Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

You admitted to siding against Israel in the past and you wonder why the West supported Pakistan.

Er... what? We didn't side with anybody. We began active relations with Israel only in 1992 'cause the Arabs supported the genocide in Kashmir. The US was in bed with the Pakistanis since the late 40s. Covertly we have been working with the Israelis since the 60s.

Not judging by your media, sounds very China-ish.

They are pro Arab. They don't care about Israel, same as the SU.
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Hamas is considered a terrorist organization only in the West. Almost everywhere else it is considered a resistance movement.

Without UN mandate, it's useless.

Even Switzerland is yet to do it.
“Under existing law this can be done only if the United Nations Security Council designates Hamas as a terrorist organisation, which it has not done. Hence, Switzerland will need to create a special legislation which would need to be approved by parliament,” Marco Sassòli, professor of international law at the University of Geneva told SWI
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It is not. How can election be fair if people lack information needed to vote?
It is up to the people to find information and decide what sources to trust. NGOs don't do anything that media outlets in general don't do. I'm not aware of the specific case though.
Same crap in Pak textbooks about India.
You are just jealous of our good decisions. Now you must suffer through Brexit in silence.
Two-facedness. Government says one thing, media says another.
Er... what? We didn't side with anybody.
Not what the guy I quoted said.
We began active relations with Israel only in 1992 'cause the Arabs supported the genocide in Kashmir.
Which one?
The US was in bed with the Pakistanis since the late 40s. Covertly we have been working with the Israelis since the 60s.
Your Chandra Bose died on his way to the USSR.
They are pro Arab. They don't care about Israel, same as the SU.
Well your media gives the wrong impression usually.
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The stuff from the 40s and 90s. Mainly the 90s. Jammu massacres was a British legacy, congratulations on unlocking a bit of your depraved history.

Doesn't matter what the media says, they pander to different groups of people based on TRP.
If @BMD is caught by police there is no need for evidence , he will will self - incriminate by his own statements.
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Why should you care about war crimes?
Correct, why when its defined by a anglo-saxons. You dont seems to care when its done by your peeps or allies.
A dictionary is common sense. Terrorism is using terror to achieve a political goal, the user of the terror is irrelevant. Without that everyone makes up their own version, often with unelected heads making the decisions. And turns out you don't know shit.
Stop exposing your stupidity. That definition you posted itself starts with "during peacetime".

Chill, take a beer.

We will keep trading with Putin. Nothing you can do about it.
Correct, why when its defined by a anglo-saxons. You dont seems to care when its done by your peeps or allies.
Any examples from this century?
Stop exposing your stupidity. That definition you posted itself starts with "during peacetime".
Nope, read again:

IHL prohibits in war most acts that would be called "terrorist" if committed in peacetime. In this context, IHL applies both to armed forces and to non-State armed groups.
Chill, take a beer.

We will keep trading with Putin. Nothing you can do about it.
Keep being a-holes, we don't care, but we will keep pointing it out, nothing you can do about it.
The stuff from the 40s and 90s. Mainly the 90s. Jammu massacres was a British legacy, congratulations on unlocking a bit of your depraved history.

After the Partition of India, during October–November 1947 in the Jammu region of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, many Muslims were massacred and others driven away to West Punjab. The killings were carried out by extremist Hindus and Sikhs, aided and abetted by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh.
  • 20,000–100,000 Muslims[6]
The guy who handed Kashmir to India was the same guy who helped massacre those Muslims - Hari Singh. The Muslim majority wanted accession to Pakistan. Could be argued that India threw the first stone there.

Love how that was Britain's fault again. When Hindus murder people, it's Britain's fault. :ROFLMAO:
Doesn't matter what the media says, they pander to different groups of people based on TRP.
Shows want the people think, people who don't know the difference between a Palestinian flag and an Italian flag, or a cheesecake for that matter.:ROFLMAO:

If @BMD is caught by police there is no need for evidence , he will will self - incriminate by his own statements.
Or maybe I can blame it on British legacy too, I am of Irish descent after all.:ROFLMAO:
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The guy who handed Kashmir to India was the same guy who helped massacre those Muslims - Hari Singh. The Muslim majority wanted accession to Pakistan. Could be argued that India threw the first stone there.

Love how that was Britain's fault again. When Hindus murder people, it's Britain's fault. :ROFLMAO:

Shows want the people think, people who don't know the difference between a Palestinian flag and an Italian flag, or a cheesecake for that matter.:ROFLMAO:

Or maybe I can blame it on British legacy too, I am of Irish descent after all.:ROFLMAO:

The partition of India should have seen security provided by the Brits.