Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

There is a weird global nexus between Islam and the extreme left.

They are completely opposite ideologies.

Most of the things the left champions like equal rights for women, homosexuals, minorities are considered reason to kill in Islam

I fail to understand this partnership.

The left completely turns a blind eye to the inhuman treatment of women, the killing of homosexuals,eradication of minorities, even the advocacy of slavery in Islam.
Cz these fanatics are useful tools which csn be easily manipulated. Do u think the leftt cares about muslims? Nope , just a tool
@ Jetray @ Volcano

I was recently watching and listening to an elderly srilankan Thero wistfully rue how glorious Buddhist India was and wrongfully it was stolen from them and at same time in a sombre but foreboding voice warns his flock to beware of the new threat for Buddhism brewing in the north( read Jaffna and North east Lanka). Identities are not narrative that changes in a vacuum, long historical processes shape and molded the present identities of the Indian society. I dare say our current identities are not because we had a choice in its shaping , but we are merely a latest itinerant in that historical process. I'm not a Hindu Nair by choice but by the accident of birth and similarly the Kashmiri Muslims in the valley are not what they are because they had choice or role in that shaping that historical process. While my identity was not my choice, it was my choice to hold it dear, nurture it and celebrate those various check points in that historical processes that resulted in my identity. It is this very keen awareness of historical processes, which makes me alert any real or perceived attempts to dilute my historical identity, be it language imposition, or the last years protests in Shabarimala or the jallikattu agitation ( which many of us thought was an alien intellect imposing its moral precepts on us)

I'm glad many of us see the struggle in Kashmir as some of kind of religious crusade, but it is also disconcerting that in the same breadth we seem to lay the blame at the door step the fact that Kashmiris in the Valley, at the least majority today, are Sunni Muslims. Just like the Sinhalese Thero, many of us simply are unable to accept that Kashmiri Muslims in the valley did not chose that identity for themselves. but are merely, like you and me, the happenstance of a historical process in which they had no say. Indians of the current generation clearly cannot undo those historical processes that shaped the identities of the present society, but what we can do is set new frameworks that can resolve the conflict arising from the clash of identities. Clash of identities is not new to India and certainly not an exclusive preserve of the politics of the Kashmir valley. Sikh organization butchered Hindus in the Punjab and Hindus have slaughtered Sikhs in Delhi and other cities by their thousands( Now i know may will claim SIkhs were killed by congress mobs, as if congress walas were not Hindus)Although not on the same scale. Marathas led by the shiv sainks have attacked people of south Indian origin and forced them to migrate in the 60's. Similarly Tamils and Kannadigas have attached and forced people from the each other state to leave their adopted state.

In Hegel's world view, the primary task of a state is conflict resolution. As societies increasingly organized under the pressure of the increasing population, new identities arose and clustered together within geographical expenses and these identity clusters invariably came into conflict with other identities clusters. In order to resolve these conflicts , as Hegel calls, the benevolent state arose. While the nation state should strive to resolve conflicts and draft laws and policies that furthers such endeavors, it must be careful not get drawn into the identity conflict, least of all appear to be picking sides. This is why the Indian state adopted a secular, non partisan and all inclusive constitution, because this constitution allowed the state to engage the various identity clusters within the society,without the the threat of being partisan. This is why it is important that the kashmiris be given the politics rights that all social groups in India enjoy, without any prejudice to their current cultural identities or the historical processes that led to it. We have to remember that Kashmir is the not the only identity conflict resolution that the Indian state is engaged in and there will be many more that will arise in the future. The state needs a powerful instrument which gives confidence to the various identity groups that the state will manage these conflicts in a fair, just and without prejudice to either parties involved in the conflict. The secular and all inclusive constitution is that historical instrument that we have provided ourselves to aide in current and future conflict resolution.

P:S - Talking about historical processes in Kashmir. Everyone knows SIkandar Bhutshikan as one of the greatest Islamic iconoclast in Kashmir's history. Giving Sikandar close competition was King Harshadeva or Harsha of the Utpala dynasty of Kashmir. Kalhana in his Rajatarangini attributes credit to Harsha for the destruction of several Hindu and Buddhist places of worship. Infact Harshadeva has the dubious distinction of having commissioned a royal office, called the " devotpaatana-nayaka", for destroying Hindu places of worship and acquiring their assets for the state.

Interestingly, i noticed that you didn't actually challenged my argument, but simply deflected it. I assume we are talking about how we should formulate our approach to deal with the situation in Jammu & Kashmir. First step of dealing with a situation is to understand what is the situation and what is causing it. Here is where i disagree with you. You are suggesting that the root cause of Kashmir militancy is "Threat to their identity" (Which suggest that there is someone who is threatening their identity, the culprit India union) and the solution is to "stop threatening their identity" (Obviously, by the culprit India union). Frankly, i find that to be bullshit or a stubbornness to reject facts that goes against one's ideology/world view.

The root cause of militancy in Jammu & Kashmir is not threat of destruction of identity or domination of other religion, it is a Sunni radical Islamist movement, which aim to establish an Islamist theocratic state. Even though kashmiri Sunni Muslims make only 52-55% of Jammu and Kashmirs population, they form 100% of all terrorists and the rest 45-48% forms literally zero percent of terrorists.

"Azadi ka matlab kya? la ilaha illallah" is the slogan you hear in all separatist rallies.

"Azadi" for a Sunni radical Islamist is not more autonomy, they had the highest level of autonomy in all Indian states in 1989
"Azadi" didn't mean freedom to practice religion, they had it in 1989 and still do
"Azadi" didn't mean being the masters of your life, they were the masters of their life in 1989
"Azadi" didn't mean being equal among equals, they were first among equals in 1989

For a Sunni Islamist separatist, "Azadi" means "There is only one God, Allah".

How exactly some one would make this vision of "Azadi" true? By establishing a Sunni theocratic state based on Sharia law and eliminating everyone who didn't believe in this "One God" and they did exactly same to Kashmir non Muslims. Its not based on ethnicity, or a quest to more democracy.

It would be stupid to pretend that this is not a war between Sunni radical Islamist ideology and Indian state, and certainly the solution is not simple as "stop threatening their identity" as you sees it. Fundamentally, solution involves degrading the radical Sunni Islamist infrastructure that spans across Kashmir valley, the one that currently operate in plain sight with no fear of law or state. Take away their ability to brainwash the new generation and raise financial, material ,recruits to terrorist cause. Without degrading this infrastructure, militancy will never end.
You are seeing only what you wish to see not what is actually fact. An optical illusion.

Islam is a similar idea to nationalism. This is why an apostate is killed, the same way that a traitor is killed by modern nation states.

The problem is that every Muslim is pulled by two competing nationalisms. Most will chose the older. So they prefer to be poor and impoverished under a Muslim tyrant than well fed and comfortable under a non Muslim dispensation. Their instinct for loyalty will always be to Muslim rule.

This will not change for in the near future ....

So ...personally I give two figs for Kashmiris...you cannot soothe or comfort them to stop being ungrateful a$$....es.

However, if India gives up the Kashmir valley, little independent Kashmir will be taken over by Pakistan and therefore China. The defence implications and the threat to the Indian heartland is immense. That will be the end of India.

My friend you have reduced a complicated narrative, called Muslims and nationalism, to a simple binary of Muslims cannot be nationalist where they are not in majority. Curiously while Secular, nationalist dyed in the wool congress wala like Jinnah turned coat and advocated for a homeland for Muslims, the organization which is considered the RSS equivalent in Islam Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind strongly opposed the partition. Its leader Maulana Madani, strictly opposed the partition as ply by the British to weaken Indian nationalism and explains his rationale thus against accusation that he has joined with the Hindus against Islam.

"You write that I have joined the Hindus and you are stunned by that. Why do you get affected by such propaganda? Muslims have been together with the Hindus since they moved to Hindustan. And I have been with them since I was born. I was born and raised here. If two people live together in the same country, same city, they will share lot of things with each other. Till the time there are Muslims in India, they will be together with the Hindus. In the bazaars, in homes, in railways, trams, in buses, lorries, in stations, colleges, post offices, jails, police stations, courts, councils, assemblies, hotels, etc. You tell me where and when we don’t meet them or are not together with them? You are a zamindar. Are not your tenants Hindus? You are a trader; don’t you buy and sell from Hindus? You are a lawyer don’t you have Hindu clients? You are in a district or municipal board; won’t you be dealing with Hindus? Who is not with the Hindus? All ten crore Muslims of India are guilty then of being with the Hindus."

Muslims, especially those in India, are not a monolithic community and don't express a political view that in any way anything peculiarly Islamic about it, unless we like dub all Muslims as adherent s of extremist Muslim organization that India has seen from time to time. The separatist movement in Kashmir, led by extremist kashmiri Muslims, has found little resonance among Muslims in rest of India. They have believed, in my opinion, that whatever led the Muslims in the valley to pickup arms against the state was driven by the socio-political-historical process isolated to that region and had nothing to with Islam or Muslims in India and the world in general. While there is no denying that the Muslim character of the majority in the valley added grist to the separatist mill, we will be ill advised to make that characteristic of the conflict, the be all and end all issue/solution for the conflict. This would amount to missing the woods for the forest and Indian state must refrain from doing so.
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My friend you have reduced a complicated narrative, called Muslims and nationalism, to a simple binary of Muslims cannot be nationalist where they are not in majority. Curiously while Secular, nationalist dyed in the wool congress wala like Jinnah turned coat and advocated for a homeland for Muslims, the organization which is considered the RSS equivalent in Islam Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind strongly opposed the partition. Its leader Maulana Madani, strictly opposed the partition as ply by the British to weaken Indian nationalism and explains his rationale thus against accusation that he has joined with the Hindus against Islam.

"You write that I have joined the Hindus and you are stunned by that. Why do you get affected by such propaganda? Muslims have been together with the Hindus since they moved to Hindustan. And I have been with them since I was born. I was born and raised here. If two people live together in the same country, same city, they will share lot of things with each other. Till the time there are Muslims in India, they will be together with the Hindus. In the bazaars, in homes, in railways, trams, in buses, lorries, in stations, colleges, post offices, jails, police stations, courts, councils, assemblies, hotels, etc. You tell me where and when we don’t meet them or are not together with them? You are a zamindar. Are not your tenants Hindus? You are a trader; don’t you buy and sell from Hindus? You are a lawyer don’t you have Hindu clients? You are in a district or municipal board; won’t you be dealing with Hindus? Who is not with the Hindus? All ten crore Muslims of India are guilty then of being with the Hindus."

Muslims, especially those in India, are not a monolithic community and don't express a political view that in any way anything peculiarly Islamic about it, unless we like dub all Muslims as adherent s of extremist Muslim organization that India has seen from time to time. The separatist movement in Kashmir, led by extremist kashmiri Muslims, has found little resonance among Muslims in rest of India. They have believed, in my opinion, that whatever led the Muslims in the valley to pickup arms against the state was driven by the socio-political-historical process isolated to that region and had nothing to with Islam or Muslims in India and the world in general. While there is no denying that the Muslim character of the majority in the valley added grist to the separatist mill, we will be ill advised to make that characteristic of the conflict, the be all and end all issue/solution for the conflict. This would amount to missing the woods for the forest and Indian state must refrain from doing so.

Instead of Such Long Essays
Please tell us what India should be doing in Kashmir to win the SO CALLED HEARTS AND MINDS of Kashmiri Muslims
Interestingly, i noticed that you didn't actually challenged my argument, but simply deflected it. I assume we are talking about how we should formulate our approach to deal with the situation in Jammu & Kashmir. First step of dealing with a situation is to understand what is the situation and what is causing it. Here is where i disagree with you. You are suggesting that the root cause of Kashmir militancy is "Threat to their identity" (Which suggest that there is someone who is threatening their identity, the culprit India union) and the solution is to "stop threatening their identity" (Obviously, by the culprit India union). Frankly, i find that to be bullshit or a stubbornness to reject facts that goes against one's ideology/world view.

The root cause of militancy in Jammu & Kashmir is not threat of destruction of identity or domination of other religion, it is a Sunni radical Islamist movement, which aim to establish an Islamist theocratic state. Even though kashmiri Sunni Muslims make only 52-55% of Jammu and Kashmirs population, they form 100% of all terrorists and the rest 45-48% forms literally zero percent of terrorists.

"Azadi ka matlab kya? la ilaha illallah" is the slogan you hear in all separatist rallies.

"Azadi" for a Sunni radical Islamist is not more autonomy, they had the highest level of autonomy in all Indian states in 1989
"Azadi" didn't mean freedom to practice religion, they had it in 1989 and still do
"Azadi" didn't mean being the masters of your life, they were the masters of their life in 1989
"Azadi" didn't mean being equal among equals, they were first among equals in 1989

For a Sunni Islamist separatist, "Azadi" means "There is only one God, Allah".

How exactly some one would make this vision of "Azadi" true? By establishing a Sunni theocratic state based on Sharia law and eliminating everyone who didn't believe in this "One God" and they did exactly same to Kashmir non Muslims. Its not based on ethnicity, or a quest to more democracy.

It would be stupid to pretend that this is not a war between Sunni radical Islamist ideology and Indian state, and certainly the solution is not simple as "stop threatening their identity" as you sees it. Fundamentally, solution involves degrading the radical Sunni Islamist infrastructure that spans across Kashmir valley, the one that currently operate in plain sight with no fear of law or state. Take away their ability to brainwash the new generation and raise financial, material ,recruits to terrorist cause. Without degrading this infrastructure, militancy will never end.

In my above post i have mentioned why the religion of the majority in valley should not delude us into believing that the separatist movement had only a religious character. This presents a serious danger of state believing that the entire population in the conflict are in collusion with the separatist movement. All Separatist movement assume the character and profile of the majority population whose behalf they claim to wage struggle. The Khalistan movement in Punjab had majority SIkhs in it and the religion dimension alluded to the struggle by terrorists like Bhindranwale is now well to require restatement here. Yet the Indian state did not equate the struggle with Sikhism and hence allowed its security organs to isolate the separatist movement from the majority Sikh populace. Despite a very violent counter insurgency operation in Punjab and the later anti-sikh riots, Sikhs in Punjab were not treated as enemies and their democratic rights guaranteed by the constitution was not disrupted. The same could be said about how the India state approached the insurrection Assam, where majority of the ULFA terrorist were Hindus. While the terrorist separatist movement in Kashmir needs to be put down, however we cannot lose sight of the fact that majority of the Muslims in the valley want to live in peace, with their culture, identity and way of life unmolested, just like the rest of Indian population live under the benign protection of the Indian constitution.
They had those Rights , what came out of

The Ruling Classes Played a Double Game all these years

While they professed a Commitment to India , to take money , at the Same time they
Were in cahoots with the Separatists

They deliberately wasted Money and indulged in Corruption and did not allow the
People to get benefits out of the Expenditure made by Central Govt

Just give them the same rights to govern their lives like the people in UP, Karnataka, Kerala or Maharashtra have. That is good place to begin with.
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@S. A. T. A

If we behave like Weak hearted people , we will have to Give up Kashmir

So weak hearted people should READ about CHINA And gain strength

‘Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims

Our nation state and constitution is the product of movement which had brought down an empire, on which it was said the sun never set. We need to have more confidence in our own strength than upto to lesser civilizations for inspiration.
In my above post i have mentioned why the religion of the majority in valley should not delude us into believing that the separatist movement had only a religious character. This presents a serious danger of state believing that the entire population in the conflict are in collusion with the separatist movement. All Separatist movement assume the character and profile of the majority population whose behalf they claim to wage struggle. The Khalistan movement in Punjab had majority SIkhs in it and the religion dimension alluded to the struggle by terrorists like Bhindranwale is now well to require restatement here. Yet the Indian state did not equate the struggle with Sikhism and hence allowed its security organs to isolate the separatist movement from the majority Sikh populace. Despite a very violent counter insurgency operation in Punjab and the later anti-sikh riots, Sikhs in Punjab were not treated as enemies and their democratic rights guaranteed by the constitution was not disrupted. The same could be said about how the India state approached the insurrection Assam, where majority of the ULFA terrorist were Hindus. While the terrorist separatist movement in Kashmir needs to be put down, however we cannot lose sight of the fact that majority of the Muslims in the valley want to live in peace, with their culture, identity and way of life unmolested, just like the rest of Indian population live under the benign protection of the Indian constitution.

Are you really SO NAIVE

In Punjab , 90 to 95 percent Sikhs were Clear in their Mind that If they Separated from India , PAKISTAN would have gobbled up their lands , Money and Women

And the men would have been killed

Sikhs remember the Sikh Muslim Violence over the Centuries

Therefore Inspite of 1984 Riots , they remained True patriots of India
Our nation state and constitution is the product of movement which had brought down an empire, on which it was said the sun never set. We need to have more confidence in our own strength than upto to lesser civilizations for inspiration.

What is your AGE

You talk like an inexperienced person
Who has NO idea about what has happened in this world in Entire Human History

If you ask and Allow the Kashmiri Muslims
Most of them would happily MERGE with Pakistan
They had those Rights , what came out of

The Ruling Classes Played a Double Game all these years

While they professed a Commitment to India , to take money , at the Same time they
Were in cahoots with the Separatists

They deliberately wasted Money and indulged in Corruption and did not allow the
People to get benefits out of the Expenditure made by Central Govt

No they didn't live under the protection of the Indian constitution. WHich is why many people welcomed the removal of the special status. Kashmir had a unique situation where they apparently had their own constitution, plus the special status provided by Article 370, whoich according to former attorney general of Indian A.G Noorani was so hollowed out that it was just a shell with nothing of substance in it. The laws ( and the institutions empowered by it) that governed Kashmir were chaotic mix of 19th century canons, presidential decrees from Delhi and local rulers who were not accountable under any constitution....
In my above post i have mentioned why the religion of the majority in valley should not delude us into believing that the separatist movement had only a religious character. This presents a serious danger of state believing that the entire population in the conflict are in collusion with the separatist movement. All Separatist movement assume the character and profile of the majority population whose behalf they claim to wage struggle. The Khalistan movement in Punjab had majority SIkhs in it and the religion dimension alluded to the struggle by terrorists like Bhindranwale is now well to require restatement here. Yet the Indian state did not equate the struggle with Sikhism and hence allowed its security organs to isolate the separatist movement from the majority Sikh populace. Despite a very violent counter insurgency operation in Punjab and the later anti-sikh riots, Sikhs in Punjab were not treated as enemies and their democratic rights guaranteed by the constitution was not disrupted. The same could be said about how the India state approached the insurrection Assam, where majority of the ULFA terrorist were Hindus. While the terrorist separatist movement in Kashmir needs to be put down, however we cannot lose sight of the fact that majority of the Muslims in the valley want to live in peace, with their culture, identity and way of life unmolested, just like the rest of Indian population live under the benign protection of the Indian constitution.

Well, that didn't change the fact that Kashmir militancy is a Sunni radical Islamist militancy, does it? And no, the solution i mentioned was not branding all Kashmiri Muslims terrorists and nucking them. On the contrary, it was about degrading the radical Islamist infrastructure (Schools, seminaries, and other organization) upon which radical Sunni Islamist ideology thrived. You cannot defeat something, if you refuse to accept what it is in the first place.

FYI : Khalistan militancy was indeed based on a radical Sikh extremist ideology. The war was won by degrading radical elements and their over ground infrastructure to absolute zero.

Just give them the same rights to govern their lives like the people in UP, Karnataka, Kerala or Maharashtra have. That is good place to begin with.

Thats so cute and simple. Again, remind me, what "rights" Kashmir didn't had when Sunni Islamist militancy started in 1989? Having the highest level of autonomy?
No they didn't live under the protection of the Indian constitution. WHich is why many people welcomed the removal of the special status. Kashmir had a unique situation where they apparently had their own constitution, plus the special status provided by Article 370, whoich according to former attorney general of Indian A.G Noorani was so hollowed out that it was just a shell with nothing of substance in it. The laws ( and the institutions empowered by it) that governed Kashmir were chaotic mix of 19th century canons, presidential decrees from Delhi and local rulers who were not accountable under any constitution....

Please write clearly

Do you want 370 and 35 A back
OR Do you only want Statehood back
Statehood will come back once a New Political Class is created and Abdullah Mufti Gang is neutralised

Till then let them learn to live in Peace
Are you really SO NAIVE

In Punjab , 90 to 95 percent Sikhs were Clear in their Mind that If they Separated from India , PAKISTAN would have gobbled up their lands , Money and Women

And the men would have been killed

Sikhs remember the Sikh Muslim Violence over the Centuries

Therefore Inspite of 1984 Riots , they remained True patriots of India

This realization did not happen because Sikhs, all of them, just got up on the right side of the their cot one fine day. During the intervening years when the struggle was at its height and most barbaric, Indian state never gave up on the message to the Sikhs that their rights and way of life were well protected under the Indian constitution. This is how Indian state needs to approach the separatist movement in Kashmir.
This realization did not happen because Sikhs, all of them, just got up on the right side of the their cot one fine day. During the intervening years when the struggle was at its height and most barbaric, Indian state never gave up on the message to the Sikhs that their rights and way of life were well protected under the Indian constitution. This is how Indian state needs to approach the separatist movement in Kashmir.

Total BS , even after 1984 and Army Desertions after Blue Star , The Sikh police men in Punjab were bravely fighting the Terrorists

It was KPS Gill and Sikh Politicians like Buta Singh who was in Rajiv Gandhi Govt
And Zail Singh who was President of India till 1987 who were Responsible for Convincing Them that Separation from India was SUICIDAL
My friend you have reduced a complicated narrative, called Muslims and nationalism, to a simple binary of Muslims cannot be nationalist where they are not in majority. Curiously while Secular, nationalist dyed in the wool congress wala like Jinnah turned coat and advocated for a homeland for Muslims, the organization which is considered the RSS equivalent in Islam Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind strongly opposed the partition. Its leader Maulana Madani, strictly opposed the partition as ply by the British to weaken Indian nationalism and explains his rationale thus against accusation that he has joined with the Hindus against Islam.

"You write that I have joined the Hindus and you are stunned by that. Why do you get affected by such propaganda? Muslims have been together with the Hindus since they moved to Hindustan. And I have been with them since I was born. I was born and raised here. If two people live together in the same country, same city, they will share lot of things with each other. Till the time there are Muslims in India, they will be together with the Hindus. In the bazaars, in homes, in railways, trams, in buses, lorries, in stations, colleges, post offices, jails, police stations, courts, councils, assemblies, hotels, etc. You tell me where and when we don’t meet them or are not together with them? You are a zamindar. Are not your tenants Hindus? You are a trader; don’t you buy and sell from Hindus? You are a lawyer don’t you have Hindu clients? You are in a district or municipal board; won’t you be dealing with Hindus? Who is not with the Hindus? All ten crore Muslims of India are guilty then of being with the Hindus."

Muslims, especially those in India, are not a monolithic community and don't express a political view that in any way anything peculiarly Islamic about it, unless we like dub all Muslims as adherent s of extremist Muslim organization that India has seen from time to time. The separatist movement in Kashmir, led by extremist kashmiri Muslims, has found little resonance among Muslims in rest of India. They have believed, in my opinion, that whatever led the Muslims in the valley to pickup arms against the state was driven by the socio-political-historical process isolated to that region and had nothing to with Islam or Muslims in India and the world in general. While there is no denying that the Muslim character of the majority in the valley added grist to the separatist mill, we will be ill advised to make that characteristic of the conflict, the be all and end all issue/solution for the conflict. This would amount to missing the woods for the forest and Indian state must refrain from doing so.
SATA, I will respond in more detail when I have time. Am in a rush for personal reasons...

So 1. Please separate out Islam the religion from Muslims the people.

Muslims the people are not monolithic, Islam the religion is immutable.

2. I am amazed that you think that Muslims in India do not have any particularly Islamic views!!!!!

Why on earth do they then have an entirely nseparte set of laws other than a nation within a nation

3. There is no way to win hearts and minds of Muslims in large numbers . It cannot be done. So don’t waste time thinking how to do that. Protect your own core interests.
Please write clearly

Do you want 370 and 35 A back
OR Do you only want Statehood back

Okay i can now understand your confusion, you probably missed my eariers posts in this thread from August. Article 370 and its sub provisions were against the spirit of Indian constitution. No state or its people should be more than or less than equal.
@S. A. T. A

Please Read about Sikh ARMY
OFFICERS like Lt Gen Kuldip Singh Brar and Lt Gen Ranjit Singh Dyal who were in the Thick of Action during and after Blue Star

And Operation Black Thunder inside Golden Temple in 1987 was led by Punjab Police

All the Radical Sikhs simply ran away to Canada and UK