movement to break away. And not tribal or low caste either.

Hope that adds greater light.

Cheers, Doc
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  • Informative
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Let me try again (first ... have you actually seen the video and heard what she says?)

She basically says that since independence, the Indian state has been at war with its own people in multiple locations, and has used the military in this war on its own people.

She then goes on to point out that in all these instances it is Hindus at war against non Hindus and dalits/tribals of India. High caste Hindu India waging war.

Now the way I see it, there is no reason why any Hindu group would want to secede from India.

Why? Because India is the ancestral land of Hinduism. And today's Hindus who still practice it therefore believe this is their land.

Legit enough as long as they also realise that it is equally the ancestral land of ALL Indians, regardless of whether they still practice Hinduism or if they've moved on to another faith.

Regardless of whether that faith was born on this land (dharmic) or not.

As a Parsi I am 800% with Hindus in fighting any group that tries to break away. Using any means in such a war.

As the largest group if the Hindus have a vested interest in keeping the land together, then their interest converges with mine.

Would Parsi have ever fought to secede if they had similar numbers as the Muslims or Sikhs or any other group? Never. Because we have always believed this is Hindu land and our own is under occupation.

Equally also, on the flip side, the non Hindu groups that try/have tried to break away are of this land just as the Hindus are, and therefore look at this land as their sole ancestral land. Equally.

I do not know if the brief movement of secession of the Tamils in the 60s grew organically out of the language issue or was hijacked. Either way it died.

But in my mind, that was the only case where you could question Roy's line.

A Hindu movement to break away. And not tribal or low caste either.

Hope that adds greater light.

Cheers, Doc
No i didnt watch her video , my comments were limited to the tweet.
Again i dont agree with her rhetoric that all issues are Hindus vs Non Hindus
Eg Naxal issue?is it religious ?no its social and political ideology issue
She is just trying to paint current Hindutva government as anti non hindus.
Which country doesnt use force to put down insurgencies? When insurgents use Weapons , should the State use lathi?
Regarding Kashmir , Pandits are orignal inhabitants there so land belongs them also.
Regarding the highlighted part - Partition did happen and those who wanted to breakaway were given land , so there's no chance of another secession. Muslims got their land ,now they dont have any right to claim anything more.
Tamil nationalism issue was resolved by 3 language formula but still some ill feelings remain which i agree should be addressed , Indian polity has always been dominated by North Indians hence rest feel ignored , fair enough.
My problem with Arundhati Roy is she absolves Pakistan of everything and blames everything on Indian state , this makes her a traitor ,u criticize but u dont join hands with your enemy and tow their line.
If all issues are Hindus vs non Hindus ,then why theres nothing in Christian dominant Goa?
Indian state is using force(not against people but those who wield weapons)in
1. Kashmir - insurgency and terrorists
2. Naxal. - attempt to overthrow democratic form of republic
3. North east - regional nationalism
So how is it Hindus vs Non Hindus
No i didnt watch her video , my comments were limited to the tweet.
Again i dont agree with her rhetoric that all issues are Hindus vs Non Hindus
Eg Naxal issue?is it religious ?no its social and political ideology issue
She is just trying to paint current Hindutva government as anti non hindus.
Which country doesnt use force to put down insurgencies? When insurgents use Weapons , should the State use lathi?
Regarding Kashmir , Pandits are orignal inhabitants there so land belongs them also.
Regarding the highlighted part - Partition did happen and those who wanted to breakaway were given land , so there's no chance of another secession. Muslims got their land ,now they dont have any right to claim anything more.
Tamil nationalism issue was resolved by 3 language formula but still some ill feelings remain which i agree should be addressed , Indian polity has always been dominated by North Indians hence rest feel ignored , fair enough.
My problem with Arundhati Roy is she absolves Pakistan of everything and blames everything on Indian state , this makes her a traitor ,u criticize but u dont join hands with your enemy and tow their line.
If all issues are Hindus vs non Hindus ,then why theres nothing in Christian dominant Goa?
Indian state is using force(not against people but those who wield weapons)in
1. Kashmir - insurgency and terrorists
2. Naxal. - attempt to overthrow democratic form of republic
3. North east - regional nationalism
So how is it Hindus vs Non Hindus

Understand why I'm not getting through now.

Please watch the video.

In it you will see she does talk about Goa as well.

She gives it a Hindu on non-Hindu/tribal/dalit spin.

That's her view. You do not have to agree with it. Neither do I.

But the facts on which her spin is based cannot be debated ... except the Tamil issue which she purposely does not speak to (she's a smart lady ... and not unhot in a nerdy chic jhola and langot way).

Cheers, Doc
Understand why I'm not getting through now.

Please watch the video.

In it you will see she does talk about Goa as well.

She gives it a Hindu on non-Hindu/tribal/dalit spin.

That's her view. You do not have to agree with it. Neither do I.

But the facts on which her spin is based cannot be debated ... except the Tamil issue which she purposely does not speak to (she's a smart lady ... and not unhot in a nerdy chic jhola and langot way).

Cheers, Doc
Fair enough , i dont agree with her views. She is a hypocrite when she says Pakistan has never use military against its own people and then goes on to say Indian state has always used.
She is trying to demonize Hindus and Indian state which will not be tolerated.
I agree there are fault lines in our state , no ones perfect and she is just exploiting it.

If you've not seen the video then you are doing a disservice to an INDIAN lady.

Based on the tweet of a PAKISTANI man.

Yes, the Pakistani man is the darling of the Hindu right wing.

But in my book he is a Pakistani and Arundhati an Indian.

The least you should do is watch the video.

Cheers, Doc

If you've not seen the video then you are doing a disservice to an INDIAN lady.

Based on the tweet of a PAKISTANI man.

Yes, the Pakistani man is the darling of the Hindu right wing.

But in my book he is a Pakistani and Arundhati an Indian.

The least you should do is watch the video.

Cheers, Doc
I saw her video and my above my reply was wrt to that. And no i dont consider her as an Indian when she sides with a known enemy and absolves that enemy of all its crimes
For u she might be but not for me.
She is wrong on certain facts
Indian military has never been used on its own people , Naxal areas government uses CRPF when army can easily finish it off like Pakistan used in FATA but we didn't
Similarly in Kashmir and North east , armed POLICE forces are used.
She says Telangana is tribal issue again wrong.
Regarding Punjab which was again fault your own Indira Gandhi.
Her hypocrisy is clearly visible in the video with her spin as u said
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I saw her video and my above my reply was wrt to that. And no i dont consider her as an Indian when she sides with a known enemy and absolves that enemy of all its crimes
For u she might be but not for me.
She is wrong on certain facts
Indian military has never been used on its own people , Naxal areas government uses CRPF when army can easily finish it off like Pakistan used in FATA but we didn't
Similarly in Kashmir and North east , armed POLICE forces are used.
She says Telangana is tribal issue again wrong.
Regarding Punjab which was again fault your own Indira Gandhi.
Her hypocrisy is clearly visible in the video with her spin as u said

It is your right to consider anyone as Indian or not.

Just as it is their right to ignore your considerations as worthless.

I'm confident you also consider Tarek as honorary India, and fully Indian in spirit and soul?

The rest, we are going in circles and I have other pressing things at the moment.

Cheers, Doc
It is your right to consider anyone as Indian or not.

Just as it is their right to ignore your considerations as worthless.

I'm confident you also consider Tarek as honorary India, and fully Indian in spirit and soul?

The rest, we are going in circles and I have other pressing things at the moment.

Cheers, Doc
I dont consider Tarek as an Indian , i didn't say this. He is Canadian.
And you are right , whatever ones views are ultimately it doesn't matter. Whatever Arundhati says , India will remain intact no matter what.
Demonizing Hindus wont work either , we will fight back
And if you agree to her spin and views , fair enough your choice. Ultimately in a democracy , majority wins
I dont consider Tarek as an Indian , i didn't say this. He is Canadian.
And you are right , whatever ones views are ultimately it doesn't matter. Whatever Arundhati says , India will remain intact no matter what.
Demonizing Hindus wont work either , we will fight back
And if you agree to her spin and views , fair enough your choice. Ultimately in a democracy , majority wins

I do agree with her spin. Refer to my earlier post.

But unlike her I am totally with the Hindus on it.

I don't want to belong to a smaller moth eaten weaker nation.

And will fight all forces that try to break this land of ours.

Cheers, Doc
  • Agree
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You have raised quite a valid question and you have partly given the answers yourself. Noted that GOI was changed to NDA due to prevailing corruption, not for the growth part only. Why? People of the country stood behind the GOI when demonetization happened. Reason? It put both elites and common people by declaring existing cash in certain denomination illegal. We didn't mind getting in line for cash withdrawal, neither were we had the urgent need for huge currency withdrawal. However it gave immense happiness when seeing politicians and corrupted people crying hoarse day & night those days, both in personal capacity as well as through news. And I don't believe demonetization happened for formalization of economy, however GST did happen to increase tax base and streamline the tax system. I agree with your point on government underestimating the scale of impact. Hypothetically good medicine is always bitter..... Budget did enough to boost the economy, however certain points had negative impact and impression as well, hence negative market sentiment.

Lack of jobs or reduction in job is overblown by certain segments of both Industry as well as media. Yes, growth is down but it's not down by as much as it's showing, that it's all gloom & doom scenario. People & companies need to take ownership of the responsibility for their past action which has led most of them in this condition, refer to many organization's heads comments for relevant reference.

Again saying, Government should not inject money just for keeping bloated organizations afloat. Rather government should provide policy stability with above average growth and less inflation. Another area of focus for government should be reduction in flab manpower, be it in military or civil organizations with more automation and net based services. Feedback should happen more frequently with both public and originations. Focus should be more on savings and investment from public side. From government side, there should be major thrust on infrastructure building, it's very low even at present rate. Labour laws need revamp basically to get the benefits of whatever government has done so far and doing as on date. Another area which I believe, you will also agree, is the creation of separate department specifically for old age people and kids/beggers which must help them in not becoming liability on nation, but give them opportunities to become asset for the nation in big way, both image wise as well as economic output wise. Not everything can be achieved by hard numbers alone, soft elements go a long way in elevating the sentiments as well. It complements the hard elements in my opinion. That shall help in not only improving our basic fundamentals but also help us in climbing up the ladder. There are many more points however as it's working hours, so I will be able to respond in day EOD with much details if you would like me to. Thank you.

Gautam Chikermane (@gchikermane) Tweeted:
In 2008, Gujarat Chief Minister @narendramodi showed quick policy reflexes, sharp economic focus.

Today, we need @PMOIndia to infuse the same enthusiasm for India.

Where is Narendra ‘Singur-to-Sanand’ Modi? Where is Narendra ‘Singur-to-Sanand’ Modi? | ORF

My essay in @orfonline ( )
We have been asking posters to keep religion away.... Forum management is clear on this topic....

All religious posts or posts containing religious aspect will be deleted .. also reply to posts....Do waste your time and ours.....
Gautam Chikermane (@gchikermane) Tweeted:
In 2008, Gujarat Chief Minister @narendramodi showed quick policy reflexes, sharp economic focus.

Today, we need @PMOIndia to infuse the same enthusiasm for India.

Where is Narendra ‘Singur-to-Sanand’ Modi? Where is Narendra ‘Singur-to-Sanand’ Modi? | ORF

My essay in @orfonline ( )
Though I had seen his tweet on Twitter earlier, I did go through the article today. My observations are that it doesn't give facts & figures except adding few hyperlinks, neither it gives any clear, conscise opinion on what needs to be done to bring next cycle of growth. What he does is to fly with the flow, throwing the "gloom & doom" words here & there without explaining which government policies led to this. Until one presents the facts, figures, relevant policy and logic, it's fruitless to even ponder upon it. He gives the example auto industry growth reduction, not by how much and what were those policies which contributed to this growth reduction. He doesn't takes this fact on record that it was the auto industry's own doing in past which is haunting them now. And fact is "It has been said on record by auto industry leadership." Do let me know your opinion on this point. Thank you.
And fact is "It has been said on record by auto industry leadership." Do let me know your opinion on this point. Thank you.
Not much knowledge or interest in economics. I thought you were supposed to do the analysis which is why I tagged you. I'm still waiting for a proper explanation on why is the economy slowing down / heading for a recession.

Ppl like me are either told we're headed for a recession or that everything is highly exagerrated. I thought you knew better.

A very important and pertinent Video that has gone viral in recent days.

Explains how to handle the BIF teams in our own way.
Is it possible to find a dubbed version of this movie. What is this movie about. The scene shown above is what I had also written about in the Vedic Thread. The problem with us Indians is this our so called modern knowledge is making us morally bankrupt and converting us into machines with zero knowledge of what I call the reality of life and Dharma.
I fully endorse the statements of this Saffron guy in this scene. Whole of India was Tamil as late as the times of Ashoka. Please read the Arthshastra by Chanakaya, it has loads of words borrowed from Tamil. He had written it in Takshshila. The northern most limit of Aryavrata. Does this not mean that the language of commoners in 300BC in north India was primarily Tamil or a dialect of Tamil.
We have been asking posters to keep religion away.... Forum management is clear on this topic....

All religious posts or posts containing religious aspect will be deleted .. also reply to posts....Do waste your time and ours.....
You have that authority but before doing that answer my one question that why are we hell bent towards differentiating our Dharma with our nation while our nation was divided on the very basis of religion?