Indian Political Discussion

Between 1990 (when kerala became stable) and 2045 (when UP/Bihar states will become stable) , more than 500 MILLION people will be added to the population. When stupidgiri looks at his pseudo-'trend'- analysis, this is the real effect on ground. Kind of like the rest of his economic 'trend' watching. While he spews BS theories, rest of the economy loses millions of jobs and goes into a recession. IGNORAMUS, stick with engineering (or maybe he shouldn't that either).
M A R C H 0 8 , 2 0 1 9 I S S U E
N O : 9 4 , F Y 1 9

Though India’s situation in human development has improved significantly over the years (between 1990 and 2017, India's HDI value increased from 0.427 to 0.640, an increase of nearly 50%), its position is still lowest among its peer countries (Asian and Developing economies). As per UNDP’s Human Development Index (HDI) India is ranked 130 among 189 countries. The HDI is a summary measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of Human Development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. However, India’s performance in some of the metrics is commendable : between 1990 and 2017, India's life expectancy at birth has increased by nearly 11 years, with even more significant gains in expected years of schooling where today's Indian school going children can expect to stay in school for 4.7 years longer than in 1990. 

In this regard, the recently released data on Subnational Human Development Index (SHDI) for Indian States during the period 1990 to 2017 by Global Data Lab throws some interesting results. This index is an average of the subnational values of three dimensions, mainly education, health and standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions. The first indicator ‘Education’ has been measured with the variables ‘Mean years of schooling of adults aged 25+’ and ‘Expected years of schooling of children aged 6’. The ‘Health’ indicator is measured with ‘Life Expectancy at Birth’ and standard of living is measured with ‘Gross National Income per capita (PPP, 2011 US$)’. 

To have a clear insight, we ranked the States based on their scores (highest scores ordered as Rank 1). The 2017 HDI scores indicate that the States like Kerala, Goa and Punjab occupy the top three positions while States like Bihar, UP and MP are in the bottom of the rank.

However, if we look at the change in ranks for all the States between 1990 to 2017, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have seen a significant jump in their HDI rank, while most of the North Eastern states like Nagaland, Meghalaya and Manipur have seen slippages in the ranking. Both UP and Bihar have continued to remain at the bottom of the rank in the last 27 years.

Another interesting fact is that the States who were the worst performing states in HDI during 1990s are presently doing well in the social parameter since 2014. For e.g. Rajasthan, UP, Odisha & MP have seen the largest jump in change in HDI value among the 25 major States in India.

To check whether social expenditure has pushed the HDI ranking, we also looked into the CAGR growth of social expenditure between 2017 and 1990. The correlation between growth in social expenditure and improvement in HDI scores is at 0.45 which further reveals that presence of institutional bottlenecks, lack of awareness, implementation issues are still present.

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BJP spokesperson had said - If the government is not formed in Maharashtra, I will cut my hair, people are asking - when is Mundan?

Now when neither BJP is forming government in Maharashtra nor CM chair is seen in Shiv Sena's court, in such a situation, people are sharing these statements of Gaurav Bhatia on social media. By sharing the video, people are asking them whether you will go to the salon or we will take you to the barber.

BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia is being trolled in social media. People are asking them when is your Mundan program? Actually, one of his statements has caused Gaurav Bhatia's trolling. He made this statement before the Maharashtra assembly elections. The video of his statement is going viral and on this viral video people are trolling him, making fun of him.

In fact, before the election, he appeared in a live debate show on the Hindi news channel Aaj Tak. Creating an atmosphere in favor of his party, he had said that if Maharashtra did not form a coalition government with BJP and Shiv Sena, he would get his hair shaved.

In the video, he is seen clearly saying from the stage to the anchor of the debate, Anjana Om Kashyap, 'Hata ke show, show off, show off. Anjana ji says this with full power, I am going to say a big thing in your show. Nobody is in our collision. BJP and Shiv Sena will form government again. More seats than before. And if it is not made, I love these hairs very much. I will get them cut. I promise you I will get them cut. '

Now when neither BJP is forming government in Maharashtra nor CM chair is seen in Shiv Sena's court, in such a situation, people are sharing these statements of Gaurav Bhatia on social media. By sharing the video, people are asking them whether you will go to the salon or we will take you to the barber.

Some people are also writing that now you will not turn away from the Confidence to get the haircut that you said. A lot of mimes are also going viral on Gaurav Bhatia, in which people have photoshopped them bald.
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Muslims have already opened a new front. They now want 5 acres within the 67 acres acquired around RJB. They want to continue the dispute and create probelms for devotees who visit Ayodhya in future. Same problems we have seen in Kashi and Matura where the mosque and temple exsist next to eachother.

The Govt of UP is Extending the Geographical Boundary of Ayodhya by including New villages

So now they can get their 5 Acre plot in Ayodhya
The Govt of UP is Extending the Geographical Boundary of Ayodhya by including New villages

So now they can get their 5 Acre plot in Ayodhya
But they will go to SC again asking for a stay till their matter is disposed off. How do you define a prominent place? Muslims will open another front on this issue.
But they will go to SC again asking for a stay till their matter is disposed off. How do you define a prominent place? Muslims will open another front on this issue.

अयोध्या में विकास के कामों में तेजी, नगर निगम का होगा विस्तार
But they will go to SC again asking for a stay till their matter is disposed off. How do you define a prominent place? Muslims will open another front on this issue.

SC has NOT spoken of 5 Acres inside 67 Acres , they will give them 5 acres in one of the Muslim majority adjoining mohallas
you must have a sad and lonely life

My comment has Hurt you personally

Though you are an Anonymous person for me

I was referring to the Known members of this Cabal , who write on Twitter and MSM
whose tears had just barely dried up after August 5 , And WHO now , have again begun weeping Inconsolably

Nobody and Nothing has caused such
Deep pain to them

As for me , I am on Cloud TEN :ROFLMAO:
I was on Cloud Nine on 6 th December 1992 :ROFLMAO:
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My comment has Hurt you personally

Though you are an Anonymous person for me

I was referring to the Known members of this Cabal , who write on Twitter and MSM
whose tears had just barely dried up after August 5 , And WHO now , have again begun weeping Inconsolably

Nobody and Nothing has caused such
Deep pain to them

As for me , I am on Cloud TEN :ROFLMAO:
I was on Cloud Nine on 6 th December 1992 :ROFLMAO:

I was making a general observation. You should get our more often. Do light exercises and make some new friends. Trust me, it helps.
I was making a general observation. You should get our more often. Do light exercises and make some new friends. Trust me, it helps.

I am very healthy , Thanks for your concern

And I have friends ranging from The
Age of Three to Seventy , Because I like playing with Kids and Talking politics with Senior Citizens :love:

In 2010 when Allahabad High Court Judgement came , CONGRESS was in power in the Centre

I distinctly remember SOLI Sorabjee on NDTV ( In 2010 it still had some credibility )
that If the Govt pursues this matter in SC
we can close this matterr in ONE Year for ever

But Congress thought it was invincible and that BJP was leaderless

Had Congress Govt Helped Hindus in SC
and Even if the 2: 1 Verdict of Allahabad HC
ie Dividing Land in 2: 1 , was Upheld the Hindus would have been Happy
AND Congress would have REGAINED Hindu support

But the CABAL and the Christian - Muslim leadership of Congress ( Sonia , Antony , Salman Khurshid , Ahmed Patel ) RUINED
your BEST chance of Revival in UP and North India
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In 2010 when Allahabad High Court Judgement came , CONGRESS was in power in the Centre

I distinctly remember SOLI Sorabjee on NDTV ( In 2010 it still had some credibility )
that If the Govt pursues this matter in SC
we can close this matterr in ONE Year for ever

But Congress thought it was invincible and that BJP was leaderless

Had Congress Govt Helped Hindus in SC
and Even if the 2: 1 Verdict of Allahabad HC
ie Dividing Land in 2: 1 , was Upheld the Hindus would have been Happy
AND Congress would have REGAINED Hindu support

But the CABAL and the Christian - Muslim leadership of Congress ( Sonia , Antony , Salman Khurshid , Ahmed Patel ) RUINED
your BEST chance of Revival in UP and North India

congress job is not to help hindus but help Indians.