Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

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this is one of the reasons why we need to limit buying too much stuff from US. It would make us look like fools in future when they threaten us.

By the time they militarily threaten us, if at all, it will be 30+ years in the future. We are more likely to be allies when it comes to security at the very least.

We are on a 20, 30-year 90% indigenization trajectory anyway.
nothing new , these are just regular tit for tat attacks. There was a bombing in march as well.

By the time they militarily threaten us, if at all, it will be 30+ years in the future. We are more likely to be allies when it comes to security at the very least.

We are on a 20, 30-year 90% indigenization trajectory anyway.
30+ years ? seriously , they will flip sides in next 3-5 years. Will not be surprised if they play the old game of co-opting with china to sink russia & India.
Hamas calls for assistance in the war it started.

this is one of the reasons why we need to limit buying too much stuff from US. It would make us look like fools in future when they threaten us.
Are you planning on attacking Israel?
All you've done is named parition massacres, which were riots, and other riots. Not a single one actually being a massacre.
So when Indian forces shoot student protestors that is a riot?:ROFLMAO: Amazing how you whitewash everything.
30+ years ? seriously , they will flip sides in next 3-5 years.

We are not a threat to them until then. We are still 20 years away from being today's China and we will still only be half that of the US economically speaking. Our military is also 20 years behind from posing any kind of real threat to the US. We are a problem to them only after 2050 and beyond, but that means China needs to remain a threat for that long.

If China's no longer a threat, then we are in trouble. But how likely is that? In any case, I don't believe the US and India will be military threats to each other until the 2050s.

Will not be surprised if they play the old game of co-opting with china to sink russia & India.

That's just the US handing the world to China on a platter.
So when Indian forces shoot student protestors that is a riot?:ROFLMAO: Amazing how you whitewash everything.

There are SOPs that are followed. Even in Kashmir, they only use pellet guns, never mind the rest of India.
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Last events in France in june show that we are not made to live together.
A old interview of Hassan II, morocco king, explained that very well in 1989...

Don't sweat it. Muslims can't even live with each other, never mind a different civilization.

What is your opinion on Israel and Gaza though?
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We are not a threat to them until then. We are still 20 years away from being today's China and we will still only be half that of the US economically speaking. Our military is also 20 years behind from posing any kind of real threat to the US. We are a problem to them only after 2050 and beyond, but that means China needs to remain a threat for that long.
Its not whether India is threat or not, its cost & benefit . A weak India can be taken advantage of economically and US will do every thing to pull the rug, if that fails as usual proxies & military threats will escalate. Its not as if veneuzeula , cuba or iraq was threat to them. US keeping probing for weak points all the time and show any signs of weakness , you are done with.
That's just the US handing the world to China on a platter.
china is another paper tiger like India they have little ability beyond their shores and borders. US just hypes up china as usual, even though chinese might like economically stronger their ability to take risk and fight a war is very minimal. They do not even give half the scare that soviet union gave. Forget military , even economically they dont have balls to take the fight to US.
Its not whether India is threat or not, its cost & benefit . A weak India can be taken advantage of economically and US will do every thing to pull the rug, if that fails as usual proxies & military threats will escalate. Its not as if veneuzeula , cuba or iraq was threat to them. US keeping probing for weak points all the time and show any signs of weakness , you are done with.

That will happen, but that's not a military threat. The biggest threat from the US is an attack on the social fabric of India. They will try to pit the Hindus against the Muslims and try to fracture our society that way. But even this is gonna happen far into the future, because right now they are in desperate need of us. They can't fight China alone, never mind both Russia and China. The EU is useless, and their other allies like Japan are too small. Attacking our economy is another option, but we will be far too big and resilient by then, especially once we are on the road to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

china is another paper tiger like India they have little ability beyond their shores and borders. US just hypes up china as usual, even though chinese might like economically stronger their ability to take risk and fight a war is very minimal. They do not even give half the scare that soviet union gave. Forget military , even economically they dont have balls to take the fight to US.

China will be a bigger threat than the SU was in the next 10-15 years. By 2035, they will be able to match the US in the Pacific while also countering India. They have 2x the carrier building capacity and at least 4x the submarine capacity compared to the US, and their shipbuilding is already established. They will very easily outbuild the US before 2035.
Hopefully they'll string Hamas up by their balls.

What's of interest to us is Iran, not Hamas.

If Iran and the US go to war, you can kiss food goodbye. Most of the world will go into a very deep recession.
Hamas has built a massive underground facility under Shifa. Forum/status/1718010359397634252

Fricken hell, replace "Older Forum" with "I-D-F" without hyphens.
