Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

You're going to quote Iran to make a case? :poop: Ironically the Tweeter is even named after the leader of the Decepticons - that should have served as a clue.

People like Iran deliberately ignore all the rules and then come up with statements like this. That's like ignoring your doctor's advice and then claiming that the medical profession is useless.
The partition of India should have seen security provided by the Brits.
You wanted us to leave remember. That's means you're both independent and deal with your own problems and take responsibiliy for actions and consequences, instead of making up facts and using false equivalency from the mouth of an eloquently spoken cheesecake.
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You're going to quote Iran to make a case? :poop: Ironically the Tweeter is even named after the leader of the Decepticons - that should have served as a clue.

People like Iran deliberately ignore all the rules and then come up with statements like this. That's like ignoring your doctor's advice and then claiming that the medical profession is useless.

Oh yeah, the UNSC has been so useful that no wars have been fought since 1945. :rolleyes:

You wanted us to leave remember. That's means you're both independent and deal with your own problems and take responsibiliy for actions and consequences, instead of making up facts and using false equivalency from the mouth of an eloquently spoken cheesecake.

Of course we wanted you to leave, but that doesn't mean you eschew responsibility from your own actions. Even prisoners in the UK are given taxi fare when they leave prison.
India, if included, is the only nation that could make UNSC relevant once again. Without India in it, it's already a joke.

Even with India, it's pointless 'cause of veto. The UNSC should be abolished or massively expanded, and with limited veto powers.
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India, if included, is the only nation that could make UNSC relevant once again. Without India in it, it's already a joke.
A country without a proper stand on international events, doesn't need a permanent seat. We knows only to do walkout during voting.
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Oh yeah, the UNSC has been so useful that no wars have been fought since 1945. :rolleyes:
If people don't follow the rules, you can't blame the rules.
Of course we wanted you to leave, but that doesn't mean you eschew responsibility from your own actions.
Actually it does. You don't understand the whole Independence = Responsibility thing yet. We are not responsible for the actions of Hindu Extremists in Kashmir or India, we never were, it was our reponsibility to deal with it up until Independence but not thereafter.
Even prisoners in the UK are given taxi fare when they leave prison.
And yet they don't after an arrest, even if they aren't charged and they're 20 miles from home. Baffling analogy though.
Even with India, it's pointless 'cause of veto. The UNSC should be abolished or massively expanded, and with limited veto powers.
Your ridiculous opinions, false equivalencies and twisting of facts exemplify why you shouldn't be included.
If people don't follow the rules, you can't blame the rules.

That's the problem. The West cannot follow the rules they themselves set making the UNSC is a failure.

Actually it does. You don't understand the whole Independence = Responsibility thing yet. We are not responsible for the actions of Hindu Extremists in Kashmir or India, we never were, it was our reponsibility to deal with it up until Independence but not thereafter.

And yet they don't after an arrest, even if they aren't charged and they're 20 miles from home. Baffling analogy though.

Your ridiculous opinions, false equivalencies and twisting of facts exemplify why you shouldn't be included.

Actually you still are responsible for partition deaths because it all started with the Muslims who were protected by the British, and all this happened before independence.

The Brits basically took off when the violence began. Law and order simply disappeared overnight.
@BMD, We just sent humanitarian aid to Palestine and yet are supporting Israel. We do things our way, not according to the West. Better deal with it.
Storm before the calm.... what? whatever.

US ask Israel to delay for one reason only and that is so the US can position its forces to fight a regional conflict. US knows this sht is about to explode and US wants its forces ready for a heavy retaliation when Iran backed islamist launch drone and missile attacks at US bases.

US sent a THAAD battery and 2 battalions of Patriots which equals 8 batteries. We're expecting this to get out of control.
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That's the problem. The West cannot follow the rules they themselves set making the UNSC is a failure.
Nope the UNSC is a failure because of Russia and China and their proxies DPRK and Iran.
Actually you still are responsible for partition deaths because it all started with the Muslims who were protected by the British, and all this happened before independence.
Why did they need to protect them LOL?;)

The Brits basically took off when the violence began. Law and order simply disappeared overnight.
Even that says it was your fault.
The dominant British view tends to blame both communities equally and to single out the calculations of the leaders and the savagery of the followers for whom were criminal elements.[9]
I think it's about time this conflict stopped, it's not going to achieve what the stated result is and it's a distraction. I would personally use the Go-Pro videos of Hamas that the Older Forum shared to justify banning Hamas from the UN instead. They're only their to take the piss anyway.
Nope the UNSC is a failure because of Russia and China and their proxies DPRK and Iran.


Why did they need to protect them LOL?;)

'Cause Muslims were instrumental in keeping India as a colony.

Even that says it was your fault.

No, all that says is the Brits blame others for the problems they created.

The main goal behind the American deployment will be to act as deterrence, so Iran doesn't enter the war.

But if they do, it's gonna get really bad. Will be time to say hello to $200 oil. Any US entry into the ground war will require a massive mobilization as well.
The main goal behind the American deployment will be to act as deterrence, so Iran doesn't enter the war.

But if they do, it's gonna get really bad. Will be time to say hello to $200 oil. Any US entry into the ground war will require a massive mobilization as well.

No ground troops whatsoever there will be no invasion but there will be a huge air and missile strike capability that can cripple Iran's strategic bases and Nukelar facilities.


My my my it seems we have amassed quite a fleet.

Right now ten Aegis ships with Burkes having 96 VLS and Ticos 122 VLS. Lets say each ship current load has 45 tomahawks... that's a crap load of firepower not including the 3 Aegis escorts from the USS Eisenhower or Carriers airwing, USAF many squadrons deployed in region and USN subs lurking in the region which have become cruise missile attack subs especially the 4 Ohio Class subs.

True they are there for deterrence but I and many think the US is going to get sucked in by Iran or her proxies when Israel invades. US hasn't retaliated yet for US base attacks by Iran proxies but today Pentagon has finally blamed Iran which means US likely has its forces ready and when Israel does invade and US bases get attacked the US is going to hit back hard against Iran's proxies or Iran.