Islamic Republic of Afghanistan : News & Discussions

Oh don’t worry. only thing that is not in shortage in Afghanistan is weapons. I bet they’re are more chances of finding weapon caches on digging afghan soil than of finding water.
BTW have you read about your army chief ( or ex chief or something) stating that “Talis are not our enemies”. That must tell you something about how bunnies overrun Kabul without firing a bullet.
And it’s not just your country, CNN, Wapo, NYT and all other media houses that are backing current Bye-Done Govt are trying hard to legitimise and portray bunnies as Good guys and Ghani and others as corrupt and irrelevant entities
Well if you elect a democrat you get a toilet. I'm at a loss here. Do you have that quote to hand BTW?
ANSDF was sabotaged by higher ups.And I believe Ghani and Abdulla Abdulla have something to do with that.
They were instructed not to fight with talibs and to cooperate with them. They did exactly. Otherwise it was these ANA/ANSDF who were fighting with talibs since almost a decade. The Defence Minister was sidelined and Army Chiefs were changed every month. It’s not how wars are fought.

Coalition forces were active as instructors and advisers. All the ops were done entirely by ANA guys with the help of USAF.

@BMD have you watched Homeland season 4. Don’t you think It was pretty accurate in portraying the actual picture of Afghan-Pakistan-US quagmire ?
Read this thread pretty much aligns with your theory
There's more just posting some parts of it

Over dinner day before I was viewing an interview conducted by perennial dimwit Sardesai of Hamid Mir who chose his words very carefully correcting dimwit at times that he was merely reporting incidents "as they occured " & not as how he sees them .

Long story short . PA conducts a meeting of IK cabinet & select group of parliamentarians behind closed doors & informs them that Taliban is no longer within their control. This news followed news coming from Afghanistan that Taliban killed all the ISIS men imprisoned by the previous regime including their leaders & released all TTP men including their dy chief.

In all this melee also comes the news that not all ISIS men were killed as when the Taliban freed prisoners they didn't always follow a vetting process.

Make out of it what you will.
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Sudheendra Kulkarni was L. K. Advani's political advisor. It was he who advised Advani to pay respects to Jinnah's mausoleum in Karachi & whitewash his role in the partition to which Advani obliged .

This act forever tarnished his image & destroyed his relationship with the RSS who shortly after this act got him removed from the BJP leadership position. In due course, Modi occupied centre stage.The rest is history.

Come to think, it must probably be the first time in recorded history a Maharashtrian took a Sindhi for a ride.

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