Israel-Hamas Conflict: Updates & Discussions

From what I know, Minsk agreements were a result of separatist rebellion to begin with. That is like saying Croatia should have accepted Plan Z-4.

And Ukraine joining NATO... hard not to want to join NATO when Russia has been busy invading all its neighbours. That is like USA crying about Cuba wanting Soviet nukes on its soil.
Ukraine only wanted to join the EU until Russia invaded them.
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It was equivalent to a seige negotiation with hostage-takers - buying time while SWAT get into place.

Er... No.

When the first agreement was signed in Sept 2014, the number of Russian troops and separatists in Donbas was very small. Minsk 2 was signed only in Feb 2015. It's only after neither agreements were actually adhered to did the Russians come in secretly guns blazing. So stop making up your own history.

1. Proxy wars existed a long time before that.

2. F*ck all to do with Ukraine or Israel.

3. Complete BS. You both wanted independence, you both got independence and that's what you both decided to do with it, amidst a backdrop of many other sectarian massacres which continue to the present day.

1. The first one after the UN was created.
2. Everything do to with it.
3. Lol.

I'm afraid Islamic terrorism existed some time before then. Back then they were only attacking invaders in their own country, not civilians at home and abroad, so not actually terrorism.

No... even that is more plausible than your 'logic'.

Modern day Islamic terrorism became a thing after the first mujahidheen was created to fight the Soviet. It's only after that did all the terrorist organizations cropped up. Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, LeT, Jaish, all formed after the CIA created the first unit in Pakistan.

India today is the only country to have successfully dealt with Islamic terrorism. 🇮🇳
And the West is doing exactly the opposite of what India has done, hence the high failure rate.
Evacuation of the crew of a damaged Israeli Namer armored personnel carrier. The Israel Defense Forces has published footage of the rescue of the crew of the damaged Israeli armored personnel carrier Namer. The video was filmed in the area of Kibbutz Nirim, the operation is carried out by one of the Israeli special forces. During the evacuation, Israeli troops engage in battle with Hamas units. The Namer armored personnel carrier was created on the basis of the Merkava Mk1 tank in 2008, later the Merkava Mk4 tank was used. The armored personnel carrier is designed to carry 9 people and since 2016 has been equipped with the Israeli-made Trophy active protection system.

From what I know, Minsk agreements were a result of separatist rebellion to begin with. That is like saying Croatia should have accepted Plan Z-4.

And Ukraine joining NATO... hard not to want to join NATO when Russia has been busy invading all its neighbours. That is like USA crying about Cuba wanting Soviet nukes on its soil.

Minsk was the peace plan to Donbas' rebellion. The choice for Russia was between Minsk agreement and all-out war. They had made this clear. For whatever reason the West decided to ignore that.

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel in an interview with German news outlet Der Spiegel defended her policy towards Russia and said her stance on Ukraine during the Minsk peace talks bought Kyiv time to fight Russia better.

Petro Poroshenko said the Minsk agreements “meant nothing” and claimed credit for giving Kiev enough time to militarize

“We had achieved everything we wanted,” he said of the peace deal. “Our goal was to, first, stop the threat, or at least to delay the war – to secure eight years to restore economic growth and create powerful armed forces.”

So, for whatever reason, both Ukraine and West merely feigned to have talks, they were never serious about it. It's likely that neither of them expected Russia to escalate to a full-blown war, something Russia had already warned about. Or the West, in particular the US, assumed that Russia will take Ukraine easily and that will be followed by a low intensity conflict that will bleed Russia over many decades.

My thinking is the US wanted Russia to invade Ukraine, so the follow-up sanctions during the war would cripple their economy entirely, leading to separatist revolts. But what stopped that from happening was India rapidly buying all the freed up oil and acting as a hedge against China. It's also why the US came down heavily on India at the start of the war, and had to back down after we didn't relent. During this time, both the French and the Germans were in la la land, had no clue what was happening. They probably thought investing in the UAF would act as a deterrence against invasion, explaining the ouster of the French intelligence chief after Russia invaded. And Ukraine probably thought their new army will give them the ability to take back Donbas and Crimea.
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Er... No.

When the first agreement was signed in Sept 2014, the number of Russian troops and separatists in Donbas was very small. Minsk 2 was signed only in Feb 2015. It's only after neither agreements were actually adhered to did the Russians come in secretly guns blazing. So stop making up your own history.
Stop lying.

Russia covertly supported the separatists with troops and weaponry. It only admitted sending "military specialists",[23][24] but later acknowledged the separatists as Russian combat veterans.[25]
By late August 2014, Ukraine had re-taken most separatist-held territory and nearly regained control of the Russia–Ukraine border.[29] In response, Russia covertly sent troops, tanks and artillery into the Donbas.[30][31] Ukrainian officials called this a Russian "stealth invasion".[31][32] The Russian incursion helped pro-Russian forces regain much of the territory they had lost.[27][33] Alexander Borodai, former 'Prime Minister' of the DPR, said 50,000 "Russian volunteers" had fought in the first five months.[34]

It required Russian military involvement to even make it a war. Without that it was a short policing operation at best.
1. The first one after the UN was created.
2. Everything do to with it.
3. Lol.
1. Pakistan's invasion wasn't a proxy war, it was entirely their own choice. If Britain had wanted them to have Kashmir, they'd simply have drawn the f*cking border there from the get-go.
2. FA to do with it.
3. Plain facts.

Modern day Islamic terrorism became a thing after the first mujahidheen was created to fight the Soviet. It's only after that did all the terrorist organizations cropped up. Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, LeT, Jaish, all formed after the CIA created the first unit in Pakistan.
The ones fighting the Soviets weren't acting as terrorists. They were killing an invading military in their own country. It's only terrorism when you deliberately attack civilians, which the Soviets did plenty of, even in their own country.

Hezbollah were based on the Iranian Khomeini model from 1979. Hamas derived from the PLO. Radical Islam itself dates back to the 7th century CE.
India today is the only country to have successfully dealt with Islamic terrorism. 🇮🇳
And the West is doing exactly the opposite of what India has done, hence the high failure rate.
Until the next attack.
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The stuff coming out of Israel is getting more ghoulish every minute! I mean Israel is justified in burning the entire Gaza down to the ground!

Both sides have been cruel to each other, but this is just crossing the line. Hamas seems to have signed its own death warrant. But a lot of Israelis are also gonna die in the process.
Until the next attack.

I'm referring to a low intensity conflict, not a lone attack.
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The stuff coming out of Israel is getting more ghoulish every minute! I mean Israel is justified in burning the entire Gaza down to the ground!
Always take info from both the sides with mountain of salt, both the sides will create propaganda to justify their actions. Its not that warring parties dont indulge in such macabre acts its just until it is verified by credible party its not worth taking seriously.
I think, German government should enable NGO boats to take Gaza refugees to Italy. They have been doing it will anyways.
there are enuf in EU please send some to amerika, they need to be reminded of what these ppl are capable of.
Modern day Islamic terrorism became a thing after the first mujahidheen was created to fight the Soviet. It's only after that did all the terrorist organizations cropped up. Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, LeT, Jaish, all formed after the CIA created the first unit in Pakistan.
americans created king kongs out of these monkeys.
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Er... The Americans are literally the same, and have been much more successful.
Besides whataboutism, what is your point here? The Americans are not fighting in Ukraine. If they were, Russia would have been finished long ago.
Weirdly, the true division of the world.

The power of imaginary stories.
I wish to congratulate New Zealand on their successful relocation to the Atlantic Ocean.

'Cause they didn't want a war.
Yes they did. Proof: they started one.
They were fine with only autonomy for Donbas, with Ukraine (including Donbas) practically doing anything they want except joining NATO. If you read the Minsk agreements and compare that to today, you know the Russians were right.
Ukraine would never have wanted to join NATO if Russia hadn't seized Crimea and the Donbass in 2014. This is the seminal event that made practically the entire Ukrainian population realize that Russia was a hostile power and that they needed to find protection against Russian military ambitions.

And it was never about NATO; or rather the only reason why Russian is against NATO is that NATO means they can't invade safely. It always was about Russia's dreams of reconquering its former empire.

Anything else is myth-peddling and useful idiotism.
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Besides whataboutism, what is your point here? The Americans are not fighting in Ukraine. If they were, Russia would have been finished long ago.

No, but in a lot of other countries. Around 2 million dead there.

Yes they did. Proof: they started one.

It's easy to get someone to start a war, the Americans know it well.

Ukraine would never have wanted to join NATO if Russia hadn't seized Crimea and the Donbass in 2014. This is the seminal event that made practically the entire Ukrainian population realize that Russia was a hostile power and that they needed to find protection against Russian military ambitions.

In 2008?

And it was never about NATO; or rather the only reason why Russian is against NATO is that NATO means they can't invade safely. It always was about Russia's dreams of reconquering its former empire.

Anything else is myth-peddling and useful idiotism.

Generally, one needs to give an excuse to do something that big. If Gaza is wiped out, the Hamas attack becomes excuse enough.

Both Merkel and Poroshenko have confirmed they wanted war with Russia.
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Minsk was the peace plan to Donbas' rebellion. The choice for Russia was between Minsk agreement and all-out war. They had made this clear. For whatever reason the West decided to ignore that.

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel in an interview with German news outlet Der Spiegel defended her policy towards Russia and said her stance on Ukraine during the Minsk peace talks bought Kyiv time to fight Russia better.

Petro Poroshenko said the Minsk agreements “meant nothing” and claimed credit for giving Kiev enough time to militarize

“We had achieved everything we wanted,” he said of the peace deal. “Our goal was to, first, stop the threat, or at least to delay the war – to secure eight years to restore economic growth and create powerful armed forces.”

So, for whatever reason, both Ukraine and West merely feigned to have talks, they were never serious about it. It's likely that neither of them expected Russia to escalate to a full-blown war, something Russia had already warned about. Or the West, in particular the US, assumed that Russia will take Ukraine easily and that will be followed by a low intensity conflict that will bleed Russia over many decades.

My thinking is the US wanted Russia to invade Ukraine, so the follow-up sanctions during the war would cripple their economy entirely, leading to separatist revolts. But what stopped that from happening was India rapidly buying all the freed up oil and acting as a hedge against China. It's also why the US came down heavily on India at the start of the war, and had to back down after we didn't relent. During this time, both the French and the Germans were in la la land, had no clue what was happening. They probably thought investing in the UAF would act as a deterrence against invasion, explaining the ouster of the French intelligence chief after Russia invaded. And Ukraine probably thought their new army will give them the ability to take back Donbas and Crimea.
And as I said: it reminds me of Z-4. Meaning that accepting it wholesale would have basically legitimized invasion and enabled Russia to interfere within Ukraine as it wanted. And if memory serves me, separatists did not respect it either, and had made it rather clear that their goal was wholesale separation from Ukraine.
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And as I said: it reminds me of Z-4. Meaning that accepting it wholesale would have basically legitimized invasion and enabled Russia to interfere within Ukraine as it wanted. And if memory serves me, separatists did not respect it either, and had made it rather clear that their goal was wholesale separation from Ukraine.
It's the same tactics as used against Georgia and Moldova in the early '90s. It's a pattern of behaviour, not an isolated case. It's also a well-established imperial tactic dating back centuries, the Nazis used it at the start of WWII. They sent terrorists into Poland, conducted attacks, and when the terrorists were killed by authorities, they broadcast the pictures as an attack on ethnic Germans civilians and used it as a pretext to invade and create a land bridge to Sudetenland. This conflict was exactly the same thing in a different location ~90 years later.
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