Indian Political Discussion

We want to drastic changes but sign of trouble, lets throw the person making the changes happen under the bus.

No wonder Islamic Jihadis have been having their way with Hindu pansies.
First sign of trouble, we are happy throwing our general into fire...

Well done man, you are awesome. Your logic and clarity is out of this world...REALLLY..
And what are "drastic changes" sir? Like dropping Land Acquisition Act at first sign of protest? Or doing a U Turn in few Hours on NDTV Ban, or taking back few Rs increase in JNU fees? Or again letting media and jihadi nexus flourish letting them burn the National Capital?

I am not throwing your general under bus, your general was so scared that he started "door to door" campaign to pacify Muslim voters once protests went out of hand and still not have the strength to clear out road blocked by Islamists even when they killed your brothers and sisters in day light, raped them and burned them for an act that doesn't even relate to them.

We should hang our head in shame for a general like that. Demonetization was radical, successful or not is a different story. Abandoning NRC after saying on record multiple times to implement is chickening out, not drastic.

There was nothing "drastic" in CAA, it's barely a 4 lines act, mostly affirmative action, drastic would have been penalizing or rejecting those people who left for Pakistan in 1947 but that would have required actual guts not image building. Bending down to a party with barely 50 seats, letting them set agenda, letting them burn whole country is not drastic or radical, it's pure incompetence.
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And what are "drastic changes" sir? Like dropping Land Acquisition Act at first sign of protest? Or doing a U Turn in few Hours on NDTV Ban, or taking back few Rs increase in JNU fees? Or again letting media and jihadi nexus flourish letting them burn the National Capital?

I am not throwing your general under bus, your general was so scared that he started "door to door" campaign to pacify Muslim voters once protests went out of hand and still not have the strength to clear out road blocked by Islamists even when they killed your brothers and sisters in day light, raped them and burned them for an act that doesn't even relate to them.

We should hang our head in shame for a general like that. Demonetization was radical, successful or not is a different story. Abandoning NRC after saying on record multiple times to implement is chickening out, not drastic.

There was nothing "drastic" in CAA, it's barely a 4 lines act, mostly affirmative action, drastic would have been penalizing or rejecting those people who left for Pakistan in 1947 but that would have required actual guts not image building. Bending down to a party with barely 50 seats, letting them set agenda, letting them burn whole country is not drastic or radical, it's pure incompetence.

You seem to be confused.
Are you angry at BJP leadership for not doing enough OR
Are you angry at BJP leadership for doing enough?

If your argument in this post is that you are angry at BJP for NOT doing everything & want alternative that would do ZERO.....again, your logic seems out of this world.
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You seem to be confused.
Are you angry at BJP leadership for not doing enough OR
Are you angry at BJP leadership for doing enough?

If your argument in this post is that you are angry at BJP for NOT doing everything & want alternative that would do ZERO.....again, your logic seems out of this world.
Your delusions are not my logic, people infer as per their liking I am very clear about what I said.

I haven't said anything about alternative of government don't know where you get it, It's HM who is not doing/unfit for the job. He is not only destroying India he is also damaging BJP, he should be sent back to Party where he can buy sell MLA, expand party and stay busy there. You should use a person as per his talent and bring in someone sensible at this important post that preempt tragedies instead of waiting for them to grow for political gains.

This is not the only time he sold "Hindus" (term used for fanboys better understanding) expecting votes in return, he will do it again someday, don't let that day be in your neighbourhood.
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Your delusions are not my logic, people infer as per their liking I am very clear about what I said.

I haven't said anything about alternative of government don't know where you get it, It's HM who is not doing/unfit for the job. He is not only destroying India he is also damaging BJP, he should be sent back to Party where he can buy sell MLA, expand party and stay busy there. You should use a person as per his talent and bring in someone sensible at this important post that preempt tragedies instead of waiting for them to grow for political gains.

This is not the only time he sold "Hindus" (term used for fanboys better understanding) expecting votes in return, he will do it again someday, don't let that day be in your neighbourhood.

What do you mean "sold" Hindus?
Why do Hindus need to be protected by Police each and every time a Mulla goes mad?

No one is stopping the Hindus dealing in the same manner.
I want Hindus to stop producing CandyAssPansies and start raising some men.
Men, who can deal with the rampaging muzzies in the same vein.

You may want AS & NM to wipe our bums each and every time muzzie attacks us.
Me, on other hand want a level playing field to fight, which we are getting.
Now, some CandyAsses might crib on forums...I am perfectly happy.

Muzzies got a good taste in Delhi, apart of some crying in countries and media which will hop on to the next hot thing, no one except the muzzies will remember what happened.

If you are not willing to fight on the ground, all the so called right wing govt's can do is delay your extermination by repeatedly protecting you.
Grow a pair, stop thinking about what "others" think and just go on a rampage....
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Just to iterate,

The old saying of "teaching a man to fish....." is worth-while to remember..
What NM & AS are doing is looking to empower Hindus.
They are backing us to fight. If we refuse to fight and keep going back to BJP to give us the 'fish'....well, we are rightly looking at extermination, ala, the Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Look at how AS & NM have supported Hindu ecosystem after the riots.
How many cases are being filed against muzzies and how many against Hindus?

the whole world went after Kapil Mishra BUT BJP went after Tahir & the ilk.
Know any Hindus who are being jailed for riots? or leaders arrested for same?

We are dealing with bully named Islamic Jihad.
Unless we stand up and learn to hit them back on chin, you aint surviving.

All the rants against AS & NM are devoid of facts, history and strategy.
We are in midst of what every nation went through before Islam took them over - lest anyone here is forgetting...
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Just to iterate,

The old saying of "teaching a man to fish....." is worth-while to remember..
What NM & AS are doing is looking to empower Hindus.
They are backing us to fight. If we refuse to fight and keep going back to BJP to give us the 'fish'....well, we are rightly looking at extermination, ala, the Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Look at how AS & NM have supported Hindu ecosystem after the riots.
How many cases are being filed against muzzies and how many against Hindus?

the whole world went after Kapil Mishra BUT BJP went after Tahir & the ilk.
Know any Hindus who are being jailed for riots? or leaders arrested for same?

We are dealing with bully named Islamic Jihad.
Unless we stand up and learn to hit them back on chin, you aint surviving.

All the rants against AS & NM are devoid of facts, history and strategy.
We are in midst of what every nation went through before Islam took them over - lest anyone here is forgetting...
Absolutely spot on !!
Amit shah's speech live today in the parliament:

face identification software being used to identify the culprits from CCTV
this inlcudes votre id, driving license and other govt identifictaions.
1100 + have been identified with this
300 ppl from UP have been identified (that people have come from outside for the dharna)
Owaisi asked - only muslims are being arrested - Amit Shah replied - facial recognition does not distinguish between religion or dress.
24 night UP border was sealed so how did these people come from UP on that day?
(congress now starts shout out - and walks out) - speaker Om Birla asks cong to sit and listen to HM.


more to come...
Amit shah's speech live today in the parliament:

face identification software being used to identify the culprits from CCTV
this inlcudes votre id, driving license and other govt identifictaions.
1100 + have been identified with this
300 ppl from UP have been identified (that people have come from outside for the dharna)
Owaisi asked - only muslims are being arrested - Amit Shah replied - facial recognition does not distinguish between religion or dress.
24 night UP border was sealed so how did these people come from UP on that day?
(congress now starts shout out - and walks out) - speaker Om Birla asks cong to sit and listen to HM.


more to come...
Do you have a video ? Can't watch TV at work.
They did not come for sharna, they were the people who were brought in chartered buses and trucks to start the riots in delhi.
govt created data base out of picturs from voter ID, drivers license "and many other sources" AS did not elaborate more - possibly with police station mug shots?
CCTV and watsapp videos analysed for facial recognition from this database.

what it will show:
1) identify people from these databases (possible in house cells)
2) identify people from the videos for whom there is not data in these databases (possible outsiders)
we should also get compensated by the govt authorities who took the monies generated by temples and used for non-temple activities.
a full audit of temple monies used by govts is needed.
They did not come for sharna, they were the people who were brought in chartered buses and trucks to start the riots in delhi.
Amit Shah wont say that they were bought in for riots.
he uses the "socratic questioning method" - ask the right pointed question for which the answer is obvious.

his question today in Parliament:
UP borders were closed, yet more than 300 folks arrested were residents of UP - they came in before the protests began - so, are the protests were instantaneous or planned?
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right now - india tv online also doing a spin on the news

He sought to counter charges that a particular community was being targetted by the police.
"Action has been taken against members of both communities," Amit Shah."
from: Properties of those involved in Delhi violence will be seized: Amit Shah in Lok Sabha

i still havent found where Amit Shah said this!

what he acually said was - for Owaisi's question that only one community was hurt in this protest/riot (playing the victim card) - to which Amit Shah said - "this is wrong - two communities have suffered"

the choice of words was notable - he could have said hindus also have been hurt - but he chose to use the words differently.