Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

Don't try make false analogies again. :ROFLMAO: Ukraine defending their own country in response to an attack is not the same as Hamas launching an invasion of Israel, kidnapping women and children, executing them and firing rockets at Israeli cities out of the blue.

It has nothing to do with actions or right or wrong, already stated. It's about standing opposed to the dominant power, no matter the reason. It's like how the Opposition works in democracies. No matter if a policy is good or bad, the Opposition stands against it.
It has nothing to do with actions or right or wrong, already stated. It's about standing opposed to the dominant power, no matter the reason. It's like how the Opposition works in democracies. No matter if a policy is good or bad, the Opposition stands against it.
Not always. There's also standing opposed to one and there's giving the other a free pass altogether.

It's all rhetoric. Russia's attempting to bring the Muslims to their side, while publicly standing opposed to what the West protects. From their perspective, their public stand has nothing to do with Israel or their foreign policy itself, it's just optics.

Israel also prevented Zelensky from visiting them.

So Hamas just decided to conduct a well-co-ordinated attack completely out of the blue with paratroopers?:ROFLMAO: Russia is the only one who benefits from this. Palestinians don't, Israelis don't, Iran won't either (tougher sanctions), hell even Hamas doesn't benefit.

Hamas is the ruling power in Gaza, not a mere terrorist organization without a people's mandate.

Nobody is talking about Turkey. They benefit a lot out of this, especially if Israel's northern border opens up.
It's all rhetoric. Russia's attempting to bring the Muslims to their side, while publicly standing opposed to what the West protects. From their perspective, their public stand has nothing to do with Israel or their foreign policy itself, it's just optics.

Israel also prevented Zelensky from visiting them.
Because Russia would probably respond by arming Hamas and Hezbollah to the teeth using Viktor Bout. It's no coincidence this happened a year after Bout's realease. We've seen how Russia receives support from Iran and vice-versa and they pretty much own the regime in Syria and those two countries power Hezbollah and Hamas.
Hamas is the ruling power in Gaza, not a mere terrorist organization without a people's mandate.
And yet nobody voted for them, so where did their 'mandate' come from exactly.
Nobody is talking about Turkey. They benefit a lot out of this, especially if Israel's northern border opens up.
How? There is Syria and Lebanon between Turkey and Israel. Turkey's interests are keeping the Kurds at bay - they are at the opposite side of Syria.
That could result in a response from other Gulf countries.
KSA, UAE once even about to start a war with Qatar in recent past. Which other arab nation other than these too is out there with a worthy military to challenge even weakest links in NATO?
KSA, UAE once even about to start a war with Qatar in recent past. Which other arab nation other than these too is out there with a worthy military to challenge even weakest links in NATO?
They would not challenge us militarily, they would use oil prices to do it.
Because Russia would probably respond by arming Hamas and Hezbollah to the teeth using Viktor Bout. It's no coincidence this happened a year after Bout's realease. We've seen how Russia receives support from Iran and vice-versa and they pretty much own the regime in Syria and those two countries power Hezbollah and Hamas.

Well, in a way, yes. Israel prefers Russia doesn't become their enemies. Only a retard would want to make enemies out of Russia. Iran and Russia are not as friendly as you think, they have their own problems in Central Asia.

And yet nobody voted for them, so where did their 'mandate' come from exactly.


Hamas is a political party turned terrorist organization (by the West). Its direct rival is Fatah in West Bank.

How? There is Syria and Lebanon between Turkey and Israel. Turkey's interests are keeping the Kurds at bay - they are at the opposite side of Syria.

It distracts the world away from Turkish atrocities on the Kurds, while also diverting Egypt's focus away from North Africa, especially Libya, where both Egypt and Turkey are fighting each other via proxies.

The Turks also want Azerbaijan to take away the Zangezur corridor in Armenia in order to weaken Iran. While both Israel and Turkey are cooperating with Azerbaijan here, the new situation will help the Turks gain more influence over Azerbaijan.

The relationships are quite complex. Hamas is Sunni, so they are ideologically against Iran and Hezbollah, both Shia. Otoh, Turkey is Sunni and has closer ties to Hamas. Egypt and Turkey hate each other, so their mutual hate for Turkey is bringing them closer to Iran. Egypt also doesn't like Hamas 'cause they are always happy to destabilize the Sinai, which helps Turkey. But Egypt has to walk a thin line between the Saudis and Iran due to their hate for each other, which is sort of compensated by the mutual hate Saudi and Egypt have for the Turks.
They would not challenge us militarily, they would use oil prices to do it.
1) Do you know, who is the biggest oil producer in world? Its US.
2) You know one thing, Arabs will not be able produce a single drop of oil without contactual companies like Schlumberger, Baker, Halliburton.All are western companies.
Basically, they need US for oil production.
1) Do you know, who is the biggest oil producer in world? Its US.
2) You know one thing, Arabs will not be able produce a single drop of oil without contactual companies like Schlumberger, Baker, Halliburton.All are western companies.
Basically, they need US for oil production.
1) Perhaps, but OPEC can certainly affect the oil price.
2) I'm sure there are companies from Russia and China that could.
Well, in a way, yes. Israel prefers Russia doesn't become their enemies. Only a retard would want to make enemies out of Russia. Iran and Russia are not as friendly as you think, they have their own problems in Central Asia.
Like what? Iran has supplied Russia with copious amounts of drones. Only a retard would want to be friends with Russia.


Hamas is a political party turned terrorist organization (by the West). Its direct rival is Fatah in West Bank.


It distracts the world away from Turkish atrocities on the Kurds, while also diverting Egypt's focus away from North Africa, especially Libya, where both Egypt and Turkey are fighting each other via proxies.
Turkish-Kurdish atrocities are both ways. What does any of this have to do with Israel's nothern border?
The Turks also want Azerbaijan to take away the Zangezur corridor in Armenia in order to weaken Iran. While both Israel and Turkey are cooperating with Azerbaijan here, the new situation will help the Turks gain more influence over Azerbaijan.
That I agree with.
The relationships are quite complex. Hamas is Sunni, so they are ideologically against Iran and Hezbollah, both Shia. Otoh, Turkey is Sunni and has closer ties to Hamas. Egypt and Turkey hate each other, so their mutual hate for Turkey is bringing them closer to Iran. Egypt also doesn't like Hamas 'cause they are always happy to destabilize the Sinai, which helps Turkey. But Egypt has to walk a thin line between the Saudis and Iran due to their hate for each other, which is sort of compensated by the mutual hate Saudi and Egypt have for the Turks.
Libya isn't an important enough issue to even worry about. As for Sunni and Shia, they are clearly on the same side wrt to Israel, and Iran happily let Sunni militants pass through it during the problems in Iraq.
@randomradio @Hydra @RASALGHUL

It seems Israel has weighed in with an opinion.

Just another quick reminder about Russia and Nazis:

He's venting 'cause Russia has sided with Hamas instead of Israel or staying neutral, even though Russian-Israeli relations have improved a lot. He's probably feeling betrayed by Israel being used by Russia to score brownie points with Muslims.

While the SU was Israel's enemy, Russia is not.

When Russian President Vladimir Putin finally called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, he said Russia was trying “to help normalize the situation” in the Gaza Strip, according to the Kremlin. But Moscow has little interest in helping Israel. Russia is on the side of Hamas and its patron, Iran — in part to undermine the United States and its allies.

It's the same situation as when the West got their panties in a bunch when India decided to support Russia and buy Russian oil. Hell, you are still cribbing about it here, never mind all the cribbing pretty much everybody in the West did during the initial months of the war.

India got cheap oil and more leverage over Russia and the world due to Ukraine, Russia got free distraction due to Hamas. Everybody hates undeserved privilege.
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He's venting 'cause Russia has sided with Hamas instead of Israel or staying neutral, even though Russian-Israeli relations have improved a lot. He's probably feeling betrayed by Israel being used by Russia to score brownie points with Muslims.

While the SU was Israel's enemy, Russia is not.
Doesn't sound that way. Russia has always been against Israel. The SU was Russia, wake up, you sided with both earning double-a55hole status.
When Russian President Vladimir Putin finally called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, he said Russia was trying “to help normalize the situation” in the Gaza Strip, according to the Kremlin. But Moscow has little interest in helping Israel. Russia is on the side of Hamas and its patron, Iran — in part to undermine the United States and its allies.

It's the same situation as when the West got their panties in a bunch when India decided to support Russia and buy Russian oil. Hell, you are still cribbing about it here, never mind all the cribbing pretty much everybody in the West did during the initial months of the war.

India got cheap oil and more leverage over Russia and the world due to Ukraine, Russia got free distraction due to Hamas. Everybody hates undeserved privilege.
Dog turd thinking. You've earned yourself a harsh payday.
It's still recognized as the people's mandate.
Yeah sure, just like Putin's.
Doesn't sound that way. Russia has always been against Israel. The SU was Russia, wake up, you sided with both earning double-a55hole status.

Russia is not against Israel, just with Arabs. All three of us sided with the Arabs, China, Russia and India. But the Arabs didn't support us 'cause of Pakistan, so in 1992 we decided to begin relations with Israel. Ever since then, we have de-hyphenated our relations with both sides. China's still stuck dealing with the Arabs only, whereas Russia is dealing with both sides as well. The only difference is Russia has to take the US into account in their relations with Israel, and that's playing a part in their support for Hamas.

Dog turd thinking. You've earned yourself a harsh payday.

Sour grapes probably taste like dog turd, wheeras our oil boys are counting the dinero.

Yeah sure, just like Putin's.

Much more than Zelensky's.