Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

@S. A. T. A

What do you know about Sikh Muslim Violence after Jehangir came to power
In 1605 till 1800 When Sikh Empire was firmly established under Ranjit Singh

Do you know that Muslims were hell bent upon Wiping out Sikhs

And then Came the Partition Violence

Do you think Sikhs are So STUPID to trust Muslims

The Whole Thing , Bhindrawale and Bluestar and 1984 was Very Unfortunate but Punjab problem was created by Indira Gandhi

@S. A. T. A

Yesterday I saw a link on Twitter about a speech of KHADIM Hussain Rizvi , One of the Radical Clerics in Pakistan

He was ABUSING Imran Khan about Kartarpur

He also REMINDED his followers about How Sikh Emperor Ranjit Singh Had CONVERTED

AND he had banned Azaan in his rule

If Punjab had Seceded
Amritsar and Kartarpur would have been wiped out

Total BS , even after 1984 and Army Desertions after Blue Star , The Sikh police men in Punjab were bravely fighting the Terrorists

It was KPS Gill and Sikh Politicians like Buta Singh who was in Rajiv Gandhi Govt
And Zail Singh who was President of India till 1987 who were Responsible for Convincing Them that Separation from India was SUICIDAL

Yes Sikh intellects and officers fought against separatist because they beleived in the promise of security and eqality offered by the Indian constitio and not the theocracy of a Khalsa state. Where is the disagreement.

P:S - Regarding former president Zail Singh, no politician helped the khalistan movement take root in Punjab more than Zail singh. This article from Kuldeep Nayyar makes an interesting read. According to respected journos Sathish jacob and Mark Tully , Zail SIngh would meet Bhindranwale while sitting at his feet, as an acolyte would do.
Operation Blue Star: How Congress invented a saint
This is how Indian state needs to approach the separatist movement in Kashmir.


Yes Sikh intellects and officers fought against separatist because they beleived in the promise of security and eqality offered by the Indian constitio and not the theocracy of a Khalsa state. Where is the disagreement.

P:S - Regarding former president Zail Singh, no politician helped the khalistan movement take root in Punjab more than Zail singh. This article from Kuldeep Nayyar makes an interesting read. According to respected journos Sathish jacob and Mark Tully , Zail SIngh would meet Bhindranwale while sitting at his feet, as an acolyte would do.
Operation Blue Star: How Congress invented a saint

That is what I said

Punjab Radicals were created by Congress to defeat Akalis

Just like Congress created Shiv Sena in Maharashtra to defeat CPI

@S. A. T. A

What do you know about Sikh Muslim Violence after Jehangir came to power
In 1605 till 1800 When Sikh Empire was firmly established under Ranjit Singh

Do you know that Muslims were hell bent upon Wiping out Sikhs

And then Came the Partition Violence

Do you think Sikhs are So STUPID to trust Muslims

The Whole Thing , Bhindrawale and Bluestar and 1984 was Very Unfortunate but Punjab problem was created by Indira Gandhi

I'm more interested in the present than what happened in the past. Terrorist are the ones who hark back to the past to sustain their separatist agenda. Much like in Punjab, where India never let down Punjabis on their constitution rights, despite violence and provocation, we should not let down Kashmiris by denying them their rights as Indian citizens.

That is what I said

Punjab Radicals were created by Congress to defeat Akalis

Just like Congress created Shiv Sena in Maharashtra to defeat CPI

Politicians, separatists and state stoked violence in Punjab and in Kashmir. Hence we must not fall into the false narrative that all SIkhs of Punjab or Muslims of the valley are for violence and separation. This is what i'm saying.

I'm more interested in the present than what happened in the past. Terrorist are the ones who hark back to the past to sustain their separatist agenda. Much like in Punjab, where India never let down Punjabis on their constitution rights, despite violence and provocation, we should not let down Kashmiris by denying them their rights as Indian citizens.

There is Absolutely NO EQUALITY between Punjab and Sikh Movement as Compared to Kashmir

Punjab was a Political problem

Inspite of thousands of Hindus being killed in Punjab , Still today 40 percent
Population of Punjab is Hindu

Kashmir is purely about Ghazwa E Hind

There is Absolutely NO EQUALITY between Punjab and Sikh Movement as Compared to Kashmir

Punjab was a Political problem

Inspite of thousands of Hindus being killed in Punjab , Still today 40 percent
Population of Punjab is Hindu

Kashmir is purely about Ghazwa E Hind

Kashmir is also a political problema and we need to find a political solution to it, at the same time we need to contend with and overcome the separatist/terrorist strain there.........We will keep going in this vicious circle and talk over each other. So lets agree to disagree.
Kashmir is also a political problema and we need to find a political solution to it, at the same time we need to contend with and overcome the separatist/terrorist strain there.........We will keep going in this vicious circle and talk over each other. So lets agree to disagree.

You are living in UTOPIA

Kashmiris need to see that Pakistan is good for nothing

Only then they will come to Terms with Indian Rule

Right now they dream of Pakistan coming to liberate them
Kashmir is also a political problema and we need to find a political solution to it, at the same time we need to contend with and overcome the separatist/terrorist strain there.........We will keep going in this vicious circle and talk over each other. So lets agree to disagree.

Kashmiris want to join Pakistan only because of Islam and hatred for Hindus
Kashmir is also a political problema and we need to find a political solution to it, at the same time we need to contend with and overcome the separatist/terrorist strain there.........We will keep going in this vicious circle and talk over each other. So lets agree to disagree.

Kashmiris want to join Pakistan only because of Islam and hatred for Hindus
You are living in UTOPIA

Kashmiris need to see that Pakistan is good for nothing

Only then they will come to Terms with Indian Rule

Right now they dream of Pakistan coming to liberate them

Kashmiris want to join Pakistan only because of Islam and hatred for Hindus

Kashmiris want to join Pakistan only because of Islam and hatred for Hindus

During the question of fate of Kashmir, it was not just the Maharaja of Kashmir, but the intellect and the leadership of Muslims of the valley too decided to throw their lot with India. The debates that took place in the constituent assembly of Kashmir in the 50' on the floor of the assembly,where various leaders explained their rationale to stay with India, would make for some interesting reading for all Indian, both in Kashmir and outside it. This is now an internal issue and has nothing to do with Pakistan and what we do to Pakistan, must be done in Pakistan, because that is where Pakistanis live.

P:S - Talking of Utopia. Although i live in India and not Utopia, Scholars have long contended that Thomas More while imagining his Utopia, had modeled the land itself from accounts that reached him from English merchants about the land and the people of Kozhikode( calicut) who were renowned for their peaceful nature and their honesty. Although my parents came from Alapuzha, further south from Calicut. As a malayalee that still makes me a honorary citizen of Utopia.
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During the question of fate of Kashmir, it was not just the Maharaja of Kashmir, but the intellect and the leadership of Muslims of the valley too decided to throw their lot with India. The debates that took place in the constituent assembly of Kashmir in the 50' on the floor of the assembly,where various leaders explained their rationale to stay with India, would make for some interesting reading for all indian, both in Kashmir and outside it. This is now an internal issue and has nothing to do with pakistan and whatb we do to Pakistan, must be done in Pakistan, because that is where pakistanis live.

You are Right upto a Point

But do you Know WHY Sheikh Abdullah agreed to Merge with India

Because he thought Hindus are Foolish
And they will Dance around his little finger

Nehru was always Desperate for Kashmir

And Abdullah thought that He could Rule over Nehru

Abdullah did not like Punjabi Muslims and Pathans

But in 1953 The Same Sheikh Abdullah had an Islamic Awakening and he wanted to dump India

That was the moment Nehru Arrested Sheikh Abdullah and started diluting 370
Sheikh Abdullah opted for India as he believed Pakistan was determined to become a theocracy

However, New Delhi’s extension of several laws to Kashmir without the state assembly’s support has led to the increased alienation felt by Kashmiris

By Kuldip Nayar
Published 5.08.19, 8:40 PM

Veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar firmly believed that Kashmir's up and down history meant that only intense dialogue could throw up the right solutions

I do not claim to know Sheikh Sahib (Sheikh Abdullah) better than his son. But I can vouch for the Sheikh’s opposition to violence. He was conscious of the fact that the state had more guns than an individual or a political party could muster and it would be foolhardy to confront the government with weapons.

I feel sometimes that Farooq Abdullah has not yet fully understood the nub of the Kashmir problem. It is Kashmiriat, a secular approach against the communal one. The Sheikh supported Maharaja Hari Singh’s accession to India in October 1947, because of the country’s secular credentials. The Kashmiriat, the Sheikh would often say, was akin to Sufism, pluralistic in concept and content. When he preferred India he did so because he saw it following a system which was secular and democratic. For that reason, he rejected Pakistan, a theocratic state.

Before India was partitioned, he sent his close associate, Sadiq Sahib, who subsequently became the state chief minister, to Islamabad to get the feel of Pakistan. On returning, Sadiq reported to the Sheikh that Pakistan wanted to be an Islamic state. The Sheikh straightaway made up his mind and refused to accept any proposal which did not meet with his ethos of secularism. In 1932, Sheikh Abdullah along with Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas, had founded the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, which was renamed the National Conference in 1939, in order to represent all the people of the state. The National Conference supported the accession of Kashmir to India. But in 1941, Ghulam Abbas broke away from the party and revived the old Muslim Conference, which supported the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan, and led the movement for Azad Kashmir.


Jawaharlal Nehru in conversation with Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah in the Constituent Assembly Wikimedia Commons
That Sheikh Abdullah was confined to Kodaikanal in the south for twelve years is a story of misunderstanding. On 8 August 1953, Sheikh Abdullah was dismissed as the prime minister of Kashmir by the then Sadr-i-Riyasat (Constitutional Head of State) Dr Karan Singh, son of the erstwhile Maharaja Hari Singh, on the grounds that he had lost the support of the cabinet. He was not given a chance to prove his majority. Instead, he, along with Mirza Afzal Beg and twenty-two others, were accused of conspiracy against the state for allegedly espousing the cause of an independent Kashmir and were arrested soon after for anti-national activities. The ‘Kashmir conspiracy case’ was framed in 1958 and the trial began in 1959.

After two months’ internment in Ooty, Sheikh Abdullah was taken to the Kohinoor bungalow, a few miles outside Kodaikanal, and remained under house arrest for more than a decade.

Even Sheikh Abdullah’s personal friend, Jawaharlal Nehru, came to doubt him. The Sheikh’s stand was that at the time of accession to India, Kashmir had given the centre only three subjects—defence, foreign affairs and communications—nothing more. All other subjects would be in the state’s domain. Under the rules framed in 1947, in a federation like India the centre has sway over the subjects transferred by the states. It cannot unilaterally extend its authority to other subjects.

But in Kashmir, the central government wanted to usurp all the powers. This is what New Delhi has done and this has led to the Valley’s alienation and hostility. Bodies like the Jan Sangh, the earlier incarnation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and leaders like the late Shyama Prasad Mukerji, who died in a Jammu jail, used to insist that Kashmir must accede to India fully and become like any other state without any special status.

This, indeed, is the sad story of New Delhi’s relations with Sheikh Abdullah. When he opposed the centre’s unilateral extension of authority over other subjects he was dismissed even though he had a majority of assembly members with him. According to Abdullah, his dismissal and arrest were ordered by the central government, headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. Some say his arrest was ordered by Nehru himself, others that he came to know of it only after the event.

On 8 April 1964, the state government dropped all charges in this infamous ‘Kashmir conspiracy case’. Sheikh Abdullah was released and returned to Srinagar to an unprecedented welcome by the people of the Valley.

After his release he was reconciled with Nehru. Nehru requested Sheikh Abdullah to act as a bridge between India and Pakistan and make President Ayub Khan agree to come to New Delhi for talks for a final solution of the Kashmir problem. President Ayub also sent telegrams to Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah with the message that as Pakistan too was a party to the Kashmir dispute any resolution of the conflict without its participation would not be acceptable to Pakistan. This paved the way for Sheikh Abdullah’s visit to Pakistan to help broker a solution to the Kashmir problem.

After the war with Pakistan in 1971, and the creation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Abdullah realized that for the survival of this region there was an urgent need to stop confrontational politics and resolve issues by a process of reconciliation and dialogue. When Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, came to power, the Sheikh started talks with her for normalizing the situation in the region, and came to an accord called the 1974 Indira–Sheikh accord, by giving up Kashmir’s demand for a plebiscite (people’s vote) in lieu of the people being given the right to self rule by a democratically elected government rather than the puppet government which till then had ruled the state. Critics of Sheikh Abdullah hold the view that he gave up the cherished goal of a plebiscite for gaining the chief minister’s chair. The National Conference won an overwhelming majority in the subsequent elections and re-elected Sheikh Abdullah as the chief minister in 1975. He remained as chief minister till his death in 1982.

Some laws which the Sheikh did not like were dropped. Many stayed because the Sheikh did not find them restricting the state’s authority.

For example, the Sheikh found the extension of the Supreme Court’s authority to be beneficial. He gladly supported it. But India’s relentless bureaucratic efforts have since made several encroachments in the name of balanced rules and regulations. The fact is that New Delhi unilaterally extended several Indian laws without the state assembly’s support.

The adverse fallout has been the alienation of Kashmiris. They feel cheated and have in growing numbers questioned even their state’s fundamental accession to India. So we are back to the Partition formula even after some seventy years of independence.

Of Leaders and Icons, from Jinnah to Modi by Kuldip Nayar.
Sheikh Abdullah opted for India as he believed Pakistan was determined to become a theocracy

However, New Delhi’s extension of several laws to Kashmir without the state assembly’s support has led to the increased alienation felt by Kashmiris

By Kuldip Nayar
Published 5.08.19, 8:40 PM

Veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar firmly believed that Kashmir's up and down history meant that only intense dialogue could throw up the right solutions

I do not claim to know Sheikh Sahib (Sheikh Abdullah) better than his son. But I can vouch for the Sheikh’s opposition to violence. He was conscious of the fact that the state had more guns than an individual or a political party could muster and it would be foolhardy to confront the government with weapons.

I feel sometimes that Farooq Abdullah has not yet fully understood the nub of the Kashmir problem. It is Kashmiriat, a secular approach against the communal one. The Sheikh supported Maharaja Hari Singh’s accession to India in October 1947, because of the country’s secular credentials. The Kashmiriat, the Sheikh would often say, was akin to Sufism, pluralistic in concept and content. When he preferred India he did so because he saw it following a system which was secular and democratic. For that reason, he rejected Pakistan, a theocratic state.

Before India was partitioned, he sent his close associate, Sadiq Sahib, who subsequently became the state chief minister, to Islamabad to get the feel of Pakistan. On returning, Sadiq reported to the Sheikh that Pakistan wanted to be an Islamic state. The Sheikh straightaway made up his mind and refused to accept any proposal which did not meet with his ethos of secularism. In 1932, Sheikh Abdullah along with Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas, had founded the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, which was renamed the National Conference in 1939, in order to represent all the people of the state. The National Conference supported the accession of Kashmir to India. But in 1941, Ghulam Abbas broke away from the party and revived the old Muslim Conference, which supported the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan, and led the movement for Azad Kashmir.


Jawaharlal Nehru in conversation with Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah in the Constituent Assembly Wikimedia Commons
That Sheikh Abdullah was confined to Kodaikanal in the south for twelve years is a story of misunderstanding. On 8 August 1953, Sheikh Abdullah was dismissed as the prime minister of Kashmir by the then Sadr-i-Riyasat (Constitutional Head of State) Dr Karan Singh, son of the erstwhile Maharaja Hari Singh, on the grounds that he had lost the support of the cabinet. He was not given a chance to prove his majority. Instead, he, along with Mirza Afzal Beg and twenty-two others, were accused of conspiracy against the state for allegedly espousing the cause of an independent Kashmir and were arrested soon after for anti-national activities. The ‘Kashmir conspiracy case’ was framed in 1958 and the trial began in 1959.

After two months’ internment in Ooty, Sheikh Abdullah was taken to the Kohinoor bungalow, a few miles outside Kodaikanal, and remained under house arrest for more than a decade.

Even Sheikh Abdullah’s personal friend, Jawaharlal Nehru, came to doubt him. The Sheikh’s stand was that at the time of accession to India, Kashmir had given the centre only three subjects—defence, foreign affairs and communications—nothing more. All other subjects would be in the state’s domain. Under the rules framed in 1947, in a federation like India the centre has sway over the subjects transferred by the states. It cannot unilaterally extend its authority to other subjects.

But in Kashmir, the central government wanted to usurp all the powers. This is what New Delhi has done and this has led to the Valley’s alienation and hostility. Bodies like the Jan Sangh, the earlier incarnation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and leaders like the late Shyama Prasad Mukerji, who died in a Jammu jail, used to insist that Kashmir must accede to India fully and become like any other state without any special status.

This, indeed, is the sad story of New Delhi’s relations with Sheikh Abdullah. When he opposed the centre’s unilateral extension of authority over other subjects he was dismissed even though he had a majority of assembly members with him. According to Abdullah, his dismissal and arrest were ordered by the central government, headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. Some say his arrest was ordered by Nehru himself, others that he came to know of it only after the event.

On 8 April 1964, the state government dropped all charges in this infamous ‘Kashmir conspiracy case’. Sheikh Abdullah was released and returned to Srinagar to an unprecedented welcome by the people of the Valley.

After his release he was reconciled with Nehru. Nehru requested Sheikh Abdullah to act as a bridge between India and Pakistan and make President Ayub Khan agree to come to New Delhi for talks for a final solution of the Kashmir problem. President Ayub also sent telegrams to Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah with the message that as Pakistan too was a party to the Kashmir dispute any resolution of the conflict without its participation would not be acceptable to Pakistan. This paved the way for Sheikh Abdullah’s visit to Pakistan to help broker a solution to the Kashmir problem.

After the war with Pakistan in 1971, and the creation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Abdullah realized that for the survival of this region there was an urgent need to stop confrontational politics and resolve issues by a process of reconciliation and dialogue. When Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, came to power, the Sheikh started talks with her for normalizing the situation in the region, and came to an accord called the 1974 Indira–Sheikh accord, by giving up Kashmir’s demand for a plebiscite (people’s vote) in lieu of the people being given the right to self rule by a democratically elected government rather than the puppet government which till then had ruled the state. Critics of Sheikh Abdullah hold the view that he gave up the cherished goal of a plebiscite for gaining the chief minister’s chair. The National Conference won an overwhelming majority in the subsequent elections and re-elected Sheikh Abdullah as the chief minister in 1975. He remained as chief minister till his death in 1982.

Some laws which the Sheikh did not like were dropped. Many stayed because the Sheikh did not find them restricting the state’s authority.

For example, the Sheikh found the extension of the Supreme Court’s authority to be beneficial. He gladly supported it. But India’s relentless bureaucratic efforts have since made several encroachments in the name of balanced rules and regulations. The fact is that New Delhi unilaterally extended several Indian laws without the state assembly’s support.

The adverse fallout has been the alienation of Kashmiris. They feel cheated and have in growing numbers questioned even their state’s fundamental accession to India. So we are back to the Partition formula even after some seventy years of independence.

Of Leaders and Icons, from Jinnah to Modi by Kuldip Nayar.

These Journalists live in Ivory towers

Anyway Kuldip Nayyar is dead

The Reality of Kashmir is the growth of Hardline Islamo fascism

Kashmiriyat died a long time back
These Journalists live in Ivory towers

Anyway Kuldip Nayyar is dead

The Reality of Kashmir is the growth of Hardline Islamo fascism

Kashmiriyat died a long time back

Well, the important question is how exactly are we planning to weaken the growth of radical Islamist ideology and roll back the clock. Did branding all kashmiri Muslims as Terrorists or terrorist sympathizers help? Absolutely no. We need to destroy the radical sunni Islamist infrastructure. By destroying, I didn't mean to sent fighter aircraft to bomb jamat e islami ceminaries. Now after getting rid of article 370, center do ahev the control of law and order. If we use law effectively as a deterrent, it can weaken militant overground networks. Jamat e islami is the streat power of separatists. Need to take control of more than 1000 schools and ceminaries it run, now that Jamat is a banned organization. If we weaken the overground infrastructure, militancy will fade.
I'm more interested in the present than what happened in the past. Terrorist are the ones who hark back to the past to sustain their separatist agenda. Much like in Punjab, where India never let down Punjabis on their constitution rights, despite violence and provocation, we should not let down Kashmiris by denying them their rights as Indian citizens.
Unlike Punjab, Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of Partition for Pakistan, as it is majority muslim. No, talk of constitution and Republicanism will change this fact . Yes, once Pakistan is put down, we will have to bestow the constitutional rights of the kashmiris in full... But, for that Pakistan will have to be put down.. ( either made to disintegrate, or made to fear India enough that it keeps its itchy hands in it's own pockets ..)
  • Like
Unlike Punjab, Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of Partition for Pakistan, as it is majority muslim. No, talk of constitution and Republicanism will change this fact . Yes, once Pakistan is put down, we will have to bestow the constitutional rights of the kashmiris in full... But, for that Pakistan will have to be put down.. ( either made to disintegrate, or made to fear India enough that it keeps its itchy hands in it's own pockets ..)

Indian state's relation with states of the union and its people cannot be held hostage to the vagaries and whims of our ties with foreign sovereign states. When India says Kashmir is our internal matter, that means both in letter and spirit.
Indian state's relation with states of the union and its people cannot be held hostage to the vagaries and whims of our ties with foreign sovereign states. When India says Kashmir is our internal matter, that means both in letter and spirit.
It would have been an internal matter, if India had kicked out Pakistan from pok, and China from COK. There is no other state, where such large tracts of land, are under foreign occupation.
Indian state's relation with states of the union and its people cannot be held hostage to the vagaries and whims of our ties with foreign sovereign states. When India says Kashmir is our internal matter, that means both in letter and spirit.

Times Change , People Change , Everything Changes in this World

Kashmiris and Sheikh Abdullah Changed their Mind about Joining India in the 50s

Once Musharraf had Said this in an Interview that he ie Musharraf Asked Omar Abdullah about his Grandfather' s decision and Omar Abdullah readily accepted that their Family made a Mistake by Supporting India

Our ONLY Asset is the Instrument of Accession , We can Throw it on the Face of the whole world

We want the LAND , the people are welcome to live here BUT PEACEFULLY

We have done enough for them
  • Agree
Reactions: Bali78
It would have been an internal matter, if India had kicked out Pakistan from pok, and China from COK. There is no other state, where such large tracts of land, are under foreign occupation.

Our position and actions to recover the territories occupied by foreign powers in Kashmir, should not impact our interaction with Kashmir's political society and governance. A lot of international Brackbats we have recived post Aug 5th has been largely because we have suspended all political interaction with the Kashmir people as provisioned by our constitution....
Our position and actions to recover the territories occupied by foreign powers in Kashmir, should not impact our interaction with Kashmir's political society and governance. A lot of international Brackbats we have recived post Aug 5th has been largely because we have suspended all political interaction with the Kashmir people as provisioned by our constitution....

You are too Sensitive towards Noise

There is No place for Morality in international affairs

All countries look out for their Self Interests
Times Change , People Change , Everything Changes in this World

Kashmiris and Sheikh Abdullah Changed their Mind about Joining India in the 50s

Once Musharraf had Said this in an Interview that he ie Musharraf Asked Omar Abdullah about his Grandfather' s decision and Omar Abdullah readily accepted that their Family made a Mistake by Supporting India

Our ONLY Asset is the Instrument of Accession , We can Throw it on the Face of the whole world

We want the LAND , the people are welcome to live here BUT PEACEFULLY

We have done enough for them

What has not changed that India is a constitutional democracy and the interaction between the state and its people is governed by the law which guarantees rights and privileges to its people. Why are you so obsessed with Pakistanis, why do you take Musharraf so seriously and his words as a verily a gospel truth.....
You are too Sensitive towards Noise

There is No place for Morality in international affairs

All countries look out for their Self Interests

Kashmir is our internal matter and our internal affairs are guided by the moral principles of equality for all.
What has not changed that India is a constitutional democracy and the interaction between the state and its people is governed by the law which guarantees rights and privileges to its people. Why are you so obsessed with Pakistanis, why do you take Musharraf so seriously and his words as a verily a gospel truth.....

This Constitution Does Not Accept
Separation or Self Determination or Secession

You know what , I have NOT seen even BARKHA DUTT CRY SO MUCH as you are
Crying for those Kashmiri Muslims

Let the Govt Soften them up
The Public Safety Act allows Detention for Two years

Let them stay in Jail
If they give it in writing that they wont organise protests , Only then they can be released