Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

_ A basic common sense is that in 1972, when Nixon visited China, Mao Zedong still held national power. Strategic masters like Mao Zedong were not comparable to Indians, let alone after the Third Indo Pakistan War, India had actually fallen towards the Soviet Union.

While Mao opened China up to the US, it was his successors who actually changed the game. It was only in 1979 that the US recognized PRC.

During Jimmy Carter’s presidency, the most dramatic moment in Sino-American relations occurred on December 15, 1978, when, following months of secret negotiations, the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) announced that they would recognize one another and establish official diplomatic relations. As part of the agreement, the United States recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, and declared it would withdraw diplomatic recognition from Taiwan (also known as the Republic of China [ROC]).

This work started in 1977, after Mao's death.

Unlike what you have been told about Mao in China, the world doesn't give him any respect. From the world's perspective, he's no different from your neighbors the Kims. We actually laugh at your blind devotion to him. The world's perception of China is also very poor because of Mao. He's not only destroyed your rich history of culture and tradition, but his policies are also going to affect future generations.

Our decision to choose the SU was a direct result of the US choosing Pakistan. So we knew we needed Soviet protection from the US to deal with Pakistan in 1971.
Tiktok doesn't have so much influence from the Chinese government.

That goes against common sense. CCP is in every single boardroom of major companies.

I found that most Indians like to exaggerate India's influence. The large number of English speaking people can't bring India an advantage in public opinion on the Internet. After all, a group of boring ultra nationalists will only bring more garbage to the Internet.

You only see what you want to see. What they post may be trash, but it still becomes trending. Also, most of it is not focused on individual opinions, but on media generated from Israel, like videos from Gaza and what Israelis are saying about the war that becomes influential.

India is actually lucky that the Chinese are stuck behind the firewall. Isolationism is always a double-edged sword. Can you imagine how much influence India will generate on its own, especially as the average poster learns more English and becomes more Internet savvy and mature? Imagine this over a 20-year period.
While Mao opened China up to the US, it was his successors who actually changed the game. It was only in 1979 that the US recognized PRC.

During Jimmy Carter’s presidency, the most dramatic moment in Sino-American relations occurred on December 15, 1978, when, following months of secret negotiations, the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) announced that they would recognize one another and establish official diplomatic relations. As part of the agreement, the United States recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, and declared it would withdraw diplomatic recognition from Taiwan (also known as the Republic of China [ROC]).

This work started in 1977, after Mao's death.

Unlike what you have been told about Mao in China, the world doesn't give him any respect. From the world's perspective, he's no different from your neighbors the Kims. We actually laugh at your blind devotion to him. The world's perception of China is also very poor because of Mao. He's not only destroyed your rich history of culture and tradition, but his policies are also going to affect future generations.

Our decision to choose the SU was a direct result of the US choosing Pakistan. So we knew we needed Soviet protection from the US to deal with Pakistan in 1971.
The reason why India is so backward is largely due to the lack of social revolution at the beginning of its independence. Mao Zedong did not need Indians to tell us that without Mao Zedong's efforts in his later years, Nixon would not have visited China. You think Deng Xiaoping prompted the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, but in fact, efforts have been made since the late 1960s. You do not need to teach Chinese history
That goes against common sense. CCP is in every single boardroom of major companies.

You only see what you want to see. What they post may be trash, but it still becomes trending. Also, most of it is not focused on individual opinions, but on media generated from Israel, like videos from Gaza and what Israelis are saying about the war that becomes influential.

India is actually lucky that the Chinese are stuck behind the firewall. Isolationism is always a double-edged sword. Can you imagine how much influence India will generate on its own, especially as the average poster learns more English and becomes more Internet savvy and mature? Imagine this over a 20-year period.
I have found that Indians lack basic training in dialectics and materialism, thinking that a large number of people can take the initiative in public opinion. Does India have any influential media? Is there any influential social software in India? Indian theology makes it intellectually inferior
Unlike what you have been told about Mao in China, the world doesn't give him any respect. From the world's perspective, he's no different from your neighbors the Kims. We actually laugh at your blind devotion to him. The world's perception of China is also very poor because of Mao. He's not only destroyed your rich history of culture and tradition, but his policies are also going to affect future generations.
I'm laughing to death. India has never thought about why it was colonized by Britain, nor has it criticized its own culture and society, thinking that everything in ancient India was good. So I ask you, India is so wealthy, why was it colonized by Britain for 300 years without any resistance, and its social elite has instead become a clumsy imitator of Britain
I'm laughing to death. India has never thought about why it was colonized by Britain, nor has it criticized its own culture and society, thinking that everything in ancient India was good. So I ask you, India is so wealthy, why was it colonized by Britain for 300 years without any resistance, and its social elite has instead become a clumsy imitator of Britain
Let me ask you then, if China was so powerful why was Chinese melon cut and British controlled Hong Kong till 90s?

Or if Mao was such a great strategic thinker how come he missed the basics of agriculture and produced turds like Great Leap *censored*-wards? He single handedly killed 60 millions. His stupid culture of fear still pervades Chinese bureaucracy where officials lie about reality. Like in farm yiels and latest example is Corona virus, where health officials in Wuhan lied and hid the outbreak before it was too late.

Mao was a total idiot. Nothing good came out of him. Only Deng Xiaopeng was the real visionary who set China to a path for success. Its weird that Chinese celebrate Mao more than Deng.
every part of the system has been screwed in US.

US takes free speech to the absolutge limits, UK places restrictions to ban this kind of crap.

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Let me ask you then, if China was so powerful why was Chinese melon cut and British controlled Hong Kong till 90s?

Or if Mao was such a great strategic thinker how come he missed the basics of agriculture and produced turds like Great Leap *censored*-wards? He single handedly killed 60 millions. His stupid culture of fear still pervades Chinese bureaucracy where officials lie about reality. Like in farm yiels and latest example is Corona virus, where health officials in Wuhan lied and hid the outbreak before it was too late.

Mao was a total idiot. Nothing good came out of him. Only Deng Xiaopeng was the real visionary who set China to a path for success. Its weird that Chinese celebrate Mao more than Deng.
I'm laughing to death. During Mao Zedong's era, China's industrial growth averaged 11.3% per year, steel production increased by 20 times, coal production increased by 30 times, power generation increased by 18 times, and even agriculture, which was not highly valued, increased by three times. Fertilizer production also increased by 140 times,
By the way, even in 1962, when there was a widespread famine, China's per capita grain production was 200 kilograms, similar to that of India today. Only fools would believe that Taiwan's propaganda has killed tens of millions of people.
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The reason why India is so backward is largely due to the lack of social revolution at the beginning of its independence. Mao Zedong did not need Indians to tell us that without Mao Zedong's efforts in his later years, Nixon would not have visited China. You think Deng Xiaoping prompted the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, but in fact, efforts have been made since the late 1960s. You do not need to teach Chinese history

You need to get your history lessons from outside China.

India is backward because we chose socialism over capitalism until 1991. "Social revolution" or what's actually called "Cultural Revolution" is what made you backward. It's the worst thing that's happened to China in its history. It was just one giant purge. Not only did it kill people, but it also killed your culture and traditions, because that was the goal. Mao destroyed thousands of years of established history of China.

Mao is in fact a hero to the West. He singlehandedly gave them the reason why communism is such a bad idea. His rule is considered to be pretty much the worst in human history.

I have found that Indians lack basic training in dialectics and materialism, thinking that a large number of people can take the initiative in public opinion. Does India have any influential media? Is there any influential social software in India?

We just use the West's apps for international discourse. Media is just a tool. The way you use it is what separates people.

But we do have Indian apps.

There's also Hike messenger service.

Koo is our Twitter equivalent, you need to provide your phone number to join, so it provides better quality.

ShareChat is the biggest messenger service with 400 million active users. It's made to handle multiple languages.

Both Koo and ShareChat do an excellent job of killing fake news, so both are very reliable.

Indian theology makes it intellectually inferior

Most of the oldest and greatest written works are Indian. The concept of old European gods like Zeus, Jupiter and Thor are based on Hindiusm. The newer concept of an ominipotent, omniscient and ominipresent god that Christians, Muslims and Jews worship is also derived from Hinduism. The reglions practised in South East Asia, China, Japan etc were also created in India. So I have no clue what you're on about...

Your greatest literary achievement is from less than 500 years ago, the Journey to the West, ours, we have multiple ones from just 1000 years ago to 3000 years ago.

I have no clue where you have read our history from.

If you start reading and comprehending every single religion known to man except Hindiusm, then you may need a few years to learn about all their works. But with Hindiusm, even a lifetime is not enough.

If you really wanna know something about Hindiusm, I would recommend reading the Mahabharata and the Gita (it's part of the Mahabharata).

The Mahābhārata is the longest epic poem known and has been described as "the longest poem ever written". Its longest version consists of over 100,000 śloka or over 200,000 individual verse lines (each shloka is a couplet), and long prose passages. At about 1.8 million words in total, the Mahābhārata is roughly ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined, or about four times the length of the Rāmāyaṇa. W. J. Johnson has compared the importance of the Mahābhārata in the context of world civilization to that of the Bible, the Quran, the works of Homer, Greek drama, or the works of William Shakespeare. Within the Indian tradition it is sometimes called the fifth Veda.
Then you can decide if Indian theology is "intellectually inferior" or not.

The modern military concept of a "just war" also is based on the Mahabharata.
Most of the oldest and greatest written works are Indian. The concept of old European gods like Zeus, Jupiter and Thor are based on Hindiusm. The newer concept of an ominipotent, omniscient and ominipresent god that Christians, Muslims and Jews worship is also derived from Hinduism. The reglions practised in South East Asia, China, Japan etc were also created in India. So I have no clue what you're on about...

Your greatest literary achievement is from less than 500 years ago, the Journey to the West, ours, we have multiple ones from just 1000 years ago to 3000 years ago.

I have no clue where you have read our history from
The ancient civilization of India is very brilliant and powerful, so why were you colonized by Britain? What we want is the reasons for the Industrial Revolution and the Bourgeois Revolution, why did they occur in England and France, why did they not occur in China, why was China invaded in modern times? Has India ever considered this issue?
I'm laughing to death. India has never thought about why it was colonized by Britain, nor has it criticized its own culture and society, thinking that everything in ancient India was good. So I ask you, India is so wealthy, why was it colonized by Britain for 300 years without any resistance, and

We did resist. There were multiple resistance movements.

But the British were too powerful because of the industrial revolution. They came across the world and kicked your *censored* multiple times when you were a united nation under Qing, what makes you think a broken up India can fight a global superpower?

its social elite has instead become a clumsy imitator of Britain

First I've heard of this. But no.
Your greatest literary achievement is from less than 500 years ago
I don't know why you are so interested in Journey to the West. These are fairy tales that only children in China read. The most influential book in China is the Book of Changes. It was written in the ninth century BC. 3000 years ago, this book had a huge impact in East Asia. All traditional Chinese philosophy and political thought originated from this book, including even traditional Chinese Confucianism. By the way. Indian Buddhism has little influence in China. The so-called Buddhist ideology in China is more of a part of Confucianism. For example, Zen, the most influential sect in China.
We did resist. There were multiple resistance movements.

But the British were too powerful because of the industrial revolution. They came across the world and kicked your *censored* multiple times when you were a united nation under Qing, what makes you think a broken up India can fight a global superpower
The emperor of the Qing Dynasty was the emperor of China. The Manchu people are a minority ethnic group in China. By the way, I am also a Manchu, just like the history of the Mughal Empire and other Muslim empires is a part of Indian history, the empire established by the ethnic minorities in northern China is also a part of Chinese history.
Britain itself is an island country. Actually, its strength doesn't seem strong today. Why can an island country defeat the traditional empire in Asia? What are the problems with China's cultural ideology, political system, and economy? This began with the Opium War in 1840. The question that all Chinese people are thinking about today. I think Indians have never thought about this matter before. They just believe that their colonization is a coincidence in history. There is no mistake in one's own religious culture. No improvement needed,
  • Haha
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You need to get your history lessons from outside China.

India is backward because we chose socialism over capitalism until 1991. "Social revolution" or what's actually called "Cultural Revolution" is what made you backward. It's the worst thing that's happened to China in its history. It was just one giant purge. Not only did it kill people, but it also killed your culture and traditions, because that was the goal. Mao destroyed thousands of years of established history of China.

Mao is in fact a hero to the West. He singlehandedly gave them the reason why communism is such a bad idea. His rule is considered to be pretty much the worst in human history
In China. No one acknowledges that India was a socialist country during the Nehru era, and socialism meant eliminating the landlord class and the urban bourgeoisie. Concentrate the efforts of the whole society for productive labor. I don't think the Nehru eras fit this definition. The Nehru era was just the establishment of countless state-owned enterprises. And these state-owned enterprises have undoubtedly become tools of bureaucracy. In rural areas, large landlords are still preserved, and cities also retain many large financial groups. In a sense, this belongs to the feudal era, not the socialist era.
Isn't there anything in your so-called traditional culture that should be given up? For example, India's notorious practice of preventing intermarriage between different castes. Does this align with the equality advocated by socialism? Mao Zedong certainly caused some damage to traditional Chinese culture. But he even eliminated the feudal and superstitious aspects of traditional Chinese culture.
We just use the West's apps for international discourse. Media is just a tool. The way you use it is what separates people.

But we do have Indian apps.
There's also Hike messenger service.

Koo is our Twitter equivalent, you need to provide your phone number to join, so it provides better quality.

ShareChat is the biggest messenger service with 400 million active users. It's made to handle multiple languages.

Both Koo and ShareChat do an excellent job of killing fake news, so both are very reliable
Do you have any international impact on what you said? If you have really experienced socialism. The fundamental principles of socialist philosophy are materialism and dialectics. Whoever has a large population has more say. This belongs to metaphysics. So I said that Indians do not have basic philosophical training.
I'm laughing to death. During Mao Zedong's era, China's industrial growth averaged 11.3% per year, steel production increased by 20 times, coal production increased by 30 times, power generation increased by 18 times, and even agriculture, which was not highly valued, increased by three times. Fertilizer production also increased by 140 times,
By the way, even in 1962, when there was a widespread famine, China's per capita grain production was 200 kilograms, similar to that of India today. Only fools would believe that Taiwan's propaganda has killed tens of millions of people.

Based on a quick check on Google, India's GDP was $37 billion in 1960 and $186B in 1980. China's was $60B and $190B.

In 1990, India was 320B and China was 360B. In 2000, 468B and China was 1200B. China was definitely ahead from 1980 onwards, and both countries saw massive devaluation of currencies from 1980. India saw more devaluation than China. From 1980, it was 4.5 times for China and 10 times for India. So the two times difference means, India's GDP is 6 times smaller by nominal terms and 3 times smaller by PPP terms, which is quite accurate.

So, without any significant currency fluctuations between 1960 and 1980, India grew faster than Mao's China (37 to 186 vs 60 to 190). And we consider India's growth rate during the time to be very bad, and China's performance was much worse than India's. So Mao was bad for China.

Your opinion does not match reality.