Indian Political Discussion

Tarek Fatah (@TarekFatah) Tweeted:
#ArundhatiRoy claims Pakistan has nvr deployed its military against its own people. Was she blind & deaf when 3M died in the Bangladesh genocide by Pak Army in 1971? Is she unaware of #Balochistan? She's literally reading off a Pakistan ISI briefing note. Sikander Fayyaz Bhadera on Twitter ( )
Hahaha Arundhati Roy has absolutely zero credibility. We can easily finish her off but we wont. We need such toys to show the world that all the views are tolerated unlike our western neighbours. From this we get credibility on international arena. Look in America anyone can criticize anyone on anything but there's never a crackdown on dissent views ,this helps them create their image of tolerance. We should do the same and we are doing it ,this whole utter ignorance of what Pakistan says highlights the same.
Authoritarians and authoritarianism comes in various forms, but when they come they seem to invariably come with popular support. I'm just wondering if it does visit our country, who will stop it. Our opposition one might say, but an opposition, whose rank and file is queuing up to join the ruling ranks, does not instill much confidence. Our young vibrant population others might suggest, but a population which is enamored by cult figures, which cannot tell a populist figure from an authoritarian, inspires even less confidence.

As citizens we have taken a leap of faith. But as the old saying goes ' Road to perdition is often paved with good intentions'.

You got the whole cause and effect mixed up,
When you think of our democracy, think of a free market where consumer is the boss.
In our democracy, consumers are voters.
What do you think the voters want?

Once you get answers to that question, everything else falls into place.

Modi did not become a cult figure by accident of lack of leadership or vacuum etc. He is where he is now because he is delivering to his consumers.

Similarly, other parties are not doing well because consumers are not happy with what they are selling.
What happens in this case like any free market is employees jumping the company when they realize the product being sold is not good and there is NO future for the company unless they change.
Now, there is no indication that the opposition is ready to change from extreme left to center.
when this becomes clear, these politicians have no reason to stick to their parties.

Oh, there is also little matter of nepotism,
if an employee realizes that there is no chance in hell he can progress to top of the company & on top of that the product is trash - why blame BJP?

Your "Road to perdition..." sounds great but in politics, it matters for naught.

Even after 2 elections, it looks like people have not realized why Modi is back to power and will probably come back even stronger in 2024.
You keep looking in deepest oceans and highest mountains for the reasons, refusing to see what is staring right at you.
Tarek Fatah (@TarekFatah) Tweeted:
#ArundhatiRoy claims Pakistan has nvr deployed its military against its own people. Was she blind & deaf when 3M died in the Bangladesh genocide by Pak Army in 1971? Is she unaware of #Balochistan? She's literally reading off a Pakistan ISI briefing note. Sikander Fayyaz Bhadera on Twitter ( )

One can clearly see the defeat and crying on Arundhati Roy face when she is complaining here as to why the present dispensation of BJP has annihilated the Urban Naxal nexus of the

China sponsored Commies +
Pakistani proxies in the form of Congress promoting Islamic appeasement and Hindu demonization & divide and rule policy +
Promoting the Christian Missionaries conversion

And finally choking foreign funding to these Gaddars.
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Hahaha Arundhati Roy has absolutely zero credibility. We can easily finish her off but we wont. We need such toys to show the world that all the views are tolerated unlike our western neighbours. From this we get credibility on international arena. Look in America anyone can criticize anyone on anything but there's never a crackdown on dissent views ,this helps them create their image of tolerance. We should do the same and we are doing it ,this whole utter ignorance of what Pakistan says highlights the same.

She's not wrong in the examples she gives.

Forget Pakistan.

Which is why I laugh when newly minted sanghis say that Congress is not a Hindu party.

Cheers, Doc
Seems like these guys are intent on taking care of all the problems facing India except the economy. And create a few additional ones in the bargain .
If these guys are intent on taking care of rest of the problems except economy, then what are remaining 1.3 billion people doing in this country? It's not the job of government to hand out doles to here & there, still it's doing it voluntarily. Government's job is to just provide enabling environment, rest whether people work to get benefit or stay lax in their approach on progress path, it's not the government's doing. Thank you.
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She's not wrong in the examples she gives.

Forget Pakistan.

Which is why I laugh when newly minted sanghis say that Congress is not a Hindu party.

Cheers, Doc
Thats what i said , people like Arundhati Roy should also be tolerated even if they are rabid "anti state". Here state means Republic of India and not Government of India.
She says we should return Kashmir to Pakistan , if u think she's right , i have to nothing to say ,your choice
Thats what i said , people like Arundhati Roy should also be tolerated even if they are rabid "anti state". Here state means Republic of India and not Government of India.
She says we should return Kashmir to Pakistan , if u think she's right , i have to nothing to say ,your choice

I was talking about the general trend backed by specific conflict areas, both historical and current, being tribals and non Hindu.

Or to put it more technically accurately, non upper caste Hindu.

Can you argue that fact? Yes you can argue circumstantially. Yes you can argue on lines of sovereignty.

But can you deny the facts behind the spin she is giving ... and has the right to give?


Of course ALL if these conflict areas are Congress legacies.

And the Congress is VERY upper caste Hindu.

Cheers, Doc
If these guys are intent on taking care of rest of the problems except economy, then what are remaining 1.3 billion people doing in this country? It's not the job of government to hand out doles to here & there, still it's doing it voluntarily. Government's job is to just provide enabling environment, rest whether people work to get benefit or stay lax in their approach on progress path, it's not the government's doing. Thank you.
Did I say the job of the government is to provide dole to the people? And if the government has been so keen to right the economy, the primary reason why they were elected in 2014 , how come we've been seeing negative growth right since 2014 till date where we are on the verge of a recession?

If demonetization represented the formalization of vast sections of the Indian economy followed by GST, clearly the GoI underestimated the time required for a full recovery. Both were bitter medicine - the administration of which was long overdue.The current budget did nothing to boost the economy. Hence the sops.

There aren't any easy solutions nor any hope that we can expect growth rates of 8-9% in GDP even 2-3 years down the line. What does this do to the economic health of our nation, creation of jobs, revival of vital sectors is perhaps something you can answer , Since you seem to be the resident economic expert here.

Thank you.
I was talking about the general trend backed by specific conflict areas, both historical and current, being tribals and non Hindu.

Or to put it more technically accurately, non upper caste Hindu.

Can you argue that fact? Yes you can argue circumstantially. Yes you can argue on lines of sovereignty.

But can you deny the facts behind the spin she is giving ... and has the right to give?


Of course ALL if these conflict areas are Congress legacies.

And the Congress is VERY upper caste Hindu.

Cheers, Doc
I didn't understand what u have written actually , its not relevant to what i have written about Arundhati Roy. I am specifically talking about the things shes talking about in the video.
And yes if u speak against sovereignity and territorial integrity of Republic of India , it mounts to Sedition
I didn't understand what u have written actually , its not relevant to what i have written about Arundhati Roy. I am specifically talking about the things shes talking about in the video.
And yes if u speak against sovereignity and territorial integrity of Republic of India , it mounts to Sedition

I think I cannot be clearer that my previous post.

I have seen the video.

I am picking up one line of thought from it.

I do not agree or disagree with her.

I am simply saying that regardless if the spin she puts on it, you cannot discount the facts she bases it on.

Facts are objective.

Spin is subjective.

For example:

The Congress is a party of high caste Hindus - fact.

The Congress is pro Muslim / anti Hindu - spin.

Cheers, Doc
I think I cannot be clearer that my previous post.

I have seen the video.

I am picking up one line of thought from it.

I do not agree or disagree with her.

I am simply saying that regardless if the spin she puts on it, you cannot discount the facts she bases it on.

Facts are objective.

Spin is subjective.

For example:

The Congress is a party of high caste Hindus - fact.

The Congress is pro Muslim / anti Hindu - spin.

Cheers, Doc
Yeah right , views and opinions are also subjective , i respect your views but for me Congress is anti Hindu party. When Digvijay Singh released the book 26/11 RSS ki Sazish , it was crystal clear than congis were trying to frame them and create a bogey of Hindu terror.
For me Arundhati Roy has no credibility wrt Republic of India, if she believes we have "occupied" Kashmir and Indian army oppresses people , she is a traitor for me
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Yeah right , views and opinions are also subjective , i respect your views but for me Congress is anti Hindu party. When Digvijay Singh released the book 26/11 RSS ki Sazish , it was crystal clear than congis were trying to frame them and create a bogey of Hindu terror.
For me Arundhati Roy has no credibility wrt Republic of India, if she believes we have "occupied" Kashmir and Indian army oppresses people , she is a traitor for me

Do you see any widespread uproar in India over Kashmir.

Minus the sovereignty, fir me Kashmir has always rankled as a thorn of partition.

And of course it is religious.

And if course we are right.

But let Indians have the freedom to say what they want.

Otherwise in winning we have lost what made us Indian 73 years ago.

Cheers, Doc
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Do you see any widespread uproar in India over Kashmir.

Minus the sovereignty, fir me Kashmir has always rankled as a thorn of partition.

And of course it is religious.

And if course we are right.

But let Indians have the freedom to say what they want.

Otherwise in winning we have lost what made us Indian 73 years ago.

Cheers, Doc
No compromise with sovereignity , when it comes to sovereignty all freedoms go to "tel lene" , even the constitution has provisions for it.
Article 19 clearly says right to freedom with "reasonable restrictions" which include sovereignity and territorial integrity.
Emergency provisions eg article 352(national emergency) in the constitution are for this purpose only.
Freedom of all kinds is never absolute as it leads to anarchy.
And exactly thats why i did say that people like Arundhati Roy irrespective of their views should be tolerated.
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No compromise with sovereignity , when it comes to sovereignty all freedoms go to "tel lene" , even the constitution has provisions for it.
Article 19 clearly says right to freedom with "reasonable restrictions" which include sovereignity and territorial integrity.
Emergency provisions eg article 352(national emergency) in the constitution are for this purpose only.
Freedom of all kinds is never absolute as it leads to anarchy.
And exactly thats why i did say that people like Arundhati Roy irrespective of their views should be tolerated.

As long as they are just saying and not acting or directly instigating others to act it is not sedition.

And we agree on the absolute need to let Indians say what's on their minds.

Cheers, Doc
As long as they are just saying and not acting or directly instigating others to act it is not sedition.

And we agree on the absolute need to let Indians say what's on their minds.

Cheers, Doc
Yes they can say whatever they want to but they should be ready to face its consequences and should be held responsible for that.
For eg some people instigate communal violence and if it happens , we do hold them responsible for it isn't it?even if they have not participated in it directly
I dont agree with absolute here but with reasonable restrictions as enshrined in Constitution of India.