Yes it is Kashmir problem is tied to Indian sovereignity.
What do u mean by the high lighted part?
I hvae never read someone physically harmed her?
Let me try again (first ... have you actually seen the video and heard what she says?)
She basically says that since independence, the Indian state has been at war with its own people in multiple locations, and has used the military in this war on its own people.
She then goes on to point out that in all these instances it is Hindus at war against non Hindus and dalits/tribals of India. High caste Hindu India waging war.
Now the way I see it, there is no reason why any Hindu group would want to secede from India.
Why? Because India is the ancestral land of Hinduism. And today's Hindus who still practice it therefore believe this is their land.
Legit enough as long as they also realise that it is equally the ancestral land of ALL Indians, regardless of whether they still practice Hinduism or if they've moved on to another faith.
Regardless of whether that faith was born on this land (dharmic) or not.
As a Parsi I am 800% with Hindus in fighting any group that tries to break away. Using any means in such a war.
As the largest group if the Hindus have a vested interest in keeping the land together, then their interest converges with mine.
Would Parsi have ever fought to secede if they had similar numbers as the Muslims or Sikhs or any other group? Never. Because we have always believed this is Hindu land and our own is under occupation.
Equally also, on the flip side, the non Hindu groups that try/have tried to break away are of this land just as the Hindus are, and therefore look at this land as their sole ancestral land. Equally.
I do not know if the brief movement of secession of the Tamils in the 60s grew organically out of the language issue or was hijacked. Either way it died.
But in my mind, that was the only case where you could question Roy's line.
A Hindu movement to break away. And not tribal or low caste either.
Hope that adds greater light.
Cheers, Doc