Jammu & Kashmir live updates: GOI remove all provisions of Article 370

This Constitution Does Not Accept
Separation or Self Determination or Secession

You know what , I have NOT seen even BARKHA DUTT CRY SO MUCH as you are
Crying for those Kashmiri Muslims

Let the Govt Soften them up

Majority kashmiris are not asking for separation, but that they be given rights guaranteed to all Indian citizens. Separatists and terrorists dont represent the poeple of Kahsmir and thats what we believe. As an indian citizen we should be worried about all Indian citizen, wherever he or she might be.
Majority kashmiris are not asking for separation, but that they be given rights guaranteed to all Indian citizens. Separatists and terrorists dont represent the poeple of Kahsmir and thats what we believe. As an indian citizen we should be worried about all Indian citizen, wherever he or she might be.

Writing here will not help either you or Kashmiris

Organise a protest at Jantar Mantar Delhi

Parliament Session is Starting soon

Let us see how much the. Opposition cares for Kashmiris
Writing here will not help either you or Kashmiris

Organise a protest at Jantar Mantar Delhi

Parliament Session is Starting soon

Let us see how much the. Opposition cares for Kashmiris

Well a powerful and well articulated arguments have the affect of moving hearts and minds. Which is why we come to public forums like this and articulate our thoughts. Jantar mantar is far away from bangalore, but i have written to popular news papers and our representatives. Its unfortunate that the govt does not allow our oppostion to visit, even after the then governor gave a verbal invite.
There can be No sympathy for those who
Abuse India and say " Kashmir Banega Pakistan "

There shouldn't be any and you should stop saying the same. ...
Well a powerful and well articulated arguments have the affect of moving hearts and minds. Which is why we come to public forums like this and articulate our thoughts. Jantar mantar is far away from bangalore, but i have written to popular news papers and our representatives. Its unfortunate that the govt does not allow our oppostion to visit, even after the then governor gave a verbal invite.

There shouldn't be any and you should stop saying the same. ...

Let me make it very clear

There is No Sympathy for Kashmiris in Rest of India

We know they want to merge with Pakistan

That is why they will keep Suffering
Let me make it very clear

There is No Sympathy for Kashmiris in Rest of India

We know they want to merge with Pakistan

That is why they will keep Suffering

Sorry you mean we don't have sympathy for kashmiris who supports separatists and violence and rest of India is fully with kashmiris who abjure violence and wish to remain citizens of India.
Majority kashmiris are not asking for separation, but that they be given rights guaranteed to all Indian citizens
All the talk in the world, won't change the ground situation in kashmir, to India's and kashmir valley's benefit with any degree of permanence, until Pakistan is taken care of.. It make take India 10 years or 50 years. Unless we establish our "Varchasva" over Pakistan, everything else is just hot air... devoid of realism...
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Sorry you mean we don't have sympathy for kashmiris who supports separatists and violence and rest of India is fully with kashmiris who abjure violence and wish to remain citizens of India.

Yes Finally you are Saying the Right Thing

But The Restrictions and arrests are necessary to prevent Large scale violence
All the talk in the world, won't change the ground situation in kashmir, to India's and kashmir valley's benefit with any degree of permanence, until Pakistan is taken care of.. It make take India 10 years or 50 years. Unless we establish our "Varchasva" over Pakistan, everything else is just hot air... devoid of realism...

The security challenge posed by Pakistan to india is one aspect of the problem we face in Kashmir. While we take cudgels with the security aspect, the political process of rehabilitation of Kashmir into the Indian union, as per our federal principle, must carry-on without any undue delay.
The security challenge posed by Pakistan to india is one aspect of the problem we face in Kashmir. While we take cudgels with the security aspect, the political process of rehabilitation of Kashmir into the Indian union, as per our federal principle, must carry-on without any undue delay.

What is to be done internally will be decided by the Experts on the Ground who Monitor Kashmir on a 24 / 7 basis

The bleeding heart liberals only Indulge in
Propaganda for their own Vested Interests

While we argue over Kashmir , the World' s attention has SHIFTED TO HONGKONG
Yes Finally you are Saying the Right Thing

But The Restrictions and arrests are necessary to prevent Large scale violence

I'm glad to have persuaded you to my line of thought that all kashmiris are not with separatists and must be treated as per the rights enshrined in the constitution. Many of states of the union also face violence and there are enough provisions in the constitution that help the organs of the state to ensure large scale violence can be prevented. Even AFSPA can be applied in the state of Kashmir , like in any normal state. We should take umbrage against arrest of politicians without any valid charge or suspension of due politcal process in the valley for the fear of violence. If cops and lawyers in Delhi can protest peacefully and the state can handle, then kashmir presents no serious challenge in that sense.
What is to be done internally will be decided by the Experts on the Ground who Monitor Kashmir on a 24 / 7 basis

The bleeding heart liberals only Indulge in
Propaganda for their own Vested Interests

While we argue over Kashmir , the World' s attention has SHIFTED TO HONGKONG

Well HK is not our province, irrespective what and where the world's attention is should, our focus should be on our people and you will certainly concede Kashmiris are our people......
Well HK is not our province, irrespective what and where the world's attention is should, our focus should be on our people and you will certainly concede Kashmiris are our people......

We must learn to be Thick Skinned from
The Pakistanis

No amount of Criticism has prevented them from Pursuing their National Interests in Afghanistan , Kashmir and Baloochistan

While we Start Trembling because of a Stupid Congressional Hearings and a few Articles in NYT and WAPO
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Well HK is not our province, irrespective what and where the world's attention is should, our focus should be on our people and you will certainly concede Kashmiris are our people......

The Sensitive people of INDIA are worried about the Bad press in the Western countries and US Congressional Sermons on Human Rights
Typical Indian Mentality " What will the World Say " OR in the case of Kashmir
" What will the White people Say "

And then we wonder why Nobody says anything to Pakistan
We must learn to be Thick Skinned from
The Pakistanis

No amount of Criticism has prevented them from Pursuing their National Intersts in Afghanistan , Kashmir and Baloochistan

While we Start Trembling because of a Stupid Congressional Hearings and a few Articles in NYT and WAPO

While strong states do take international criticism in their strides, take for instance the criticism US suffers due to antics of President Trump but still carries on, but international opinions do have their significance and we should pay only due to attention to the same. Conversely i know many Indians go to Pakistani platforms and engage them in the forlorn hope to impress upon them that we are right and doing well and they are wrong and not doing so well. I suppose this another peculiarity of Indian obsession with its image.
While strong states do take international criticism in their strides, take for instance the criticism US suffers due to antics of President Trump but still carries on, but international opinions do have their significance and we should pay only due to attention to the same. Conversely i know many Indians go to Pakistani platforms and engage them in the forlorn hope to impress upon them that we are right and doing well and they are wrong and not doing so well. I suppose this another peculiarity of Indian obsession with its image.

Those Indians who are Still Engaging with
Pakistan on some Forums are Immature people

They will learn with time that Pakistan will never change its attitude no matter what

That is both their Strength.and Weakness

If NOT Pakistan , atleast learn from China
How it goes about protecting its National Interests in Tibet , Xinjiang , Hong Kong or
The South China Sea
All this Discussion is Simply

Just Remember that What is happening in Kashmir AND what is being done by Pakistan is a Clash of Civilizations

Barbarians in History have Always Succeeded when the Good people LOST the will to Fight
Those Indians who are Still Engaging with
Pakistan on some Forums are Immature people

They will learn with time that Pakistan will never change its attitude no matter what

That is both their Strength.and Weakness

If NOT Pakistan , atleast learn from China
How it goes about protecting its National Interests in Tibet , Xinjiang , Hong Kong or
The South China Sea

I have to agree with you that folks obsessed with Pakistan or Pakistani opinions about India harbor some kind of inferiority complex. There is something hidden in their psyche that revels when Pakistanis squirm or their chests swell with pride when the neighbor concedes something good about us. The same goes for China. We have taken care of our national interests rather well without the need for any inspiration from our politically backward neighbors. China's economic management is entirely different matter and we could profit from deriving correct lessons.