Indian Political Discussion

Omg! Will the world accept me now? If only you were important enough to be impressed.

This thread is about Indian political discussion and things related to it, I don't see how this relates to topic.

'Exclude' you say? How, please enlighten us.

And secularism has nothing to do with this, use it in your eco chamber for better effect.

The discussion about Indian males and their disgusting attitude towards sex and women is fully warranted HERE because there was an Indian male here displaying his innate crassness by trying to laugh off the views of an Indian woman by body shaming her ... as if THAT was the topic of this thread.

That's why I said you don't impress me. And I don't really care if you or anyone else cares. My views are important to me. And that's what matters.

You did not hear what I said.

There will be NO bill or law under the Indian Constitution that differentiates on the basis of religion.

These are not matters of civil law of marriage and inheritance, which are currently excluded. And which I believe should be done away first in the form of a well discussed UCC that is inclusive of all Indians. Not based on Hindu laws or Act.

This is about identity and nationality.

Hear me again if you missed it the first time.

Ab aur Nahin. Bas yahan tak.

Cheers, Doc
there was an Indian male here displaying his innate crassness by trying to laugh off the views of an Indian woman by body shaming her ... as if THAT was the topic of this thread.
Nobody is body shaming her, maybe you need to know meaning of that word first before using it. She is ashamed of her own body, read again.

How she is related to this thread? Well she is poster girl of left, often enlightening India with her communal views, time and again and with her shameless bigotry. If she can lie about her own photo not once but from years how fake were her news?

Are you agitated because her fraud is getting exposed? You can DM me, I will delete my post to cover this but that duffer will do it again.

There will be NO bill or law under the Indian Constitution that differentiates on the basis of religion.
Oh really? What is minority scholarship? What is minority ministry? What are articles 28, 29 and 30 of constitution? What is reservation, especially muslim reservation in some states?

Is it not discrimination? First learn the difference between 'positive discrimination' and negative one. The constitution is itself full of discrimination, some inserted after amendments, some necessary, some pure appeasement.

Now prove your 'exclusion' claim.

Hear me again if you missed it the first time.

Ab aur Nahin. Bas yahan tak.
Hahahaha, am I supposed to repeat this? Wake up, this is not your whatsapp group.
Those who become Muslims from Hindu will not get benefit of reservation - Central Government

By Harshita Jain
Jan 04 2020 02:10 PM

New Delhi: Where the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) has created a revolt across the country. On the other hand, more and more rules are being made by the Center. The central government has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court, which clearly states that those who convert to Muslims from Hinduism will not get the benefit of reservation.

Significantly, the Central Government has filed an affidavit in the apex court on a petition seeking to implement the reservation system in Muslim and Christianity. In the affidavit filed by the central government, it has been said that the person who converted from Hindu to Muslim by converting to religion cannot be given the benefit of reservation given to different castes in the Hindu religion.

This petition has been filed in the apex court by Hindu-turned-Muslim Mohammad Sadiq, who was earlier Mukesh Kumar. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment said that this petition should be rejected by the Supreme Court, because there were no untouchables like untouchability in Muslim and Christianity, in view of which the benefit of reservation was provided to various castes of Hindu religion.

Those who become Muslims from Hindu will not get benefit of reservation - Central Government
Doesn't matter.

There are thousands of dalits in the south converting en masse every month.

It's very rare to see similar in the opposite direction. If ever.

Hindu India is on slow boil. The different ways of cooking a frog analogy I favour ...

What the mughals couldn't do by force in generations is now happening by erosion. Insidiously.

@STEPHEN COHEN @Deathstar @Sandeep0159

Cheers, Doc
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Supreme Court to sit for 190 days, four High Courts to work 210 days

The Sikkim HC will sit for 174 days and remain closed for 192 days, resulting in an average sitting per month of 15 days only.

Published: 06th January 2020; 10:56 AM
By Kanu Sarda

Supreme Court of India in New Delhi. (Photo| Parveen Negi, EPS)

NEW DELHI: Despite an ever-increasing backlog of cases across the country, the Supreme Court will sit for only 190 days in the entire year as per the 2020 calendar, whereas Bombay, Delhi, Gauhati and Manipur High Courts will have 210 working days.

The system of long vacations for courts — a British era practice — continues even after more than seven decades of Independence,.

The Sikkim HC will sit for 174 days and remain closed for 192 days, resulting in an average sitting per month of 15 days only.


As per the calendar, the number of non-sitting days, including Saturday and Sunday, come to 176 days for the apex court. It translates into an average sitting of 16 days per month. When there are nearly 60,000 cases pending in SC, it has five vacations in its annual calendar, including summer break of 45 days, one-week Holi vacation, and winter break of 15 days. It also closes for 10 days for Dussehra and Diwali.

Attempts to do away with court holidays in the past have not been well received by lawyers. Several former Chief Justices have floated the idea of a Supreme Court that works 365 days a year but lawyers didn’t agree to this. Though, several high courts have taken the initiative to work on Saturdays to dispose of cases pending for decades, but the number of days of vacation is still on a higher side.

But, legal experts defend the long vacation saying that judges end up doing a lot of work at home and in their chambers when they are not in the court rooms and for writing judgements, which cannot be written in open courts.

Supreme Court to sit for 190 days, four High Courts to work 210 days
The US Left and Indian democracy | Analysis

Its charge of majoritarianism does not take into account legitimate democratic processes

Updated: Jan 06, 2020 06:29:53
By Rahul Sagar

The abrogation of Article 370 is criticised but little concern is shown for iniquities that sheltered under the benign term, for example, the ethnic cleansing of Pandits, discrimination against Dalits, corruption, and the blight of dynastism (Amal KS/HT PHOTO)

The nullification of Article 370 has prompted the Left-Liberal segment of the American establishment to denounce Indian democracy as “majoritarian”. The charge is fascinating because it says more about the motives and fate of American “progressivism” than it does about Indian democracy.

For much of the 20th century, Left-Liberals believed that social norms and economic inequalities had left individuals powerless in spite of the individual and political liberty granted by law. Hence, they sought to foster human capabilities through education and redistribution, with a view to making individuals “truly” free.

When electorates preferred markets and individual choice, Left-Liberals shifted focus to a different kind of powerlessness. Now, the concern is for groups whose identity and interests are endangered by virtue of their being “powerless” minorities. Thus, to take a well-known example, “Happy Holidays” is preferable to “Merry Christmas” as the traditional greeting “alienates” non-Christian minorities in America.

Ideas do not gain traction unless they speak to some aspect of the human condition. To wit, contemporary progressivism is to be lauded for sensitising majorities to the ways in which they may injure minorities. At the same time, its single-minded focus on minorities has some troubling implications.

One is that progressives are prepared to shout down as illegitimate any law that affects a minority — even if that law has democratic backing and legal sanction. But if democratic procedures and institutions are rejected, then how to settle disputes over what is a legitimate course of action ? Will The Washington Post issue decrees ?

Another implication is the valourisation of those identities and interests better able to articulate their victimhood. Thus, the abrogation of Article 370 is vigorously criticised as “erasing” Kashmir, but little concern is shown for iniquities that sheltered under the benign term, for instance the ethnic cleansing of Pandits, discrimination against women and Dalits, gross corruption, and the blight of dynastism.

The third implication is more worrying still. Because they wish to “ally” with “powerless” minorities, Left-Liberals confront an uphill battle against majorities. They respond by seeking to divide or delegitimise the majority. Thus, the fervent cry that a Hindu is a member of a caste, class, community, ethnicity, region — anything but a Hindu. Thus, the charge that Hindus that bring religion into politics are “fundamentalists”, but minorities that do the same are “expressing” themselves.

These shortcomings are why Indians, who are instinctively moderate, should be wary of the Left-Liberal critique of our democracy. To sweepingly declare every grievance of the majority as illegitimate and unworthy will not foster peaceful co-existence. It will only redouble those grievances, and set the stage for the rejection of democracy itself, as the rise of the Far Right in Europe makes it evident.

Challenging this American Left-Liberal narrative will incur two costs. The relationship with the diaspora will suffer. At universities, where Left-Liberals dominate, Indian-Americans learn about Godse and Godhra, but the grievances that motivate Hindu nationalism — for instance, the Moplah Rebellion or the destruction of temples — are ignored or even ridiculed as the pet peeves of a rabid fringe. Thus, it is that an Indian American becomes a “South Asian” and then a “person of colour” who denounces “Islamophobia” but is barely aware of the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits.

This breach may heal itself. As in England, where British-Indians have drifted away from the Labour Party, Indian-Americans may have second thoughts when they realise what progressivism means for them in practice. The resurgence of anti-Semitism in the West is the canary in the coalmine.

One subset of the diaspora poses a more intractable problem. Indian-Americans comprise a tiny fraction of the American population, and they cluster along the coasts, where the Democrats dominate. For the foreseeable future, then, we should expect that Indian-American politicians wishing to climb the ranks in the Democratic Party will be only too keen to prove their distaste for “majoritarian” India. India’s foreign minister S Jaishankar’s ambushing in Congress is an indication of what is to come.

The graver problem, then, is that Indian diplomacy, especially under the Bharatiya Janata Party, will have to wade into partisan politics. ‘Howdy Modi’ is a harbinger in this respect. Critics worry that Democrats will respond by punishing India. But recall the sanctions and vilification that Democrats unleased in 1998 after the nuclear tests. Two years later, Bill Clinton was high-fiving members of the Lok Sabha. Why ? Because India too has cards to play. It can widen its base of support in the US by pressing ahead with economic reform. It can also complicate the US’ efforts to contain China by supporting Asian solidarity against a meddling West.

Hopefully, none of this will come to pass. An ideology that ranges itself against issues that a majority of citizens feel strongly about will always struggle in a democracy. The Labour party’s recent crushing defeat ought to give American progressives pause. But should they seek continued confrontation then, for the reasons indicated earlier, we should not shy away from replying that, when there are disagreements over minority rights, it is for our procedures and institutions, and not The New York Times, to arbitrate what is and is not a legitimate course of action. How we, in India, should assess the health of these checks and balances will be the subject of a subsequent essay.

Rahul Sagar is Global Network associate professor of Political Science at New York University, Abu Dhabi. The views expressed are personal.

The US Left and Indian democracy | Analysis
Prof. Ali Khan Mahmudabad (@Mahmudabad) Tweeted:
All other things apart. See how measured yet fierce and fearless the daughter of Qasim Suleimani is and how the crowd responds to her.

I like “trump-e divaane”

#IranUsa #Women #قاسم_سیلمانی #ایران خبرگزاری فارس on Twitter ( )

This is the frame of mind of an educated Muslim. He's a Shi'a btw. Most of you may not be aware that nearly 50% of the babies if not more who died in that public hospital in Kota are Muslims. How do I know this? Good question. Our family driver Mohammed Zeeshan is from Kota. His immediate family still resides there. Apparently the lane where he lives in has seen 4 deaths. One of his niece's baby, the other of his immediate neighbor.

You see Muslims protesting in their hundreds the death or martyrdom as they call it, of a random guy from a random Nation in a random cause . Someone whose name they may never have heard about in their lifetime till the day their friendly neighborhood Imam asked them to gather for a procession in mourning .

Yet how many protests were taken out by them at the deaths of 100s of babies. 0 , zero nada, zilch. Shunya.
Still awaiting your reply on how CAA 'excludes' any religion and not secular.

Why are you waiting?

Are you among the tribe of entitled bhagwadharis who considers it their birthright that secular patriots reply to every hackneyed argument from their little Sangh playbook?

I decide what to respond to. And definitely who warrants a proper debate.

Cheers, Doc
P.S. Your mentation is pretty transparent when you equate benefits given to minorities in a nation where one faith is the overpowering majority to something as fundamental and non-negotiable as identity, belonging and citizenship of a human being.

On the sex part you just make me sad man. Seriously ...

Cheers, Doc
Why are you waiting?

Are you among the tribe of entitled bhagwadharis who considers it their birthright that secular patriots reply to every hackneyed argument from their little Sangh playbook?

I decide what to respond to. And definitely who warrants a proper debate.

Cheers, Doc
P.S. Your mentation is pretty transparent when you equate benefits given to minorities in a nation where one faith is the overpowering majority to something as fundamental and non-negotiable as identity, belonging and citizenship of a human being.

On the sex part you just make me sad man. Seriously ...

Cheers, Doc
So nothing? Ok I am the worst human being, but good humans should provide something to back up their claim, no?
Priyanka Gandhi starts chalking out minority outreach plan ahead of 2022 UP polls

Priyanka Gandhi has emerged as the Congress’s face in its opposition to the CAA and the NRC. She has met the families of the protestors killed in the violence during protests in Uttar Pradesh.

Updated: Jan 06, 2020; 05:44 IST
Aurangzeb Naqshbandi
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra(PTI file photo)

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has sought the caste composition in each of Uttar Pradesh’s 403 assembly constituencies as her party seeks to reach out to the Dalits, Other Backward Class (OBCs) and Muslims ahead of the 2022 assembly polls in the state, Congress functionaries aware of the developments said.

The outreach has been planned based on an assessment that the three sections are “disillusioned” with the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Samajwadi Party (SP) because of their subdued opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which has triggered protests across the country, and the proposed pan-India National Register of Citizens (NRC), they added.

The Dalits account for 21% of UP’s population and have been the BSP’s main support base. The SP is primarily seen as the party of OBC Yadavs and Muslims.

Priyanka Gandhi has emerged as the Congress’s face in its opposition to the CAA and the NRC. She has met the families of the protestors killed in the violence during protests in Uttar Pradesh.

At least 21 people died in Uttar Pradesh in the violence on December 20 and 21 as protests against the CAA and NRC spread to other parts of the country. The protests first erupted in the Northeast, especially in Assam, where residents fear the CAA could result in a fresh influx of outsiders, after Parliament passed it on December 11.

The CAA seeks to fast-track citizenship for non-Muslim refugees, who have entered India from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh before 2015. Opponents of the CAA say the law is unconstitutional as it links faith to citizenship in a secular country and is discriminatory because it leaves out the Muslims. They point out that the CAA, if combined with a pan-India NRC, could result in the expulsion or detention of Muslims unable to provide the documentation required for the exercise.

An exercise to identify undocumented immigrants in Assam led to the exclusion of over 1.9 million people from the NRC in Assam last year.

Uttar Pradesh Congress leaders, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the outreach has rattled BSP chief Mayawati, who has attacked their party’s top leadership. As per the functionaries, Priyanka Gandhi has also sought a report on the impact of the Congress’s alliance with the SP in 2017 UP’s assembly polls.

The Congress registered its worst-ever performance in the 2017 elections and bagged just seven seats. The failure of the two parties to transfer their votes to each other has been identified as the reason for their dismal performance.

The BJP returned to power in UP in 2017. It continued its dominance in the state and won seven out of the 11 assembly seats to which by-polls were held in October. Priyanka Gandhi, who is a Congress general secretary in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, has kept her focus on the state, which sends 80 lawmakers to the 543-member Lok Sabha.

She has raised the issues related to UP and attacked chief minister Yogi Adityanath and his government over the law and order situation, especially the alleged increase in the rape cases, and police excesses during the CAA protests. The Congress, the functionaries feels it is the right time to build a campaign against the Yogi government even as it managed to win just one Lok Sabha seat in UP in last summer’s national polls.

“Congress is a political party, Priyanka Ji is its leader. Of course, they can launch any outreach programme. But, it’s better that she first reaches out to her party cadre which is disillusioned with the party itself. She has not lent an ear to nearly a dozen party seniors who had been requesting an audience. Instead, the party expelled them. Voters are now waiting to elections to oust BJP and make Akhilesh Yadav the chief minister again,” said a Samajwadi Party leader.

Priyanka Gandhi starts chalking out minority outreach plan ahead of 2022 UP polls

Bhagwas running titar bitar. Scared.

Loved the video of old BJP hands gheraoing Rajnath Singh. Dekha?

Cheers, Doc
Haha, now that masks of CAA has fallen off and Islamists has come to fore, the sickular gang is shaking it's head how to deal with the silent polarization of Hindus, who are watching the slogans of "Hinduon se Azaadi" Being chanted.

As I said before Leftists and people like you are the main recruiting officers for Hindutva. You taunt Hindus, abuse them their religion, culture using your "Sickularism" Then naturally the neutral Hindus will come home to Hindutva.

And all we have to say to those neutral Sickulars was, "We told you before this would happen, they would use Sickularism to target you" Better late than never, Welcome and join the party! ;)

Wait for it! More laws will come which will make you cry rivers of blood.

Btw, USA bombed your relative Suleimani. Condolences, hope you are not going to join the jihad now?
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Again the trees.

The RSS must be banned. For the final time this time.

And the BJP told to get off its communal trip or be outlawed as a legitimate political entity.

Cheers, Doc
Suffering from Grand delusion I guess? Is it the same like Modi will lose 2019 elections to "Idea of India"? Like you said? 🤪

Karlo ban RSS has millions of volunteers, what will you do if they decide to take up arms in response. 😱
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Haha, now that masks of CAA has fallen off and Islamists has come to fore, the sickular gang is shaking it's head how to deal with the silent polarization of Hindus, who are watching the slogans of "Hinduon se Azaadi" Being chanted.

As I said before Leftists and people like you are the main recruiting officers for Hindutva. You taunt Hindus, abuse them their religion, culture using your "Sickularism" Then naturally the neutral Hindus will come home to Hindutva.

And all we have to say to those neutral Sickulars was, "We told you before this would happen, they would use Sickularism to target you" Better late than never, Welcome and join the party! ;)

Wait for it! More laws will come which will make you cry rivers of blood.

Btw, USA bombed your relative Suleimani. Condolences, hope you are not going to join the jihad now?

On the contrary I have converted many softcore educated hyper sanghis like you.

Remember, I'm a Zoroastrian mulla.

An ideologue. A fanatic in an intellectual's garb.

This is war. And when the sword is unsheathed, it has to taste blood.

Cheers, Doc
On the contrary I have converted many softcore educated hyper sanghis like you.

Remember, I'm a Zoroastrian mulla.

An ideologue. A fanatic in an intellectual's garb.

This is war. And when the sword is unsheathed, it has to taste blood.

Cheers, Doc
Yes I can see that converted mulla in you.
Is that why you see more educated professionals join hindutva ranks and your lot is left only with arts and humanities students? 😃 so much for converting it gave 303 majority to make and ammend Constitution. Future looks bright for Hindu Renaissance.
Besides who cares some hyper ventilating Zoroa indulging in his fantasizes.
The ground has shifted, Hindus unite under Hindutva that gives you nightmares, l love this schadenfreude. 😁
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