6 Pak forces killed,12 wounded in attack by BLF in Kech,Balochistan
PAF more vulnerable than ever: Ex-officer
Is this the Reason why IAFdoes not bother
About theJF 17
Firstly you may as well be speaking Dutch because I don’t understand your language - I thought the universal language on forums was English?Google पर ‘भिखारी’ सर्च करने पर क्यों आती है इमरान खान की फोटो?
By Ram Kishor -
Updated: Dec 18, 2018 17:39 pm IST
गूगल इन दिनों राजनेताओं की तस्वीर के कारण सुर्खियों में है। हाल ही अमेरिकी संसद ने गूगल कंपनी के सीईओ सुंदर पिचाई से पूछताछ की थी कि ‘इडियट’ शब्द सर्च करने पर अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प की तस्वीर क्यों आती है? यह मामला सुलझा नहीं कि अब पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री की तस्वीर की वजह से गूगल एक बार फिर चर्चा में है। दरअसल, गूगल पर ‘भिखारी’ शब्द सर्च करने पर पाकिस्तान के पीएम इमरान खान की फोटो सामने आ रही है।
गूगल के सीईओ से की जाएगी पूछताछ
इसको लेकर पाकिस्तान के पंजाब प्रांत की विधानसभा ने सख्त रवैया अपनाया है। उन्होंने एक प्रस्ताव पेश किया है, जिसमें गूगल के सीईओ को समन भेजने और उनसे पूछताछ की बात कही गई है।
सोशल मीडिया पर सामने आई यह बात
पाकिस्तान की एक पत्रकार Naila Inayat ने इमरान खान और इस प्रस्ताव की फोटो सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर की है। इसमें यही सवाल उठाया गया है कि आखिर गूगल सर्च इंजन पर ‘भिखारी’ शब्द सर्च करने पर इमरान खान की तस्वीर क्यों सामने आती है?
जब पाक चैनल ने की थी गलती
कुछ समय पहले पाकिस्तान के ही एक सरकारी टीवी चैनल पीटीवी ने ‘बेगिंग’ विवाद पर माफी मांगी थी। दरअसल, इमरान खान के भाषण के लाइव प्रसारण के दौरान स्क्रीन पर ‘बीजिंग’ की जगह ‘बेगिंग’ (भीख मांगना) लिखा था। यह गलती करीब 20 सेकंड तक बनी रही, जिसे बाद में हटा लिया गया था।
पाक गुजर रहा है आर्थिक संकट से
जानकारी के लिए बता दें, इन दिनों पाकिस्तान आर्थिक संकट से गुजर रहा है। इसे संकट से निपटने के लिए पाकिस्तान कर्ज लेने की कोशिश कर रहा है। बीते दिनों इमरान ने कई देशों का दौरा भी किया, जिसके कारण सोशल मीडिया पर उनके काफी मीम्स बनाए जा रहे हैं।
Google पर 'भिखारी' सर्च करने पर क्यों आती है इमरान खान की फोटो?
@safriz @Neo
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Shekhar Singh
Active member
Today at 2:23 PM
lcafanboy said:
Google पर ‘भिखारी’ सर्च करने पर क्यों आती है इमरान खान की फोटो?
By Ram Kishor -
Updated: Dec 18, 2018 17:39 pm IST
गूगल इन दिनों राजनेताओं की तस्वीर के कारण सुर्खियों में है। हाल ही अमेरिकी संसद ने गूगल कंपनी के सीईओ सुंदर पिचाई से पूछताछ की थी कि ‘इडियट’ शब्द सर्च करने पर अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प की तस्वीर क्यों आती है? यह मामला सुलझा नहीं कि अब पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री की तस्वीर की वजह से गूगल एक बार फिर चर्चा में है। दरअसल, गूगल पर ‘भिखारी’ शब्द सर्च करने पर पाकिस्तान के पीएम इमरान खान की फोटो सामने आ रही है।
गूगल के सीईओ से की जाएगी पूछताछ
इसको लेकर पाकिस्तान के पंजाब प्रांत की विधानसभा ने सख्त रवैया अपनाया है। उन्होंने एक प्रस्ताव पेश किया है, जिसमें गूगल के सीईओ को समन भेजने और उनसे पूछताछ की बात कही गई है।
सोशल मीडिया पर सामने आई यह बात
पाकिस्तान की एक पत्रकार Naila Inayat ने इमरान खान और इस प्रस्ताव की फोटो सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर की है। इसमें यही सवाल उठाया गया है कि आखिर गूगल सर्च इंजन पर ‘भिखारी’ शब्द सर्च करने पर इमरान खान की तस्वीर क्यों सामने आती है?
जब पाक चैनल ने की थी गलती
कुछ समय पहले पाकिस्तान के ही एक सरकारी टीवी चैनल पीटीवी ने ‘बेगिंग’ विवाद पर माफी मांगी थी। दरअसल, इमरान खान के भाषण के लाइव प्रसारण के दौरान स्क्रीन पर ‘बीजिंग’ की जगह ‘बेगिंग’ (भीख मांगना) लिखा था। यह गलती करीब 20 सेकंड तक बनी रही, जिसे बाद में हटा लिया गया था।
पाक गुजर रहा है आर्थिक संकट से
जानकारी के लिए बता दें, इन दिनों पाकिस्तान आर्थिक संकट से गुजर रहा है। इसे संकट से निपटने के लिए पाकिस्तान कर्ज लेने की कोशिश कर रहा है। बीते दिनों इमरान ने कई देशों का दौरा भी किया, जिसके कारण सोशल मीडिया पर उनके काफी मीम्स बनाए जा रहे हैं।
Google पर 'भिखारी' सर्च करने पर क्यों आती है इमरान खान की फोटो?
I do agree with most of the points you mentioned, that it is wrong to make fun of someone's economic problems and we too went through such a phase and many of our regions are not doing well. But at least we are making all efforts in bettering are economy and uplifting poor regions. We are not spending and indulging in war mongering rhetorics, not supporting terrorism and pushing terrorists in to another countries. Our defence budget as a percentage of total budget is amongst the lowest in the world, we are not expanding and indulging in nuclear blackmailing. We provided MFN status to Pakistan even though they didn't to promote business development and uplifting our own and their economic conditions.A Humble request to Indian Members;
This entire non-sense of Imran khan begging, or Pakistan going through economic crisis and cheap shots associated with such topics is not needed, and just shows the authors of such posts being shallow and petty. Most of us, (atleast me) knows what economic hardships really feels like. Growing up in a middle class family, I saw economic hardships all around me, making fun of a nation that is going through what our country has been through and still going through in some parts is absolutely uncalled for and won't be tolerated. If you have any meaningful dialogue on economy of Pakistan, that is welcome; but just insulting a nation for it's economic state is absolutely not necessary. If the intent is just grandstanding there are other forums out there for that.
A Humble request to Indian Members;
This entire non-sense of Imran khan begging, or Pakistan going through economic crisis and cheap shots associated with such topics is not needed, and just shows the authors of such posts being shallow and petty. Most of us, (atleast me) knows what economic hardships really feels like. Growing up in a middle class family, I saw economic hardships all around me, making fun of a nation that is going through what our country has been through and still going through in some parts is absolutely uncalled for and won't be tolerated. If you have any meaningful dialogue on economy of Pakistan, that is welcome; but just insulting a nation for it's economic state is absolutely not necessary. If the intent is just grandstanding there are other forums out there for that.
A Humble request to Indian Members;
This entire non-sense of Imran khan begging, or Pakistan going through economic crisis and cheap shots associated with such topics is not needed, and just shows the authors of such posts being shallow and petty. Most of us, (atleast me) knows what economic hardships really feels like. Growing up in a middle class family, I saw economic hardships all around me, making fun of a nation that is going through what our country has been through and still going through in some parts is absolutely uncalled for and won't be tolerated. If you have any meaningful dialogue on economy of Pakistan, that is welcome; but just insulting a nation for it's economic state is absolutely not necessary. If the intent is just grandstanding there are other forums out there for that.
A Humble request to Indian Members;
This entire non-sense of Imran khan begging, or Pakistan going through economic crisis and cheap shots associated with such topics is not needed, and just shows the authors of such posts being shallow and petty. Most of us, (atleast me) knows what economic hardships really feels like. Growing up in a middle class family, I saw economic hardships all around me, making fun of a nation that is going through what our country has been through and still going through in some parts is absolutely uncalled for and won't be tolerated. If you have any meaningful dialogue on economy of Pakistan, that is welcome; but just insulting a nation for it's economic state is absolutely not necessary. If the intent is just grandstanding there are other forums out there for that.
Pak to spend 21pc of the Total Budget on Defence - Gets sucked into an Arms Race it can't affordA Humble request to Indian Members;
This entire non-sense of Imran khan begging, or Pakistan going through economic crisis and cheap shots associated with such topics is not needed, and just shows the authors of such posts being shallow and petty. Most of us, (atleast me) knows what economic hardships really feels like. Growing up in a middle class family, I saw economic hardships all around me, making fun of a nation that is going through what our country has been through and still going through in some parts is absolutely uncalled for and won't be tolerated. If you have any meaningful dialogue on economy of Pakistan, that is welcome; but just insulting a nation for it's economic state is absolutely not necessary. If the intent is just grandstanding there are other forums out there for that.
Again, that is their prerogative. Pakistan's security policy is India centric, sure there can be criticism of any nation for what we perceive as negative policies, but that doesn't justify insulting ad hominem for Imran Khan or whoever they have elected, like in you last post where you compare him to a donkey? is that called for, how is that any different from rabid members on PDF yelling out derogatory terms for Indian leaders?Pak to spend 21pc of the Total Budget on Defence - Gets sucked into an Arms Race it can't afford
Pak to spend 21pc of the Total Budget on Defence - Gets sucked into an Arms Race it can't afford
what do you have to say now?
When your population is reeling under economic hardships you don't go on a military spending sprees. But Pakistani army and Govt to do one up manship against India due to hatred makes its population at large suffer economic hardships. This is wrong and therefore have become a laughing stock of world....
Now don't blame me...
And thus we cannot be civil in our discourse? All I am asking for is civility, is that too much to request?Sir I totally disagree with you
If Pakistan was a friendly country , then we
Would not have said anything against it
But Pakistan has Always been inimical
Towards India and has always plotted to harm India
Even today they are doing the same
Inspite of being bankrupt
Just read what Punjab CM Amarinder Singh
Has been saying about ISI goals in Punjab
Yesterday Hafiz Sayeed And LAL Topi - Zaid Hamid were threatening to Burn down Indian cities
You have the right to your opinion, I respectfully disagree, I cannot generalize 200 million people as incompetent, stemming from foreign policy held hostage by a military theocracy for decades.Let me be even more blunt
Pakistanis are INCOMPETENT people
All this Anti India behaviour is the result of
Frustration and Jealousy , arising out of
Their own Incompetence
They can never come out of their Economic crisis
Even China has accepted that Pakistan is in a Debt Trap
'Western countries pushed Pakistan into debt trap': Chinese envoy defends CPEC investment | The Express Tribune
Donkey economy.
Now Donkeys have become film heroes too in Pakistan. Actually this movie is on Imran Khan a donkey becoming a PM....
And thus we cannot be civil in our discourse? All I am asking for is civility, is that too much to request?
Pak to spend 21pc of the Total Budget on Defence - Gets sucked into an Arms Race it can't afford
Pak to spend 21pc of the Total Budget on Defence - Gets sucked into an Arms Race it can't afford
what do you have to say now?
When your population is reeling under economic hardships you don't go on a military spending sprees. But Pakistani army and Govt to do one up manship against India due to hatred makes its population at large suffer economic hardships. This is wrong and therefore have become a laughing stock of world....
Now don't blame me...