Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

aljazeera still has the arabic version video online.

Saudis have backed out of the peace deal.

Hamas was worried that Saudis shaking hands with Israel will cause others to follow and soon Hamas will lose support.

Iran was anyways not happy since Saudi Israel deal (US brokered) was against Iran.

Status quo maintained. A few thousand people died in the process. Idiots on Twitter debating this conflict on basis of religion, history, morality and what not have no clue it seems.
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Saudis have backed out of the peace deal.

Hamas was worried that Saudis shaking hands with Israel will cause others to follow and soon Hamas will lose support.

Iran was anyways not happy since Saudi Israel deal (US brokered) was against Iran.

Status quo maintained. A few thousand people died in the process. Idiots on Twitter debating this conflict on basis of religion, history, morality and what not have no clue it seems.

The deal is predicated on the Arab Spring not taking place within the other members of the GCC. It's not a choice for the Saudis. At worst, it's delayed.

MBS can't survive the Khashoggi ghost without US protection.

Then there's the question of the Palestinians themselves, especially the ones in the West Bank. Israel has two plans, either sign the deal with the Saudis, which will guarantee the rights of the Palestinians in West Bank, or they either push the Palestinians out or turn them into second class citizens with limited voting rights. Whoever doesn't agree with being second class would be relocated to other countries. So the choice for the Saudis is to sign an equal treaty with Israel or watch as Israel turns into an apartheid state.

And with the Israelis now hell-bent on destroying Gaza, things are gonna get worse than what was expected for West Bank as well. So, depending on how aggressive Israel becomes, the Saudis either get their deal or the Palestinians are done.
Er... Both sides are the bad guys. I've been saying it since day 1.

Only we Indians are the good guys. :cool:
randomradio's tactics:

Defend Russia -> Russia becomes indefensible - > "They're both bad guys." -> Wait for people to forget -> Go back to defending Russia.
randomradio's tactics:

Defend Russia -> Russia becomes indefensible - > "They're both bad guys." -> Wait for people to forget -> Go back to defending Russia.

Nope. My day 1 argument has been both sides are bad guys, but the Russians are the good guys in the Ukraine war. Now, they are the bad guys when against Israel. But at the same time I had also pointed out that the Russians will most definitely activate their patsies to distract the US. I named both Iran and NoKo. And we now know the patsies they chose first were the Iranians. NoKo requires more conventional capabilities, and China also serves as enough for a distraction for now.

After messing up the ME, their next target is either the Caucasus or CAR, my bet on the former. Then comes CAR.

After CAR, we will either get NoKo or Europe, starting with Serbia/Kosovo.

This is just the West now winning their stupid prize after Russia played their hand. I guess they accelerated the plan 'cause the peace deal was coming up next month or so.
I doubt Ukraine is less corrupt than Russia.
There's no question that Russia is thousands of times more corrupt than Ukraine, because Russia is corruption incarnate. Russia is ruled by gangsters.

Corruption in Ukraine exists because it has been under Russian influence for so long. Corruption and Russian influence are practically synonymous. It's the same thing. Ukraine fought against corruption, and Putin saw it as fighting against Russia, which is why he decided to invade Ukraine to restore corruption.

This isn't to say that Ukraine is free of corruption; unfortunately not; but it's actually fighting against it and trying to cure itself of corruption. Russia isn't fighting against it; it's fighting for more corruption everywhere.
Nope. My day 1 argument has been both sides are bad guys, but the Russians are the good guys in the Ukraine war.
They're fighting for imperialism, oppression, corruption, genocide, and war crimes. Those are your good guys.
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For the dim bulbs out there who haven't understood that Russia is aligned with Hamas, here's Kadyrov spelling it out:

I don't think there's anybody here contesting this.

But Kadyrov isn't the standard to judge this. Russia's official position has always been a two nation state. They are more than likely just using the Iranians as usual, the Iranians are the bigger player in the ME after all.

Now the ball has gone back into the American court. While Russia's busy winning their war, we have to see if the Americans are willing to open another front.

Weirdly nobody is talking about the Chinese and how all of this benefits them. America distracted away from Taiwan, IMEC under threat, the GCC falling more into Chinese hands, and so on. And we have Europe doing nothing as usual.

India is neutral as per policy.
The Ukrainians are saying the same thing about the Russians, it's normal.
I know. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy.
Er... Both sides are the bad guys. I've been saying it since day 1.

Only we Indians are the good guys. :cool:
No great power or state with such aspiration can be classified as "good guys".
Nope. My day 1 argument has been both sides are bad guys, but the Russians are the good guys in the Ukraine war.
Uh, how? I can understand calling the West bad guys, but there is no way that Russians are the good guys there.
The power of imaginary stories.
Don't spit on imaginary stories.

Imagination is what differentiates us from animals.
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Uh, how? I can understand calling the West bad guys, but there is no way that Russians are the good guys there.

'Cause they didn't want a war. They were fine with only autonomy for Donbas, with Ukraine (including Donbas) practically doing anything they want except joining NATO. If you read the Minsk agreements and compare that to today, you know the Russians were right.

Don't spit on imaginary stories.

Unfortunately, only the manga side understands it's all imaginary.
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Nope. My day 1 argument has been both sides are bad guys, but the Russians are the good guys in the Ukraine war. Now, they are the bad guys when against Israel.
Buddy, bad guys are always bad guys. Invaded a country twice, committed war crimes including the rape, execution of civilians and the kidnap of children, then sponsored a terrorist organisation to do the exact same in another country. It's the same leopard and they're the same damn spots.

But at the same time I had also pointed out that the Russians will most definitely activate their patsies to distract the US. I named both Iran and NoKo. And we now know the patsies they chose first were the Iranians. NoKo requires more conventional capabilities, and China also serves as enough for a distraction for now.
Notice how all their patsies are bad guys too. What a strange coincidence huh?
After messing up the ME, their next target is either the Caucasus or CAR, my bet on the former. Then comes CAR.
Sounds like something bad guys would do.
After CAR, we will either get NoKo or Europe, starting with Serbia/Kosovo.
Seeing a pattern here aren't we?
This is just the West now winning their stupid prize after Russia played their hand. I guess they accelerated the plan 'cause the peace deal was coming up next month or so.
Putin acting criminally for a decade is somehow the West's fault again. Ukraine made a choice in 2014 and it was their choice to make about the future of their own country - they chose the EU over the EEU, stop trying to blame this no-brainer economic choice on the West.
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'Cause they didn't want a war. They were fine with only autonomy for Donbas, with Ukraine (including Donbas) practically doing anything they want except joining NATO. If you read the Minsk agreements and compare that to today, you know the Russians were right.
They were fine with invading and annexing Crimea and pseudo-annexing the Donbas. I was fine with stealing this family's car and daughter officer, but they tried stop me, so I shot them all... so it's all their fault really.

1. The Russians always had troops in the Donbas and were therefore never compliant with Minsk.

2. Minsk was illegal, the equivalent of breaking into a house with a gun, pointing it at their kids' heads and asking them to sign over their car and garage. The consequences of not signing Minsk was what we have now and a contract signed under duress has no legal standing. JFC, I'm sure the British Empire made plenty of Indians sign things to, so that would make India in the wrong by your bizarre, dogsh1t logic.
Unfortunately, only the manga side understands it's all imaginary.
Manga comics are more realisttic than your logic.
Buddy, bad guys are always bad guys. Invaded a country twice, committed war crimes including the rape, execution of civilians and the kidnap of children, then sponsored a terrorist organisation to do the exact same in another country. It's the same leopard and they're the same damn spots.

Hence why India is the only good country.

Notice how all their patsies are bad guys too. What a strange coincidence huh?

Yep. Like Pakistan.

Sounds like something bad guys would do.

Seeing a pattern here aren't we?

Normally, they would have kept quiet, 'cause their survival wasn't being threatened and their people weren't constantly being demonized.

Putiin actiing criminally for a decade is somehow the West's fault again. Ukraine made a choice in 2014 and it was their choice to make about the future of their own country - they chose the EU over the EEU, stop trying to blame this no-brainer economic choice on the West.

The West started it. There was a country called Yugoslavia once.
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They were fine with invading and annexing Crimea and pseudo-annexing the Donbas. I was fine with stealing this family's car and daughter officer, but they tried stop me, so I shot them all... so it's all their fault really.

1. The Russians always had troops in the Donbas and were therefore never compliant with Minsk.

2. Minsk was illegal, the equivalent of breaking into a house with a gun, pointing it at their kids' heads and asking them to sign over their car and garage. The consequences of not signing Minsk was what we have now and a contract signed under duress has no legal standing. JFC, I'm sure the British Empire made plenty of Indians sign things to, so that would make India in the wrong by your bizarre, dogsh1t logic.

Then the West wouldn't had those talks.

This problem started in 1948-49, ever since the US and the West legalized such proxy wars by allowing Pakistan to invade Kashmir even against our best efforts. We tried telling you the same when you created Islamic terrorism in the 80s. I told ya, only we are the good guys, the rest of you need dunce caps and a time out.

Manga comics are more realisttic than your logic.

Still much more realistic than religion.
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Then the West wouldn't had those talks.
It was equivalent to a seige negotiation with hostage-takers - buying time while SWAT get into place.
This problem started in 1948-49, ever since the US and the West legalized such proxy wars by allowing Pakistan to invade Kashmir even against our best efforts.
1. Proxy wars existed a long time before that.

2. F*ck all to do with Ukraine or Israel.

3. Complete BS. You both wanted independence, you both got independence and that's what you both decided to do with it, amidst a backdrop of many other sectarian massacres which continue to the present day.

We tried telling you the same when you created Islamic terrorism in the 80s. I told ya, only we are the good guys, the rest of you need dunce caps and a time out.
I'm afraid Islamic terrorism existed some time before then. Back then they were only attacking invaders in their own country, not civilians at home and abroad, so not actually terrorism.
Still much more realistic than religion.
No... even that is more plausible than your 'logic'.
'Cause they didn't want a war. They were fine with only autonomy for Donbas, with Ukraine (including Donbas) practically doing anything they want except joining NATO. If you read the Minsk agreements and compare that to today, you know the Russians were right.
From what I know, Minsk agreements were a result of separatist rebellion to begin with. That is like saying Croatia should have accepted Plan Z-4.

And Ukraine joining NATO... hard not to want to join NATO when Russia has been busy invading all its neighbours. That is like USA crying about Cuba wanting Soviet nukes on its soil.
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