Kalyani 155 million USD Artillery Export

Armenia is the customer, confirmed now.

wouldnt russians give them equipment if US steps in ?

grt , no need to depend on Indian orders that will keep them running for a while.

The Russians are in no shape to give equipment to anybody, and won't be for a long long time.

Right now they're begging for ammo stocks from North Korea & Iran.

Their domestic industry is more or less finished.
Armenia is the customer, confirmed now.

The Russians are in no shape to give equipment to anybody, and won't be for a long long time.

Right now they're begging for ammo stocks from North Korea & Iran.

Their domestic industry is more or less finished.
If it is indeed Armenia then USA is funding the purchase secretly. No way Armenia on its own can afford it. Their defence budget is miniscule.
The Russians are in no shape to give equipment to anybody, and won't be for a long long time.
Currently, Yes. They have to take care for themselves first.
In long time, They will be able to supply that.
Right now they're begging for ammo stocks from North Korea & Iran.
That's because it's dirt cheap. They can produce it on their own.
Their domestic industry is more or less finished.
How do you come to this conclusion?
It is definitely under a lot of strain, Since they to have produce the war time quota assigned to them.

Bharat Forge bags US $155 contract to sell 155 mm truck mounted artillery to Armenia

Significant breakthrough in arms exports with $155 million contract

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 10th Nov 22

In an unprecedented breakthrough in indigenous weapons systems exports, Pune-based Bharat Forge announced on Wednesday that Kalyani Strategic Systems – a wholly owned subsidiary – “has been awarded an export order for a 155 millimetre (mm) artillery gun platform to be executed over a three-year timeframe.”

“The total value of the order is USD 155.5 million,” stated a company media release. That amounts to approximately Rs 1,265 crore – more than one-tenth the value of India’s annual defence exports in each of the last two years.

Bharat Forge has neither announced the name of the buyer country, nor the type of gun being exported. However, Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources have confirmed that the buyer country is Armenia and the order consists of 155 mm, 39 calibre howitzers that are mounted on trucks for mobility.

Sources in the MoD say that the order has been made public only to conform to Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulations that demand the publication of information that is likely to affect stock prices.

Bharat Forge had its board meeting on Wednesday.

At the price that Bharat Forge has divulged, the Armenian order will involve the purchase of four-to-five regiments of 155 mm mounted gun systems (MGS). Each regiment consists of 18-20 guns.

“This order, to a non-conflict zone, is a great testament to the Government of India’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat agenda and its sustained push to promote exports of indigenously designed, developed and manufactured (IDDM) advanced defence platforms from India,” stated the Bharat Forge press release.

Bharat Forge is becoming a big player in artillery gun systems, along with Tata Advanced Systems Ltd (TASL). Both companies are working with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in developing the indigenous Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS), a 155 mm, 52 calibre howitzer that is significantly heavier, more powerful and has a longer range that the MGS.

This order will have a significant impact on the growth of overall defence exports.

The Government has stated in the Rajya Sabha (the upper House of Parliament) on February 10, 2020 that India’s defence exports have grown seven-fold in the last two years from Rs.1,522 crore in 2016-17 to Rs.10,746 crore in 2018-19.

According to an analysis by Business Standard, the value of authorization/ licences issued by the Department of Defence Production to private companies, and actual export by defence public sector undertakings (DPSUs) and the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), the value of defence exports during preceding years has grown as shown in the graphic.

According to a target set by the MoD in the Defence Production Policy of 2018, annual defence exports are to grow to $5 billion by 2023

Bharat Forge bags US $155 contract to sell 155 mm truck mounted artillery to Armenia

Significant breakthrough in arms exports with $155 million contract

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 10th Nov 22

In an unprecedented breakthrough in indigenous weapons systems exports, Pune-based Bharat Forge announced on Wednesday that Kalyani Strategic Systems – a wholly owned subsidiary – “has been awarded an export order for a 155 millimetre (mm) artillery gun platform to be executed over a three-year timeframe.”

“The total value of the order is USD 155.5 million,” stated a company media release. That amounts to approximately Rs 1,265 crore – more than one-tenth the value of India’s annual defence exports in each of the last two years.

Bharat Forge has neither announced the name of the buyer country, nor the type of gun being exported. However, Ministry of Defence (MoD) sources have confirmed that the buyer country is Armenia and the order consists of 155 mm, 39 calibre howitzers that are mounted on trucks for mobility.

Sources in the MoD say that the order has been made public only to conform to Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulations that demand the publication of information that is likely to affect stock prices.

Bharat Forge had its board meeting on Wednesday.

At the price that Bharat Forge has divulged, the Armenian order will involve the purchase of four-to-five regiments of 155 mm mounted gun systems (MGS). Each regiment consists of 18-20 guns.

“This order, to a non-conflict zone, is a great testament to the Government of India’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat agenda and its sustained push to promote exports of indigenously designed, developed and manufactured (IDDM) advanced defence platforms from India,” stated the Bharat Forge press release.

Bharat Forge is becoming a big player in artillery gun systems, along with Tata Advanced Systems Ltd (TASL). Both companies are working with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in developing the indigenous Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS), a 155 mm, 52 calibre howitzer that is significantly heavier, more powerful and has a longer range that the MGS.

This order will have a significant impact on the growth of overall defence exports.

The Government has stated in the Rajya Sabha (the upper House of Parliament) on February 10, 2020 that India’s defence exports have grown seven-fold in the last two years from Rs.1,522 crore in 2016-17 to Rs.10,746 crore in 2018-19.

According to an analysis by Business Standard, the value of authorization/ licences issued by the Department of Defence Production to private companies, and actual export by defence public sector undertakings (DPSUs) and the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), the value of defence exports during preceding years has grown as shown in the graphic.

According to a target set by the MoD in the Defence Production Policy of 2018, annual defence exports are to grow to $5 billion by 2023

So the export is for MSG , 155/39

If it is 155X39, then it's based on Kalyani ULH aka Multi-terrain Artillery Gun (MArG) mounted on a 4X4 HMV


Currently, Yes. They have to take care for themselves first.
In long time, They will be able to supply that.

In the medium term, the war is showing no signs of ending. In the long term, their focus will be on rebuilding the humongous material losses sustained so far (not counting everything they will continue to lose as long as the war goes on).

Armenia however needs stuff NOW. Azerbaijan smells blood in the water and they've had 2 conflicts in as many years.

The Azeris have attacked sovereign Armenian territory in open defiance of CSTO collective defence treaty, and the Russians simply sat and watched, with no capability to respond let alone carry out punitive retaliatory strikes for attacking a treaty ally.

No CSTO member-state will seriously look to Russia as even a party for arbitration, let alone as a security provider in the long term.

That's because it's dirt cheap. They can produce it on their own.

Paying other countries by digging into your Forex reserves (Iran was paid in Euros) at a time of economic instability is cheaper than paying your own companies with Rubles?

You better be kidding me.

How do you come to this conclusion?
It is definitely under a lot of strain, Since they to have produce the war time quota assigned to them.

Because the evidence is before your eyes.

The production of any high-technology output in Russia is dependent on import of Western semiconductors and SoC elements. The drones & other weapon systems produced within Russia are packed with these imported chips:

With the supply of these inputs now cut off, production of such equipment (including Russian-origin drones which were used in early stages of war) is no longer viable. That's the reason Russia had to reach out to Iran for their Shahed-136 drones.

The Shahed-136 is in reality a rebadged Chinese ASN-301 - and the supply of electronics for these drones continues to happy via China.

Production agencies like TSMC have also cut ties with Russia which means even Russian-designed processors & microchips (like Baikal) can no longer be produced abroad, and Russia like us has no domestic fab for chips above a certain sophistication level. The only option is to fall back on 60s/70s era Soviet chip designs. Modern electronics especially stuff like EW requires very high processing power which these chips simply cannot provide. So how exactly do you think Russia's high-tech programs like T-14 or Su-57 are going to move forward?

As of low-tech stuff like artillery & ammo, their post-Soviet domestic production facilities are very much like OFB in the sense that they take a long time to produce a small quantity of items & cannot scale up production to meet demand as and when needed. As as result the Russian Army is having to dig into old Soviet-era stocks of artillery rounds (which are way past their shelf-life) for the war and a lot of them are exploding in the barrels, as expected.

Hence, the need to ask North Korea for supplies even for low-tech stuff. This is not something a modern industrial power does.
In the medium term, the war is showing no signs of ending. In the long term, their focus will be on rebuilding the humongous material losses sustained so far (not counting everything they will continue to lose as long as the war goes on).
Yes. But they have capacity to do it.
Many old Soviet Union factories will be Re-opened up.
Armenia however needs stuff NOW. Azerbaijan smells blood in the water and they've had 2 conflicts in as many years.

The Azeris have attacked sovereign Armenian territory in open defiance of CSTO collective defence treaty, and the Russians simply sat and watched, with no capability to respond let alone carry out punitive retaliatory strikes for attacking a treaty ally.

No CSTO member-state will seriously look to Russia as even a party for arbitration, let alone as a security provider in the long term.
Yes, Agree on that.
Paying other countries by digging into your Forex reserves (Iran was paid in Euros) at a time of economic instability is cheaper than paying your own companies with Rubles?
Cost of kaliber cruise missiles = 1 MLN $ ,
Because the evidence is before your eyes.

The production of any high-technology output in Russia is dependent on import of Western semiconductors and SoC elements. The drones & other weapon systems produced within Russia are packed with these imported chips:
CHINA WILL BE ABLE TO SUPPLY THAT. And Civilian grade chips cannot be tracked 100%. They will be able to have access to these kinds of chips.
"Moscow has found ways to bypass sanctions and export controls."

The Shahed-136 is in reality a rebadged Chinese ASN-301 - and the supply of electronics for these drones continues to happy via China.
What is your point?
Production agencies like TSMC have also cut ties with Russia which means even Russian-designed processors & microchips (like Baikal) can no longer be produced abroad, and Russia like us has no domestic fab for chips above a certain sophistication level.
What about China?
The only option is to fall back on 60s/70s era Soviet chip designs. Modern electronics especially stuff like EW requires very high processing power which these chips simply cannot provide. So how exactly do you think Russia's high-tech programs like T-14 or Su-57 are going to move forward?
Maybe the will start their own fabrication. It will be very inefficient and costly though.
That's even better 🙂
Why though?
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When Silicon Valley chipmaker Marvell learned that one of its chips was found in a Russian surveillance drone recovered in 2016, it set out to investigate how that came to be.
The chip, which costs less than $2, was shipped in 2009 to a distributor in Asia, which sold it to another broker in Asia, which later went out of business.

“We couldn’t trace it any further,” Marvell Technology Group Ltd Chief Operations Officer Chris Koopmans said in a recent interview.
Yes. But they have capacity to do it.
Many old Soviet Union factories will be Re-opened up.

So why haven't they? It's been 10 months since the war started.

Cost of kaliber cruise missiles = 1 MLN $ ,

The real question is why not use Russian drones?

Why spend Euros buying stuff from Iran when you can supposedly buy ZALA KUB or ZALA Lancet with Rubles that you print? These drones were supposedly combat-tested in Syria back in 2020...why can't they produce them in numbers instead?

What about China?

You sure? Because the Chinese semiconductor industry has just been crippled:

The Chinese chip production is on borrowed time.

What is your point?

The point is that Russians were circumventing the bans by buying from China via Iran, because at that time the chip flow to China was not restricted. But this will not continue into the future.

Some of the low-end chips could be produced domestically by China, but the high-end stuff you need to run next gen EW & BMS systems cannot be produced in China. High-end production is heavily dependent on inputs by monopolized Lithography entities like ASML - and they have been curbed too:

Maybe the will start their own fabrication. It will be very inefficient and costly though.

I'd love to see them try.

When Silicon Valley chipmaker Marvell learned that one of its chips was found in a Russian surveillance drone recovered in 2016, it set out to investigate how that came to be.
The chip, which costs less than $2, was shipped in 2009 to a distributor in Asia, which sold it to another broker in Asia, which later went out of business.

“We couldn’t trace it any further,” Marvell Technology Group Ltd Chief Operations Officer Chris Koopmans said in a recent interview.

Yep - China >>>> Russia.

But that is going to get way harder.
So why haven't they? It's been 10 months since the war started.

The real question is why not use Russian drones?

Why spend Euros buying stuff from Iran when you can supposedly buy ZALA KUB or ZALA Lancet with Rubles that you print? These drones were supposedly combat-tested in Syria back in 2020...why can't they produce them in numbers instead?

You sure? Because the Chinese semiconductor industry has just been crippled:

The Chinese chip production is on borrowed time.

The point is that Russians were circumventing the bans by buying from China via Iran, because at that time the chip flow to China was not restricted. But this will not continue into the future.

Some of the low-end chips could be produced domestically by China, but the high-end stuff you need to run next gen EW & BMS systems cannot be produced in China. High-end production is heavily dependent on inputs by monopolized Lithography entities like ASML - and they have been curbed too:

I'd love to see them try.

Yep - China >>>> Russia.

But that is going to get way harder.
It appears like Lancet is being mass produced now and it's proving to be a deadly weapon. There are way more videos of Lancet attacks in the last 1 week, including destruction of dozens of artillery, tanks, radar etc.
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If it's not Saudi, then my guess is Armenia. We recently sold them Pinakas as well. So they are in a modernisation spree.

I guess American money involved here, if it's Armenia.
It seems Americans and some in our power circles have some kind of deal.This deal suits well for the US and India.Both of them are in a position of dealing the itching of Turkey .For Americans this means one less market for Russians.But they will got a lucrative deal from India also.Good business for all.
wouldnt russians give them equipment if US steps in ?

grt , no need to depend on Indian orders that will keep them running for a while.
There will be a big order for ATAGS once the formalities are done .Bharat Forge might be a main supplier for the artilleries in coming decades.
As for Russians , they are done.They cant sustain in the market for long.Even if they conclude the Ukraine War successfully , they have to refill their stock and a few years will anyway required for it .Within that time Chinese and Indians will capture their low cost weapon market.
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Yes. But they have capacity to do it.
Many old Soviet Union factories will be Re-opened up.

Yes, Agree on that.

Cost of kaliber cruise missiles = 1 MLN $ ,

CHINA WILL BE ABLE TO SUPPLY THAT. And Civilian grade chips cannot be tracked 100%. They will be able to have access to these kinds of chips.
"Moscow has found ways to bypass sanctions and export controls."

What is your point?

What about China?

Maybe the will start their own fabrication. It will be very inefficient and costly though.

Why though?

Chinese are screwed by Americans .Their chip industry consultants just vanished within one day . Thats why the Chinese are silent about Russia now a days.
Russians wont be defeated but after this conflict finish they will be just half of what they used to be .
It seems Americans and some in our power circles have some kind of deal.This deal suits well for the US and India.Both of them are in a position of dealing the itching of Turkey .For Americans this means one less market for Russians.But they will got a lucrative deal from India also.Good business for all.

There will be a big order for ATAGS once the formalities are done .Bharat Forge might be a main supplier for the artilleries in coming decades.
As for Russians , they are done.They cant sustain in the market for long.Even if they conclude the Ukraine War successfully , they have to refill their stock and a few years will anyway required for it .Within that time Chinese and Indians will capture their low cost weapon market.
OFB guys produce 2 regiments of Dhanush in a year. Kalyani promises 10 in a year. We need pvt sector in big time.
The production of any high-technology output in Russia is dependent on import of Western semiconductors and SoC elements. The drones & other weapon systems produced within Russia are packed with these imported chips:

It's all COTS.