Back in the day , when Obama announced the surge , there were speculations among pundits in the strategic community that this was meant for intervention in Paxtan.
Around the same time Paxtan ramped up production of fissile material & started stockpiling them apart from producing more warheads. Indian commentators especially Shyam Saran who was the chairman of the NSAB issued a public statement that this was aimed at the US something those pundits from the international community concurred with.
Left unsaid is a whether the US approached India for some sort of joint collaboration to target Paxtan. I've not come across anything in the public domain hinting at it unlike say in the wake of the 9/11 incident when Paxtan under Mussharaf was dithering & the Bush administration deputed Dy Secretary of State Richard Armitage to deliver an ultimatum. Jaswant Singh, our then Foreign Minister openly offered Indian help to attack Paxtan something which may have ironically helped Mussharaf convince his recalcitrant colleagues within the PA to stand up with the US or risk annihilation by both US & India . In the event the offer wasn't taken up by the US as Paxtan came on board . The rest is history.
The reporting of all this was very low key & no follow up articles were produced on this issue. I think the Indian security management concluded around that time that it was only matter of time before the US departed which is why we restricted our aid there to humanitarian gestures only.
The end result was that the US restricted it's intervention in Paxtan to targetted assassinations thru drone warfare . They chickened out from openly confronting the PA.