If you're an illegal immigrant, won't going back to India for treatment permanently close yuur chances of returning to the UK, you fool. Do you even think before you write?No it means I'm not going to waste my time Googling stuff for you that is on wikipedia.
I have bi-annual check-ups with an NHS dentist in the UK no problems.
As regards travelling to India for dentistry, I can't imagine the type of dental surgery such that a trip to India would cost less than paying to go private in the UK, unless you're an illegal immigrant. So you're just babbling garbage as usual.
Check up the links I've posted. Make google your ally. I didn't conjure up the details quoted. As far as your routine bi annual visits are concerned, I think the article's pretty explicit on the fact that those medical tourists making the visit to India are those who're seeking an immediate procedure for medical emergencies. Now as far as the budget went, make google your ally again & work out the math. I'm pretty sure there's a difference between making an all expense trip to India & consulting a pvt practitioner in a pvt hospital in UK for a complicated medical procedure unless your consulting Dr Rockybull Mian of Al Umma Hospital in Bradford or Manchester. Good luck with that.